Sách Traces Without Maximal Chains

Thảo luận trong 'Sách Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

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    1 Introduction
    Let [n] denote the set of integers { 1, 2, . , n} . Given a set X we write P (X) for its power
    set and X
    for the set of all its k-element subsets (or k-subsets). The trace of a family
    A of sets on a set X is A | X = { A ∩ X : A ∈ A } .
    Vapnik and Chervonenkis [8], Sauer [6] and Shelah [7] independently showed that if
    A ⊂ P ([n]) is a family with more than
    Pkư 1

    sets, then there is a k-subset X of
    [n] such that A | X = P (X). This bound is sharp, as shown for example by the family
    { A ⊂ [n] : | A| < k} , but no characterisation for the extremal families is known.
    The uniform case of the problem was considered by Frankl and Pach [1]. They proved
    that if A ⊂ [n]
    is a family with more than

    kư 1
    sets, then there is a k-subset X of [n]
    such that A | X = P (X). This bound is not sharp and was improved later by Mubayi and
    Zhao [3], but the exact bound is still unknown.
    While the above problems concern families with traces not containing the power set,
    Patk´os [4, 5] considered the case of families with traces not containing a maximal chain.
    Here a maximal chain of a set X is a family of the form X0 ⊂ X1 ⊂ X2 . ⊂ Xr = X,
    where | X
    | = i for all i. He proved in [5] that if A ⊂ P ([n]) is a family with more

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