Tài liệu The Palm OS Emulator

Thảo luận trong 'Căn Bản' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    The Palm OS Emulator (formerly Copilot) is a Windows and
    Macintosh application for emulating the execution of ROMs
    from Palm Computing devices such as the Pilot 1000, Pilot
    5000, PalmPilot, and Palm III. It has a number of features for accurate
    emulation of the Palm Computing hardware platform, plus additional
    features for debugging Palm OS applications.
    The Palm OS Emulator is primarily a developer’s tool, although
    anyone can run it. This means you can, for example, play your favorite
    Palm OS game right on your Windows or Macintosh desktop.
    In The Beginning
    The Palm OS Emulator began life as the UN*X Amiga Emulator (UAE),
    written by Bernd Schmidt in Germany (www.freiburg.linux.de/~uae/).
    Both the Commodore Amiga and the Palm devices are based on 680X0
    microprocessors, so the CPU emulation source code for UAE was used
    as the basis for the Copilot CPU emulation code.
    In mid-1996, Greg Hewgill (www.hewgill.com/) started working on
    Copilot, using UAE as a starting point. To the core 68000 CPU emulator,
    he added support for specific features of the 68328 Dragonball processor
    used in Palm devices as well as support for the rest of the hardware.
    In September 1996 he released the first beta of Copilot 1.0.
    Over time, he added more features to Copilot and more support for
    subsequent Palm devices, resulting in Copilot 1.0 b9, released in mid-
    1997. [For more details on Greg’s work see “Copilot: Design and Development”
    on Page 34. Ed]
    Copilot Goes Travelling
    Greg was interested in seeing his work benefit as many people as possible,
    so in October 1996 he posted the source code on his Web site. His
    invitation to others to port Copilot to other platforms and extend his
    work was accepted. So far, Copilot has been ported to Macintosh (two
    versions), Linux, BeOS, OS/2, and even Windows CE.
    Palm Lends A Hand
    In December 1997, I left Apple’s Newton group to work for Palm Computing
    in their Development Tools group. As the second employee in
    this group, there was a lot for me to do. One of these tasks was making
    some modifications to Copilot for our upcoming Palm III product. Specifically,
    Copilot needed modification to support ROMs larger than 1
    MB, grayscale displays, a larger dynamic RAM heap, and the new ways
    the Dragonball registers are accessed.
    Working from Greg’s 1.0b9 sources and the sources for the
    Macintosh version from Illume Software (members.aol.com/illumesoft/
    illume.html), these features were quickly added and made available to
    our developers (www.palmpilot.com/devzone/index.html).

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