Báo Cáo xác định hàm lượng asen trong nước ngầm bằng phương pháp lò graphite (bằng tiếng anh)

Thảo luận trong 'Hóa Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Table of Contents
    Acknowledgment 2
    Abstract (English) 5
    Abstract (Vietnamese) 6
    Introduction 7
    A: Overview of arsenic 8
    Chapter 1: Introducing arsenic. 8
    1.1 Properties of arsenic. 8
    1.2 Arsenic and water. 9
    1.3 Effect of arsenic. 10
    Chapter 2: Analytical arsenic. 13
    2.1 Sample preparation and treatment. 13
    2.2 Macro-measurement. 14
    2.3 Colorimetric methods. 14
    2.4 Methods for total inorganic arsenic. 14
    2.5 Atomic spectrometry. 15
    2.6 ICP methodologies. 15
    2.7 Voltammetry. 16
    2.8 X-ray spectroscopy. 16
    Chapter 3: Arsenic remediation. 17
    3.1 Co-precipitation and adsorption processes. 19
    3.2 Arsenic removal by adsorption onto Fe hydroxide and oxidation by hypochlorite. 20
    B: Experimental Results. 21
    Chapter 1: Determination of arsenic content in natural water by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. 21
    1 Reagents and apparatus. 21
    1.1 Reagents. 21
    1.2 Apparatus. 21
    2 Survey the conditions of spectrometry. 25
    2.1 Select the measurement wavelength. 25
    2.2 Survey intensity hollow cathode lamps. 25
    2.3 Survey measured slit width of atomic absorption spectrometer. 26
    2.4 Survey the effects of chemical substances modified. 27
    2.5 Survey conditions of atomization. 29
    3 Survey the effects of acid and acid concentration. 32
    4 Calibration curve for GF-AAS measurement. 33
    4.1 Survey the limit of linearity (LOL) 33
    4.2 Create standard line, limit of dectection (LOD), limit of quatitation ( LOQ) 34
    5 Construction analysis process. 37
    5.1 Sampling and preservation. 37
    5.2 Procedures for handling samples. 37
    5.3 Results of real sample analysis. 37
    Chapter 2 Arsenic treatment by arsenic adsorption method in laterite soaked with ferrous Fe(II) 39
    1 Reagents: 39
    2 Investigating the arsenic absorptivity of natural laterite (pre-denatured) 39
    3 Investigating the post-denatured laterite (FeCl2.4H2O) 40
    Conclusions. 42
    Reference: 43

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