Luận Văn Translation of payment terms in the international business contract

Thảo luận trong 'Ngôn Ngữ Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

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    Đề tài: Translation of payment terms in the international business contract

    Part one: INTRODUCTION
    1. Rationale of study 3
    2. Aims of study 4
    3. Methods of study 5
    4. Scope of study 5
    5. Design of study 5
    Part two: DEVELOPMENT
    Chapter one: Theoretical Background
    I. Translation theory 6
    1 Definitions 6
    2 Translation types 7
    II. Translation of ESP 8
    1 Definition of ESP 8
    2 Type of ESP 10
    3 Payment terms and conditions ESP translation 11
    Chapter two: General knowledge of international business contract
    I. An overview on international business contract
    1. Definitions 13
    2. Some characteristics 13
    3. Forms of contract 13
    4. General terms and conditions 14
    4.1 Commodity 16
    4.2 Quality 16
    4.3 Quantity 17
    4.4 Price 17
    4.5 Delivery 18
    4.6 Payment 21
    4.7 Claim 21
    4.8 Warranty 22
    4.9 Force Majeure 22
    4.10 Arbitration 23
    Chapter three: A study on translation of payment terms in the international
    business contract
    I. Payment 27
    1. Definitions 27
    II. Translation of payment term in sale contracts from English into
    1. Translate into Vietnamese: Contract No SO 1161.000 33
    2. Translate into Vietnamese: Contract No 08/TA- ls/09 37
    Chapter four: Expected difficulties and suggested solutions in translating of
    international business contract
    I. Difficulties . 42
    II. Solutions 42
    Part three: CONCLUSION 44
    References 46

    1. Rationale of study
    Around the world, there are an estimated 1 billion people learning English.
    There are many reasons why learning English has seen exponential growth in
    recent years, but it all boils down to the fact that English is the “global
    language” of business, politics, international relations, culture, and
    entertainment. Although English is not an official language in many countries, it
    is the language most often taught as a foreign or second language.
    The English language is the global language for business, and a good command
    of English will definitely give one who is eyeing a globally competitive business
    or career a clear edge. Communication problems, whether personal or business,
    translate directly into losses, zero result in negotiations, incompetence for global
    business, or the inability to conduct business in the international arena
    No matter what business you are in, how old you are, how long you have been
    doing business or who you are doing it with, a very important part of doing
    business is making a contract. This is really the only thing that is there to make
    sure your partners do what they say they will do. It is also the only line of
    defense you have if you don't see eye to eye with your partner, which usually
    happens in business.
    Whether it is with a friend, a family member or a stranger off of the street, you
    must have a contract to protect both of your interests as well as your business. If
    you don't have a contract, no matter how successful your business is, without
    one, you leave yourself open to have it all taken away from you. A contract is
    especially important as many issues will come up down the line, such as:
    1) How much Money is invested by Both Partners.
    2) How much of the Company each Partner Owns.
    3) When and how is the monetary investment paid back to each partner.
    4) Who controls and oversees the day to day operations of a company and who
    has the final say in this matter.
    How much money invested by both partners will play an important role on how
    much of the company each of you own. That then trickles down to who owns a
    bigger percentage and usually has the say of day to day operations. This is an
    important issue to tackle in the agreement as some partners are really investors
    who want you to run it all. Then there are partners who invest, but want to have
    control over it as well. This can cause some headaches as every time you go to
    make a decision they can challenge you on it.
    Another importance of a contract is to determine when each partner gets paid
    back, this also can save you from the other partner demanding funds. This
    especially important when the company has or isn't making much money. If they
    do go to sue you over this, which in turn could ruin more than your business, as
    you probably don‟t have the funds to pay them back. So a contract with
    information on how payback of investments will work is a very important article
    in the contract.
    So a contract is supposed to be done for your business and any ventures or
    partners you have. You can find many sites online, including ours,
    where you can purchase contracts online for a very good price. Protect Yourself
    and Your Business!
    As a result, the study on this subject was chosen so as to improve the writer‟s
    English skills, especially for those who have been studying English in business
    and applying them in our future career.
    2. Aims of the study
    After studying this subject, to the followings are expected to be achieved:
    state the meaning of business contract
    explain the importance of business contract in reality
    analyze the payment terms and conditions in the authentic business
    3. The methods of the study
    This graduation paper is carried out with view to help learners enlarge their
    vocabulary and understanding about translation and translation of payment
    terms in international business contracts.
    This research paper is mostly based on the collection from reference books,
    dictionaries of international business and internet.
    4. Scopes of the study
    Most forms of international business contracts are known in English. This task
    requires that students must master all of them. Today, many import-export
    companies require business contract translating skill. As above -mentioned, this
    subject matter is so large and sophisticated that only an analysis on payment
    terms and conditions in the international business contract is given.
    5. Design of the study.
    The research contains three parts.
    Part one is the Introduction, which includes Rationale, Scope of the study,
    Aims of the study, Method of study and Design of study.
    The second one is development, which consists of three chapters as following:
     Chapter I, there is theoretical background of translation
     Chapter II gives general knowledge on international business contract,
    gives examples and analysis of payment terms and conditions in the
    authentic contracts.
     The last are some suggestions in translation of business contract.
    The third one is conclusion and reference
    Chapter I: Theoretical Background
    I. Translation theory
    Translation has existed in every corner of our life. It is considered as an
    indispensable part in the field of not only literature, culture and religion but also
    commercial advertisement, popular entertainment, public administration
    ,international diplomacy, scientific research publication ,judiciary procedure
    ,immigration and education .Thus, definitions of translation are numerous and
    a large numbers of writers have written about this subject .In this paper, some
    various concepts of translation have been collected as follows:
     Translation is the interpretation of the meaning of a text in one language
    (the source text) and the production, in another language of a equivalent
    text (the target text) that communicates the same message (E.A. Nida,
     Translation is made possible by an equivalent of thought that lies behind
    its different verbal expressions (Savory,1968).
     Translation is the transformation of a text originally in one language into
    an equivalent in the content of the message and the formal features and
    the roles of the original (Bell,1991).
     Translation is studying the lexicon, grammatical structure, communication
     Newmark (1988): Translation is rendering the meaning of a text into
    another language in the way that author intended the text.
    Although these definitions are different in expression ,they share common
    features about finding the closest equivalent in meaning by the choice of
    appreciate target language‟s lexical and grammatical structures ,communication

    1. Savory, Theodore.(1969).The art of Translation. London:Jonathan Cape
    2. Luân, Nguyễn Tường .English for students of sea transport economic
    department and ship operations. Trường đại học Hàng Hải. 2001
    3. Đàn, Nguyễn Trọng .International business contract.Nhà xuất bản thống
    kê 1980
    4. ICC(2000).Những điều kiện thương mại quốc tế.Nhà xuất bản khoa học
    kỹ thuật.
    5. Tửu ,Vũ Hữu .Kỹ thuật nghiệp vụ ngoại thương.Nhà xuất bản giáo dục.
    6. Yến, Nguyễn Thành .Hướng dẫn soạn hợp đồng bằng tiếng Anh.Nhà xuất
    bản tổng hợp thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.

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