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Thảo luận trong 'Marketing' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    As we can see, nowadays our country's economy is growing strongly. Every day, elements in the market constantly change by the direction of modernization. And we can also see that businesses also contribute significantly into this development. To do this, enterprises need to find out for themselves the right business strategy.
    With the topic: “Before launching a product in the market, what should a producer do? Suggest some solutions to make products best – selling and always stay ahead in today’s competitive market. Give an example of the product which is famous and always best – selling.”We will also learn how manufacturers choose to expand and develop their brands and products.

    Out line:
    I. Before launching a product in the market, what should a producer do?
    II. After launching the product, what should that enterprise do to make it become a best – selling product and always stay ahead in today’s competitive market?
    III. Coca Cola with its strategy.

    I. Before launching a product in the market, what should a producer do?
    To introduce a new product to the market, there are many issues around the product that makes manufacturers have to consider carefully. But most of producers choose to build a basic strategy model based on 4-P model which includes: product, price, place and promotion.
    The first P is product. When launching a new product, there are so many factors to take into consideration: testing qualities of product, branding, logos, trademarks, their appearances, packaging and so on. Most of manufacturers believe that: “Build trust today or lose the market tomorrow” and they always agree that the quality is the leading factor determining the existence of a product. It’s true because customers want to buy products for their needs. They concern about the quality more than the other factors. In addition, the producer also concern about the name, appearance and packaging of product. One beautiful name and attractive appearance can appeal more customers because people are always interested in the beauty. But the producer also need to note that when the brand name must to be comply with the regulations of intellectual property law. The packaging needs to be written clearly about: place, maker, when produce, date of manufacture, ingredients and usage, etc.
    Secondly is price. Managers should make a calculation about price. Price affected the product distribution system. To calculate the products’ prices, except producing and operating costs, there are still other factors: the current prices of the competitive products, promotional prices, prices in retail agents, and prices for other forms of payment Finding out the affordability is very important. Because the clients are very happy when buying a good and reasonable product especially in Vietnam because Vietnamese’s income isn’t high.
    The next is place. Choose and manage commercial channels so that the products occupy the target market in the right time and develop logistics system and product transportation.
    And the finally is promotion. Introduce and persuade potential markets to use the products of the enterprises via advertising forms such as social communication, mass media : newspaper, magazines, radio, television, film, video, .and social network: facebook, twitter, blog, web, e-news, . They should start advertising the new product several weeks to a month before it is launched.
    Besides 4-P, the makers should analyze the expected demand of the product so they don't over or under-shoot their initial product run. Account for sales based on returning customers, media attention and advertising with some new products, it is often beneficial to inform the public of how many units will be available at launch.
    II. After launching the product, what should enterprises do to make it become a best – selling product and always stay ahead in today’s competitive market?
    After launching the product into the market, the producer still has to find out the business strategies to make that product becomes the best-selling product, to have a huge profit, always stay ahead in competitive market.
    - Continue advertising the product with more interesting and attractive ways.
    - Find out the upcoming strategies of competing firms and set up the reasonable price policy, customers care policy and advertising campaign, . such as discounts, promotions, gifts, on holidays, time of seasons.
    - Look for the potential customers by creating a website of the firm or that product and building a high-tech management service. By this way, seller can manage the selling number and who buy product. Customers can look for full information which involved the new product. The consumer can post any questions about the item and to be answered by the other customers or from your employees. In addition, the clients can buy the product more easily.
    - Expand the market with the agents system in the area, the other provices and overseas. Pay attention to the benefits of the intermediary channel: commissions, bonuses, and establish a sustainable relationship with the intermediary.
    - Customer care service is very important to the business. Customers always want to be treated with politeness, respect and their needs are endless. In today’s competitive market, there is a quote: The customer is our God. Therefore, customer care systems must be based on modern technological equipment, in a professional condition. It is becoming more and more important and necessary to the economic. But the customer care service just can be recognized if it is associated with a good quality. So specially need to concern about the after-sale service: delivery service, free shipping to customer's house, installation service, testing, repairing and warranty. Let's give customers feelings of safety and comfort when purchasing the product.
    - Moreover we need to train the employees to improve and develop their skill and qualification. The seller must understand the advantages and limitations of their products as well as the same products in other competitive companies. This process requires a wide knowledge and skills to communicate skillfully. Avoid talking too much about the product his company, disparaging other copanies' products to build customer confidence in quality products and quality service that your company brings to customers.
    But we must translate strategic plans into action plans. No strategic plan is completed until it's put into action. Planning company's strategy and implementing it go hand in hand. Entrepreneurs must convert strategic plans into operating plans that guild their companies on a daily basic and become a visible, active part of the business. No business can benefit from strategic plan sitting on sheft collecting dust.
    All of these things are very helpful to make your new product become the best-selling product in today competitive market. And it’s no surprise if you earn a giant revenue from selling your product.
    III. Coca Cola with its strategy:
    I have known about Coca - Cola since i was a little child and I'm so interested in drinking a cool bottle of Coca - Cola in hot days of Hanoi. It's refreshing! And I think anyone in the world knows about Coca - Cola and they also love it like me. Until now, I still love it and always choose it to be the first favourite drink.
    Coca – Cola is an official name of the bottling plant which is the biggest company producing soft drinks in the world and it’s also the best – selling product in the history of carbonated drinks. Now it still holds the leading position in the market.
    To be invented in 1886 by Pharmacist John Stith Pemberton in Columbus Giergia, Coca – Cola (also called by Coke) was known as an oral liquid that makes people feel better when drinking.
    But Pemberton didn’t see the success of the product he created. In 1887, Asa G. Candler bought control of the Coca – Cola’s formular and brand. In 3 years, Candler and his association managed with the investment is $2.3 millions. The brand name “ Coca – Cola” was registered in 1893 in USA and the development of this company started from that.
    In the market, there are many competitors in producing beverages but Coca –Cola is still the famous and the best – selling product. Why?
    As you can realize, the Coca – Cola company has done a lot of business strategies. One part of these strategies is advertisement. Every year, they pay a lots for advertising by many other ways. The traditional way is advertising by posters, images, banners in public places, in supermarkets, in body bus eventhough in calendars, clocks, or in media transportations such as TV, newspapers, The other way to spread the brand throughout the world is by sponsorships. Each year, the Coca – Cola company sponsors in many big events, organizations and projects around the world such as American Idol, Apple Itunes, BET network, the Olympic Games, football matches, Sound Fest, By this way, Coca – Cola’s brand has been known by many people. So it’s the easiest way to find out the humous potential customers who have demands to buy Coca – Cola.
    Another part of their business strategies is bottling partners. Currently, they have nearly 300 partners worldwide. The bottling partners manufacture and package the beverages. They also distribute these beverages to customers and find other vending partners who can sell the products to consumers. The bottling partners range from large, international, publicy traded businesses to small, family – owned operations.
    In the other sight, the factor that brings the success of the company is from its product with the good qualities, the label that has attractive colour and wonderful white curves. Or because of the variety of beverages. Coca – Cola has many brands such as Coca – Cola classic, diet Coke, Sprite, Fanta, Vanilla Coke, Cherry Coke, Mello Yello, and more than. With each brand, Coca – Cola also create new packaging sizes and materials of bottles: metal cans, plastic bottle which is safe for health and friendly with the environment to satisfy consumer demands.
    One more factor in their business strategy is price. In different season, there are many different price levels. Specially in summer or holidays, that is the time of discount, promotion or gift because in this time, needs are also much more than the other times.
    That’s all my view of this topic. According to this discussion, we can have more knowledge about the marketing, about how to make a true strategy in the right time to have earn more sales for a company. It’s so helpful for us!

    The reference:
    - English 1.3 of the University of Commerce.
    - http://www.thecoca-colacompany.com/
    - http://www.google.com.vn/

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