Tài liệu Uml for the it business analyst, second edition: A practical guide to requirements gathering using t

Thảo luận trong 'Kế Toán - Kiểm Toán' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Introduction xix
    Chapter 1 Who Are IT Business Analysts? 1
    Chapter Objectives 1
    The IT and Non-IT BA .1
    Perspective on the IT BA Role .2
    Why Modeling Is a Good Thing .3
    The Behavioral (Dynamic) Model 3
    The Structural (Static) Model .4
    For Those Trained in Structured Analysis 5
    Mapping the BABOK 2 to This Book .6
    Chapter Summary .13
    Endnotes .14
    Chapter 2 The BA’s Perspective on Object Orientation .17
    Chapter Objectives .17
    What Is OO? 18
    The UML Standard .18
    Cognitive Psychology and OO 18
    Objects 19
    The BA Perspective .19
    Attributes and Operations 19
    The BA Perspective .19
    Operations and Methods .20
    The BA Perspective .20
    Encapsulation .20
    The BA Perspective .20
    OO Concept: Classes .21
    The BA Perspective .22
    OO Concept: Relationships 22
    OO Concept: Generalization .22
    OO Concept: Association 24
    OO Concept: Aggregation .25
    OO Concept: Composite Aggregation (Composition) .26
    OO Concept: Polymorphism .27
    Polymorphic Objects 27
    Polymorphic Operations .27
    The BA Perspective .28
    Use Cases and Scenarios 28
    The BA Perspective .29
    Business and System Use Cases .29
    The BA Perspective .30
    Chapter Summary .30
    Endnotes .31
    Chapter 3 Steps of B.O.O.M .33
    Chapter Objectives .33
    B.O.O.M. and SDLCs 33
    The B.O.O.M. Steps 34
    Step 1: Initiation .34
    Step 2: Discovery .35
    Step 3: Construction 37
    Step 4: Final Verification and Validation (V&V) 37
    Step 5: Closeout .37
    What Do You Define First—Attributes or Operations? 37
    Developing the Structural Model Alongside the Behavioral Model .38
    Tailoring B.O.O.M. for Your Project .38
    What Do You Show Stakeholders? 41
    Chapter Summary .42
    Endnotes .42
    Chapter 4 Analyzing End-to-End Business Processes 43
    Chapter Objectives .43
    Interviews During the Phases 43
    B.O.O.M. Steps 45
    Step 1: The Initiation Phase .45
    What Happens During the Initiation Phase? 45
    How Long Does the Initiation Phase Take? .45
    Deliverables of the Initiation Step: BRD (Initiation Version) 45
    Step 1a: Model Business Use Cases 46
    How Do You Document Business Use Cases? 47
    Step 1ai: Identify Business Use Cases (Business Use-Case Diagram) 47
    Other Model Elements 48
    Putting Theory into Practice .48
    Case Study D1: Business Use-Case Diagrams 49
    Step 1aii: Scope Business Use Cases (Activity Diagram) .63
    Activity Diagrams for Describing Business Use Cases 65
    Case Study D2: Business Use-Case Activity Diagram
    with Partitions (Swimlanes) 73
    Chapter Summary .78
    Endnotes .78
    Chapter 5 Scoping the IT Project with System Use Cases .79
    Chapter Objectives .79
    Step 1b: Model System Use Cases .79
    Step 1bi: Identify Actors (Role Map) 80
    Finding Actors .80
    Stereotypes and Actors .81
    The Role Map .82
    Modeling Actors with Overlapping Roles .82
    What’s the Point of Defining Generalized Actors? .84
    Case Study E1: Role Map 84
    Step 1bii: Identify System Use-Case Packages
    (System Use-Case Diagram) 86
    What Criteria Are Used to Group System
    Use Cases into Packages? 86
    Naming Use-Case Packages 86
    Diagramming System Use-Case Packages .87
    What If a Use-Case Package Is Connected to
    All of the Specialized Actors of a Generalized Actor? .88
    Case Study E2: System Use-Case Packages 89
    Step 1biii: Identify System Use Cases (System Use-Case Diagram) .91
    Features of System Use Cases 91
    What Is the Purpose of Segmenting
    the User Requirements into System Use Cases? 92
    Modeling System Use Cases 92
    Is There a Rule of Thumb for How
    Many System Use Cases a Project Would Have? 95
    Case Study E3: System Use-Case Diagrams 95
    Step 1c: Begin Structural Model
    (Class Diagrams for Key Business Classes) .101
    Step 1d: Set Baseline for Discovery (BRD/Initiation) .101
    Chapter Summary 102
    Endnotes 102
    Chapter 6 Storyboarding the User’s Experience .103
    Chapter Objectives 103
    Step 2: Discovery .104
    Lifecycle Considerations 104
    Step 2ai: Describe System Use Cases 104
    The Use-Case Description Template 105
    The Fundamental Approach Behind the Template 106
    Documenting the Basic Flow 109
    Use-Case Writing Guidelines 109
    Basic Flow Example: CPP System/Review Case Report 110
    Documenting Alternate Flows 111
    Typical Alternate Flows 111
    Alternate Flow Documentation 112
    Example of Use Case with Alternate Flows:
    CPP System/Review Case Report .113
    Documenting an Alternate of an Alternate .114
    Documenting Exception Flows 114
    Guidelines for Conducting System Use-Case Interviews 115
    Activity Diagrams for System Use Cases .115
    Related Artifacts .115
    Decision Tables .116
    Case Study F1: Decision Table .119
    Decision Trees 122
    Case Study F2: Decision Tree 123
    Condition/Response Table 124
    Business Rules 124
    Advanced Use-Case Features 125
    Include 126
    Extend 129
    Generalized Use Case 133
    Case Study F3: Advanced Use-Case Features .136
    Chapter Summary 138
    Endnotes 138
    Chapter 7 Lifecycle Requirements for Key Business Objects .141
    Chapter Objectives 141
    What Is a State-Machine Diagram? 142
    Step 2aii: 1. Identify States of Critical Objects 144
    Types of States .144
    Case Study G1: States 145
    Step 2aii: 2. Identify State Transitions 147
    Depicting State Transitions in UML .147
    Mapping State-Machine Diagrams to System Use Cases 149
    Case Study G2: Transitions 150
    Step 2aii: 3. Identify State Activities 153
    Case Study G3: State Activities 155
    Step 2aii: 4. Identify Composite States 157
    Case Study G4: Composite States 158
    Step 2aii: 5. Identify Concurrent States .160
    Concurrent State Example 160
    Chapter Summary 161
    Endnotes 162
    Chapter 8 Gathering Across-the-Board Business
    Rules with Class Diagrams 163
    Chapter Objectives 163
    Step 2b: Structural Analysis .164
    FAQs about Structural Analysis 165
    Step 2bi: Identify Entity Classes .166
    FAQs about Entity Classes 167
    Indicating a Class in UML .167
    Naming Conventions 167
    Grouping Classes into Packages 168
    The Package Diagram 169
    Why It's Worth Pausing to Do Some Structural
    Modeling When Stakeholders Introduce New Terms 169
    Interview Questions for Finding Classes .170
    Challenge Questions .170
    Supporting Class Documentation 171
    Case Study H1: Entity Classes .172
    Step 2bii: Model Generalizations 175
    Subtyping .175
    Generalization .175
    Case Study H2: Generalizations .179
    Step 2biii: Model Transient Roles 180
    Example of Transient Role 181
    How Does a Transient Role Differ from a Specialization? .181
    Some Terminology 182
    Why Indicate Transient Roles? .182
    Rules about Transient Roles .182
    Indicating Transient Roles 182
    Sources of Information for Finding Transient Roles 182
    Interview Questions for Determining Transient Roles 183
    What If a Group of Specialized Classes Can All Play the Same Role? 183
    Case Study H3: Transient Roles 184

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