Luận Văn The business environment of Jollibee (JFC) Vietnam to aid in its future strategy formulation and pla

Thảo luận trong 'Marketing' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

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    Table of contents page
    Coversheet 1-3
    Introduction 5
    I. Context of Jollibee Food Corporation business strategy 5

    II. Key of stakeholders of the company in Vietnam. 9
    III. External environment and organizational audit 16

    IV. The strategic position of Jollibee Food Corporation in Vietnam 25

    V. Strategically explaining the possible considerations for strategic analysis 31

    Conclusion 40
    Reference 41

    Jollibee is the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] brand fast food in Philippine. In 1997, Jollibee went to Vietnam market and established Jollibee Vietnam. Since 1997 to now, Jollibee develops fast and becomes one of biggest fast food brand in Ho Chi Minh City. In this report, I will mention about 5 main parts: firstly, the content of Jollibee Food Corporation business strategy; secondly, the key stakeholders of Jollibee Vietnam; thirdly, Jollibee’s expansion plan, conduct an external environment and organizational audit of the company; fourthly, strategic position of JFC Vietnam; Finally, strategically explaining the possible considerations for strategic analysis.

    I. Contexts of Jollibee Food Corporation business strategies
    The context of Jollibee Food Corporation business strategy includes 9 parts: Vision, Mission, Value, Objectives, Goals, Core competences, Strategic Intent, Strategic architecture and Strategic control.
    a. Vision
    Definition of vision is “A vision statement is sometimes called a picture of your company in the future but it’s so much more than that. Your vision statement is your inspiration, the framework for all your strategic planning.” A vision statement may apply to an entire company or to a single division of that company. Whether for all or part of an organization, the vision statement answers the question, “Where do we want to go?” (sbinfocanada, accessed on 2010). We can see the important of vision with the company.
    The vision of Jollibee “We are the best tasting QSR The most endearing brand that has ever been We will lead in product taste at all times We will provide FSC excellence in every encounter Happiness in every moment By year 2020, with over 4,000 stores worldwide, Jollibee is truly a Global Brand (and the Filipino will be admired worldwide) (Jollibee, accessed on 2010).
    b. Mission
    Mission is defined that “ a mission describes an organization’s basic function in society, but originally the term was used to describe specific journeys made to discover somewhere or something, or to spread knowledge and belief (such as the journeys made by missionaries to spread religion)” (BPP, 2004, pg. 10).
    The mission of Jollibee “To serve great tasting food, bringing the joy of eating to everyone” (Jollibee, accessed on 2010). The mission of Jollibee is very important to serve the customer with the best fast food.
    c. Value
    Values – the goals or aims of the organization will have an ideology based on beliefs, values and attitudes (BPP, 2004, pg.26)
    Values of Jollibee “ Customer focus – Excellence – Respect for the Individual – Teamwork – Spirit of Family and Fun – Humility to Listen and Learn – Honesty and Integrity – Frugality” (Jollibee, accessed on 2010)
    d. Objectives
    Objectives are the specific outcomes that an organization wishes to achieve by carrying out its activities (BPP, 2004, pg.4)
    Objectives of Jollibee company are “By year 2020, Jollibee has over 4,000 stores worldwide” (Jollibee, accessed 2010). And according to Dannis Flores, Jollibee’s vice president for international operations, Vietnam has been a key market for JFC’s global operations in 5 next years (scenario, nd).
    Objective of Jollibee in mid-term is to transform the Commissary to a Centre of Manufacturing and Logistics Excellence through its people, System and Process (elsalvadorcompite, accessed on 2010).
    e. Goals
    Mintzberg (1997) defines goals as “the intentions behind decisions or actions, the states of mind that drive individuals or collectives of individuals called organizations to do what they do” (BPP, 2004, pg.28)
    Goals of Jollibee are: lead in product taste at all time; provide FSC excellence in every encounter and make customers happy in every moment. Moreover, Jollibee will become a centre of supply chain excellence that ensures the dominance of Jollibee Foods Corporation in Asia (Elsalvadorcompite, accessed on 2010)
    f. Core competences
    Core competencies are resources, processes or skills which provide distinctive competitive advantage (BPP, 2004, pg.113)
    Core competencies of Jollibee are: Jollibee company has products better than McDonalds. For example, spaghetti, which is one of the best seller, tastes sweeter than the pasta offered by its rival, McDonalds. When Filipino use products, Filipino values resonate throughout all jollibee marketing campaigns and advertisement. This is the reason why Jollibee stores all over the country are viewed as wholesome place to dinner with the family. Moreover, Jollibee’s product has cheaper price, compare with competitor such as KFC and Mc Donald. This means that Jollibee’s product has more advantages than KFC and Mc Donald. (Jollibee, accessed on 2010)
    g. Strategic Intent
    Definition of Strategic Intent is strategic intent is the immediate point of view of a long term future that company would like to create. It is the intent of the strategies that company may evolve. (alagse, accessed on 2010)
    Strategic Intent of Jollibee is to achieve its long-term goal to be the country’s Quick Service Restaurant (QSR), will expand market coverage by acquiring foreign enterprises (Jollibee, accessed on 2010)
    h. Strategic Architecture
    Strategic Architecture is combination of resources, process and competences to put strategy into effect (BPP, 2004, pg.113).
    Strategic architecture include 5 elements: Strategic apex, Middle line, Operating core, Tehnostructure and Support staff
    (BPP Professional Education, 2004, pg.56)

    Strategic Apex – owner, board of directors. It ensures that the organization follows its mission and serves the needs of its owners (BPP, 2004, pg.57). Jollibee Food Corporation was established by Tony Tan. Since 1978 to now, with mission is to serve great tasting food, bringing the joy of eating to everyone (according to scenario), Jollibee develops incessantly and creates new products such as chicken joy; Jolly Spaghetti; Jolly Hotdog; Burgers; etc (Pldonline, accessed on 2010)
    Middle Line – people in this area administer the work done. It coverts the wishes of the strategic apex into work of the operating core (BPP, 2004, pg.57). In 1981, Jollibee had only 10 stores but now, Jollibee has 1,686 stores nationwide and 50 restaurants with 600 stores in 5 countries (Jollibee, accessed on 2010). In Vietnam, Jollibee has 11 restaurants with 10 restaurants in Hochiminh City and 1 restaurant in Dong Nai (Saigon-gpdaily, accessed on 2010)
    Operating Core – People directly involved in production, perhaps the primary activities of the value chain (BPP, 2004, pg.57). Jollibee company in Vietnam has over 500 employees with mainly employees to be Vietnamese. With Vietnamese employees, Jollibee company can be easy approach cultural, traditional as also taste of Vietnamese.
    Technostructure – administrators and planners standardize work (BPP, 2004, pg.57). One of factors helps Jollibee successful to be labor. Jollibee always cares to train employees because recipe for success of Jollibee is made by well-trained teams that work in a culture of integrity and humility, fun and family-like (Jollibee, accessed on 2010). Beside, Jollibee also update technology to create healthy and safety products, etc so employees must be trained to use machine.
    Support Staff – ancillary services such as public relations, legal counsel, or the cafeteria do not plan or standardize production (BPP, 2004, pg.57). Jollibee supports staffs to complete their responsibility by award.
    i. Strategic Control
    Strategic Control is defined that: "Strategic control focuses on the dual questions of whether: the strategy is being implemented as planned; and the results produced by the strategy are those intended." (strategic control, accessed on 2010). The control of Jollibee is performed by various stages as well superiors at company. Jollibee is successful due to the company has good owners, excellence strategy and experiences in marketing product with the line ‘focus on value and product taste, can serve better-tasting and better quality food at more affordable prices’ (Jollibee, accessed on 2010)

    II. Identify the key stakeholders of company in Vietnam
    a. List of stakeholders
    Stakeholders are individuals or groups who have an interest in how the enterprise performs because it affects them in some way – that is they have a stake in the organization (BPP Professional Education, 2004, pg.37).
    Inside, key stakeholders are the most important people with company. Because key stakeholders have influence over what happens to you; others say it's the people who hold the budget, the ones who make the final decisions, the ones who are affected by your decisions, the people who have to implement decisions, the people who are going to buy the product/service, etc. (Impactfactory, accessed on 2010)
    List of stakeholder includes internal stakeholders, connected stakeholder and external stakeholder. Inside, internal stakeholders include employees and Management; connected stakeholder such as shareholders, suppliers, financier and customers; external stakeholders involve local authorities and government, and so on.
    Figure 1: The power/interest matrix

    [​IMG]Low Power High
    [TABLE="align: center"]
    [TD][TABLE="width: 100%"]
    [TD][TABLE="width: 100%"]
    Public authority[/TD]

    [TD][TABLE="width: 100%"]
    Vietnamese Government[/TD]
    Corporate finance

    - Internal stakeholders (Management and employees)
    There are two groups of Internal stakeholders
    Firstly, about Management, Managements are people who have impact directly for the continuation and growth of organization. And in the Jollibee company, the Shareholders of Meeting are people who have highest authority. Next, it is the Board of Management and then is General Director (Mr.Joji Subido), lower than General Director is Director. Lastly, it is Staff of department. Inside, the Director and the Staff of departments are people who employed for the owners of company to operate and control all business activities of company.
    Secondly, about Employees. In Vietnam, employees of Jollibee company have over 500, they work for company with many reasons such as salary, awards, bonus or they want to develop and improve about skills and talents of them, or recognition, so on. The fact, employees in Jollibee company have major effect on the success of business activities of company, they are people who have responsibility with all aspects of work carried out in company.
    - Connected Stakeholders (shareholders or owners, suppliers and customers):
    There are three groups of connected stakeholders.
    Firstly, about the Shareholders or owners, they are people who own Jollibee. Shareholders may receive an annual dividend which simply is a cash payment from company based on profit, besides, from any increase in the share price over the year, they can have benefit. Shareholders have the right to vote and intervene for most of the decision for development of company in a meeting. Overall, shareholders are now being asked to take a more involved interest in a work of company and influence significantly for development of company.
    Secondly, about Supplier, production of Jollibee company depends on its suppliers. Raw ingredients for all of their products are shipped daily to their warehouse for safe-keeping, inspection and production. The suppliers of these raw ingredients are adjusted by Jollibee itself. The Chicken now comes with an exclusive supplier, actually, the Jollibee controlled based in China mainland.
    Thirdly, about Customers, they have important power over procedures and prices. The office employees, and young families with medium or above average income ( 3.5 million VND/person/month) are the main customers. They ultimately determine what product is, what quality is needed, what development is needed and what is charged, for example, the quality of chicken that supplied from Jollibee company.
    - External stakeholders (Vietnamese government):
    About government, Vietnamese government has a big role with Jollibee company to operate the success of business activities, they interest the profit of Jollibee on tax and to try to prevent the unemployment in the local. Vietnamese Government does it through the passing of laws and policies. The Jollibee company must follow this laws and policies, besides, the company also must follow other relevant policies under the law for its business activities.
    b. Stakeholder Mapping of Jollibee Vietnam
    Stakeholder analysis is the identification of a project's key stakeholders, an assessment of their interests, and the ways in which these interests affect project riskiness and viability. It is linked to both institutional appraisal and social analysis: drawing on the information deriving from these approaches, but also contributing to the combining of such data in a single framework (euforic, accessed on 2010).
    Stakeholders analysis is important for the development of knowledge and understanding about other organisations in the firm’s environment (BPP, 2004, pg 17). The first step is to list all stakeholders, and then position them on a stakeholder map as follow:
    [TD="colspan: 4"]Stakeholder Mapping[/TD]
    [TD]Key players[/TD]
    [TD]Keep Satisfied[/TD]
    [TD]Keep informed[/TD]
    [TD]Minimal Effort[/TD]
    [TD]Internal Stakeholders[/TD]
    [TD]Connected Stakeholders[/TD]
    [TD]External Stakeholders[/TD]
    [TD] Governments[/TD]
    [TD]Pressure Groups [/TD]

    c. Stakeholder Analysis
    [TD]Power and Influence[/TD]
    [TD]They need money and benefits. And they want to job security and high salary.[/TD]
    [TD]Refusal to relocate and resignation. [/TD]
    [TD]They want to increase wealth and dividends and yield.[/TD]
    [TD]Election of directors and replace management.[/TD]
    [TD]They want to buy high product with suitable price.[/TD]
    [TD]Revenue is derived from customers. Company can be sued if products don’t be good.[/TD]
    [TD]They want to receive profitable sales, and a long term relationship.[/TD]
    [TD]They will affect supplying of company. Moreover, they can refusal of credit.[/TD]
    [TD]They want to have security of loan [/TD]
    [TD]They can denial of credit. In addition, they can increase higher interest charges. [/TD]
    [TD]It expects to receive Jollibee’s contribution to charity and tax. [/TD]
    [TD]Laws and regulars affect to company if they increase tax.[/TD]
    [TD]Interest/ pressure groups[/TD]
    [TD]They want to Jollibee right law and protect environment [/TD]
    [TD]Publics will affect to company through pressure on government.[/TD]
    Source: (BPP, 2004,p 17).

    III. External environment and organizational audit

    a. PESTEL analysis of the macro-environment
    Politics: Government policies: Government policies have the indirect effect to the profit of the organization through the law which not allow for any restaurants to open after 11pm.Trading policies: Some suppliers or the enterprises can’t change their decision which is signed in the agreement. Pressure groups: The organization must control the quality of products which depend on the orders of National institute of hygiene and epidemiology. Funding, grants and initiatives: The government guarantees equal rights trading between organizations in fast food market. This rule makes the balance between the old organizations and new ones.

    Economy: Economic context: The Vietnam economic has been developing faster and faster after 1989, this trend influences whole parts of the economic in Vietnam. Taxation issues: In November 2008, the government began to issue the new personal income tax. Deflation: from October in 2008 to January in 2009, Vietnam’s economic was following the crisis of economic in America; the speed of developing was delayed. Interest and exchange rate: To encourage the investment in Vietnam, the government decreased the interest rate of State bank. Partners (franchising) of Jollibee company can borrow money with the low interests to invest in business activities.

    Social: Vietnam is one of high population countries with over 87 million people and about 67% of young people who like tasting fast-food. So that demand for fast-food in Vietnam is large. Majority Vietnamse people belong to 15-64 years old which bring many advantage for fast-food industry because young people have a trend of receing new things from modern world, they are easy to allow overseas values than elders who usually prefer traditional values. Young peope contributed sinificantly on the modernization of many living quarters prompted quality services in Vietnam

    (Indexmundi, accessed 2010)
    Besides, in modern world, people want time is longer. In order to save time, fast-food become close friend and more and more become a food-culture in Vietnam. If the brands are accepted as the famous image by the community, more and more Vietnamese will try to eat at least one time. But it’s also the bad news for Jollibee because the company has many big competitions such as McDonald, Loterria, KFC and so on.

    Technology: Nowadays, growing technologies which allow any organizations is able to collect the information of stakeholders everywhere through media (email, telephone ) or internet, so on. Besides, technology brings many advantages for Jollibee company, also customers of company. Inside, the concept of touch-screen kiosks and self-checkout centre are technologies which were performing today with lanes in grocery stores and post offices. They give customers more freedom, ease long lines and, in some situations, cut labor costs in restaurant. It involve colorful, animated touch-screen menus that give customers the option to browse through the entire menu, customize their order, and then pay with cash or a credit card. Nowadays, software providers now offer systems that can automatically generate the purchase order for the chicken materials by utilizing inventory application software. Other systems can track refrigeration temperature, humidity and even energy usage - preserving those ever-important perishables. These technology tools are becoming a key ingredient in running the whole place at Jollibee in the next time and other systems in order to cut labor costs, service will be better, also have competitive advantage with other company.

    Environment: The climate of Vietnam is tropical monsoon climate with four main climate areas. Ho Chi Minh City has two mains weather: rain and sunshine. Ho Chi Minh City has quantity of rain to be high so that when it rains, many streets in Ho Chi Minh City usually are flooded out, thus it influences to business activities because many customers will stay at home.
    Legal: under Vietnamese law, goods related to food, safety, hygiene, human health must meet Vietnamese standards which were set by Ministry of Health of Vietnam. Any changes in the quality standards, except for those that relate only to appearance of the label or packaging must also be announced. These standards were specific including certificate that the company has met food hygiene and safety conditions or a copy of an application to grant such a certificate of MOH, such as any location where food is processed manufactured.
    b. Porter's Five Forces analysis of market structure


    Firstly, the threat of new entrants: the cost for the entry is high, this will required heavy investment in marketing strategy and building equipment to establish business. Moreover, Vietnam government’s policy is prefer to protect domestic company like HaiHa so tries to limit the threat from foreign ones protectionist measures may mean a tax is placed on foreign products . This would make it difficult for a foreign firm to enter market. The famous brands such as KFC, Lotteria and BBQ has a high level of loyalty customers which also make the disadvantage to entice Vietnamese customer.
    Secondly, Bargain power of suppliers: the suppliers have important role with production of Jollibee Company. Raw ingredients for all of their products are shipped daily with an exclusive supplier. Switching to another with big amount of chicken materials and achieve stable of supply for a range fast-food systems is difficult to seek and expensive, so the suppliers are in a strong negotiating position to make their interest.
    Thirdly, Bargain power of customers: The main customers of the fast-food restaurants are office workers, students and families, the sales of restaurants depend on them, about 70% sales, so that they are big buyers and have important role to the Jollibee (GPdaily, accessed on 2010). These buyers are loyal with the famous brand, thus, they don’t want to switch to other providers like KFC, Lotteria which have same positions as Jollibee, it means that they have no much power to force down prices.
    Fourthly, the substitute threat: there are many favorite foods in Vietnam such as noodles and Pho, it can change by the fast-food with the similar price, also satisfying customers (Vietnamnet, accessed on 2010). The fast-food is the new experience comes to Hanoi, thus it is not difficult to replace by many other established products, the threat from substitute is medium.
    Finally, the rivalry of competitors in industry: there are a few dominant firms all competing with each other for customers like KFC, Lotteria and BBQ in market in Vietnam (Itpc, accessed on 2010). Besides, the costs of leaving the fast-food industry are high because of high levels of investment on an extensive range franchise in worldwide. And if these companies may react aggressively to exist, they can have a powerful marketing or price war.

    c. SWOT analysis
    The managers must consider the internal strengths and weaknesses of JFC and compare these with the external opportunities and threats to determine what strategy of company should be done. It is processed using SWOT analysis.

    Strengths: unique with Filipino taste, strong brand with wide range fast-food chains, Jollibee have much experience to work in East environment
    Weaknesses: Strong reliance on a few groups of customer, service delivery is inconsistent from store to store, supplying is from abroad
    Opportunities: Growing urban lifestyle, Supply of demand increases
    Threats: Health concerns from people
    Strengths: the Jollibee company achieves the result is the growth of the sales for many years. Thus, the Jollibee company was able to expand its customer base and increase market share. Moreover, the Jollibee company also attributed its strength to attract the Filipino tastes in menu which is favored by children that other competitors can not have, besides, the company have much experience to work in East environment more than other competitors.
    Weaknesses: the Jollibee only have strong reliance on a few groups of officer, families and students, it leaves the company exposed to the dangers of losing their custom. Besides, supplying is from abroad, in China, carrying materials from abroad to location which increasing cost from transporting then increase the price of product on market. Moreover, the service delivery is inconsistent from store to store make the JFC’s image in customers may be not homogeneous which decreases building a Jollibee company’s strong brand.
    Opportunities: eating out is already a part of an everyday lifestyle instead of home-cooked meals were street food so there will an increasing rapidly in demand of Vietnamese people, it means that customer’s demand for the company’s fast-food products will raise.
    Threats: everybody cares and worry about many fast foods because preparation of it facilitates quickly, using fry, high in fat and sodium, and low in fiber, vitamins, and some minerals. It is cause of cancer.

    d. Resources planning
    Critical success factors (CSFs) are those factors on which the strategy is fundamentally dependent for its success. Main factors make Jollibee success to be: target groups customer of market (families, students and offices); unique, specific Filipino taste that suits with Vietnamese, and so on.

    e. Culture
    Organisational culture is the basic assumptions and beliefs that are shared by members of an organisation that operate unconsciously and define in a basic taken-for-granted fashion an organisation’s view of it and its environment


    Source: (Cabinetoffice, accessed on 2010)

    Stories: in 1975 Mr. Tony Tan and his family opens a Magnolia Ice cream parlor at Cubao. This is later to become the 1st Jollibee Outlet. In 1979, Spaghetti Special is introduced and the 1st Franchise owned store opens at Ronquillo Sta. Cruz. In 1981, Jollibee Foods Corporation enters list of Top 1000 Corporations; Jollibee ended the year with 10 stores. In 1988, Jollibee system wide sales hit P921 million, further leading market share of 31% in the fast food industry and a dominant 57% share in the hamburger segment. In 2008, Jollibee is biggest and grandest MaAga ang Pasko caps off Jollibee's 30th anniversary. Total of more than 117,000 toys and books collected were the highest ever in the campaign's 14-year history (Jollibee, accessed on 2010)
    Symbols: symbol of Jollibee is a bee with a nice smile and red clothes so that when customers talk about Jollibee, they will remember symbol of Jollibee with friendly smile.
    (, accessed on 2010)
    Power structures: Tony Tan Caktiong is owner of Jollibee. He has major influences to employees in Jollibee because he is person who decides any thing that relates to Jollibee. His style is democratic; employee can talk their ideas for him and other managers in Jollibee; he accepts their mistake and gives them opportunities to develop in Jollibee. It supports the relationship between employees in organziation.
    Structures: Jollibee Vietnam has simple structure with chairwoman is Mr. Jojo Subido; PR manager is Ms. ArlineAdeva; Marketing manager is Jonx Jongko; Corporate communications manager is Gilda Maquila and so on (philstar, accessed on 2010). In a restaurant of Jollibee, there is an owner, head seller, receptions.
    Control systems: The process and procedures of Jollibee has the strongest controls, generally tightly controlled. The costs are strictly controlled and bill customers at the time of booking immediately before they receive food with high quality foods. For its employees above average compensation and benefits or rewards creativity are key elements in helping us maintain market position worldwide (siva-ph, accessed 2010).
    Rituals / routines: Behavior of employees are very friendly, customers will feel they are respected. According to Tet Jotie, Jollibee is expected to be very good at personal relationships. Customers will feel Jollibee is their home when they go to Jollibee. Beside, on holidays; festival Jollibee usually has grateful activities to attract customers.

    f. The value chain
    The value chain include primary activities and support activities. The value chain can be used to design a competitive strategy. With Jollibee, competitive strategy is quality foods value chain as follow chart:
    [TD]Support activities[/TD]
    [TD="colspan: 4"][/TD]
    [TD]Firm infastructure[/TD]
    [TD="colspan: 4"]Central control of operations and credit control[/TD]
    [TD]Human resources management[/TD]
    [TD]Recruitment of mature staff[/TD]
    [TD]Client care training[/TD]
    [TD]Flexible staff to help with packing[/TD]
    [TD]Technology development[/TD]
    [TD]Recipe research[/TD]
    [TD]Electronic point of sale[/TD]
    [TD]Consumer research tests[/TD]
    [TD]Own label product[/TD]
    [TD]Prime retail positions[/TD]
    [TD]Adverts in quality magazines[/TD]
    [TD]Dedicated refrigerated
    [TD]Model store design
    Open front refrigerators[/TD]
    [TD]Collect by car service[/TD]
    [TD]No price discount on food past sell by dates[/TD]
    [TD]Primary activities[/TD]
    [TD]Marketing sale[/TD]

    IV. The strategic position of Jollibee Food Corporation in Vietnam

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