Tiến Sĩ The improvement of the training and development program at bitis company

Thảo luận trong 'THẠC SĨ - TIẾN SĨ' bắt đầu bởi Phí Lan Dương, 22/11/13.

  1. Phí Lan Dương

    Phí Lan Dương New Member
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    Luận án tiến sĩ năm 2013
    Nâng cao chương trình đào tạo và phát triển tại công ty Bitis Việt Nam
    Luận án được viết bằng tiếng Anh

    ABSTRACT . 2
    CHAPTER I . 7
    1.1 The significance of study . 7
    1.2 Background of the Study . 12
    1.3 Aims of Study 13
    1.4 Objectives of Study 14
    1.5 Scope and limitations of Research . 15
    2.1 The importance of training and development 16
    2.2 Transfer of training . 20
    2.2.1 Individual factors . 21
    2.2.2 Motivational factors . 23
    2.2.3 Environmental factors 25
    2.3 Training methods 27
    2.3.1 Videotapes 27
    2.3.2 Lectures 28
    2.3.3 One-on-one instruction 29
    2.3.4 Role plays . 31
    2.3.5 Games/simulation 31
    2.3.6 Case studies . 32
    2.3.7 Slides 33
    2.3.8 Computer-based training . 34
    2.3.9 Audiotapes 35
    2.3.10 Films 35
    2.4 The factors influence the training . 35
    2.4.1 Internal factors . 36
    2.4.2 External factors 37
    2.5 The brief overview of the steps of the training process follows 38
    CHAPTER III . 42
    3.1 Research design 42
    3.2 Research tool . 44
    3.3 Sampling method 46
    3.4 Research technique . 47
    3.5 The Pilot Study 47
    3.6 Procedure 48
    3.7 Reliability and Validity 48
    3.7.1 Reliability 49
    3.7.2 Validity . 49
    3.8 Data analysis . 50
    CHAPTER IV . 51
    4.1 The background of Bitis company 51
    4.1.1 Historical background 51
    4.1.2 Organization’s framework 52
    4.1.3 Bitis strategies . 52
    4.1.4 Human Resources Management and Development 54
    4.2 Worker-respondent . 55
    4.2.1 Age 55
    4.2.2 Gender . 56
    4.2.3 Length of service . 57
    4.2.4 Department assigned . 58
    4.2.5 The worker’s perception on the company’s training and development
    program in terms of policies and procedure 59
    4.2.6 The worker’s perception on the company’s training and development
    program in terms of awareness on training process . 60
    4.2.7 The worker’s perception on the company’s training and development
    program in terms of attendance to a fomal training 61
    4.2.8 The worker’s perception on the company’s training and development
    program in terms of training method . 62
    4.2.9 The worker’s perception on the company’s training and development
    program in terms of motivation to attend a training . 64
    4.2.10 The worker’s perception on the company’s training and development
    program in terms of usefulness of the training 65
    4.2.11 The worker’s perception on the company’s training and development
    program in terms of gains acquired from the training . 67
    4.2.12 The worker’s perception on the company’s training and development
    program in terms of applicability of training to specific job/tasks . 69
    4.2.13 The worker’s perception on the company’s training and development
    program in terms of manager’s role in the training process . 72
    4.2.14 The worker’s perception on the company’s training and development
    program in terms of Influencing factors in the training process . 74
    4.2.15 The worker’s perception on the company’s training and development
    program in terms of commitment to attend trainings 76
    4.2.16 The worker’s perception on the company’s training and development
    program in terms of suggestions to improved the training process . 79
    5.1 Summary . 81
    5.2 Conclusions . 81
    5.3 Recommendations . 83
    5.3.1 In respect of training policy 83
    5.3.2 With respect of methods training . 84
    5.3.3 With regard to training evaluation 85
    5.3.4 In respect of commitment . 86
    5.3.5 With respect of working environment . 86
    5.4 Limitations of Research 89
    5.5 Further Research . 90

    Dissertation mentions the necessary of training, aims and objectives of studying.
    According to experts, training is crucial element, such as maintaining the absorptive
    capacity of innovative firms, or a key part of the human resource management process
    and even improving the quantity and quality of future entrepreneurs. Scientists also
    assert that there are a number of reasons for training. In addition, the significantly
    impacts of training and training benefits are also been confirmed. Finally, good results
    for the company have implemented well training programs is obvious evidences to
    emphasize the important of training.
    A number of methods were used in this studying. Collecting primary data from books,
    journals, articles, research papers and reports, and based on these data, the author do
    questionnaires, sending to BITIS Company and collecting the feedbacks. Then, a
    mixture of qualitative and quantitative approaches to analyzing the primary research
    findings was chosen, with an emphasis on qualitative data.Questionnaires were
    chosen as the main tool to carry out the research. Finally, the sampling method and
    pilot study are also approached in this project.
    Overview of BITIS have been mentioned covering the main background information
    of company, the strength, the weakness and strategies that BITIS have done to
    achieve their goals and widely recognized in global market are described and
    explained. Then, analyzing the results from questionnaires feedback is analyzed.
    Author has summarized the results of studying, and has confirmed that the targets of
    studying has achieved. Some recommendations are suggested which hope these can
    be applied in the BITIS company.

    The rapid growing and integration of global economy has extensively enhanced the
    demand for training and education. Given this reason, it will be significant to
    recognise the role of training in economic development, particularly for companies
    which compete in competitive market. Since training plan, method and trainee
    recognition is considered as the substantial predicator to measure the effectiveness
    and succeed of training program. Therefore, training plan, method and trainee
    recognition have been received much attention from researchers as well as board of
    management in over the world;
    1.1 The significance of study
    People are the factors that constitute the organization, operation and determine the
    success or failure of the organization. This is a valuable asset that every organization
    should know to take advantage and develop. Furthermore, in integration of global
    economy, the training and development of human resources is considered as a vital
    task for every organization because strong human resources is the prerequisite to
    compete and survive in today's competitive environment. Therefore, the improvement
    of training quality takes an important part in development strategy
    Training is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the
    teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful
    Training has specific goals of improving one's capability, capacity, and performance.
    In addition to the basic training required for a trade, occupation or profession,
    observers of the labor-market recognize the need to continue training beyond initial
    qualifications: to maintain, upgrade and update skills throughout working life.
    Training presents a prime opportunity to expand the knowledge base of all employees,
    but many employers find the development opportunities expensive. Employees also
    miss out on work time while attending training sessions, which may delay the
    completion of projects. Despite the potential drawbacks, training and development
    provides both the company as a whole and the individual employees with benefits that
    make the cost and time a worthwhile investment.
    Training plan, method and trainee recognition have been received much attention
    from researchers as well as board of management in over the world:
    Addressing Weaknesses: Most employees have some weaknesses in their workplace
    skills. A training program allows you to strengthen those skills that each employee
    needs to improve. A development program brings all employees to a higher level so
    they all have similar skills and knowledge. This helps reduce any weak links within
    the company who rely heavily on others to complete basic work tasks. Providing the
    necessary training creates an overall knowledgeable staff with employees who can
    take over for one another as needed, work on teams or work independently without
    constant help and supervision from others.
    Improved Employee Performance: An employee who receives the necessary training
    is better able to perform her job. She becomes more aware of safety practices and
    proper procedures for basic tasks. The training may also build the employee's
    confidence because she has a stronger understanding of the industry and the
    responsibilities of her job. This confidence may push her to perform even better and
    think of new ideas that help her excel. Continuous training also keeps your employees
    on the cutting edge of industry developments. Employees who are competent and on
    top of changing industry standards help your company hold a position as a leader and
    strong competitor within the industry.
    Consistency: A structured training and development program ensures that employees
    have a consistent experience and background knowledge. The consistency is
    particularly relevant for the company's basic policies and procedures. All employees
    need to be aware of the expectations and procedures within the company. This
    includes safety, discrimination and administrative tasks. Putting all employees
    through regular training in these areas ensures that all staff members at least have
    exposure to the information.
    Employee Satisfaction: Employees with access to training and development programs
    have the advantage over employees in other companies who are left to seek out
    training opportunities on their own. The investment in training that a company makes
    shows the employees they are valued. The training creates a supportive workplace.
    Employees may gain access to training they wouldn't have otherwise known about or
    sought out themselves. Employees who feel appreciated and challenged through
    training opportunities may feel more satisfaction toward their jobs.
    The overall objective of the training and development of human resources is to take
    advantage of existence human resources and improve the effectiveness of
    organization. There are three reasons that training and development is needed

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