Tài liệu Visual C Sharp 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit

Thảo luận trong 'Lập Trình' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    About the Author v
    Acknowledgments ix
    Introduction xix
    Part I: Introduction and Concepts 1
    Chapter 1: Starting Strong with Visual C# 2005 Express Edition 3

    What Is Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Express? 4
    The Differences between C# and C# Express 4
    Members of the Express Series 4
    Overview of C# Express Development Environment 9
    What Is the IDE (Integrated Development Environment)? 9
    Taking a Look at the C# Express Start Page 10
    Tools of the C# Express IDE 15
    Structure of C# Express Solutions and Projects 16
    Summary 18
    Exercises 19
    Chapter 2: Programming 101: A Quick Discussion 21
    What Is Programming? 21
    General Programming Overview 22
    Hardware versus Software 22
    Programming Then and Now 22
    Compiled versus Interpreted 23
    What about OOP? 24
    Introduction to Windows Programming 25
    Different Levels of Programming 25
    Event Programming 26
    Dynamic-Link Libraries 26
    Summary 27
    Exercises 27
    Chapter 3: Quick Start Creating Your First C# Express Windows Project 29
    Which Type of Application to Create: Windows or Console? 30
    Differences between Using Windows and Console Applications 30
    Purposes for Using Windows and Console Applications 30
    Getting Started with Windows Application Projects 31
    Setting the IDE up for a Windows Application Project 32
    Overview of the Solution Explorer 37
    Discussion about Properties 39
    Adding Controls to the Form 41
    Working with Code on an Event 46
    Summary 49
    Exercises 50
    Chapter 4: Introducing .NET 51
    Introduction to .NET Framework 51
    Common Language Runtime 53
    .NET Framework Class Library 53
    Working with .NET Namespaces 55
    Object Browser: Tool of the Namespace Trade 55
    Supplying the Fully Qualified Namespace 59
    The Using Directive 61
    Summary 64
    Exercises 65
    Chapter 5: Getting into C# Types 67
    What Are Variables and Constants? 67
    Declaring and Assigning C# Variables 68
    Standard C# Types 73
    Naming C# Variables 76
    Converting between Variable Types 77
    Enumerations 79
    Using C# Constants 80
    Summary 80
    Exercises 80
    Chapter 6: Debugging Applications in C# Express 81
    What is Debugging in C# Express? 82
    Types of Errors That Can Occur in Your Applications 82
    C# Express Debugging Features: Tools of the Trade 82
    Working with Breakpoints 86
    Edit and Continue Feature in C# Express 87
    Displaying and Modifying Variables when in Break Mode 89
    Using IntelliSense 89
    Additional Ways of Displaying Variables 90
    Locals Window 90
    Immediate Window 91
    Watch Window 92
    Additional Windows 92
    Stepping through Code 92
    Other Debugging Tools 93
    Summary 94
    Exercises 95
    Chapter 7: Selections, Iterations, and Catching Exceptions 97
    Performing Selections in Your Applications 98
    Creating the Chapter 7 Project 98
    Simple Selection Using if .else Statements 99
    Working with switch . case Statements 104
    Performing Iterations 109
    Working with for Statements 109
    Handling Objects with foreach Statement 111
    Using do and while Statements 112
    Catching Exceptions in Your Code 115
    Starting Off Easy with try .catch Statements 116
    Using the finally Statement 118
    Summary 121
    Exercises 121
    Part II: Creating Applications with C# Express 123
    Chapter 8: Working with Forms and Controls 125
    Creating User Interfaces Using Windows Standards 125
    Use of Switchboards 126
    Form Application Types and Standards 127
    Looking at Forms 128
    Form Properties 128
    Controls Overview 137
    Control Properties 138
    The MenuStrip Control 138
    Moving, Aligning, and Resizing Controls 141
    Working with MDI Forms 144
    The MDI Form Property 144
    The MDI Line of Code 145
    The Optional MDI Menu Property 145
    Summary 147
    Exercises 148
    Chapter 9: Adding Dialog Boxes and Rich Text to Your Application 149
    Introducing the Application 149
    Working with the RichTextBox Control 153
    Docking the RichTextBox Control 153
    Some Other RichTextBox Control Properties 155
    Introducing the Dialog Controls 158
    Using the ColorDialog Control 158
    Using the FontDialog Control 160
    Using the OpenFileDialog Control 162
    Using the SaveFileDialog Control 164
    Summary 165
    Exercises 166
    Part III: Using Data in Applications 167
    Chapter 10: Introducing Database Concepts 169
    Getting Started with Databases 169
    Looking at Databases in the Real World 170
    Database Models 171
    Relational Database Model 172
    Working with Various Databases 176
    File Server versus Client/Server 176
    Front and Back Ends 176
    Microsoft Access 176
    Microsoft SQL Server 178
    Summary 179
    Exercises 179
    Chapter 11: Using SQL Server Express Features within C# Express 181
    Introducing SQL Server Express 181
    Access to SQL Server 182
    SQL Server Configuration Manager 182
    SQL Server Tools in C# Express 183
    Introducing the Database Explorer 183
    Summary 192
    Exercises 193
    Chapter 12: Utilizing .NET Data Controls 195
    Getting Started Using Data in Your Applications 195
    Starting with Data Sources 196
    Data Controls Overview 199
    Using the DataGridView Control 199
    Creating a DataGridView with Single Record Display 202
    BindingNavigator Control 202
    Summary 205
    Exercises 205
    Chapter 13: Working with ADO.NET 207
    Introducing ADO.NET 207
    Some Data Access History 208
    Welcome ADO.NET 208
    Using ADO.NET Classes in Your Application 209
    Populating a ListBox Control 210
    Adding a DataGridView Control 212
    Executing Parameterized Stored Procedures using the SqlCommand Class 214
    Summary 217
    Exercises 217
    Part IV: Finishing Touches 219
    Chapter 14: Getting More Experience with Controls 221
    Walking through the Demo Application 222
    Demo 1: Browsing Web Files 222
    Demo 2: Choosing and Displaying Dates 222
    Demo 3: Working with Progress and Status Bars 224
    Getting Started with the Tab Control 224
    Displaying Files in a Web Browser 228
    Controls Used for the Demonstration 228
    Adding the Code for Browsing and Displaying Files 231
    Working with Date Controls 239
    Looking at the MonthCalendar Control 240
    Looking at the DateTimePicker Control 241
    Using ProgressBar and StatusStrip Controls 243
    Describing the Progress and Status Bars Demo 243
    Working with ProgressBar Controls 244
    Adding the Code to Setup and Update the ProgressBar Control 245
    Adding the Code to Run through the Days of the Month Chosen 248
    Using the StatusStrip Control 250
    Summary 252
    Exercises 253
    Chapter 15: Using Web Services from Your C# Application 255
    Overview of Web Services 256
    Looking Further at a Web Service Example 256
    What Are Web Services? 257
    Web Services Infrastructure 259
    Locating and Referencing Web Services 260
    Using the Web Service in Your Code 269
    Coding for the DelayedStockQuote Web Service 269
    Coding for the GlobalWeather Web Service 272
    Summary 276
    Exercises 276
    Chapter 16: Publishing Your Application and Next Steps 277
    Publishing Your C# Express Applications? 277
    Where to Go from Here? 278
    Developing for the Web: Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition 278
    Moving Up to Visual Studio .NET 281
    Using Third Party Tools and Other Sources of Information 281
    Summary 281
    Exercises 282
    Appendix A: Answers to Exercises 283
    Index 291

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