Sách The VHDL Cookbook First Edition

Thảo luận trong 'Sách Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    1. Introduction 1-1
    1.1. Describing Structure . 1-2
    1.2. Describing Behaviour 1-2
    1.3. Discrete Event Time Model . 1-3
    1.4. A Quick Example 1-3
    2. VHDL is Like a Programming Language . 2-1
    2.1. Lexical Elements 2-1
    2.1.1. Comments 2-1
    2.1.2. Identifiers . 2-1
    2.1.3. Numbers 2-1
    2.1.4. Characters 2-2
    2.1.5. Strings . 2-2
    2.1.6. Bit Strings . 2-2
    2.2. Data Types and Objects 2-2
    2.2.1. Integer Types 2-3
    2.2.2. Physical Types . 2-3
    2.2.3. Floating Point Types . 2-4
    2.2.4. Enumeration Types 2-4
    2.2.5. Arrays 2-5
    2.2.6. Records 2-7
    2.2.7. Subtypes . 2-7
    2.2.8. Object Declarations 2-8
    2.2.9. Attributes . 2-8
    2.3. Expressions and Operators 2-9
    2.4. Sequential Statements 2-10
    2.4.1. Variable Assignment 2-10
    2.4.2. If Statement . 2-11
    2.4.3. Case Statement . 2-11
    2.4.4. Loop Statements . 2-12
    2.4.5. Null Statement . 2-13
    2.4.6. Assertions . 2-13
    2.5. Subprograms and Packages 2-13
    2.5.1. Procedures and Functions . 2-14
    2.5.2. Overloading . 2-16
    2.5.3. Package and Package Body Declarations . 2-17
    2.5.4. Package Use and Name Visibility . 2-18

    3. VHDL Describes Structure 3-1
    3.1. Entity Declarations 3-1
    3.2. Architecture Declarations 3-3
    3.2.1. Signal Declarations 3-3
    3.2.2. Blocks . 3-4
    3.2.3. Component Declarations . 3-5
    3.2.4. Component Instantiation 3-6
    4. VHDL Describes Behaviour . 4-1
    4.1. Signal Assignment 4-1
    4.2. Processes and the Wait Statement . 4-2
    4.3. Concurrent Signal Assignment Statements 4-4
    4.3.1. Conditional Signal Assignment . 4-5
    4.3.2. Selected Signal Assignment 4-6
    5. Model Organisation 5-1
    5.1. Design Units and Libraries . 5-1
    5.2. Configurations 5-2
    5.3. Complete Design Example 5-5
    6. Advanced VHDL 6-1
    6.1. Signal Resolution and Buses . 6-1
    6.2. Null Transactions . 6-2
    6.3. Generate Statements 6-2
    6.4. Concurrent Assertions and Procedure Calls . 6-3
    6.5. Entity Statements 6-4
    7. Sample Models: The DP32 Processor . 7-1
    7.1. Instruction Set Architecture . 7-1
    7.2. Bus Architecture . 7-4
    7.3. Types and Entity 7-6
    7.4. Behavioural Description . 7-9
    7.5. Test Bench 7-18
    7.6. Register Transfer Architecture . 7-24
    7.6.1. Multiplexor . 7-25
    7.6.2. Transparent Latch . 7-25
    7.6.3. Buffer . 7-26
    7.6.4. Sign Extending Buffer . 7-28
    7.6.5. Latching Buffer 7-28
    7.6.6. Program Counter Register 7-28
    7.6.7. Register File 7-29
    Contents (cont'd)
    7.6.8. Arithmetic & Logic Unit 7-30
    7.6.9. Condition Code Comparator . 7-34
    7.6.10. Structural Architecture of the DP32 7-34


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