Luận Văn Vietnam’s exports to the eu: Situation and recommendations

Thảo luận trong 'Ngoại Thương' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

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    2005 marked the 15th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the European Community (EC) and Vietnam. Diplomatic ties were established in October 1990. The Delegation of the European Commission to Vietnam was officially opened in 1996

    The EU is one of Vietnam's largest trading partners and export markets. EU companies have also invested considerably in Vietnam, bringing stocks of EU FDI to USD 4 billion, which makes the EU the second largest source of FDI into Vietnam.

    * Objectives of the report

    First, I would like to give out of brief a theoretical framework about exporting and international trade. Then, in the next part, I will review and analyses the real situation of Vietnam export to the EU. Finally, I would like to give some recommendations of my own, in the last, to enhance export activity of Vietnam enterprises in the time to come.

    * Scope of report

    Due to the limited time and knowledge, my research can not cover all the export – import activities of Vietnam enterprises but it only focuses on the Vietnam enterprises’ export activity. Some recommendations are to the Vietnam enterprises and State only.

    * Methodology of the report is a combination of

    _Method of statistics

    _Method of analysis

    _Method of comparison

    _Method of synthesis

    * Outline of the report

    Apart from an Introduction and Conclusion, the report consists of three chapters:

    _Chapter 1: Theoretical framework

    _Chapter 2: Real situation of Vietnam’s exports to EU

    _Chapter 3: Recommendations to strengthen Vietnam export activities in EU market.

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