Tìm hiểu tấn công tràn bộ đệm (Buffer Overflows)

Thảo luận trong 'Quản Trị Mạng' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Chapter 1
    Buffer Overflows:
    The Essentials
    Solutions in this Chapter:
    ■ The Challenge of Software Security
    ■ The Increase of Buffer Overflows
    ■ Exploits vs. Buffer Overflows
    ■ Definitions
    Buffer overflows. In most information technology circles these days, the term
    buffer overflows has become synonymous with vulnerabilities or in some cases,
    exploits. It is not only a scary word that can keep you up at night wondering if
    you purchased the best firewalls, configured your new host-based intrusion pre-vention system correctly, and have patched your entire environment, but can
    enter the security water-cooler discussions faster than McAfee’s new wicked
    anti-virus software or Symantec’s latest acquisition. Buffer overflows are proof
    that the computer science, or software programming, community still does not
    have an understanding (or, more importantly, firm knowledge) of how to design,
    create, and implement secure code.
    Like it or not, all buffer overflows are a product of poorly constructed soft-ware programs.These programs may have multiple deficiencies such as stack
    overflows, heap corruption, format string bugs, and race conditions—the first
    three commonly being referred to as simply buffer overflows. Buffer overflows
    can be as small as one misplaced character in a million-line program or as com-plex as multiple character arrays that are inappropriately handled. Some buffer
    overflows can be found in local programs such as calendar applications, calcula-tors, games, and Microsoft Office applications, whereas others could be resident
    in remote software such as e-mail servers, FTP, DNS, and the ever-popular
    Internet Web servers.
    Building on the idea that hackers will tackle the link with the least amount
    of resistance, it is not unheard of to think that the most popular sets of software
    will garner the most identified vulnerabilities. While there is a chance that the
    popular software is indeed the most buggy, another angle would be to state that
    the most popular software has more prying eyes on it.
    If your goal is modest and you wish to simply “talk the talk,” then reading
    this first chapter should accomplish that task for you; however, if you are the
    ambitious and eager type, looking ahead to the next big challenge, then we wel-come and invite you to read this chapter in the frame of mind that it written to
    prepare you for a long journey.To manage expectations, we do not believe you
    will be an uber-hacker or exploit writer after reading this, but you will have the
    tools and knowledge afterward to read, analyze, modify, and write custom buffer
    overflows with little or no assistance.
    The Challenge of
    Software Security
    Software engineering is an extremely difficult task and of all software creation-related professions, software architects have quite possibly the most difficult task.
    Initially, software architects were only responsible for the high-level design of
    the products. More often than not this included protocol selection, third-party
    component evaluation and selection, and communication medium selection. We
    make no argument here that these are all valuable and necessary objectives for
    any architect, but today the job is much more difficult. It requires an intimate
    knowledge of operating systems, software languages, and their inherent advan-tages and disadvantages in regards to different platforms. Additionally, software
    architects face increasing pressure to design flexible software that is impenetrable
    to wily hackers. A near impossible feat in itself.
    Gartner Research has stated in multiple circumstances that software and
    application-layer vulnerabilities, intrusions, and intrusion attempts are on the
    rise. However, this statement and its accompanying statistics are hard to actualize
    due to the small number of accurate, automated application vulnerability scan-ners and intrusion detection systems. Software-based vulnerabilities, especially
    those that occur over the Web are extremely difficult to identify and detect.
    SQL attacks, authentication brute-forcing techniques, directory traversals, cookie
    poisoning, cross-site scripting, and mere logic bug attacks when analyzed via
    attack packets and system responses are shockingly similar to those of normal or
    non-malicious HTTP requests.
    Today, over 70 percent of attacks against a company’s
    network come at the “Application layer,” not the
    Network or System layer.—The Gartner Group
    4 Chapter 1 ã Buffer Overflows: The Essentials
    Buffer Overflows: The Essentials ã Chapter 1 5
    As shown in Table 1.1, non-server application vulnerabilities have been on
    the rise for quite some time.This table was created using data provided to us by
    government-funded Mitre. Mitre has been the world leader for over five years
    now in documenting and cataloging vulnerability information. SecurityFocus
    (acquired by Symantec) is Mitre’s only arguable competitor in terms of housing
    and cataloging vulnerability information. Each have thousands of vulnerabilities
    documented and indexed. Albeit, SecurityFocus’ vulnerability documentation is
    significantly better than Mitre’s.
    Table 1.1 Vulnerability Metrics
    Component 2004 2003 2002 2001
    Operating System 124 (15%) 163 (16%) 213 (16%) 248 (16%)
    Network Protocol 6 (1%) 6 (1%) 18 (1%) 8 (1%)
    Non-Server 364 (45%) 384 (38%) 267 (20%) 309 (21%)
    Server Application 324 (40%) 440 (44%) 771 (59%) 886 (59%)
    Hardware 14 (2%) 27 (3%) 54 (4%) 43 (3%)
    Communication 28 (3%) 22 (2%) 2 (0%) 9 (1%)
    Encryption Module 4 (0%) 5 (0%) 0 (0%) 6 (0%)
    Other 5 (1%) 16 (2%) 27 (2%) 5 (0%)
    Non-server applications include Web applications, third-party components,
    client applications (such as FTP and Web clients), and all local applications that
    include media players and console games. One wonders how many of these vul-nerabilities are spawned from poor architecture, design versus, or implementation.
    Oracle’s Larry Ellison has made numerous statements about Oracle’s
    demigod-like security features and risk-free posture, and in each case he has been
    proven wrong.This was particularly true in his reference to the “vulnerability-free” aspects of Oracle 8.x software which was later found to have multiple buffer
    overflows, SQL injection attacks, and numerous interface security issues.The point
    of the story: complete security should not be a sought-after goal.
    More appropriately, we recommend taking a phased approach with several
    small and achievable security-specific milestones when developing, designing,
    and implementing software. It is unrealistic to say we hope that only four vul-nerabilities are found in the production-release version of the product. I would
    fire any product or development manager that had set this as a team goal.The
    following are more realistic and simply “better” goals.
    ■ To create software with no user-provided input vulnerabilities
    ■ To create software with no authentication bypassing vulnerabilities
    ■ To have the first beta release version be free of all URI-based vulnera-bilities
    ■ To create software with no security-dependant vulnerabilities garnered
    from third-party applications (part of the architect’s job is to evaluate
    the security and plan for third-party components to be insecure)
    Microsoft Software Is Not Bug Free
    Surprise, surprise. Another Microsoft Software application has been identified
    with another software vulnerability. Okay, I’m not on the “bash Microsoft”
    bandwagon. All things considered, I’d say they have a grasp on security vulnera-bilities and have done an excellent job at remedying vulnerabilities before pro-duction release. As a deep vulnerability and security researcher that has been in
    the field for quite some time, I can say that it is the most –sought-after type of
    vulnerability. Name recognition comes with finding Microsoft vulnerabilities for
    the simple fact that numerous Microsoft products are market leading and have a
    tremendous user base. Finding a vulnerability in Mike Spice CGI (yes, this is
    real) that may have 100 implementations is peanuts compared to finding a hole
    in Windows XP, given it has tens of millions of users.The target base has been
    increased by magnitudes.

    Vulnerabilities and Remote Code Execution
    The easiest way to be security famous is to find a Microsoft-critical
    vulnerability that results in remote code execution. This, comple-mented by a highly detailed vulnerability advisory posted to a
    dozen security mailing lists, and BAM!, you’re known. The hard part
    is making your name stick. Expanding on your name’s brand can be
    accomplished through publications, by writing open source tools,
    speaking at conferences, or just following up the information with
    new critical vulnerabilities. If you find and release ten major vulner-abilities in one year, you’ll be well on your way to becoming
    famous—or should we say: infamous.

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