Sách The Environment in Anthropology - A Reader in Ecology, Culture, and Sustainable Living - Nora Haenn

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  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Điểm thành tích:
    The Environment in Anthropology - A Reader in Ecology, Culture, and Sustainable Living (504 PAGES)
    Nora Haenn and Richard R.Wilk

    Acknowledgments ix
    General Introduction to the Reader 1
    s e c t i o n 1 : Theoretical Foundations 3
    1 The Concept and Method of Cultural Ecology 5
    Julian Steward
    2 Smallholders, Householders 10
    Robert Netting
    3 Ecosystem Ecology in Biology and Anthropology 15
    Emilio Moran
    4 Gender and the Environment: A Feminist Political Ecology
    Perspective 27
    Dianne Rocheleau, Barbara Thomas-Slayter, and Esther Wangari
    5 A View from a Point: Ethnoecology as Situated Knowledge 34
    Virginia D. Nazarea
    6 The New Ecological Anthropology 40
    Conrad P. Kottak
    7 Normative Behavior 53
    I. G. Simmons
    s e c t i o n 2 : Population 73
    8 Some Perspectives and Implications 75
    Ester Boserup
    9 Beyond Malthus: Sixteen Dimensions of the Population
    Problem 80
    Lester Brown, Gary Gardner, and Brian Halweil
    10 Reproductive Mishaps and Western Contraception: An African
    Challenge to Fertility Theory 87
    Caroline Bledsoe, Fatoumatta Banja, and Allan G. Hill
    11 Gender, Population, Environment 113
    Sally Ethelston
    12 The Environment as Geopolitical Threat: Reading Robert
    Kaplan’s “Coming Anarchy” 118
    Simon Dalby
    s e c t i o n 3 : Large-Scale Economic Development 137
    13 Energy and Tools 139
    Leslie White
    14 The Growth of World Urbanism 145
    Charles Redman
    15 The Anti-Politics Machine: “Development” and Bureaucratic
    Power in Lesotho 163
    James Ferguson with Larry Lohmann
    16 Income Levels and the Environment 173
    Wilfred Beckerman
    17 Staying Alive:Women, Ecology, and Development 183
    Vandana Shiva
    18 Measuring up to Sustainability 191
    Alan Fricker
    s e c t i o n 4 : Conserving Biodiversity 203
    19 The Third Stage of Ecological Anthropology: Processual
    Approaches 205
    Ben Orlove
    20 Conflicts over Development and Environmental Values:
    The International Ivory Trade in Zimbabwe’s Historical Context 215
    Kevin A. Hill
    21 The Power of Environmental Knowledge: Ethnoecology and
    Environmental Conflicts in Mexican Conservation 226
    Nora Haenn
    22 Holding Ground 237
    Kent Redford, Katrina Brandon, and Steven Sanderson
    23 Does Biodiversity Exist? 243
    Arturo Escobar
    24 Road Kill in Cameroon 246
    Michael McRae
    vi Contents
    s e c t i o n 5 : Managing The Environment 255
    25 On Environmentality: Geo-Power and Eco-Knowledge in the
    Discourses of Contemporary Environmentalism 257
    Timothy W. Luke
    26 Radical Ecology and Conservation Science: An Australian
    Perspective 270
    Libby Robin
    27 The Political Ecology of Deforestation in Honduras 284
    Susan C. Stonich and Billie R. DeWalt
    28 Peasants and Global Environmentalism 302
    Akhil Gupta
    29 New World, New Deal: A Democratic Approach to Globalization 325
    W. Bowman Cutter, Joan Spero, and Laura D’Andrea Tyson
    30 Individualism, Holism, and Environmental Ethics 336
    Kristin Shrader-Frechette
    s e c t i o n 6 : Indigenous Groups 349
    31 Cultural Theory and Environmentalism 351
    Kay Milton
    32 The Benefits of the Commons 355
    F. Berkes, D. Feeny, B. J. McCay, and J. M. Acheson
    33 Indigenous Initiatives and Petroleum Politics in the
    Ecuadorian Amazon 361
    Suzana Sawyer
    34 Endangered Forest, Endangered People: Environmentalist
    Representations of Indigenous Knowledge 367
    J. Peter Brosius
    35 Tribal Whaling Poses New Threat 386
    Will Anderson
    36 On the Importance of Being Tribal: Tribal Wisdom 390
    David Maybury-Lewis
    s e c t i o n 7 : Consumption and Globalization 401
    37 How Do We Know We Have Global Environmental Problems?
    Science and the Globalization of Environmental Discourse 407
    Peter J. Taylor and Frederick H. Buttel
    38 The Ecology of Global Consumer Culture 418
    Richard R.Wilk
    Contents vii
    39 A World without Boundaries: The Body Shop’s Trans/National
    Geographics 430
    Caren Kaplan
    40 The Invisible Giant: Cargill and Its Transnational Strategies 443
    Brewster Kneen
    41 Treading Lightly? Ecotourism’s Impact on the Environment 449
    Martha Honey
    42 Voluntary Simplicity and the New Global Challenge 458
    Duane Elgin
    Contributors 469
    Index 475

    The editors express gratitude to the people whose advice and help at critical points in
    the project helped the volume come to fruition. Leanne Nash, Catherine Tucker, Glenn
    Stone, Dick Norgaard, as well as reviewers for New York University Press, pointed us to
    useful publications. Nora Haenn worked on the reader as a Mellon Foundation Fellow
    in Anthropology and Demography while at the Carolina Population Center, University
    of North Carolina. In addition to the Foundation, she thanks the Carolina Population
    Center for building such a supportive research atmosphere. In particular, many
    thanks go to Dick Bilsborrow who facilitated the fellowship. Center staff Laurie Leadbetter
    and Judy Dye helped with bibliographic materials. Graphics savant Tom Swasey
    assisted with the charts depicting global trade trends. At the University of North Carolina’s
    Davis Library, Rita Moss was a patient guide through the multitude of publications
    offering information on international trade. Sarah Willie, at Indiana University,
    undertook invaluable work on copyright permissions which moved the publication
    over its final hurdle. Eric Zinner at New York University Press showed immediate
    enthusiasm for the project, and we thank him for seeing the volume’s potential from
    its earliest stages. Despina Papazoslou Gimbel brought the project through the home
    Finally, our deepest gratitude goes to family and friends who, by making our lives
    possible, make the work possible. Academic lives are often multi-sited, and this particular
    project followed the editors from California and Arizona to Indiana and North
    Carolina. Family and friends bring these places together into a single home. Nora
    thanks Luis Melodelgado, Grace Haenn, and the entire Haenn clan. Rick thanks Elvia
    Pyburn-Wilk and Anne Pyburn.