Sách VeriBest FPGA Synthesis VHDL Reference Manual

Thảo luận trong 'Sách Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Table of Contents
    Chapter 1
    Using FPGA Express with VHDL . 1-1
    Hardware Description Languages . 1-1
    Typical Uses for HDLs 1-1
    Advantages of HDLs 1-2
    About VHDL 1-2
    FPGA Express Design Process . 1-4
    Using FPGA Express to Compile a VHDL Design . 1-4
    Design Methodology . 1-4
    Chapter 2
    Description Styles 2-1
    Design Hierarchy . 2-1
    Data Types 2-2
    Design Constraints 2-2
    Register Selection 2-2
    Asynchronous Designs 2-2
    Language Constructs 2-3
    Chapter 3
    Describing Designs . 3-1
    VHDL Entities . 3-1
    VHDL Constructs . 3-3
    Entities 3-3
    Architectures 3-5
    Configurations 3-6
    Processes . 3-6
    Subprograms 3-7
    Packages 3-8
    Using a Package 3-8
    Package Structure 3-9
    Package Declarations . 3-9
    Package Bodies 3-10
    Defining Designs 3-11
    Entity Specifications . 3-11
    Entity Generic Specifications 3-12
    Entity Port Specifications 3-12

    Entity Architectures 3-13
    Entity Configurations 3-16
    Subprograms 3-17
    Subprogram Declarations . 3-17
    Subprogram Bodies 3-19
    Subprogram Overloading . 3-20
    Operator Overloading . 3-21
    Type Declarations 3-21
    Subtype Declarations . 3-21
    Constant Declarations 3-22
    Signal Declarations 3-22
    Resolution Functions 3-22
    Variable Declarations . 3-25
    Structural Design . 3-25
    Using Hardware Components 3-26
    Component Declaration 3-26
    Sources of Components . 3-27
    Consistency of Component Ports . 3-27
    Component Instantiation Statement . 3-27
    Mapping Generic Values 3-28
    Mapping Port Connections . 3-29
    Technology-Independent Component Instantiation 3-30
    Chapter 4
    Data Types . 4-1
    Enumeration Types . 4-2
    Enumeration Overloading . 4-3
    Enumeration Encoding . 4-3
    Enumeration Encoding Values . 4-4
    Integer Types 4-5
    Array Types . 4-5
    Constrained Array 4-6
    Unconstrained Array . 4-6
    Array Attributes . 4-7
    Record Types . 4-8
    Predefined VHDL Data Types . 4-9
    Data Type BOOLEAN 4-11
    Data Type BIT 4-11
    Data Type CHARACTER . 4-11
    Data Type INTEGER 4-11
    Data Type NATURAL . 4-11
    Data Type POSITIVE . 4-11
    Data Type STRING 4-12
    Data Type BIT_VECTOR . 4-12
    Unsupported Data Types 4-12

    Physical Types . 4-12
    Floating Point Types . 4-12
    Access Types . 4-12
    File Types . 4-12
    SYNOPSYS Data Types . 4-12
    Subtypes . 4-12
    Chapter 5
    Expressions 5-1
    Operators 5-2
    Logical Operators . 5-3
    Relational Operators 5-4
    Adding Operators . 5-5
    Unary (Sign) Operators 5-8
    Multiplying Operators . 5-8
    Miscellaneous Arithmetic Operators . 5-10
    Operands . 5-11
    Operand Bit Width 5-12
    Computable Operands . 5-12
    Literals 5-14
    Numeric Literals 5-14
    Character Literals . 5-15
    Enumeration Literals . 5-15
    String Literals 5-15
    Identifiers 5-16
    Indexed Names 5-17
    Slice Names . 5-18
    Limitations on Null Slices 5-19
    Limitations on Noncomputable Slices . 5-20
    Records and Fields 5-20
    Aggregates . 5-21
    Attributes 5-22
    Function Calls . 5-22
    Qualified Expressions . 5-23
    Type Conversions 5-24
    Chapter 6
    Sequential Statements 6-1
    Assignment Statements 6-2
    Assignment Targets . 6-2
    Simple Name Targets . 6-2
    Indexed Name Targets . 6-3
    Slice Targets 6-4
    Field Targets 6-5

    Aggregate Targets 6-6
    Variable Assignment Statement 6-7
    Signal Assignment Statement . 6-7
    Variable Assignment 6-7
    Signal Assignment 6-7
    if Statement . 6-8
    Evaluating condition . 6-9
    Using the if Statement to Imply Registers and Latches 6-9
    case Statement . 6-10
    Using Different Expression Types 6-10
    Invalid case Statements . 6-12
    loop Statements . 6-13
    loop Statement . 6-14
    while loop Statement . 6-14
    for loop Statement . 6-14
    next Statement . 6-16
    exit Statement . 6-18
    Subprograms 6-19
    Subprogram Calls . 6-20
    Procedure Calls 6-21
    Function Calls . 6-23
    return Statement 6-24
    Mapping Subprograms to Components (Entities) 6-24
    wait Statement 6-29
    Inferring Synchronous Logic . 6-29
    Combinational vs. Sequential Processes . 6-33
    null Statement 6-34
    Chapter 7
    Concurrent Statements 7-1
    process Statements . 7-2
    Combinational Process Example . 7-3
    Sequential Process Example . 7-4
    Driving Signals . 7-5
    block Statement . 7-6
    Concurrent Procedure Calls . 7-7
    Concurrent Signal Assignments . 7-9
    Conditional Signal Assignment . 7-10
    Selected Signal Assignment . 7-11
    Component Instantiations 7-13
    generate Statements . 7-15
    for generate Statement 7-15
    if generate Statement 7-17

    Chapter 8
    Register and Three-State Inference . 8-1
    Register Inference 8-1
    Using Register Inference 8-2
    Describing Clocked Signals 8-2
    wait vs if Statements . 8-3
    Recommended Use of Register Inference Capabilities 8-4
    Restrictions on Register Capabilities 8-5
    Delays in Registers 8-6
    Describing Latches . 8-7
    Automatic Latch Inferencing . 8-8
    Restrictions on Latch Inference Capabilities 8-9
    Example—Design with Two-Phase Clocks 8-10
    Describing Flip-Flops 8-11
    Flip-Flop with Asynchronous Reset 8-11
    Example—Synchronous Design with Asynchronous Reset . 8-12
    Attributes 8-14
    async_set_reset . 8-14
    Latch with Asynchronous Set or Clear Inputs . 8-14
    sync_set_reset . 8-15
    Flip-Flop with Synchronous Reset Input . 8-15
    async_set_reset_local 8-16
    sync_set_reset_local 8-18
    async_set_reset_local_all 8-20
    sync_set_reset_local_all 8-22
    one_hot . 8-24
    one_cold . 8-26
    FPGA Express Latch and Flip-Flop Inference 8-28
    Efficient Use of Registers . 8-29
    Example—Using Synchronous and Asynchronous Processes 8-31
    Three-State Inference 8-33
    Assigning the Value Z 8-34
    Latched Three-State Variables . 8-35
    Chapter 9
    FPGA Express Directives 9-1
    Notation for FPGA Express Directives . 9-1
    FPGA Express Directives . 9-1
    Translation Stop and Start Directives . 9-2
    Resolution Function Directives . 9-4
    Component Implication Directives 9-4

    Chapter 10
    Synopsys Packages 10-1
    std_logic_1164 Package . 10-1
    std_logic_arith Package . 10-2
    Using the Package . 10-2
    Modifying the Package . 10-3
    Data Types . 10-4
    UNSIGNED . 10-4
    SIGNED 10-4
    Conversion Functions . 10-5
    Arithmetic Functions . 10-7
    Comparison Functions . 10-10
    Shift Functions 10-12
    Multiplication Using Shifts . 10-13
    ENUM_ENCODING Attribute . 10-14
    pragma built_in . 10-14
    Two-Argument Logic Functions 10-14
    One-Argument Logic Functions 10-15
    Type Conversion 10-16
    translate_off Directive . 10-16
    std_logic_misc Package . 10-17
    Chapter 11
    HDL Constructs 11-1
    VHDL Construct Support 11-1
    Design Units . 11-2
    Data Types . 11-2
    Declarations . 11-3
    Specifications . 11-4
    Names 11-4
    Operators . 11-5
    Operands and Expressions 11-5
    Sequential Statements . 11-6
    Concurrent Statements 11-7
    Predefined Language Environment 11-8
    VHDL Reserved Words . 11-9
    Index . Index-1


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