Tài liệu The engine of development: The private sector and prosperity may 2011

Thảo luận trong 'Cơ Khí' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    The engine of development: The private sector and prosperity may2011
    UK aid is about generating opportunity and prosperity for poor people in
    developing countries.
    This document sets out how we intend to put the private sector centre-stage in
    doing this.
    Our new approach to working with the private sector is about us doing more with
    and for private enterprise, extending this work in new areas, and doing it better.
    We want private sector thinking to become as much part of DFID’s DNA as our work
    with charities and governments.
    The new approach will deliver results for poor people: better job opportunities
    and incomes; more readily available and affordable finance for households and
    small businesses; and more accessible, better quality healthcare, schooling and basic
    The approach will back interventions with potential to transform the business
    environment; reducing barriers, costs and risks of doing business, expanding
    markets and trade, boosting energy availability, and strengthening transport and
    communications. At the same time, we’ll strive to expand the business environment
    by stimulating private investment in places presently shunned by commercial
    investors – through a revitalised CDC and through existing and new international
    Our development priorities will permeate all our work with the private sector.
    An absolute commitment to poverty reduction. Empowering girls and women.
    Fighting and coping with climate change. Helping recovery from conflict and natural
    disasters. Greater transparency. More use of evidence and independent evaluation.
    We believe the approach will be good for development and good for the UK.
    Fostering private sector growth in developing countries will help them become more
    attractive trading partners for the UK and better able to deal with disasters, disease
    and environmental degradation.
    This document is not a blueprint for our future work. We are learning, and want to
    learn more, about how best to encourage the dynamism of private enterprise as an
    engine of development and poverty reduction.

    Headline Results
    We will:
    ã Help more than 50 million people to access savings, credit and insurance
    ã Help half the countries in Africa benefit from freer trade
    ã Secure the right to land and property for more than six million people
    ã Support jobs and opportunities to generate income for more than
    ten million people
    Of these results, our focus on women and girls will specifically target access to
    finance for 18 million women and opportunities and secure access to land for
    4.5 million women.

    Foreword by the Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell MP, Secretary of State for 4
    International Development
    WHY we work with the private sector 6
    HOW we work with the private sector 8
    Our approach 8
    Our principles 9
    WHAT results will DFID work with the private sector to deliver 12
    for poor people?
    Creating jobs, opportunities and incomes 12
    Finance for people and small enterprises 13
    Healthcare, schooling and basic services 15
    WHAT results will transform the environment for business
    and investment? 18
    Reducing barriers, costs and risks of doing business 18
    Development priority: Building resilience in fragile and conflict-affected states 19
    Expanding markets and trade 20
    Development priority: Expanding women’s economic choices 22
    Development priority: Combating climate change 23
    Energy, transport and communications 24
    Pioneering and stimulating investment 26
    The engine of development 28
    UK Government schemes for business 30
    Abbreviations 32
    References 32
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