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Thảo luận trong 'Điện - Điện Tử' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    100V line transformer, 55
    4000 series, 271
    555 timer, 193
    64-bit ROM, 290
    741 op-amp, 165
    ABE, 315
    AC analysis, circuit, 456, 461
    AC thyristor circuit, 157
    access speed, memory, 290
    active components, 1
    active filter, 185, 204
    active life, cell, 86
    ADC to PC connection, 363
    ADC, 351
    address bus, 315
    address bus enable (ABE), 315
    adjustable regulator, 191
    AF ICs, 176
    air-gap, transformer, 54
    Alan Winstanley guide, 511
    algorithm, 307
    aliasing, ADC, 356
    alkaline cell, 92
    aluminium solder, 511
    AM/FM radio IC, 226
    ambient temperature, 17, 149
    ampere unit, 2
    amplified-Zener circuit, 236
    amplitude and phase tables, 44
    amplitude-phase tables,
    inductor, 69
    amplitude modulation, 230
    analogue system, 343
    analogue-to-digital converter
    (ADC), 351
    analysis, circuit, 456
    anode, 87
    anti-aliasing filter, 357
    aperiodic oscillator, 223
    applications, microcontroller, 399
    architectures, computer, 311
    arcing, 494
    ARM processor, 320
    ASCII, 384
    assembly language, 319
    astable multivibrator, 223
    astable pulse generator, 195
    asynchronous circuit, 277
    asynchronous RS-232C, 383
    attenuation, RF cable, 484
    audio amplifier circuits, 178
    audio circuit, discrete, 202
    audio connector, 487
    audio frequency signalling, 391
    audio output, 207
    Autofeed signal, 374
    automatic soldering, 2
    autotransformer, 51, 61
    avalanche breakdown, 114
    back-EMF, 47
    backup power supply, 101
    Baker clamp, 152
    band-gap circuit, 115
    558 Index
    bandpass filter, digital, 434
    base, 122
    base-band signalling, 391
    base, MOSFET, 141
    battery, 83
    battery backup, memory, 290
    battery, connections, 85
    baud rate, 384
    Baxandall tone control, 204
    bias, linear, 128
    bias, op-amp, 167
    binary levels, 265
    binary stored program computer,
    binary to hex, microcontroller, 422
    binary weighted resistor, DAC, 345
    binary, octal, hex table, 276
    BIOS, 318
    bipolar, 125
    bipolar junction transistor (BJT),
    bipolar phototransistor, 138
    bistable, 224
    bit, 308
    bitstream converter (ADC), 360
    bit weighting, DAC, 344
    BJT, 122
    Bletchley Park, 308
    block diagram, SMPS, 238
    BNC connector, 483
    board sizes, PCB, 507
    Bode plot, 147
    Boolean algebra, 265
    bootstrapping (booting), 318
    bridge circuit, thermometer, 258
    brown-out circuit, microcontroller,
    BS 1852 coding, 12
    Buck converter, 237
    bus, circuit design, 450
    bus connections, 314
    bus driver, 369
    bus timing, I2C bus, 418
    Butler oscillator, 220
    byte, 276, 308
    C programming language, 320
    cabinet, 496
    cable groups, 485
    cable length, serial link, 387
    cable, RF, 483
    cadmium-sulphide cell, 252
    calculations, inductance, 64
    capacitance, 29
    capacitance, motional, 76
    capacitor microphone, 262
    carbon composition resistor, 7
    carbon film resistor, 8
    carbon-zinc cell, 89
    carrier suppression, 230
    cascode, 198
    case, 496
    cassette recorder input, 202
    cathode, 87
    cathode, cell, 83
    central processing unit (CPU), 309
    Centronics connector, 490
    Centronics interface, 371
    ceramic resonator, 80
    ceramic tubular capacitor, 32
    characteristics, diode, 112
    characteristics, ORP12, 253
    charge, 29
    charge and discharge, 41
    charge distribution, DAC, 348
    charge stored, 39
    charging circuit, Li-ion cell, 107
    charging circuit, NiCd cell, 106
    charging lead-acid cell, 102
    chemical cell, 83
    Index 559
    chopped DC, 238
    circuit, 1
    circuit, constructing, 501
    circuit magnification factor (Q), 71
    circuit, op-amp bias, 168
    circuit, regulator, 191
    Class A, 207
    Class B, 208
    Class C, 229
    class, crystal oscillator circuit, 217
    Class D, 211
    clear (reset) input, 282
    clock frequency, computer, 309
    clock source, 285
    clock, microcontroller, 401
    closed-loop gain, 145
    CMMR, 199
    CMOS logic, 271
    coding, ceramic capacitor, 33
    coding, diode and transistor, 160
    coding, resistance value, 2
    coding, SM components, 14
    coefficient of coupling, 75
    cold-junction compensation, 257
    collector, 124
    collet-fitting, 492
    colour band coding, 12
    colour code, resistor, 13
    colour, LED, 117
    Colpitts oscillator, 216
    combination logic, 274
    common anode LED display, 328
    common base connection, 126
    common cathode LED display, 328
    common-collector connection, 127
    common-mode rejection ratio
    (CMMR), 199
    common-mode signal, 199
    compass, 246
    complementary Darlington, 197
    complex instruction set computer
    (CISC), 312
    complex PLD, 299
    compound semiconductor, 116
    computer aids, circuit design, 439
    computer connectors, 490
    computer mouse, 250
    computer, original meaning, 307
    conditional branching, 309
    conductivity, 5
    configuration, microcontroller, 401
    connection, switch, 495
    connections, battery, 85
    connections, circuit, 446
    conservation of energy, 20
    constant-current charging, 105
    constructing circuit, 501
    construction, capacitor, 31
    contact bounce, 338
    contact, switch, 493
    continuous functions, 343
    control knob, 492
    controlling device, 376
    core saturation, transformer, 57
    core, transformer, 52
    counter timer, microcontroller, 410
    coupled tuned circuits, 73
    CPU, 309
    CR circuits, 45
    CRC, 385
    critical coupling, 75
    cross-probing, 467
    crystal oscillator, 217
    crystal oscillator, microprocessor,
    crystal oven, 219
    current differencing amplifier, 176
    current mirror, 200
    current source, ideal, 200
    560 Index
    D type flip-flop, 278
    DAB radio IC, 227
    DAC, 344
    damp-heat change, resistor, 15
    damping, 72
    dark current, 254
    Darlington pair, 139
    data converter, 343
    data integrity check, 385
    data retention, PROM, 292
    data selector, 275
    data transfer, 369
    DC analysis, circuit, 456, 457
    DC motor control microprocessor,
    DCE, 380
    De Morgan’s theorem, 274
    decoder, 275
    deep discharge, lead-acid cell, 103
    demultiplexer, 275
    depletion mode, 140, 143
    depolarizer, 84, 89
    derated resistor, 17
    derating, capacitor, 38
    design process, 439
    design rule checking, PCB, 475
    design rules, PCB layout, 472
    design tools, DSP, 437
    desktop routing machine, 477
    desoldering, 512
    desoldering, IC, 499
    desoldering pump, 513
    detectivity, 243
    deterministic logic system, 265
    developing microprocessor
    hardware, 322
    diac, 158
    dielectric constant, 30
    differential amplifier, op-amp, 169
    differential non-linearity (DNL),
    digital logic, 265
    digital multimeter, 519
    digital potentiometer, 345
    digital signal processing, 425
    digital system, 343
    digital transistor, 122, 150
    digital-to-analogue converter
    (DAC), 344
    DIMM, 499
    DIN connector, 488
    diode, 111
    diode-transistor logic (DTL), 269
    direct memory access (DMA), 315
    discriminator, 230
    display devices, 327
    display driver IC, 329
    dissipation, 17
    dissipation, crystal, 78
    distortion, 129
    divide-and-conquer, 529
    DMA, 315
    dot matrix display, 330
    dot matrix LCD, 333
    drain, 140
    drive current, LCD, 333
    dry Leclanché cell, 91
    DTCXO circuit, 219
    DTE, 380
    DTL, 269
    dual-slope ADC, 361
    dynamic memory, 294
    dynamic resistance, 72
    dynamic resistance, diode, 114
    E and I cores, 52
    earth-leakage contact breaker
    (ELCB), 527
    ECL, 273
    Index 561
    edge detecting high-pass filter, 430
    edge-trigger, 279
    EEPROM, 291
    E-figure, tolerance, 10
    EIA/TIA 232, 379
    ELCB, 527
    electret microphone, 263
    electrolytic capacitor, 34
    electromagnetic compatibility, 325
    electrostatic damage, MOSFET,
    electrostatic screen, transformer, 52
    embedded applications, 327
    emitter, 124
    emitter-coupled logic, 273
    energy, 18
    energy content, cell, 86
    energy conversion, 243
    enhancement mode, 143
    equipment, soldering, 509
    error detection and correction, 396
    error detection, dynamic RAM,
    ESR, capacitor, 35
    ESR, crystal, 77
    Ethernet connector, 490
    failure, 529
    failure, carbon-zinc cell, 91
    family, logic, 269
    fanout, gate, 273
    Faraday’s laws, 48
    feedback, 144
    FGPA, 300
    field programmable gate array
    (FPGA), 300
    field-effect transistor, 139
    filament lamp, 255
    filter calculations, website, 207
    finite impulse response (FIR) filter,
    FIR, 431
    Firewire (IEEE 1394) connector,
    fixed reset address, 317
    flag bit, 310
    flameproof switch, 495
    flash converter (ADC), 351, 355
    flexible PCB, 498
    floating-gate FET, 292
    fluxgate magnetometer, 247
    FM, 230
    FM demodulator, 230
    FM receiver IC, 180
    forward current transfer ratio, 125
    forward resistance, 111, 113
    four-layer diode, 158
    four-pin regulator, 192
    four-terminal supply, 518
    FR core, 63
    frequency compensation, 214
    frequency multiplier, 227
    frequency range, op-amp, 171
    frequency-shift keying (FSK), 232,
    FSK, 232, 393
    fuel cell, 84
    fusible link memory, 290
    gain and bandwidth, op-amp, 165
    gain error (ADC), 354
    garbage in garbage out (GIGO),
    gas torch, soldering, 509
    gate, 140
    gating, analogue, 153
    GB product, op-amp, 166
    General Purpose Interface Bus,
    (GPIB), 376
    562 Index
    George Boole, 265
    Gerber data files, 476
    germanium diode, 112
    giant magnetoresistance, 248
    Gibbs effect, DSP, 434
    GIGO, 439
    grading ceramic capacitor, 32
    Grey code, 250
    grid-based PCB design, 472
    grub-screw fastening, 492
    half-adder, 274
    Hall effect, 247
    Hamming code, 385
    handling components, 497
    handling, MOSFET, 143
    handshaking, 370
    hardware, 481
    hardware description language
    (HDL), 301
    hardware handshaking, RS-232,
    harmonics, 77
    Hartley oscillator, 216
    Harvard architecture, 312
    heat, 255
    heat dissipation, 500
    heatsink, 148
    Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus
    (HPIB), 376
    hfe, 125
    high-pass filter, digital, 426
    high-speed CMOS, 271
    holder capacitance, crystal, 78
    Hooke’s law, 243
    hysteresis in circuit, 226
    I/O ports, microcontroller, 407
    I2C bus, microcontroller, 414
    IC wideband amplifier, 215
    IDC connector, 491
    IEEE 1394 connector, 490
    IEEE-488 bus, 374
    IF/detector, 179
    impedance and phase angle tables,
    induced EMF, 47
    inductance, 48
    inductance calculations, 64
    inductance, motional, 76
    inductive reactance, 68
    inductor, 47
    industry standards, hardware, 482
    infinite impulse response (IIR)
    filter, 434
    Infra-Red Data Association
    (IRDA), 390
    infra-red link, 390
    input resistance, transistor, 133
    input threshold, gate, 272
    inserting ICs, 498
    instruction pointer (IP), 309
    integrated peripherals,
    microcontroller, 410
    interfacing, microprocessor, 327
    internal circuit, op-amp, 164
    internal RC oscillator,
    microcontroller, 402
    internal resistance, cell, 86
    internal resistance, power supply,
    interrupt, 310
    interrupt generation,
    microcontroller, 409
    interrupt, microcontroller, 419
    intrinsic standoff ratio, 154
    ionization gauge, 246
    IP, 309
    isolation, transformer, 54
    Index 563
    jack, 487
    Jacquard punched card, 307
    Japanese transistor coding, 161
    jelly electrolyte, 100
    JFET, 140
    J-K flip-flop, 278
    JUGFET, 140
    jump, 310
    junction diode, 111
    junction FET, 140
    keypad, 339
    Kirchoff ’s laws, 20
    laboratory power supply, 518
    last-in first-out (LIFO) memory,
    latch-up, 555-timer, 196
    LCD, 332
    LCR circuit, 68
    LCR meter, 522
    LDO regulator, 189
    LDR, 252
    lead-acid cell, 99
    lead-free solders, 510
    leakage inductance, 53, 64
    leakproof cell, 92
    Leclanché cell, 84, 89
    LED, 116, 255
    LED display, 327
    LED materials, 118
    Lenz’s law, 47
    level shifter, 340
    level-trigger, 279
    libraries, schematics, 441
    LIFO, 311
    light, 251
    light-dependent resistor (LDR),
    light-emitting diode display, 327
    light-emitting diode, 255
    line length, parallel transfer, 370
    linear bias, 128
    linear circuits, 197
    linear IC, 163
    linear power supply, 233
    linear regulation, 235
    linear variable differential
    transformer, 249
    liquid crystal display (LCD), 332
    listening device, 376
    lithium cell, 83, 95
    lithium-ion cell, 107
    load line, 135
    local action, 88
    logic gates, 265
    long-tailed pair, 199
    look-up tables, hardware, 303
    looping, 310
    loose coupling, 73
    loss factor, capacitor, 35
    low-pass filter, digital, 426
    low-power Schottky TTL, 269
    low-voltage connector, 482
    LVDT, 249
    macros, 319
    magnetizing current, transformer,
    mains isolation transformer, 61
    mains plug, 481
    mains transformer, 57
    mains work, 527
    Manchester encoding, 393
    manganese alkaline cell, 92
    master-slave flip-flop, 279
    materials, LED, 118
    matrix stripboard, 503
    mechanical calculator, 307
    mechanical failure, 529
    564 Index
    memory, 289
    memory effect, NiCd cell, 107
    mercuric oxide cell, 94
    metal film resistor, 8
    metal-oxide film resistor, 8
    metal-resistance thermometer, 258
    mica washer, 149
    micro code, 312
    microcontroller, 310, 399
    microcontroller applications, 324
    microcontroller supervisor, 407
    microphone, 260
    microphone transformer, 56
    microprocessor system, 314
    microprocessor, 311
    microprocessor, interfacing, 327
    miniature cells, 94
    modern designs, op-amp, 172
    modulation, 230
    monostable, 223
    monostable, op-amp, 175
    monotonic output, 345
    Monte Carlo analysis, 465
    MOS switch, 155
    MOSFET, 141
    motherboard, 499
    motional capacitance, 76
    motional inductance, 76
    moving-coil microphone, 262
    moving-iron microphone, 260
    multilayer board, 1
    multiplexed display, 329
    multiplexer, 275
    mutual conductance, 132
    mutual inductance, 50
    NAND-gate, TTL, 270
    native machine language, 318
    negative feedback, 144
    negative temperature coefficient, 16
    nested subroutine, 311
    net, circuit diagram, 446
    net list, 451
    net name, 447
    nibble, 276, 308
    nickel-cadmium cell, 104
    noise level, resistor, 15
    noise, SMPS, 239
    noise, transistor, 137
    non-inductive winding, 7
    non-linear distortion, 129
    non-ohmic behaviour, 2
    non-return to zero (NRZ), 392
    non-volatile memory, 289
    NOP instruction, 293
    notation, Boolean, 266
    notch filter, digital, 434
    NRZ signalling, 392
    number base, 276
    Nyquist diagram, 148
    Nyquist sampling theorem, 357
    offset, op-amp, 166
    Ohm’s law, 2, 19
    ohm unit, 2
    omnidirectional microphone, 260
    one-bit adder, 269
    one-chip cassette recorder, 204
    one-off board, 504
    one-shot, 223
    on-off keying (OOK), 393
    op-amp, 163
    opcode, 312
    open-loop gain, 145
    operand, 312
    optical circuits, 232
    optical encoder, 249
    optical grating, 251
    optimum power transfer,
    transformer, 67
    Index 565
    optocoupler, 232
    opto-isolator, 160, 255
    opto-triac, 160
    order of filter, 206
    oscillator, 216
    oscilloscope, 522
    OTP, 292
    output level, gate, 272
    output resistance, transistor, 134
    overcoupled circuit, 73
    oversampling ADC, 360
    overtone, crystal, 219
    overtones, 76
    OXCO circuit, 219
    PA stage, 229
    packaging, transistor, 136
    pads, 1
    PADS, 451
    parallel loading, 282
    parallel transfer, 370
    parallel-plate capacitor, 29
    parity bit, 385
    passive components, 1
    PC printer ports, 376
    PCB construction, 497
    PCB layout, 470
    PCB layout, ADC, 363
    PCB layout, computer, 467
    PCM, 232
    PDMA inductor, 63
    peak voltage, transformer, 60
    perfect transformer, 53
    permeability of free space, 65
    permittivity of free space, 30
    phase-locked loop (PLL), 180
    phase-sensitive detector, 180
    phono connector, 487
    photodiode, 117, 254
    photoresistor, 252
    photosensor, 252
    phototransistor, 138, 254
    Pierce oscillator, 220
    piezoelectric microphone, 262
    piezoelectric strain gauge, 245
    Pirani gauge, 246
    planar inductor, 63
    PLD, 298
    PLL, 180
    plug and socket, Centronics, 371
    point-contact diode, 111
    polarization, cell, 89
    porcelain capacitor, 31
    positive temperature coefficient, 16
    potentiometer, 8
    potentiometer law, 18
    power, 18
    power amplifier (PA) stage, 229
    power bandwidth, op-amp, 171
    power dissipation, 17
    power meter, plug-in, 529
    power-up reset, 317
    power-up reset, microcontroller,
    PPM, 231
    preferred values sets, 11
    preferred values, capacitor, 36
    preset (set) input, 282
    pressure measurement, gas, 245
    primary cell, 84
    primary winding, 52
    printing schematics, 454
    probe, oscilloscope, 523
    processor type, word width, 308
    Pro-electron coding, 161
    program counter (PC), 309
    programmable logic, 296
    programmable logic device (PLD),
    566 Index
    programmable mixed signal array,
    programmable unijunction
    transistor, 154, 157
    programming, 318
    PROM, 289, 291
    propagation delay generator, 281
    protection circuit, lithium cell, 97
    protection diodes, 272
    protective diode, MOSFET, 144
    proximity effect, inductor, 64
    PRSG, 283
    pseudo-complementary circuit, 209
    pseudo-random sequence
    generator, 283
    pseudo-static memory, 295
    pulse frequency, parallel transfer,
    pulse-code modulation, 232
    pulse-counting discriminator, 230
    pulse-position modulation, 231
    pulse stretcher, 286
    pulse transformer, 56
    pulse width modulator, DAC, 349
    pulse width modulator,
    microcontroller, 411
    pulse-width modulation, 231
    punched paper tape, 309
    PUT, 154, 157
    PWM, 231
    pyroelectric burglar alarm, 261
    pyroelectric film, 259
    Q factor, 71
    quantization, ADC, 352
    quantization, DSP, 432
    quartz crystal, 76
    quasi-LDO regulator, 189
    quiescent state, 126
    R2R ladder, DAC, 347
    rack system, 496
    radio frequency circuit, 226
    RAM, 289, 294
    RCA connector, 487
    reactance, capacitor, 43
    reactive circuit, 66
    read/write timing, static RAM, 316
    reconstruction filter, 350
    rectifier circuits, 234
    reduced instruction set computer
    (RISC), 312
    Reed-Solomon code, 385
    reference diode, 114
    reforming NiCd cell, 104
    regulation, transformer, 59
    regulator circuit, 191
    regulator, power supply, 235
    relative permeability, 65
    relative permittivity, 30
    relay logic, 267
    relay timer, 195
    relay use, microprocessor, 336
    remote keyless entry (RKE), 393
    reset input, 282
    resistive divider, 340
    resistivity, 3
    resistivity calculations, 4
    resistivity, examples, 6
    resistivity formula, 6
    resistivity values, common, 5
    resistor, 2
    resistor chain, 345
    resistor characteristics, 13
    resistor colour code, 13
    resistor construction, 7
    resistor value coding, 10
    resistor-transistor logic (RTL), 269
    resolution, ADC, 352
    resonant circuit, 71
    Index 567
    responsivity, 243
    RET, 150
    return to zero, 392
    reverse resistance, 111
    RF cable, 483
    RF cable attenuation, 484
    RF circuit, 226
    RF connector, 483
    ribbon microphone, 262
    ripple, 233
    ripple counter, 283
    rolled capacitor, 34
    ROM, 289
    row and column, keypad, 339
    row and column, memory, 290
    RS flip-flop debounce, 339
    RS latch, 277
    RS-232, 380
    RTL, 269
    rules, hardware design, 324
    runt pulse, 283
    RZ signalling, 392
    safety-valve, lithium cell, 97
    Sallen & Key filter, 206
    sampling, ADC, 356
    saturated arithmetic, DSP, 432
    saturation of core, transformer, 57
    saturation, BJT, 152
    SAW resonator, 394
    scan rate, keypad, 340
    schematic capture, 440
    Schmitt trigger, 224
    Schottky diode, 116
    SCR, 156
    secondary cell, 84, 99
    secondary winding, 52
    selectivity, 73
    self-heating, thermistor, 24
    self-inductance, 48
    semiconductor diode, 111
    sensitivity, 73
    sensor, 243
    sensor, digital output, 344
    sequential logic, 277
    serial communication, 282
    serial interface, microcontroller,
    serial multivibrator, 223
    serial output in software,
    microcontroller, 420
    serial transfer, 379
    series regulator, 236
    set input, 282
    seven-segment display, 327
    shaping circuit, op-amp, 174
    shelf-life change, resistor, 15
    shelf-life, cell, 86
    shift register, 282
    shunt regulating circuit, 235
    sidebands, 230
    sigma-delta ADC, 360
    signal generator, 526
    signal-matching transformer, 54
    silicon bidirectional switch, 158
    silicon controlled rectifier, 156
    silicon diode, 112
    silicon-controlled switch, 159
    silk-screen symbols, 472
    silver oxide cell, 94
    silvered mica capacitor, 31
    simple cell, 87
    simulation, circuit, 455
    sine wave oscillator, 216
    single-ended push-pull, 208
    sinking, 270
    skin effect, inductor, 64
    sleep instruction, microcontroller,
    slew rate, op-amp, 166, 171
    568 Index
    SM inductor, 62
    SM resistor, 13
    SMA connector, 485
    small-scale circuit, 502
    SMB connector, 486
    SMD, 1
    SMD PCB, 498
    soft breakdown, 114
    software handshaking, RS-232, 387
    solder braid, 512
    solder choice, 509
    soldering, 508
    soldering change, resistor, 15
    soldering toolkit, 514
    solderless breadboard, 504
    solenoid calculation, 65
    sonar, 248
    sound, 260
    source, 140
    sourcing, 270
    spectral response, photodiode, 119
    SPI/I2 bus, microcontroller, 413
    SPICE, 451
    spot-cutter, 503
    square array memory, 293
    stability factor, bias, 131
    stability of value, resistor, 15
    stabilizer, power supply, 235
    stack, 311
    standard baud rates, 385
    standards, equipment rack, 497
    static memory, 294
    steering diode, 224
    stored charge, 152
    strain, 243
    strain gauge, 243
    stranded wire, soldering, 508
    stray capacitance, 31
    stress, 244
    subroutine, 310
    substrate, 141
    successive approximation, ADC,
    superposition theorem, 21
    supervisor, microcontroller, 407
    supply voltage, gate, 272
    switched capacitor filter, 185
    switches, 338
    switches, 492
    switching circuit, 150
    switch-mode power supplies
    (SMPS), 236
    switch-off time, BJT, 152
    symbolic names, assembly
    language, 319
    symbols, logic, 267
    synchronous counter, 283
    synchronous RS-232C, 383
    Sziklai pair, 197
    talking device, 376
    tantalum electrolytic, 35
    TCXO circuit, 218
    temperature, 255
    temperature coefficient, resistance,
    temperature effect, crystal, 79
    temperature range, switch, 494
    temperature rise transformer, 59
    temperature sensitivity, LCD, 333
    temperature sweep, 459
    temperature testing, 527
    test button, earth trip, 527
    test equipment, 517
    test leads, 517
    testing, 529
    thermal potential difference, 501
    thermal resistance, 148
    thermistor, 24, 259
    thermistor law, 26
    Index 569
    thermocouple, 256
    thermometer code, 351
    Thevenin’s theorem, 23
    thyristor, 156
    tight coupling, 73
    time constant, 39
    time constant, inductive, 49
    timer, (555), 193
    timing diagrams, Centronics, 372
    timing, IEEE-488, 377
    tolerances, electrolytics, 36
    tolerances, resistor, 9
    toroidal transformer, 53
    totem-pole circuit, 208
    transducer, 243
    transformer, 50
    transformer kit, 60
    transient analysis, circuit, 456, 462
    transient voltage suppressor (TVS),
    transistor, 122
    transistor interfaces, 336
    transistor packaging, 136
    transistor parameters, 132
    transistor-transistor logic (TTL),
    transition detector, 280
    transition temperature, 256
    transparent latch, 278
    triac, 157
    trimmer, 8
    tri-state output, gate, 273
    truncating Fourier series, 435
    truncation, DSP, 433
    truth table, 266
    TTL, 269
    tuned circuit, 71
    TV ICs, 193
    twin-T oscillator, 220
    UART, 282
    UART/USART, microcontroller,
    ultrasonic, 260
    UNICODE, 384
    unijunction, 154
    unregulated output, 234
    untuned oscillator, 223
    untuned transformer, 67
    USART, 282
    USB connector, 490
    U-set, cabined sizes, 496
    UVEPROM, 291
    value coding, resistor, 10
    value, SMD component, 2
    values, relative permeability, 66
    varactor diode, 115
    variable capacitor, 38
    variable resistor, 8
    variable-reluctance microphone,
    Variac™, 62
    varistor, 122
    Vbe multiplier, 202
    VCXO circuit, 218
    vectored reset address, 317
    velocity-operated microphone, 260
    VFET, 144
    VHDL, 301
    VHP connector, 486
    video connector, 486
    virtual earth, 145
    virtual earth, op-amp, 168
    virtual oscilloscope, 522
    virtual wiring, 448
    volatile memory, 289, 294
    voltage follower, op-amp, 173
    voltage gain, transistor, 137
    voltage reference for ADC, 362
    570 Index
    voltage regulator, IC, 189
    voltage, Hall, 247
    voltage-follower, op-amp, 169
    voltage-time product, transformer,
    volt-amp rating, transformer, 58
    volt-seconds, energy, 63
    Von Neumann architecture, 311
    watchdog timer, microcontroller,
    wave filter, 79
    waveform generator, 183
    wideband amplifier, 214
    Wien bridge oscillator, 221
    winding resistance transformer, 60
    wiping contact, switch, 493
    wire leads, 1
    wired-OR connection, 271
    wireless links, 390
    wire-wound resistor, 7
    word, 308
    working voltage, capacitor, 37
    XLR connector, 489
    XO oscillator, 217
    XOR gate, 269
    Zener diode, 113
    ZIF IC socket, 499
    Zuse, Konrad, 267

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