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  1. Ác Niệm

    Thạc Sĩ Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of

    TABLE OF CONTENTSPage Statement of authorship i Acknowledgement ii Abstract iii Table of contents iv List of abbreviations vi List of diagrams viiINTRODUCTION 1 1. Rational for the study 1 2. Significance of the study 2 3. Scope and objectives of the study 2 3.1. Scope of the study 2 3.2. Research questions 2 4. Research methods 2 5. Overview of the study 3CHAPTER 1. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 4 1.1.CHARACTERISTICS OF LEGAL LANGUAGE 4 1.1.1. An overview of legal traditions in the world 4 1.1.2. Vietnamese legal system 6 1.1.3. Vietnamese legal language 7
    Người giới thiệu Ác Niệm, 21/12/11
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  2. Ác Niệm

    Thạc Sĩ A critical discourse analysis of the news on north korean missile launches

    TABLE OF CONTENTSAcknowledgements List of TablesINTRODUCTION 1. Rationale 2. Scope of the research 3. Aims of the research and research questions 4. Methodology 5. Background information 6. Design of the researchCHAPTER 1 – THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 1.1. The history of Critical Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis 1.2. Theories on Critical Discourse Analysis 1.2.1. What is Critical Discourse Analysis 1.2.2. Key notions of CDA 1.2.3. Methodology of CDA 1.2.4. Principles of CDA 1.3. Systemic Functional Linguistics and its role in CDA 1.4. CDA in...
    Người giới thiệu Ác Niệm, 21/12/11
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  3. Ác Niệm

    Thạc Sĩ A study on the techniques for the improvement to the teaching of oral skills in light of communicati

    TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements iv List of abbreviations v Part 1: Introduction 1. Rationale of the study 1 2. Aims of the study 2 3. Methods of the study 2 4. Scope of the study 2 5. Design of the study 2 Part 2: Development Chapter 1: Literature Review 4 1.1. Introduction 4 1.2. An overview of techniques, methods and approaches 4 1.2.1. Definitions 4 1.2.2. History of methods / approaches 4 1.3. An overview of communicative language teaching 5 1.3.1. Definition 5 1.3.2. Principles 5 1.3.3. Techniques for language teaching 6 1.4. Summary 6 Chapter 2: An...
    Người giới thiệu Ác Niệm, 21/12/11
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  4. Ác Niệm

    Thạc Sĩ Acte de reproche en français et en vietnamien

    TABLE DES MATIÈRESINTRODUCTION 5 PREMIER CHAPITRE : FONDEMENT THÉORIQUE 8 I. CONCEPTIONS THÉORIQUES 8 1. Acte de langage 8 1.1. Notions d’acte de langage 8 1.2. Classification des actes de langage 9 1.3. Formulation des actes de langage. 11 1.3.1. Formulation directe 11 1.3.2. Formulation indirecte 12 2. Relation interpersonnelle dans l’interaction verbale 14 2.1. Relation horizontale 14 2.2. Relation verticale 15 3. Politesse 16 3.1. Notions de “face” et de “territoire” de E. Goffman 16 3.2. Modèle de politesse de Brown et Levinson 17 3.2.1. Notion de “face” 17 3.2.2....
    Người giới thiệu Ác Niệm, 21/12/11
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  5. Ác Niệm

    Thạc Sĩ Towards a combined product - process approach TO DEVELOPING BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE WRITING SKILLS F

    INTRODUCTION __________________________________________________ _____________________________1. Rationale Foreign languages have been introduced and taught in Vietnam for many years. Especially, English has become a very popular subject to be taught and paid further surveys and studies at all levels: from elementary to secondary schools and, furthermore, to tertiary education across the country. As the spread of English to almost all corners of the world, nowadays, people are getting more and more aware of the importance of the language. For many people in Vietnam, English is seen...
    Người giới thiệu Ác Niệm, 21/12/11
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  6. Ác Niệm

    Tiến Sĩ Using information technology in teaching and learning reading skill of english for biology for 2nd-y

    INTRODUCTION 1. Rationale Since computers were invented, they have increasingly been used for multi purposes to assist people all over the world. As a result, information technology (IT) has become an essential part in all aspects of our life. Thanks to IT, everything is now becoming faster, more convenient, more comfortable and more effective. Vietnam has recently integrated itself into the whole world in applying IT in all walks of life, including education. When Vietnam joined WTO in 2006, our opportunities to push the total development of education have been increasing with IT. IT...
    Người giới thiệu Ác Niệm, 21/12/11
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  7. Ác Niệm

    Thạc Sĩ Enseignement de l’expression écrite - le cas des étudiants de français en première année de l’univer

    TABLE DES MATIÈRES1. INTRODUCTION Contexte théorique et pratique de la recherche 1 2. Questions et hypothèses de la recherche 3. Objectifs de la recherche 4. Méthodes de la recherche 5. Contenu de la recherchePREMIÈRE PARTIE: CADRE THÉORIQUE CHAPITRE 1: GÉNÉRALITÉS I. Définition de l’expression écrite II. Enseignement de l’expression écrite à travers des approches III. Connaissances qui servent à l’expression écrite 1. Connaissances linguistiques 1.1. 1.2. Richesse lexicale Grammaire “intégrée” 9 2. Connaissances socio-culturelles 3. Connaissances textuelles...
    Người giới thiệu Ác Niệm, 21/12/11
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  8. Ác Niệm

    Thạc Sĩ Методы исправления ошибок в устной речи курсантов на начальном этапе обучения в Военно-научной Акаде

    ВВЕДЕНИЕ Актуальность темы С тех пор как появилась потребность в обучении иностранному языку, появилась и задача поиска эффективных путей достижения этой цели. Огромное количество педагогов стремится создать конкретные системы обучения, способные обеспечить каждому учащемуся успешное овладение иностранным языком. Однако трудностей, стоящих на пути достижения этой цели достаточно много. Одна из таких трудностей связана с обучением устной речи. Еще не разработаны методы, позволяющие учитывать индивидуальные особенности обучаемых в институтах иностранных языков во Вьетнаме вообще и в...
    Người giới thiệu Ác Niệm, 21/12/11
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  9. Ác Niệm

    Thạc Sĩ Enseignement du français aux élèves du 10e au lycée à option nguyễn huệ - hà đông à l’aide des chans

    SOMMAIRE INTRODUCTION 2 CHAPITRE I : QUELQUES POINTS THÉORIQUES 4 I. Rôles de la chanson dans la classe de langue 4 I.1. Rôle psychologique 5 I.2. Rôle linguistique 6 I.3. Rôle culturel 7 II. Relation de la chanson avec des facteurs constitutifs de l’enseignement-apprentissage 8 II.1. Chanson et langue 8 II.2. Chanson et compréhension 9 II.3. Chanson et mémorisation 11 II.4. Chanson et production 11 CHAPITRE II : ÉTUDE DE CAS : LYCÉE À OPTION NGUYỄN HUỆ - HÀ ĐÔNG ET PROPOSITIONS PÉDAGOGIQUES 13 I. Présentation du manuel utilisé 13 II. Enquête 13 II.1. Déroulement de...
    Người giới thiệu Ác Niệm, 21/12/11
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  10. Ác Niệm

    Thạc Sĩ Action research on students’ inactiveness in pre-writing group discussion of an essay-writing essay

    INTRODUCTION1. RATIONALENowadays English has become an international language because it is widely used in many parts of the world. In the tendency of integration of the global economy English is one of the effective communicative tools for everybody. The role of English is considered to be very important in the fields of economics, politics, science, culture and education. Especially, Vietnam’s official membership of WTO on 7th November 2006 opened a new door for integrating into the world economy, and more and more people want to learn English for communicating with foreign...
    Người giới thiệu Ác Niệm, 21/12/11
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  11. Ác Niệm


    ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕВВЕДЕНИЕ 3 ГЛАВА 1: КОММУНИКАТИВНО-ИНДИВИДУАЛИЗИРОВАННЫЙ ПОДХОД К ОБУЧЕНИЮ УСТНОЙ РЕЧИ 6 1.1. Коммуникативный подход 6 1.2. Основные положения коммуникативно-индивидуализированного подхода 7 1.2.1. Коммуникативная компетенция как конечная цель обучения 8 1.2.2. Речевое действие как единица обучения и овладения 9 1.2.3. Функциональный подход к отбору и подаче материала 10 1.2.4. Ситуативно-тематическое представление учебного материала 11 1.2.5. Учёт страноведческого аспекта 13 1.2.6. Концентрическая организация учебного материала и поэтапное обучение 14 1.2.7....
    Người giới thiệu Ác Niệm, 21/12/11
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  12. Ác Niệm

    Thạc Sĩ Equivalence in the translation of vietnamese cultural words in the book “wandering through vietnames

    TABLE OF CONTENTS PART A: INTRODUCTION 1 1. Rationale 1 2. Scope of the study 1 3. Aims of the study 2 4. Methodology 2 5. Design of the study 3 Chapter 1: Theoretical background 4 1.1. Translation theory 4 1.1.1. Definition of translation 4 1.1.2. Translation equivalence 4 The nature of equivalence in translation 5 Types of equivalence in translation 5 1.1.3. Common problems of non-equivalence 7 1.2. Notion of culture in translation 9 1.3. Cultural categories 10 1.4. Translation methods 11 1.5. Conclusion 13 Chapter 2: Vietnamese cultural words and...
    Người giới thiệu Ác Niệm, 21/12/11
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  13. Ác Niệm

    Thạc Sĩ L’enseignement de la compétence socioculturelle aux étudiants de français de première et de deuxième

    INTRODUCTION La langue est entièrement marquée de culture, d’une part parce qu’elle est un produit socio-historique, d’autre part, dans la mesure où elle est avant tout toujours une pratique sociale. Réciproquement, aucun trait de culture n’existe indépendamment de la langue, et celle-ci, en elle-même et pour elle-même, constitue par ailleurs l’un des objets essentiels de la culture. Ainsi, dans l’enseignement / apprentissage des langues étrangères, on trouve que les difficultés ne proviennent pas seulement de la langue elle-même, mais aussi des différences socioculturelles entre la...
    Người giới thiệu Ác Niệm, 21/12/11
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  14. Ác Niệm

    Thạc Sĩ Teaching speaking skill for non-major ma students of english at vnuh

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS iii LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES iv PART ONE: INTRODUCTION 1 1. Rationale of the study 1 2. Scope of the study 1 3. Aim and objectives of the study 2 4. Research questions of the study 2 5. Methods of the study 2 6. Organization of the study 2 PART TWO: DEVELOPMENT 4 CHAPTER I: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 4 I.1 The nature of language skills 4 I.1.1 The nature of language skills 4 I.1.2 The nature of speaking skill 4 I.1.2.1 What is speaking? 4 I.1.2.2 What are components of speaking? 5 I.1.2.3 What skills and knowledge...
    Người giới thiệu Ác Niệm, 21/12/11
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  15. Ác Niệm

    Thạc Sĩ Techniques for improving listening skills FOR gifted students at Foreign Language Specializing Schoo

    INTRODUCTION1. RATIONALE OF THE STUDY It can not be denied that English is the international medium in the fields of science, technology, culture ,education , economy and so on . It is also considered a means to promote mutual understanding and cooperation between Vietnam and other countries . It is widely seen as the key language toll in the integrating process in the world . With the rapid development and expansion of informational technologies , there needs to be a common language for people of all countries to exchange information with each other and it is English that is used...
    Người giới thiệu Ác Niệm, 21/12/11
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  16. Ác Niệm


    ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕВВЕДЕНИЕ 1 СОДЕРЖАНИЕ 6 ГЛАВА 1: ОБЩИЕ ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКИЕ ВОПРОСЫ О ЛИНГВОКУЛЬТУРОЛОГИИ И ЛИНГВОКУЛЬТУРЕМЕ 6 1.1. Лингвокультурология – новая научная дисциплина 6 1.2. Лингвокультурема как единица описания 8 Выводы по первой главе 12 ГЛАВА 2: ЛИНГВОКУЛЬТУРЕМА “ЧЕЛОВЕК” В РУССКОМ И ВЬЕТНАМСКОМ ЯЗЫКАХ 13 2.1. Лингвокультурема «человек» в русском языке 13 2.2. Лингвокультурема “người, con người” во вьетнамском языке 18 Выводы по второй главе 21 ГЛАВА 3: ЛИНГВОКУЛЬТУРОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ОСОБЕННОСТИ У РУССКИХ В СОПОСТАВЛЕНИИ С ОСОБЕННОСТЯМИ У ВЬЕТНАМЦЕВ 23 3.1....
    Người giới thiệu Ác Niệm, 21/12/11
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  17. Ác Niệm

    Thạc Sĩ A pragmatics and conversation analysis perspective

    ABSTRACTThis thesis takes as its main objective the description of the native perception and realization of the speech act of disagreeing in English and Vietnamese within the theoretical frameworks of pragmatics and conversation analysis and the help of SPSS, version 11.5, a software program for social sciences. It aims at yielding insights into such issues as politeness, its notions and relations with indirectness, strategies and linguistic devices used to express disagreement tokens in the English and Vietnamese languages and cultures. Linguistic politeness is carefully examined in...
    Người giới thiệu Ác Niệm, 21/12/11
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  18. Ác Niệm

    Thạc Sĩ Cơ sở giáo học pháp

    оглавление введение 4 глава i. основные вопросы создания учебника русского языка как иностранного 16 1. краткий обзор истории вопроса создания учебника 16 2. специфика процесса овладения иностранным языком и проблема создания учебника ия / рки 19 3. основные вопросы теории учебника ия / рки 24 3.1. вопрос о месте, роли и функции учебника в процессе обучения ия / рки 27 3.2. вопрос о структуре и содержании учебника ия / рки 31 4. коммуникативно-индивидуализированный подход к обучению иностранным языкам и классификация учебников ия / рки 39 4.1. коммуникативно-индивидуализированный...
    Người giới thiệu Ác Niệm, 21/12/11
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  19. Ác Niệm

    Thạc Sĩ Difficultés des élèves de l'école de technique et d'informatique de hanoi (estih) dans l'apprentissa

    INTRODUCTIONComme nous le savons, la fonction fondamentale du langage est celle de communication. Dans le processus d’apprentissage d’une langue étrangère, tous les apprenants souhaitent acquérir quatre compétences: compréhension orale (C.O), expression orale (E.O), compréhension écrite (C.E), expression écrite (E.E), pour pouvoir réaliser leur but final qui est de communiquer. Parmi ces quatre compétences, on constate que la C.O et l’E.O sont les savoir-faire qui présentent d’une façon directe le niveau d’un apprenant d’une langue étrangère. De plus en plus, on prend conscience de la...
    Người giới thiệu Ác Niệm, 21/12/11
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  20. Ác Niệm

    Thạc Sĩ Integrating short stories and poems in developing the reading skills for 2nd year students in haipho

    TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgement Chapter I: Introduction I.1.Rationale I.2.Aims I.3.Scope I.4.Object I.5.Method I.6.Design of the study Chapter II: Literature Review II.1. Literature II.1.1. Definition II.1.2. Genres II.1.3. What makes literature distinctive from other texts II.1.4. Literature and language teaching II.1.4.1. Why use literature in language classroom II.1.4.2 Literature in the ESL classroom II.1. 4.2.1.Poetry in the ESL classroom II.1. 4.2.2.Short story and its advantages in language classroom II.2. Reading comprehension II.2.1. Reading...
    Người giới thiệu Ác Niệm, 21/12/11
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