Sách Xúc tác nano

Thảo luận trong 'Sách Khoa Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Abbreviations xvi
    Some Relevant Units xvii
    Chapter 1 Some Milestones in the Development of Surface Chemistry
    and Catalysis
    1.1 Introduction 1
    1.2 1926: Catalysis Theory and Practice; Rideal and
    Taylor 2
    1.3 1932: Adsorption of Gases by Solids; Faraday
    Discussion, Oxford 2
    1.4 1940: Seventeenth Faraday Lecture; Langmuir 2
    1.5 1950: Heterogeneous Catalysis; Faraday Discussion,
    Liverpool 3
    1.6 1954: Properties of Surfaces 4
    1.7 1957: Advances in Catalysis; International Congress
    on Catalysis, Philadelphia 5
    1.8 1963: Conference on Clean Surfaces with Supplement:
    Surface Phenomena in Semiconductors,
    New York 6
    1.9 1966: Faraday Discussion Meeting, Liverpool 6
    1.10 1967: The Emergence of Photoelectron Spectroscopy 6
    1.11 1968: Berkeley Meeting: Structure and Chemistry of
    Solid Surfaces 7
    1.12 1972: A Discussion on the Physics and Chemistry of
    Surfaces, London 7
    1.13 1987: Faraday Symposium, Bath 8
    1.14 Summary 8
    References 11
    Further Reading 12
    Chapter 2 Experimental Methods in Surface Science Relevant to STM
    2.1 Introduction 13
    2.2 Kinetic Methods 13
    2.3 Vibrational Spectroscopy 14
    2.4 Work Function 15
    2.5 Structural Studies 16
    2.6 Photoelectron Spectroscopy 18
    2.7 The Dynamics of Adsorption 21
    2.8 Summary 26
    References 27
    Further Reading 30
    Chapter 3 Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy: Theory and Experiment
    3.1 The Development of Ultramicroscopy 31
    3.2 The Theory of STM 35
    3.3 The Interpretation of STM Images 37
    3.4 Scanning Tunnelling Spectroscopy 38
    3.5 The STM Experiment 40
    3.6 The Scanner 42
    3.6.1 Sample Approach 43
    3.6.2 Adaptations of the Scanner for Specific
    Experiments 43
    3.7 Making STM Tips 44
    3.7.1 Tip Materials 46
    References 48
    Chapter 4 Dynamics of Surface Reactions and Oxygen Chemisorption
    4.1 Introduction 50
    4.2 Surface Reconstruction and ‘‘Oxide’’ Formation 52
    4.3 Oxygen States at Metal Surfaces 55
    4.4 Control of Oxygen States by Coadsorbates 64
    4.5 Adsorbate Interactions, Mobility and Residence Times 65
    4.6 Atom-tracking STM 69
    4.7 Hot Oxygen Adatoms: How are they Formed? 71
    4.8 Summary 72
    References 74
    Further Reading 75
    xii Contents
    Chapter 5 Catalytic Oxidation at Metal Surfaces: Atom Resolved
    5.1 Introduction 77
    5.2 Ammonia Oxidation 78
    5.2.1 Cu(110) Pre-exposed to Oxygen 79
    5.2.2 Coadsorption of Ammonia–Oxygen Mixtures
    at Cu(110) 81
    5.2.3 Coadsorption of Ammonia–Oxygen Mixtures
    at Mg(0001) 83
    5.2.4 Ni(110) Pre-exposed to Oxygen 83
    5.2.5 Ag(110) Pre-exposed to Oxygen 84
    5.3 Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide 85
    5.4 Oxidation of Hydrogen 89
    5.5 Oxidation of Hydrocarbons 91
    5.6 Oxidation of Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfur Dioxide 95
    5.7 Theoretical Analysis of Activation by Oxygen 98
    5.8 Summary 99
    References 100
    Further Reading 102
    Chapter 6 Surface Modification by Alkali Metals
    6.1 Introduction 103
    6.2 Infrared Studies of CO at Cu(110)–Cs 105
    6.3 Structural Studies of the Alkali Metal-modified
    Cu(110) Surface 105
    6.3.1 Low-energy Electron Diffraction 105
    6.3.2 Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy 106
    6.3.3 Cu(110)–Cs System 107
    6.3.4 Oxygen Chemisorption at Cu(110)–Cs 108
    6.4 Reactivity of Cu(110)–Cs to NH3 and CO2 111
    6.5 Au(110)–K System 113
    6.6 Cu(100)–Li System 115
    6.7 Summary 117
    References 119
    Further Reading 120
    Chapter 7 STM at High Pressure
    7.1 Introduction 121
    7.2 Catalysis and Chemisorption at Metals at High
    Pressure 123
    7.2.1 Carbon Monoxide and Nitric Oxide 124
    7.2.2 Hydrogenation of Olefins 126
    Contents xiii
    7.3 Restructuring of the Pt(110)–(12) Surface by
    Carbon Monoxide 129
    7.4 Adsorption-induced Step Formation 131
    7.5 Gold Particles at FeO(111) 131
    7.6 Hydrogen–Deuterium Exchange and Surface
    Poisoning 132
    7.7 Summary 133
    References 134
    Further Reading 134
    Chapter 8 Molecular and Dissociated States of Molecules: Biphasic
    8.1 Introduction 135
    8.2 Nitric Oxide 136
    8.3 Nitrogen Adatoms: Surface Structure 142
    8.4 Carbon Monoxide 143
    8.5 Hydrogen 145
    8.6 Dissociative Chemisorption of HCl at Cu(110) 147
    8.7 Chlorobenzene 148
    8.8 Hydrocarbon Dissociation: Carbide Formation 150
    8.9 Dissociative Chemisorption of Phenyl Iodide 150
    8.10 Chemisorption and Trimerisation of Acetylene at
    Pd(111) 151
    8.11 Summary 152
    References 153
    Further Reading 155
    Chapter 9 Nanoparticles and Chemical Reactivity
    9.1 Introduction 156
    9.2 Controlling Cluster Size on Surfaces 157
    9.3 Alloy Ensembles 159
    9.4 Nanoclusters at Oxide Surfaces 160
    9.5 Oxidation and Polymerisation at Pd Atoms
    Deposited on MgO Surfaces 165
    9.6 Clusters in Nanocatalysis 167
    9.7 Molybdenum Sulfide Nanoclusters and Catalytic
    Hydrodesulfurisation Reaction Pathways 169
    9.8 Nanoparticle Geometry at Oxide-supported Metal
    Catalysts 171
    9.9 Summary 175
    xiv Contents
    References 176
    Further Reading 178
    Chapter 10 Studies of Sulfur and Thiols at Metal Surfaces
    10.1 Introduction 179
    10.2 Studies of Atomic Sulfur Adsorbed at Metal
    Surfaces 180
    10.2.1 Copper 181
    10.2.2 Nickel 185
    10.2.3 Gold and Silver 189
    10.2.4 Platinum, Rhodium, Ruthenium and
    Rhenium 190
    10.2.5 Alloy Systems 193
    10.3 Sulfur-containing Molecules 195
    10.4 Summary 199
    References 200
    Further Reading 202
    Chapter 11 Surface Engineering at the Nanoscale
    11.1 Introduction 203
    11.2 ‘‘Bottom-up’’ Surface Engineering 204
    11.2.1 Van der Waals Forces 205
    11.2.2 Hydrogen Bonding 207
    11.2.3 Chiral Surfaces from Prochiral Adsorbates 208
    11.2.4 Covalently Bonded Systems 209
    11.3 Surface Engineering Using Diblock Copolymer
    Templates 211
    11.4 Summary 214
    References 214
    Further Reading 216
    Epilogue 217
    Subject Index

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