Thạc Sĩ Three Extensions to the Inventory Theoretic Approach: A Transportation Selection Model, A Discrete E

Thảo luận trong 'THẠC SĨ - TIẾN SĨ' bắt đầu bởi Phí Lan Dương, 20/8/15.

  1. Phí Lan Dương

    Phí Lan Dương New Member
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    The objective of this research is to provide three extensions to the inventory
    theoretic approach which was developed to explain carrier/mode selection. One of the
    strengths of the approach is that it accounts for both demand and lead time uncertainty
    when calculating total logistics costs. As the world’s economies become more and more
    interconnected, supply chains are growing in length and complexity resulting in increased
    lead time uncertainty. To manage costs effectively, supply chain managers need to
    account for lead time uncertainty. This research attempts to extend the inventory
    theoretic approach in three stand-alone papers that examine issues such as product value,
    variation in demand of lead time, equipment shortages, overbooking, and currency
    fluctuations across multiple methodologies. The first chapter introduces the inventory
    theoretic approach and gives a brief overview of the remaining chapters.
    Chapter two develops an optimization model based on the inventory theoretic
    approach in an effort to aide managers in selecting the best carrier/mode for their product.
    Findings suggest that total logistics costs are minimized by selecting a faster mode of
    transportation as the value of the product and the coefficient of variation in demand
    increase. The model extends the existing state of the art in the inventory theoretic
    transportation selection literature by precluding the need for conducting multiple
    experiments among all available transportation options. Converting the inventory iii
    theoretic approach into an optimization problem provides a first step towards extending
    the inventory theoretic approach into the facility location literature stream.
    Chapter three uses the inventory theoretic approach in a discrete event simulation
    in an effort to investigate the accuracy of the numerical approach in estimating total
    logistics costs and rank-ordering the best to worst carriers. The inventory theoretic
    literature stream is replete with numerical examples and individual case studies, but has
    few examples of research that uses simulation. Empirical data for this study are gathered
    from a company. The case company uses a portfolio of carriers to ship product world-
    wide. Findings suggest that the numerical approach used in the inventory theoretic
    approach is robust for selecting the best carriers. In addition, carrier schedules were
    found to have an impact on which carrier provides the lowest total logistics cost. Finally,
    delays such as equipment shortages, ordering errors, and carrier overbooking were
    quantified. The results suggest that delays should be tracked by shippers, because an
    excessive number of delays by a carrier can impact the rank-ordering of carriers.
    Chapter four, the final chapter, extends the inventory theoretic approach to the
    postponement literature stream. A review of the postponement literature found that
    transportation uncertainty is largely ignored, lacks examples of an (s, Q) inventory
    model, and generally ignores the cost of in-transit stock, which is considered here. The
    fourth chapter also explores the concept of postponement as it relates to product life
    cycles. The literature supports the notion that postponement is more applicable to
    products with short product life cycles due to the risk of obsolescence. The second
    concept supported by the literature is the idea that products in the introduction/growth
    stage of a product life cycle should use a speculation strategy, while products in the iv
    mature/decline stages should use postponement. Empirical data for chapter four were
    gathered from a Global 500 Company. Results from this essay suggest that ignoring
    transportation uncertainty can underestimate the cost of using postponement and lead to
    the selection of a supply chain strategy that is more expensive. Other findings suggest
    that postponement strategies can be used for products with long product life cycles to
    reduce the total cost of a product. This is occurs for both products in the
    introduction/growth stage of the product life cycle as well as products at the
    mature/decline stage. Finally, this research suggests that fluctuations in currency
    exchange rates can be mitigated by use of an assemble-to-order strategy which is a form
    of manufacturing postponement. v


    Soli Deo Gloria


    in loving memory of my Dad, Doral R. Sandlin



    A special thanks to my five committee members for their patience, wisdom and
    encouraging support. Completing this project was definitely a team effort that could not
    have been accomplished without their help. My dissertation chair, Dr. Martha Cooper,
    for guiding me through the dissertation process. Not only is Dr. Cooper a gifted scholar,
    she spends countless hours mentoring and guiding students in their individual endeavors.
    She is truly dedicated to helping people out. I have truly enjoyed working with Dr.
    Cooper throughout this process.
    The impetus for this research began in early 2007 during my search for
    dissertation research topics. When I first met with Dr. John Saldanha, we discovered that
    we had a mutual interest in transportation-related research due to our common
    backgrounds; he as a former First Officer on ocean carriers and myself as an Air Force
    pilot. This commonality in backgrounds eventually led to the selection of a
    transportation related research topic and also a friendship between our families. His
    insight and guidance on my research has been invaluable and I thank him for the time he
    has invested in my studies.
    The three other members of my committee also played pivotal roles to any degree
    of success that I have achieved in this program. Dr. Keely Croxton was my academic
    advisor during my course work at The Ohio State University and her knowledge of piece-
    wise linear optimization was a key part of the research done during the first article. Dr.
    Alan Johnson was my research advisor and my simulation professor at the Air Force vii
    Institute of Technology. I appreciate his insightful feedback during my research. Finally,
    Dr. Walter Zinn was instrumental in ensuring that my knowledge of inventory theory was
    sound and offering excellent advice on establishing validity for my simulations. The
    contributions made by all of my committee members were greatly appreciated and I
    thank them for all of the time and effort that they invested in guiding my research efforts.
    Two unnamed individuals from the case companies in Chapter three and Chapter
    four deserve special recognition. Without their assistance, which was a significant
    investment in time, I would not have been able to collect the data nor would I have had a
    proper understanding of their company’s supply chains.
    A special thanks to my fellow PhD students, past and present, to include Ping,
    Francois, Matias, Rudi, Tim and Chris. I appreciate your friendship and advice. You
    seven were a pleasure to work with and will make outstanding scholars.
    However, the most important contribution to this work came from my family for
    their unconditional support during my long, long hours researching, studying, and
    writing. Georgi, Maddie, and Chase you three are my pride and my joy. I look forward
    to seeing what life has in store for you. Thank you for your prayers, hugs, words of
    encouragement, and constant entertainment. Any tough day at the office was overcome
    by spending time with you three.
    Finally, to the person I owe the biggest debt of gratitude in supporting all of my
    academic endeavors is my beautiful wife. Shannon, thank you for patiently putting up
    with my schedule and carrying more than your fair share during my doctoral studies. I
    never would have made it through this program without you, nor would I have wanted to
    do so. I cherish your love, support, and friendship. You are a special gift from God. viii


    1992 .Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering
    The United States Air Force Academy, Colorado
    Springs, Colorado

    2004 .Masters of Business Administration
    Rutgers University, Camden, New Jersey

    2006 .Masters of Logistics Management
    Air Force Institute of Technology, Dayton, Ohio

    2009 .Masters of Arts in Logistics
    The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio


    Bird, Donald M., Gregory E. Seely, Carolyn L. Miller, Doral E. Sandlin, Matthew R.
    Yakely, and Anthony C. Gomillion, and Peter J. Holland (1993), ―Harnessing the
    Resources of Space in the Recovery of Potable Water from Wastewater by Lyophilization
    (Freeze-Drying),‖ Proceedings of the 23 rd
    International Conference on Environmental
    Systems, July 12-15 1993, Colorado Springs, CO.

    Holland, Peter J., Carolyn L. Miller, Donald. M. Bird, Jenny E. Yung, and Doral E.
    Sandlin (1992), ―Recovering Potable Water from Wastewater in Space Platforms by
    Lyophilization,‖ Proceedings of the 22 nd
    International Conference on Environmental
    Systems, July 13-16 1992, Seattle, WA.

    Fields of Study

    Major Field: Business Administration

    Area of Specialization: Logistics

    Minor Field: Operations Management

    Table of Contents


    Abstract .ii
    Dedication . v
    Acknowledgments . vi
    Vita viii
    Table of Contents ix
    List of Tables xii
    List of Figures xiv
    Chapter 1: Introduction 1
    References . 6
    Chapter 2: Optimizing Transportation Using a Total Logistics Cost Approach 8
    Introduction 8
    Literature Review . 10
    Research Setting . 16
    Model Framework 18
    The Model . 18
    Experimental levels 23
    Results . 25
    Sensitivity Analyses: Selecting a Sub-Optimal Transportation Option . 26
    Sensitivity Analyses: Freight Rates 30 x
    Managerial Implications 32
    Limitations and Future Research 34
    Conclusions 35
    References . 37
    Chapter 3: A Discrete Event Simulation of the Inventory Theoretic Approach 41
    Introduction 41
    Literature review 44
    Demand During Lead Time . 44
    Inventory Theoretic Simulations . 48
    Scheduling Effects 50
    Quantifying the Cost of Delays . 51
    Research Design . 53
    Research Setting . 54
    Calculating Estimated Total Logistics Costs Using the Analytical Approach . 56
    Calculating Estimated Total Logistics Costs Using a Discrete Event Simulation . 59
    Model Parameters . 63
    Assumptions . 68
    Findings 69
    Scenario #1: Low Value/High Volume 69
    Scenario #1: High Value/Low Volume 73
    Scenario #2: Scheduling Impact . 74
    Scenario #3: Order Delays 75
    Limitations 77 xi
    Implications and Conclusions . 78
    References 79
    Chapter 4: The Impact of Product Life Cycle and Transportation Uncertainty upon
    Speculation and Postponement . 83
    Introduction 83
    Literature Review . 86
    Cost Models 87
    Postponement and Product Life Cycle 93
    Research Design . 100
    Supply Chain Strategies . 102
    Total Cost Model 107
    Research Setting . 110
    Findings 119
    Total Cost Results . 119
    Lead Time Uncertainty . 122
    Sensitivity Analysis 125
    Limitations 131
    Implications and Conclusions . 131
    References 133
    Bibliography . 139
    Appendix A . 150


    List of Tables

    Table 2.1: A Survey of the Inventory Theoretic Approach 13

    Table 2.2: Experimental Levels for Product Attributes 23

    Table 2.3: Optimal Speed & Reliability for Different Product Profiles and Coefficient
    Variations of Demand 26

    Table 2.4: The Relative Change in Optimal Logistics Costs for a One Day Difference in
    Speed . 27

    Table 2.5: The Relative Change in Optimal Logistics Costs for a Half Day Difference in
    Reliability . 28

    Table 2.6: The Relative Change in Optimal Logistics Costs for a One-Day Difference in
    Speed and a Half-Day Difference in Reliability 29

    Table 2.7: The Affect of Changing Freight Rates on Optimal Speed & Reliability . 30

    Table 3.1: Transportation Selection Mode and Carrier Research Methodologies 50

    Table 3.2: Transit-time Country A & Country B Destination is Country C (Days) . 64

    Table 3.3: Simulation Parameters 65

    Table 3.4: Scenario #1 Experimental Levels – Door-to-Port Transit Times . 66

    Table 3.5: Rail and Ocean Carrier Weekly Cutoff Dates . 66

    Table 3.6: Scenario #2 Experimental Levels–Scheduling plus Transit Times 67

    Table 3.7: Carrier Delays 68

    Table 3.8: Estimated Total Logistics Costs of Product Family #1 Using Analytical
    Approach by Value, Volume, and Customer Service Level . 69

    Table 3.9: Estimated Total Logistics Costs of Product Family #1 Using Discrete Event
    Simulation Approach by Value, Volume, and Customer Service Level 71

    Table 3.10: Percent Difference between the Estimated Total Logistics Costs Using the
    Numerical Approach and the Simulation Approach 72 xiii
    Table 3.11: Actual Level of Customer Service Provided Product Family #1 . 72

    Table 3.12: Estimated Total Logistics Costs of Product Family #2 Using Numerical
    Analysis by Value, Volume, and Customer Service Level . 73

    Table 3.13: Estimated Total Logistics Costs of Product Family #2 Using Simulation by
    Value, Volume, and Customer Service Level 74

    Table 3.14: Estimated Total Logistics Costs of Product Family #1 w/ Carrier Schedules
    Using Simulation by Value, Volume, and Customer Service Level 75

    Table 3.15: Estimated Total Logistics Costs of Product Family #1 w/ Carrier Schedules
    & Delays Using Discrete Event Simulation by Value, Volume, and Customer
    Service Level 76

    Table 3.16: Summary Chart of Carrier Selection 77

    Table 4.1: Survey of Postponement Literature 93

    Table 4.2: Product Part Commonality Matrix . 112

    Table 4.3: Traditional System Category ―A‖ Component Lead Times . 113

    Table 4.4: New System Category ―A‖ Component Lead Times 115

    Table 4.5: Customer, Customs, Inventory and Distribution Parameters . 117

    Table 4.6: Experimental Levels 118

    Table 4.7: Traditional System Total Cost per Unit . 120

    Table 4.8: New System Total Cost per Unit 121

    Table 4.9: The Cost of Uncertainty 123

    Table A.1: 95% Confidence Intervals for Table 3.9 . 151

    Table A.2: 95% Confidence Intervals for Table 3.14 . 153

    Table A.3: 95% Confidence Intervals for Table 3.15 . 154 xiv

    List of Figures

    Figure 2.1: Speed and Reliability Profiles of International Door-to-Door Transportation
    Options . 16

    Figure 2.2: Mean Lead Time Function 20

    Figure 2.3: Piecewise Linear Notation . 21

    Figure 2.4: Door-to-Door Freight Rates as a Function of Mean and Standard Deviation
    of Lead Time 24

    Figure 3.1: Determining Safety Stock . 47

    Figure 3.2: Research Steps . 54

    Figure 3.3: The Case Company’s Distribution Channel Studied . 56

    Figure 3.4: Steps in a Simulation Study 60

    Figure 4.1: The Postponement and Speculation Matrix . 95

    Figure 4.2: Product Life Cycle During Limited Time Offers 97

    Figure 4.3: Research Steps . 101

    Figure 4.4: Full Speculation – Make-to-stock . 103

    Figure 4.5: Manufacturing Postponement – Assemble-to-Order . 104

    Figure 4.6: Logistics Postponement – Ship-to-Order . 105

    Figure 4.7: Full Postponement – Make-to-Order 106

    Figure 4.8: Total Landed cost vs Changes in Transportation Costs 126

    Figure 4.9: Total Landed Cost vs Changes in Holding Cost 127

    Figure 4.10: Total Landed Cost vs Change in MachineCo’s Host Nation Currency
    Relative to the Dollar . 129 Figure 4.11: Total Landed Cost vs Change in MachineCo’s Level of Customer Service
    . 130
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