Tài liệu Using Palm OS Emulator

Thảo luận trong 'Căn Bản' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    About This Document 11
    Who Should Read This Book 11
    What This Book Contains . 11
    Palm OS SDK Documentation . 13
    Additional Resources . 13
    What’s New for Palm OS Emulator 3.5 . 14
    What’s New for Palm OS Emulator 3.4 . 14
    1 Understanding Palm OS Emulator Concepts 15

    About Palm OS Emulator . 15
    Feature Overview . 16
    Standard Handheld Features . 17
    Extended Emulation Features 17
    Debugging Features 18
    Getting Help with Palm OS Emulator 18
    2 Installing Palm OS Emulator 19
    Prerequisites . 19
    Palm OS Emulator Runtime Requirements . 19
    Using ROM Images . 19
    Downloading Palm OS Emulator 20
    Versions of Palm OS Emulator . 21
    Profile Versions 22
    Loading ROM Images . 22
    Downloading a ROM Image Obtained from Palm . 22
    Transferring a ROM Image from a Handheld 23
    Transferring a ROM File in Windows . 23
    Transferring a ROM File on a Macintosh 24
    Transferring a ROM File on a Unix System . 25
    Transferring a ROM Image over a USB Connection . 25
    Using a ROM Image in Palm OS Emulator 26
    Dragging and Dropping a ROM Image 27
    3 Running Palm OS Emulator 29
    Starting Palm OS Emulator 29
    Command Line Options . 29
    Palm OS Emulator Start Up . 35
    Using Emulation Sessions . 38
    Configuring a New Session . 38
    The Difference between the New Menu Item and the Open Menu
    Item . 40
    Dragging and Dropping Files 40
    Saving and Restoring Session State 41
    Saving the Screen . 41
    Changing Emulator’s Appearance . 42
    Other Options on the Skins Dialog Box 42
    Modifying the Runtime Environment 43
    Palm OS Emulator Properties 43
    Preferences Files 45
    Installing Applications 45
    Using the Install Menu . 46
    Using the Autoload Facility . 46
    Using Serial Communication . 47
    Using the HotSync Application 48
    Performing a Network Hotsync Operation with Palm OS
    Emulator on Windows . 48
    Performing a HotSync Operation with a Null Modem Cable . 50
    Emulating Expansion Memory . 52
    Emulating a Handheld Reset 53
    4 Palm OS Emulator User Interface Summary 55
    Palm OS Emulator Display . 56
    Using the Menus . 56
    Using the Hardware Buttons 61
    Entering Data 62
    Using Control Keys 62
    5 Testing Applications Using Palm OS Emulator 65
    Testing Software . 65
    Debug Options . 65
    Logging Options 69
    Using Gremlins to Automate Testing 74
    Gremlin Characteristics . 74
    Gremlin Horde Settings . 75
    Running a Gremlin Horde 76
    Stepping and Stopping Gremlins . 78
    Gremlin Snapshots . 79
    Logging while Gremlins Are Running . 79
    Using Gremlin Events 80
    Setting Breakpoints 81
    Setting the Data Breakpoint . 82
    Setting Conditional Breakpoints . 82
    Debugging with External Debug Tools . 83
    Connecting Emulator with Palm Debugger 84
    Connecting Emulator with the GDB Debugger . 84
    Connecting the Emulator with External Debuggers . 85
    Tracing Your Code 86
    Using Reporter to View Realtime Traces 87
    Profiling Your Code 87
    6 Palm OS Emulator Error Handling 91
    About Errors and Warnings 92
    Detecting an Error Condition 92
    Error Condition Types . 95
    Error Messages 95
    7 Palm OS Emulator Advanced Topics 107
    Using Emulator Skin Files . 107
    How Skin Files Work 107
    Installing Additional Skin Files 108
    Modifying or Creating Skin Files . 109
    Creating Demonstration Versions of Palm OS Emulator 115
    Bound Emulation Session Limitations . 115
    Sending Commands to Palm OS Emulator 116
    RPC2 Packet Format 117
    8 Host Control API Reference 119
    About the Host Control API 119
    Constants 120
    Host Error Constants 120
    Host Function Selector Constants . 124
    Host ID Constants . 124
    Host Platform Constants 124
    Host Signal Constants . 125
    Data Types 125
    HostBoolType . 126
    HostClockType 126
    HostDirEntType 126
    HostDIRType . 126
    HostFILEType . 127
    HostGremlinInfoType 127
    HostIDType 128
    HostPlatformType . 128
    HostSignalType 128
    HostSizeType . 128
    HostStatType . 128
    HostTimeType . 130
    HostTmType 130
    HostUTimeType 131
    Functions 131
    HostAscTime . 132
    HostClock . 132
    HostCloseDir . 133
    HostCTime 133
    HostDbgClearDataBreak 133
    HostDbgSetDataBreak . 134
    HostErrNo 134
    HostExportFile . 135
    HostFClose 135
    HostFEOF . 136
    HostFError 136
    HostFFlush 136
    HostFGetC 137
    HostFGetPos . 137
    HostFGetS . 137
    HostFOpen 138
    HostFPrintF 138
    HostFPutC 138
    HostFPutS . 139
    HostFRead 139
    HostFree . 139
    HostFReopen . 140
    HostFScanF 140
    HostFSeek . 141
    HostFSetPos 141
    HostFTell . 142
    HostFWrite 142
    HostGestalt 142
    HostGetDirectory . 143
    HostGetEnv 143
    HostGetFile 143
    HostGetFileAttr 144
    HostGetHostID 144
    HostGetHostPlatform 145
    HostGetHostVersion 145
    HostGetPreference . 146
    HostGMTime . 147
    HostGremlinCounter 147
    HostGremlinIsRunning . 147
    HostGremlinLimit . 148
    HostGremlinNew . 148
    HostGremlinNumber 148
    HostImportFile 149
    HostImportFileWithID . 149
    HostIsCallingTrap . 150
    HostIsSelectorImplemented . 150
    HostLocalTime . 151
    HostLogFile 151
    HostMalloc 151
    HostMkDir 152
    HostMkTime . 152
    HostOpenDir . 152
    HostProfileCleanup 153
    HostProfileDetailFn 153
    HostProfileDump . 154
    HostProfileGetCycles 154
    HostProfileInit . 155
    HostProfileStart 156
    HostProfileStop 157
    HostPutFile 157
    HostReadDir . 158
    HostRealloc 158
    HostRemove 158
    HostRename 159
    HostRmDir 159
    HostSaveScreen 159
    HostSessionClose . 160
    HostSessionCreate . 160
    HostSessionOpen . 161
    HostSessionQuit 161
    HostSessionSave 162
    HostSetFileAttr 163
    HostSetLogFileSize . 163
    HostSetPreference . 164
    HostSignalResume . 164
    HostSignalSend 165
    HostSignalWait 166
    HostSlotHasCard 167
    HostSlotMax 167
    HostSlotRoot . 168
    HostStat . 168
    HostStrFTime . 169
    HostTime . 170
    HostTmpFile . 170
    HostTmpNam . 170
    HostTraceClose 171
    HostTraceInit . 171
    HostTraceOutputB . 172
    HostTraceOutputT . 172
    HostTraceOutputTL 174
    HostTraceOutputVT 175
    HostTraceOutputVTL . 176
    HostTruncate . 176
    HostUTime 177
    Reference Summary . 177
    Host Control Database Functions 177
    Host Control Directory Handler Functions . 178
    Host Control Environment Functions . 178
    Host Control File Chooser Support Functions . 179
    Host Control Gremlin Functions . 179
    Host Control Debugging Functions . 180
    Host Control Logging Functions . 180
    Host Control Preference Functions 180
    Host Control Profiling Functions . 181
    Host Control RPC Functions . 181
    Host Control Standard C Library Functions 182
    Host Control Time Functions 184
    Host Control Tracing Functions . 185
    9 Debugger Protocol Reference 187
    About the Palm Debugger Protocol . 187
    Packets 188
    Packet Structure 188
    Packet Communications . 190
    Constants 190
    Packet Constants 190
    State Constants 191
    Breakpoint Constants 191
    Command Constants 191
    Data Structures 192
    _SysPktBodyCommon . 192
    SysPktBodyType 193
    SysPktRPCParamType . 193
    BreakpointType 194
    Debugger Protocol Commands . 194
    Continue . 194
    Find . 196
    Get Breakpoints 197
    Get Routine Name . 198
    Get Trap Breaks 200
    Get Trap Conditionals 201
    Message . 202
    Read Memory . 203
    Read Registers . 204
    RPC . 205
    Set Breakpoints 206
    Set Trap Breaks 207
    Set Trap Conditionals 208
    State . 209
    Toggle Debugger Breaks . 211
    Write Memory . 212
    Write Registers . 213
    Summary of Debugger Protocol Packets . 214
    A Structure Access Notifications 217
    B Unsupported Traps 225
    System Use Only Traps 226
    Internal Use Only Traps 227
    Kernel Traps . 228
    Obsolete Traps 229
    Unimplemented Traps . 229
    Unimplemented NOP Traps 229
    Unimplemented Rare Traps 230

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