Tài liệu The basics of risk

Thảo luận trong 'Tài Chính - Ngân Hàng' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    When valuing assets and firms, we need to use discount rates that reflect the

    riskiness of the cash flows. In particular, the cost of debt has to incorporate a default

    spread for the default risk in the debt and the cost of equity has to include a risk premium

    for equity risk. But how do we measure default and equity risk, and more importantly,

    how do we come up with the default and equity risk premiums?

    In this chapter, we will lay the foundations for analyzing risk in valuation. We

    present alternative models for measuring risk and converting these risk measures into

    “acceptable” hurdle rates. We begin with a discussion of equity risk and present our

    analysis in three steps. In the first step, we define risk in statistical terms to be the

    variance in actual returns around an expected return. The greater this variance, the more

    risky an investment is perceived to be. The next step, which we believe is the central one,

    is to decompose this risk into risk that can be diversified away by investors and risk that

    cannot. In the third step, we look at how different risk and return models in finance

    attempt to measure this non-diversifiable risk. We compare and contrast the most widely

    used model, the capital asset pricing model, with other models, and explain how and why

    they diverge in their measures of risk and the implications for the equity risk premium.

    In the second part of this chapter, we consider default risk and how it is measured

    by ratings agencies. In addition, we discuss the determinants of the default spread and

    why it might change over time. By the end of the chapter, we should have a methodology

    of estimating the costs of equity and debt for any firm.

    What is risk?

    Risk, for most of us, refers to the likelihood that in life’s games of chance, we will

    receive an outcome that we will not like. For instance, the risk of driving a car too fast is

    getting a speeding ticket, or worse still, getting into an accident. Webster’s dictionary, in

    fact, defines risk as “exposing to danger or hazard”. Thus, risk is perceived almost

    entirely in negative terms.

    In finance, our definition of risk is both different and broader. Risk, as we see it,

    refers to the likelihood that we will receive a return on an investment that is different from

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