Testing a Model of CUSTOMER-BASED BRAND EQUITY In The Vietnamese Banking Service MASTER’S THESIS In Business Administration Supervisor Dr. Trần Hà Minh QuânTABLE OF CONTENT Acknowledgement . i Abstract ii TABLE OF CONTENT . iii LIST OF FIGURES . .v Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Research background 1 1.3 Problem statement .2 1.4 Research objective . .3 1.5 Scope and methodology of the study .4 1.5.1 Scope of the study . .4 1.5.2 Research Method .5 1.6 Structure of the study . .5 Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW .7 2.1 Introduction 7 2.2 A brand versus a product 7 2.3 Brand equity .11 2.3.1 Brand associations .13 2.3.2 Brand evaluations .19 2.3.3 Customer-brand relationship .22 2.4 Generation of hypotheses .24 2.5 Conclusion 25 Chapter 3: METHODOLOGY . 27 3.1. Introduction .27 3.2. Business research 27 3.3. Research design .28 3.4. Item generation 29 3.4.1 Scale to measure rational associations 29 Scale to measure price. .31 3.4.2 Scale to measure rational and emotional associations 32 Scale to measure brand promise. 32 3.4.3 Scale to measure brand evaluations . .32 3.4.4 Scale to measure customer- brand relationship 33 3.5. Pilot test .33 3.6. Main survey .34 3.6.1 Brand selection .35 iv 3.6.2 Sampling 35 3.6.3 Sample size .3 6 3.7. Conclusion .36 Chapter 4: DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 38 4.1 Introduction 38 4.2. Descriptions of sample 38 4.3. Scales assessment 40 4.3.1 Reliability testing . 40 4.3.2 Exploratory factor analysis 42 4.4 Testing the research model and the hypotheses .46 4.4.1 Testing correlations between all constructs .46 4.4.2 Testing research model 46 4.5 Findings and conclusion 56 4.5.1 Findings .56 4.5.2 Conclusion .58 Chapter 5: CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS .59 5.1 Introduction 59 5.2 Conclusions of the study 59 5.2.1 Summary of all hypotheses 59 5.2.2 Conclusions of the study . .60 5.3 Implications of the study 61 5.3.1 Theoretical implications 61 5.3.2 Practical implications .62 5.4 Limitations and recommendations for further research .63 List of References 65 Appendix 1 – Questionnaire (Vietnamese version) .68 Appendix 2 – Observed variables 71 Appendix 3 - Descriptive Statistics of variables . .73