Tài liệu Understanding Controversial Therapies for Children with Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Othe

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  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Understanding Controversial Therapies for Children with Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Other Learning Disabilities
    A Guide to Complementary and Alternative Medicine
    By: Lisa A. Kurt

    Audience: Professional
    Format: Paperback
    Language: English
    Number Of Pages: 208
    Published: 1st February 2008

    Offering a balanced overview of complementary and alternative therapies, this book will be useful for parents of children with autism, ADD or other learning disabilities.The book covers a wide variety of mind-body interventions and manipulative techniques, as well as energy therapies, biologically based methods, and alternative medical systems. For each approach, the author provides a detailed description of what the treatment involves, which professionals will be working with the child, and an explanation of the rationale behind the therapy. She also offers advice on who to approach for treatment, and includes a list of recommended resources and useful contacts for further information.This book will be a valuable source of information for parents and professionals working with children who have disabilities that impact their learning or behavior.


    Introduction p. 11
    Thinking Out of the Box: An Overview of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Approaches p. 15
    Selected Interventions
    Alternative Medical Systems p. 25
    Acupuncture/Acupressure p. 25
    Ayurveda p. 27
    Homeopathy p. 30
    Naturopathy p. 32
    Osteopathy p. 35
    Mind-body Interventions p. 38
    Alert Program p. 38
    Animal Assisted Therapy p. 39
    Applied Behavioral Analysis p. 41
    Aromatherapy p. 47
    Art Therapy p. 49
    Assistive Technology for Literacy Skills p. 51
    Auditory Training p. 54
    Colored Lenses and Overlays p. 58
    Dance Movement Therapy p. 60
    Davis Dyslexia Correction Method p. 61
    DIR/Floortime model p. 63
    Dolphin Assisted Therapy p. 65
    DORE Programme p. 68
    Drama Therapy/Psychodrama p. 70
    Earobics p. 72
    Facilitated Communication p. 73
    Fast ForWord p. 75
    Holding Therapy p. 77
    Hypnotherapy p. 78
    Intensive Interaction p. 80
    Learning Breakthrough Program p. 84
    Lindamood-Bell p. 86
    Miller Method p. 87
    Multisensory Reading Instruction p. 90
    Music Therapy p. 93
    Neurofeedback p. 95
    Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) p. 98
    Play Attention p. 100
    Primary Movement Program p. 101
    Rhythmic Entrainment Intervention (REI Therapy) p. 103
    Sensory Integration Therapy p. 104
    Sign Language p. 107
    Social Stories p. 110
    Son-Rise Program p. 112
    TEACCH p. 114
    Transcendental Meditation p. 115
    Video Modeling p. 117
    Biologically-based interventions p. 120
    Bach Flower Remedies p. 120
    Chelation Therapy p. 122
    Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) p. 124
    DAN! Protocol p. 126
    Dietary Supplements p. 128
    Elimination Diets p. 132
    Feingold Diet p. 134
    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy p. 137
    Immune System Therapy (IGG, IVIG) p. 139
    Manipulative and Body-based Methods p. 142
    Alexander Technique p. 142
    Brain Gym p. 144
    Chiropractic p. 145
    Conductive Education p. 148
    Craniosacral Therapy p. 150
    Developmental/Behavioral Optometry p. 152
    Feldenkrais p. 155
    Higashi (daily life therapy) p. 158
    Hippotherapy p. 160
    Interactive Metronome p. 162
    Massage Therapy p. 164
    Patterning (Doman-Delacato method) p. 167
    Reflexology p. 169
    Wilbarger Protocol (Therapeutic brushing) p. 171
    Yoga p. 173
    Energy Therapies p. 177
    Chromotherapy p. 177
    Magnetic Field Therapy p. 178
    Polarity Therapy p. 180
    Qi Gong p. 181
    Reiki p. 184
    Therapeutic Touch p. 187
    Zero Balancing p. 188
    Resources for Children with Autism, Attention Deficit Disorders, and Other Learning Disabilities
    Recommended Reading about Complementary and Alternative Medicine p. 193
    Books p. 193
    Journal articles p. 194
    Agencies, Organizations, and Websites p. 197
    Complementary and Alternative Medicine p. 197
    Children, including Children with Developmental Disabilities p. 199
    Subject Index p. 205
    Author Index
    Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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