Luận Văn Trackerless bittorrent adapted to mobile ad hoc networks

Thảo luận trong 'Viễn Thông' bắt đầu bởi Ác Niệm, 23/12/11.

  1. Ác Niệm

    Ác Niệm New Member

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    First, I would like give my sincere thank to my instructor, Dr. Dai Tho Nguyen,
    Department of Networks and Computer Communications - who has give me guidance
    and support during the time I work on this thesis.
    Next, I would like to thank the University of Technology and Engineering -
    Hanoi National University, the school that has given me a perfect environment to
    study and train myself for four years.
    Finally, thanks to my family and friends who have always supported and
    encouraged me a lot throughout my student life. They were, are, and will be the
    endless source of encouragement, ambition of my life.
    Ha Noi, June 2010
    Khanh Toan Do


    MANETs and P2P file sharing systems are two areas that have long been studied
    based on a same principle: P2P paradigm. This paradigm aims to build the services of
    large-scale distributed systems without any infrastructure. In this model, users have an
    equal role. Global services are guaranteed thanks to the collaboration of users with
    each other. For wireless ad hoc networks, the network is a collection of wireless nodes
    without any central control or any base station. The network node acts as both router
    and host. Multi-hop routing method is used to ensure connectivity between nodes. For
    P2P file sharing applications, peers work together to share data and multimedia
    content. Each participating node will share a portion of its upload capacity to serve
    other nodes. The global productivity of the system increases exponentially with the
    number of nodes involved. Gnutella, Freenet, and BitTorrent are examples of P2P file
    sharing applications on the Internet.
    Both the file-sharing applications and ad hoc networks are all long been studied.
    They have been studied very much, but are independent of each other. Only very few
    studies try to find out if they work well together. These studies only focus on finding
    contents in MANETs without attention to the efficiency of content sharing. Studying
    the performances of file-sharing applications on mobile ad hoc networks is really
    challenging because of wireless channels’ diverse constraints. In fact, when the peers
    play a role of both routers and end users, then the routing overhead must be
    considered. Moreover, the performance of the transport layer protocol such as TCP
    decreases markedly when multi-hop paths are used. That is why file-sharing
    applications are not expected to work well when deployed on mobile ad hoc networks.
    Designing an efficient solution for the file sharing problem in wireless ad hoc
    networks is an important part of our study.
    In this work, we try to develop a file sharing application for wireless ad hoc
    networks. My aim is to come up with solutions that reduce the content download time
    while at the same time improving the distribution ratio in the network by enforcing fair
    sharing among peers. As efficient and fair content sharing is targeted, we choose
    BitTorrent given its large usage. We are interested in two main parts of the BitTorrent
    protocol, which are node discovering and downloading mechanisms.
    The main framework of our study is based on [8], but the solution proposed in
    this paper still contains some problems with its node discovery mechanism:
    Cannot detect if a node has left the network or not.
    Node discovery mechanism need too much time.
    Because of these limitations, we replace the old presence detection method with
    another one introduced in [3]. The performances of our approach are proven through
    the ns-2 simulator to be better than the one in [8].
    The remaining of this thesis is divided into 4 chapters:
     Chapter 1: P2P networks
    We present an overview of P2P networks, their architecture, benefits and
     Chapter 2: BitTorrent file sharing system
    This chapter describes about BitTorrent protocol and its installation over wired
    networks and mobile ad hoc networks
     Chapter 3: An improvement in BitTorrent on MANETs
    Here is the main part of this thesis, which offers an innovative solution to
    BitTorrent over MANETs.
     Chapter 4: Simulation results
    The last chapter shows the results of our simulation, in order to check the
    correctness arguments made above.
     Conclusion and perspectives
    In this section, we draw a summary of our work and some plans to do in the


    1.1 Overview .3
    1.2 Definitions . 3
    1.3 Comparison with client/server architecture 4
    1.4 Benefits and weaknesses of P2P networks .5
    1.5 Classifying P2P networks .6
    1.5.1 Pure P2P networks 6
    1.5.2 Hybrid P2P networks 7
    2.1 Overview .10
    2.2 Benefits of the BitTorrent protocol 11
    2.3 Limitations 13
    2.4 Comparison with other file sharing protocols 13
    2.5 Original BitTorrent for wired networks 14
    2.5.1 Description .14
    2.5.2 Operation .15
    2.5.3 Creating and publishing torrents .16
    2.5.4 Downloading torrents and sharing files . .17
    2.6 BitTorrent variant for wireless ad hoc networks 18
    2.6.1 Trackerless BitTorrent 18
    2.6.2 Packets exchanged between peers . 18
    2.6.3 Downloading mechanism .19
    2.6.4 Selecting a neighbor at random .20
    2.6.5 Piece selection strategy .21
    2.7 Performance metrics 21
    MANETS 24
    3.1 General ideas 24
    3.2 Node presence detection mechanism . 24
    3.2.1 Soft state bloom filter .25
    3.2.2 Bloom filter operations .26
    3.2.3 Decoupling information decay and BEACON Intervals 27
    3.3 Integration of node presence detection mechanism into BitTorrent 28
    3.4 Conclusion 30
    4.1 Network simulator (NS-2) 31
    4.2 Main scenario .31
    4.2.1 Estimate the average finish time 34
    4.2.2 Estimate the average sharing ratio 35
    4.2.3 Estimate the network traffic .36
    4.2.4 Impact of the number of network nodes .37

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