Sách Technical standards and commentaries for port and harbour facilities in japan

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    This book is a translation of the major portion of the Technical Standards and Commentaries of Port
    and Harbour Facilities in Japan (1999 edition) published by the Japan Port and Harbour Association,
    stipulated by the Ordinance of the Minister of Transport, which was issued in April 1999. The translation
    covers about two thirds of the Japanese edition.
    Japanese islands have a long extension of coastline, measuring about 34,000 km, for the total land area
    of some 380,000 square kilometers. Throughout her history, Japan has depended on the ports and harbors
    on daily living and prosperity of people there. Japan did not develop extensive inland canal systems as
    found in the European Continent because of its mountainous geography, but rather produced many harbors
    and havens along its coastline in the past. Today, the number of officially designated commercial ports and
    harbors amounts to about 1,100 and the number of fishing ports exceeds 3,000.
    After 220 years of isolation from the world civilization from the 17th to 19th centuries, Japan began to
    modernize its society and civilization rapidly after the Meiji revolution in 1868. Modern technology of port
    and harbor engineering has been introduced by distinguished engineers from abroad and learned by many
    ambitious and capable young engineers in Japan. Ports of Yokohama, Kobe, and others began to
    accommodate large ocean-going vessels in the late 19th century as the Japanese economy had shown a
    rapid growth.
    Japanese engineers had drafted an engineering manual on design and construction of port and harbor
    facilities as early as in 1943. The manual was revised in 1959 with inclusion of new technology such as
    those of coastal engineering and geotechnical engineering, which were developed during the Second
    World War or just before it. The Japanese economy that was utterly destroyed by the war had begun to
    rebuild itself rapidly after the 1950s. There were so many demands for the expansion of port and harbor
    facilities throughout Japan. Engineers were urged to design and construct facilities after facilities. Japan
    has built the breakwaters and the quays with the rate of about 20,000 meters each per year throughout the
    1960s, 1970s, and 1980s.
    Such a feat of port development was made possible with provision of sound engineering manuals. The
    Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (formerly the Ministry of Transport up to January 2001)
    which was responsible for port development and operation, revised the basic law on ports and harbors in
    1974 so as to take responsibility for provision of technical standards for design, construction, and
    maintenance of port and harbor facilities. The first official technical standards and commentaries for port
    and harbor facilities were issued in 1979, and published by the Japan Port and Harbour Association for
    general use. The technical standards were prepared by a technical committee composed of government
    engineers within the former Ministry of Transport, including members of the Port and Harbour Research
    Institute and several District Port Construction Bureaus that were responsible for design and construction
    in the field. Its English version was published by the Overseas Coastal Area Development Institute in
    1980, but it introduced only the skeleton of the Japanese version without giving the details.
    The Technical Standards and Commentaries for Port and Harbor Facilities in Japan have been revised
    in 1988 and 1999, each time incorporating new technological developments. The present English
    translation endeavors to introduce the newest edition of 1999 to the port and harbor engineers overseas. It
    is a direct translation of essential parts of Japanese edition. Many phrases and expressions reflect the
    customary, regulatory writings in Japanese, which are often awkward in English. Some sentences after
    translation may not be fluent enough and give troubles for decipher. The editors in charge of translation
    request the readers for patience and generosity in their efforts for understanding Japanese technology in
    port and harbor engineering.
    With the globalization in every aspect of human activities, indigenous practices and customs are forced
    to comply with the world standards. Technology by definition is supposed to be universal. Nevertheless,
    each country has developed its own specialty to suit its local conditions. The overseas readers may find
    some of Japanese technical standards strange and difficult for adoption for their usage. Such conflicts in
    technology are the starting points for mutual understanding and further developments in the future. The
    editors wish wholeheartedly this English version of Japanese technical standards be welcomed by the
    overseas colleagues and serve for the advancement of port and harbor technology in the world.
    January 2002
    Y. Goda, T. Tabata and S. Yamamoto
    Editors for translation version

    Part I General
    Chapter 1 General Rules .1
    1.1 Scope of Application .1
    1.2 Definitions .2
    1.3 Usage of SI Units .2
    Chapter 2 Datum Level for Construction Work .4
    Chapter 3 Maintenance 5
    Part II Design Conditions
    Chapter 1 General .7
    Chapter 2 Vessels 9
    2.1 Dimensions of Target Vessel .9
    2.2 External Forces Generated by Vessels .16
    2.2.1 General .16
    2.2.2 Berthing .16
    [1] Berthing Energy 16
    [2] Berthing Velocity 17
    [3] Eccentricity Factor 20
    [4] Virtual Mass Factor 21
    2.2.3 Moored Vessels .22
    [1] Motions of Moored Vessel 22
    [2] Waves Acting on Vessel .22
    [3] Wind Load Acting on Vessel 23
    [4] Current Forces Acting on Vessel 24
    [5] Load-Deflection Characteristics of Mooring System 25
    2.2.4 Tractive Force Acting on Mooring Post and Bollard 25
    Chapter 3 Wind and Wind Pressure 28
    3.1 General 28
    3.2 Wind .29
    3.3 Wind Pressure 30
    Chapter 4 Waves 32
    4.1 General 32
    4.1.1 Procedure for Determining the Waves Used in Design .32
    4.1.2 Waves to Be Used in Design 32
    4.1.3 Properties of Waves 33
    [1] Fundamental Properties of Waves .33
    [2] Statistical Properties of Waves .37
    [3] Wave Spectrum 38
    4.2 Method of Determining Wave Conditions to Be Used in Design .40
    4.2.1 Principles for Determining the Deepwater Waves Used in Design .40
    4.2.2 Procedure for Obtaining the Parameters of Design Waves 41
    4.3 Wave Hindcasting 42
    4.3.1 General .42
    4.3.2 Wave Hindcasting in Generating Area 42
    4.3.3 Swell Hindcasting 46
    4.4 Statistical Processing of Wave Observation and Hindcasted Data .47
    4.5 Transformations of Waves .49
    4.5.1 General .49
    4.5.2 Wave Refraction 49
    4.5.3 Wave Diffraction 52
    [1] Diffraction .52
    [2] Combination of Diffraction and Refraction 69
    4.5.4 Wave Reflection 70
    [1] General 70
    [2] Reflection Coefficient . 71
    [3] Transformation of Waves at Concave Corners, near the Heads of Breakwaters,
    and around Detached Breakwaters . 72
    4.5.5 Wave Shoaling 74
    4.5.6 Wave Breaking . 75
    4.6 Wave Runup, Overtopping, and Transmission . 80
    4.6.1 Wave Runup . 80
    4.6.2 Wave Overtopping 84
    4.6.3 Wave Transmission 90
    4.7 Wave Setup and Surf Beat 91
    4.7.1 Wave Setup 91
    4.7.2 Surf Beat . 92
    4.8 Long-Period Waves and Seiche . 93
    4.9 Waves inside Harbors 94
    4.9.1 Calmness and Disturbances . 94
    4.9.2 Evaluation of Harbor Calmness 94
    4.10 Ship Waves 94
    Chapter 5 Wave Force . 100
    5.1 General . 100
    5.2 Wave Force Acting on Upright Wall . 100
    5.2.1 General Considerations 100
    5.2.2 Wave Forces of Standing and Breaking Waves . 101
    [1] Wave Force under Wave Crest 101
    [2] Wave Force under Wave Trough . 105
    5.2.3 Impulsive Pressure Due to Breaking Waves 106
    5.2.4 Wave Force on Upright Wall Covered with Wave-Dissipating Concrete Blocks . 109
    5.2.5 Effect of Alignment of Breakwater on Wave Force . 110
    5.2.6 Effect of Abrupt Change in Water Depth on Wave Force . 110
    5.2.7 Wave Force on Upright Wall near Shoreline or on Shore 111
    [1] Wave Force at the Seaward Side of Shoreline .111
    [2] Wave Force at the Landward Side of Shoreline .111
    5.2.8 Wave Force on Upright Wave-Absorbing Caisson 111
    5.3 Mass of Armor Stones and Concrete Blocks 112
    5.3.1 Armor Units on Slope 112
    5.3.2 Armor Units on Foundation Mound of Composite Breakwater . 117
    5.4 Wave Forces Acting on Cylindrical Members and Large Isolated Structures . 119
    5.4.1 Wave Force on Cylindrical Members 119
    5.4.2 Wave Force on Large Isolated Structure 121
    5.5 Wave Force Acting on Structure Located near the Still Water Level 122
    5.5.1 Uplift Acting on Horizontal Plate near the Still Water Level 122
    Chapter 6 Tides and Abnormal Water Levels . 127
    6.1 Design Water Level . 127
    6.2 Astronomical Tide . 128
    6.3 Storm Surge . 128
    6.4 Tsunami 130
    6.5 Seiche . 133
    6.6 Groundwater Level and Permeation 135
    Chapter 7 Currents and Current Force . 138
    7.1 General . 138
    7.2 Current Forces Acting on Submerged Members and Structures 138
    7.3 Mass of Armor Stones and Concrete Blocks against Currents . 140
    Chapter 8 External Forces Acting on Floating Body and Its Motions . 142
    8.1 General . 142
    8.2 External Forces Acting on Floating Body 143
    8.3 Motions of Floating Body and Mooring Force . 145
    Chapter 9 Estuarine Hydraulics 148
    9.1 General . 148
    Chapter 10 Littoral Drift 154
    10.1 General . 154
    10.2 Scouring around Structures . 161
    10.3 Prediction of Beach Deformation 163
    Chapter 11 Subsoil .167
    11.1 Method of Determining Geotechnical Conditions .167
    11.1.1 Principles .167
    11.1.2 Selection of Soil Investigation Methods 168
    11.1.3 Standard Penetration Test 168
    11.2 Physical Properties of Soils .168
    11.2.1 Unit Weight of Soil .168
    11.2.2 Classification of Soils 169
    11.2.3 Coefficient of Permeability of Soil .169
    11.3 Mechanical Properties of Soils 170
    11.3.1 Elastic Constants 170
    11.3.2 Consolidation Properties .170
    11.3.3 Shear Properties .173
    11.4 Angle of Internal Friction by N-value 175
    11.5 Application of Soundings Other Than SPT 176
    11.6 Dynamic Properties of Soils .178
    11.6.1 Dynamic Modulus of Deformation .178
    11.6.2 Dynamic Strength Properties 180
    Chapter 12 Earthquakes and Seismic Force .182
    12.1 General 182
    12.2 Earthquake Resistance of Port and Harbor Facilities in Design 182
    12.3 Seismic Coefficient Method .184
    12.4 Design Seismic Coefficient 184
    12.5 Seismic Response Analysis .190
    12.6 Seismic Deformation Method 192
    Chapter 13 Liquefaction .195
    13.1 General 195
    13.2 Prediction of Liquefaction .195
    13.3 Countermeasures against Liquefaction .199
    Chapter 14 Earth Pressure and Water Pressure .200
    14.1 Earth Pressure .200
    14.2 Earth Pressure under Ordinary Conditions .200
    14.2.1 Earth Pressure of Sandy Soil under Ordinary Conditions .200
    14.2.2 Earth Pressure of Cohesive Soil under Ordinary Conditions 201
    14.3 Earth Pressure during Earthquake .202
    14.3.1 Earth Pressure of Sandy Soil during Earthquake 202
    14.3.2 Earth Pressure of Cohesive Soil during Earthquake .204
    14.3.3 Apparent Seismic Coefficient 204
    14.4 Water Pressure 205
    14.4.1 Residual Water Pressure 205
    14.4.2 Dynamic Water Pressure during Earthquake 205
    Chapter 15 Loads .207
    15.1 General 207
    15.2 Deadweight and Surcharge .207
    15.3 Static Load 207
    15.3.1 Static Load under Ordinary Conditions .207
    15.3.2 Static Load during Earthquake 208
    15.3.3 Unevenly Distributed Load 208
    15.3.4 Snow Load 208
    15.4 Live Load 209
    15.4.1 Train Load .209
    15.4.2 Vehicle Load .209
    15.4.3 Cargo Handling Equipment Load 209
    15.4.4 Sidewalk Live Load .209
    Chapter 16 Coefficient of Friction 210
    16.1 General 210
    Part III Materials
    Chapter 1 General .211
    1.1 Selection of Materials 211
    1.2 Safety of Structural Elements 211
    Chapter 2 Steel . 212
    2.1 Materials . 212
    2.2 Steel Meterial Constants Used in Design Calculation . 212
    2.3 Allowable Stresses 212
    2.3.1 General . 212
    2.3.2 Structural Steel . 212
    2.3.3 Steel Piles and Steel Pipe Sheet Piles . 213
    2.3.4 Steel Sheet Piles 214
    2.3.5 Cast Steel and Forged Steel . 214
    2.3.6 Allowable Stresses for Steel at Welded Zones and Spliced Sections 214
    2.3.7 Increase of Allowable Stresses . 215
    2.4 Corrosion Control 216
    2.4.1 General . 216
    2.4.2 Corrosion Rates of Steel Materials . 216
    2.4.3 Corrosion Control Methods . 217
    2.4.4 Cathodic Protection Method . 217
    [1] Range of Application 217
    [2] Protective Potential 218
    [3] Protective Current Density . 219
    2.4.5 Coating Method 220
    [1] Extent of Application 220
    [2] Applicable Methods 220
    [3] Selection of Method .220
    Chapter 3 Concrete . 221
    3.1 General . 221
    3.2 Basics of Design Based on the Limit State Design Method . 221
    3.3 Design Based on Allowable Stress Method 223
    3.4 Concrete Materials 224
    3.5 Concrete Quality and Performance 225
    3.6 Underwater Concrete . 227
    Chapter 4 Bituminous Materials 228
    4.1 General . 228
    4.2 Asphalt Mat 228
    4.2.1 General . 228
    4.2.2 Materials . 228
    4.2.3 Mix Proportioning 229
    4.3 Paving Materials 229
    4.4 Sand Mastic Asphalt . 229
    4.4.1 General . 229
    4.4.2 Materials . 230
    4.4.3 Mix Proportioning 230
    Chapter 5 Stone . 231
    5.1 General . 231
    5.2 Rubble for Foundation 231
    5.3 Backfilling Materials 231
    5.4 Base Course Materials of Pavement . 232
    Chapter 6 Timber . 233
    6.1 Quality of Timber .233
    6.1.1 Structural Timber 233
    6.1.2 Timber Piles 233
    6.2 Allowable Stresses of Timber 233
    6.2.1 General . 233
    6.2.2 Allowable Stresses of Structural Timber . 233
    6.3 Quality of Glued Laminated Timber . 233
    6.3.1 Allowable Stress for Glued Laminated Timber . 233
    6.4 Joining of Timber .233
    6.5 Maintenance of Timber . 233
    Chapter 7 Other Materials . 234
    7.1 Metals Other Than Steel 234
    7.2 Plastics and Rubbers 234
    7.3 Coating Materials 236
    7.4 Grouting Materials .237
    7.4.1 General .237
    7.4.2 Properties of Grouting Materials .237
    Chapter 8 Recyclable Resources .238
    8.1 General 238
    8.2 Slag 238
    8.3 Coal Ash 239
    8.4 Crashed Concrete .240
    Part IV Precast Concrete Units
    Chapter 1 Caissons .241
    1.1 General 241
    1.2 Determination of Dimensions 242
    1.3 Floating Stability 242
    1.4 Design External Forces 243
    1.4.1 Combination of Loads and Load Factors 243
    1.4.2 External Forces during Fabrication .249
    1.4.3 External Forces during Launching and Floating 249
    1.4.4 External Forces during Installation 250
    1.4.5 External Forces after Construction 250
    [1] Outer Walls .250
    [2] Bottom Slab 251
    [3] Partition Walls and Others 253
    1.5 Design of Members .254
    1.5.1 Outer Wall .254
    1.5.2 Partition Wall .254
    1.5.3 Bottom Slab .254
    1.5.4 Others .255
    1.6 Design of Hooks for Suspension by Crane .255
    Chapter 2 L-Shaped Blocks 256
    2.1 General 256
    2.2 Determination of Dimensions 256
    2.3 Loads Acting on Members .257
    2.3.1 General .257
    2.3.2 Earth Pressure 258
    2.3.3 Converted Loads for Design Calculation .258
    2.4 Design of Members .259
    2.4.1 Front Wall 259
    2.4.2 Footing 259
    2.4.3 Bottom Slab .259
    2.4.4 Buttress .260
    2.5 Design of Hooks for Suspension by Crane .260
    Chapter 3 Cellular Blocks 261
    3.1 General 261
    3.2 Determination of Dimensions 261
    3.2.1 Shape of Cellular Blocks .261
    3.2.2 Determination of Dimensions 261
    3.3 Loads Acting on Cellular Blocks 262
    3.3.1 General .262
    3.3.2 Earth Pressure of Filling and Residual Water Pressure 262
    3.3.3 Converted Loads for Design Calculation .264
    3.4 Design of Members .264
    3.4.1 Rectangular Cellular Blocks 264
    3.4.2 Other Types of Cellular Blocks 265
    Chapter 4 Upright Wave-Absorbing Caissons 267
    4.1 General 267
    4.2 External Forces Acting on Members 267
    4.3 Design of Members .269
    Chapter 5 Hybrid Caissons .270
    5.1 General 270
    5.2 Determination of Dimensions 270
    5.3 Design External Forces 271
    5.4 Design of Members . 271
    5.4.1 Section Force 271
    5.4.2 Design of Composite Slabs 271
    5.4.3 Design of SRC Members 271
    5.4.4 Design of Partitions . 271
    5.4.5 Design of Corners and Joints . 271
    5.4.6 Safety against Fatigue Failure 272
    5.5 Corrosion Control 272
    Part V Foundations
    Chapter 1 General . 273
    Chapter 2 Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations 274
    2.1 General . 274
    2.2 Bearing Capacity of Foundation on Sandy Ground . 274
    2.3 Bearing Capacity of Foundation on Clayey Ground 275
    2.4 Bearing Capacity of Multilayered Ground . 276
    2.5 Bearing Capacity for Eccentric and Inclined Loads . 277
    Chapter 3 Bearing Capacity of Deep Foundations . 280
    3.1 General . 280
    3.2 Vertical Bearing Capacity . 280
    3.3 Lateral Bearing Capacity 281
    Chapter 4 Bearing Capacity of Pile Foundations 284
    4.1 Allowable Axial Bearing Capacity of Piles . 284
    4.1.1 General . 284
    4.1.2 Standard Allowable Axial Bearing Capacity 284
    4.1.3 Ultimate Axial Bearing Capacity of Single Piles 285
    4.1.4 Estimation of Ultimate Axial Bearing Capacity by Loading Tests . 285
    4.1.5 Estimation of Ultimate Axial Bearing Capacity by Static Bearing Capacity Formulas 286
    4.1.6 Examination of Compressive Stress of Pile Materials 288
    4.1.7 Decrease of Bearing Capacity Due to Joints 288
    4.1.8 Decrease of Bearing Capacity Due to Slenderness Ratio 288
    4.1.9 Bearing Capacity of Pile Group 288
    4.1.10 Examination of Negative Skin Friction 290
    4.1.11 Examination of Settlement of Piles . 291
    4.2 Allowable Pulling Resistance of Piles 291
    4.2.1 General . 291
    4.2.2 Standard Allowable Pulling Resistance 292
    4.2.3 Maximum Pulling Resistance of Single Pile 292
    4.2.4 Examination of Tensile Stress of Pile Materials 293
    4.2.5 Matters to Be Considered for Obtaining Allowable Pulling Resistance of Piles 293
    4.3 Allowable Lateral Bearing Capacity of Piles . 293
    4.3.1 General . 293
    4.3.2 Estimation of Allowable Lateral Bearing Capacity of Piles . 295
    4.3.3 Estimation of Pile Behavior Using Loading Tests . 295
    4.3.4 Estimation of Pile Behavior Using Analytical Methods . 295
    4.3.5 Consideration of Pile Group Action . 301
    4.3.6 Lateral Bearing Capacity of Coupled Piles . 301
    4.4 Pile Design in General 304
    4.4.1 Load Sharing 304
    4.4.2 Load Distribution . 305
    4.4.3 Distance between Centers of Piles .305
    4.4.4 Allowable Stresses for Pile Materials 305
    4.5 Detailed Design . 306
    4.5.1 Examination of Loads during Construction . 306
    4.5.2 Design of Joints between Piles and Structure 307
    4.5.3 Joints of Piles 308
    4.5.4 Change of Plate Thickness or Materials of Steel Pipe Piles . 308
    4.5.5 Other Points for Caution in Design . 308
    Chapter 5 Settlement of Foundations . 310
    5.1 Stress in Soil Mass . 310
    5.2 Immediate Settlement . 310
    5.3 Consolidation Settlement .310
    5.4 Lateral Displacement 312
    5.5 Differential Settlements 312
    Chapter 6 Stability of Slopes 314
    6.1 General 314
    6.2 Stability Analysis 315
    6.2.1 Stability Analysis Using Circular Slip Surface Method 315
    6.2.2 Stability Analysis Assuming Slip Surfaces Other Than Circular Arc Slip Surface .316
    Chapter 7 Soil Improvement Methods .318
    7.1 General 318
    7.2 Replacement Method 318
    7.3 Vertical Drain Method .318
    7.3.1 Principle of Design 318
    7.3.2 Determination of Height and Width of Fill 319
    [1] Height and Width of Fill Required for Soil Improvement 319
    [2] Height and Width of Fill Required for Stability of Fill Embankment 319
    7.3.3 Design of Drain Piles .319
    [1] Drain Piles and Sand Mat .319
    [2] Interval of Drain Piles .320
    7.4 Deep Mixing Method .322
    7.4.1 Principle of Design 322
    [1] Scope of Application .322
    [2] Basic Concept 323
    7.4.2 Assumptions for Dimensions of Stabilized Body .323
    [1] Mixture Design of Stabilized Soil 323
    [2] Allowable Stress of Stabilized Body .324
    7.4.3 Calculation of External Forces 325
    7.5 Lightweight Treated Soil Method 326
    7.5.1 Outline of Lightweight Treated Soil Method 326
    7.5.2 Basic Design Concept .326
    7.5.3 Mixture Design of Treated Soil 327
    7.5.4 Examination of Area to Be Treated .328
    7.5.5 Workability Verification Tests 328
    7.6 Replacement Method with Granulated Blast Furnace Slag 328
    7.6.1 Principle of Design 328
    7.6.2 Physical Properties of Granulated Blast Furnace Slag .328
    7.7 Premixing Method 329
    7.7.1 Principle of Design 329
    [1] Scope of Application .329
    [2] Consideration for Design 329
    7.7.2 Preliminary Survey 329
    7.7.3 Determination of Strength of Treated Soil .330
    7.7.4 Mixture Design of Treated Soil 330
    7.7.5 Examination of Area of Improvement 331
    7.8 Active Earth Pressure of Solidified Geotechnical Materials 333
    7.8.1 Scope of Application .333
    7.8.2 Active Earth Pressure .333
    [1] Outline 333
    [2] Strength Parameters 334
    [3] Calculation of Active Earth Pressure 334
    [4] Case of Limited Area of Subsoil Improvement .335
    7.9 Sand Compaction Pile Method (for Sandy Subsoil) .336
    7.9.1 Principle of Design 336
    7.9.2 Sand Volume to Be Supplied 336
    7.9.3 Design Based on Trial Execution 338
    7.10 Sand Compaction Pile Method (for Cohesive Subsoil) .339
    7.10.1 Principle of Design 339
    [1] Scope of Application .339
    [2] Basic Concept 339
    7.10.2 Strength and Permeability of Sand Piles .339
    7.10.3 Shear Strength of Improved Subsoil .339
    7.10.4 Stability Analysis .340
    7.10.5 Examining Consolidation .341
    Part VI Navigation Channels and Basins
    Chapter 1 General . 345
    Chapter 2 Navigation Channels 346
    2.1 General . 346
    2.2 Alignment of Navigation Channel 346
    2.3 Width of Navigation Channel . 347
    2.4 Depth of Navigation Channel 348
    2.5 Length of Navigation Channel at Harbor Entrance 348
    2.6 Calmness of Navigation Channel . 348
    Chapter 3 Navigation Channels outside Breakwaters . 350
    3.1 General . 350
    3.2 Width of Navigation Channel . 350
    3.3 Depth of Navigation Channel 350
    Chapter 4 Basins 351
    4.1 General . 351
    4.2 Location and Area of Basin . 351
    4.2.1 Location 351
    4.2.2 Area of Basin Used for Anchorage or Mooring . 351
    4.2.3 Area of Basin Used for Ship Maneuvering 352
    [1] Turning Basin . 352
    [2] Mooring / Unmooring Basin . 353
    4.3 Depth of Basin . 353
    4.4 Calmness of Basin 353
    4.5 Timber Sorting Pond . 354
    Chapter 5 Small Craft Basins . 355
    Chapter 6 Maintenance of Navigation Channels and Basins 355
    6.1 General . 355
    Part VII Protective Facilities for Harbors
    Chapter 1 General . 357
    1.1 General Consideration . 357
    1.2 Maintenance . 357
    Chapter 2 Breakwaters 358
    2.1 General . 358
    2.2 Layout of Breakwaters 358
    2.3 Design Conditions of Breakwaters . 359
    2.4 Selection of Structural Types 359
    2.5 Determination of Cross Section 362
    2.5.1 Upright Breakwater . 362
    2.5.2 Composite Breakwater . 363
    2.5.3 Sloping Breakwater . 363
    2.5.4 Caisson Type Breakwater Covered with Wave-Dissipating Concrete Blocks 364
    2.6 External Forces for Stability Calculation 364
    2.6.1 General . 364
    2.6.2 Wave Forces . 365
    2.6.3 Hydrostatic Pressure 365
    2.6.4 Buoyancy 365
    2.6.5 Deadweight . 365
    2.6.6 Stability during Earthuakes . 365
    2.7 Stability Calculation . 365
    2.7.1 Stability Calculation of Upright Section . 365
    2.7.2 Stability Calculation of Sloping Section 369
    2.7.3 Stability Calculation of Whole Section 369
    2.7.4 Stability Calculation for Head and Corner of Breakwater . 369
    2.8 Details of Structures . 370
    2.8.1 Upright Breakwater . 370
    2.8.2 Composite Breakwater . 371
    2.8.3 Sloping Breakwater . 372
    2.8.4 Caisson Type Breakwater Covered with Wave-Dissipating Concrete Blocks .372
    2.9 Detailed Design of Upright Section .372
    2.10 Breakwaters for Timber-Handling Facilities 372
    2.10.1 Breakwaters for Timber Storage Ponds and Timber Sorting Ponds .372
    2.10.2 Fences to Prevent Timber Drifting 373
    2.11 Storm Surge Protection Breakwater .373
    2.12 Tsunami Protection Breakwater 373
    Chapter 3 Other Types of Breakwaters 376
    3.1 Selection of Structural Type .376
    3.2 Gravity Type Special Breakwaters 377
    3.2.1 General .377
    3.2.2 Upright Wave-Absorbing Block Breakwater 378
    [1] General .378
    [2] Crest Elevation .378
    [3] Wave Force 379
    3.2.3 Wave-Absorbing Caisson Breakwater 379
    [1] General .379
    [2] Determination of Target Waves to Be Absorbed 380
    [3] Determination of Dimensions for Wave-Absorbing Section .380
    [4] Wave Force for Examination of Structural Stability 380
    [5] Wave Force for Design of Structural Members 380
    3.2.4 Sloping-Top Caisson Breakwater 380
    [1] General .380
    [2] Wave Force 381
    3.3 Non-Gravity Type Breakwaters .382
    3.3.1 Curtain Wall Breakwater .382
    [1] General .382
    [2] Wave Force 384
    [3] Design of Piles .384
    3.3.2 Floating Breakwater 384
    [1] General .384
    [2] Selection of Design Conditions 385
    [3] Design of Mooring System .385
    [4] Design of Floating Body Structure 386
    Chapter 4 Locks 388
    4.1 Selection of Location .388
    4.2 Size and Layout of Lock .388
    4.3 Selection of Structural Type .389
    4.3.1 Gate 389
    4.3.2 Lock Chamber .389
    4.4 External Forces and Loads Acting on Lock .389
    4.5 Pumping and Drainage System 389
    4.6 Auxiliary Facilities 389
    Chapter 5 Facilities to Prevent Shoaling and Siltation .390
    5.1 General 390
    5.2 Jetty .390
    5.2.1 Layout of Jetty .390
    5.2.2 Details of Jetty .391
    5.3 Group of Groins .392
    5.4 Training Jetties .392
    5.4.1 Layout of Training Jetties 392
    5.4.2 Water Depth at Tip of Training Jetty .393
    5.4.3 Structure of Training Jetty .393
    5.5 Facilities to Trap Littoral Transport and Sediment Flowing out of Rivers .393
    5.6 Countermeasures against Wind-Blown Sand .394
    5.6.1 General .394
    5.6.2 Selection of Countermeasures 394
    Chapter 6 Revetments 396
    6.1 Principle of Design 396
    6.2 Design Conditions .396
    6.3 Structural Stability 398
    6.4 Determination of Cross Section 398
    6.5 Details 398
    Part VIII Mooring Facilities
    Chapter 1 General . 401
    1.1 General Consideration . 401
    1.2 Maintenance of Mooring Facilities 401
    Chapter 2 Dimensions of Mooring Facilities 402
    2.1 Length and Water Depth of Berths . 402
    2.2 Crown Heights of Mooring Facilities . 405
    2.3 Ship Clearance for Mooring Facilities 405
    2.4 Design Water Depth . 405
    2.5 Protection against Scouring . 406
    2.6 Ancillary Facilities 406
    Chapter 3 Structural Types of Mooring Facilities 407
    Chapter 4 Gravity Type Quaywalls 408
    4.1 Principle of Design 408
    4.2 External Forces and Loads Acting on Walls . 408
    4.3 Stability Calculations . 410
    4.3.1 Items to Be Considered in Stability Calculations 410
    4.3.2 Examination against Sliding of Wall 410
    4.3.3 Examination Concerning Bearing Capacity of Foundation . 411
    4.3.4 Examination Concerning Overturning of Wall . 411
    4.3.5 Examination on Soft Foundation . 411
    4.4 Stability Calculations of Cellular Concrete Blocks . 412
    4.5 Effects of Backfill .413
    4.6 Detailed Design . 414
    Chapter 5 Sheet Pile Quaywalls .415
    5.1 General . 415
    5.2 External Forces Acting on Sheet Pile Wall . 415
    5.2.1 External Forces to Be Considered 415
    5.3 Design of Sheet Pile Wall 417
    5.3.1 Setting Level of Tie Rod . 417
    5.3.2 Embedded Length of Sheet Piles . 417
    5.3.3 Bending Moment of Sheet Piles and Reaction at Tie Rod Setting Point 418
    5.3.4 Cross Section of Sheet Piles 419
    5.3.5 Consideration of the Effect of Section Rigidity of Sheet Piles 419
    5.4 Design of Tie Rods . 424
    5.4.1 Tension of Tie Rod . 424
    5.4.2 Cross Section of Tie Rod 424
    5.5 Design of Wale 425
    5.6 Examination for Circular Slip . 425
    5.7 Design of Anchorage Work 426
    5.7.1 Selection of Structural Type of Anchorage Work 426
    5.7.2 Location of Anchorage Work 426
    5.7.3 Design of Anchorage Work . 427
    5.8 Detailed Design . 428
    5.8.1 Coping 428
    5.8.2 Fitting of Tie Rods and Wale to Sheet Piles . 429
    5.8.3 Tie Rod . 429
    5.8.4 Fitting of Tie Rods to Anchorage Work . 429
    5.9 Special Notes for Design of Sheet Pile Wall on Soft Ground . 429
    Chapter 6 Sheet Pile Quaywalls with Relieving Platform . 431
    6.1 Scope of Application . 431
    6.2 Principles of Design 431
    6.3 Determination of Height and Width of Relieving Platform 431
    6.4 Earth Pressure and Residual Water Pressure Acting on Sheet Piles 432
    6.5 Design of Sheet Pile Wall 432
    6.5.1 Embedded Length of Sheet Piles . 432
    6.5.2 Cross Section of Sheet Piles 433
    6.6 Design of Relieving Platform and Relieving Platform Piles 433
    6.6.1 External Forces Acting on Relieving Platform 433
    6.6.2 Design of Relieving Platform 433
    6.6.3 Design of Piles 434
    6.7 Examination of Stability as Gravity Type Wall 434
    6.8 Examination of Stability against Circular Slip 435
    Chapter 7 Steel Sheet Pile Cellular-Bulkhead Quaywalls 436
    7.1 Principle of Design 436
    7.2 External Forces Acting on Steel Sheet Pile Cellular-Bulkhead Quaywall 437
    7.3 Examination of Wall Width against Shear Deformation 438
    7.3.1 General .438
    7.3.2 Equivalent Width of Wall .439
    7.3.3 Calculation of Deformation Moment 439
    7.3.4 Calculation of Resisting Moment .440
    7.4 Examination of Stability of Wall Body as a Whole 443
    7.4.1 General .443
    7.4.2 Modulus of Subgrade Reaction .443
    7.4.3 Calculation of Subgrade Reaction and Wall Displacement .443
    7.5 Examination of Bearing Capacity of the Ground 448
    7.6 Examination against Sliding of Wall .448
    7.7 Examination of Displacement of Wall Top .448
    7.8 Examination of Stability against Circular Slip 449
    7.9 Layout of Cells and Arcs 449
    7.10 Calculation of Hoop Tension 449
    7.11 Design of T-Shaped Sheet Pile .450
    7.11.1 General .450
    7.11.2 Structure of T-Shaped Sheet Pile .450
    7.12 Detailed Design 451
    7.12.1 Design of Pile to Support Coping 451
    7.12.2 Design of Coping .451
    Chapter 8 Steel Plate Cellular-Bulkhead Quaywalls 452
    8.1 Scope of Application .452
    8.2 Placement-Type Steel Plate Cellular-Bulkhead Quaywalls 452
    8.2.1 Principle of Design 452
    8.2.2 External Forces Acting on Steel Plate Cellular-Bulkhead .453
    8.2.3 Examination of Wall Width against Shear Deformation 453
    8.2.4 Examination of Stability of Wall Body as a Whole .454
    8.2.5 Examination of Bearing Capacity of the Ground .455
    8.2.6 Examination of Stability against Circular Slip 455
    8.2.7 Determination of Thickness of Steel Plate of Cell Shell 455
    8.2.8 Layout of Cells and Arcs .456
    8.2.9 Detailed Design .456
    8.3 Embedded-Type Steel Plate Cellular-Bulkhead Quaywalls 456
    8.3.1 Principle of Design 456
    8.3.2 External Forces Acting on Embedded-Type Steel Plate Celluler-Bulkhead 457
    8.3.3 Examination of Wall Width against Shear Deformation 457
    8.3.4 Examination of Stability of Wall Body as a Whole .458
    8.3.5 Examination of Bearing Capacity of the Ground .458
    8.3.6 Examination against Sliding of Wall 458
    8.3.7 Examination of Displacement of Wall Top 458
    8.3.8 Examination of Stability against Circular Slip 458
    8.3.9 Layout of Cells and Arcs .458
    8.3.10 Determination of Plate Thickness of Cell Shell and Arc Section .458
    8.3.11 Joints and Stiffeners 459
    8.3.12 Detailed Design .459
    Chapter 9 Open-Type Wharves on Vertical Piles 460
    9.1 Principle of Design 460
    9.2 Layout and Dimensions 462
    9.2.1 Size of Deck Block and Layout of Piles .462
    9.2.2 Dimensions of Superstructure .462
    9.2.3 Arrangement of Fenders and Bollards 463
    9.3 External Forces Acting on Open-Type Wharf .463
    9.3.1 Design External Forces .463
    9.3.2 Calculation of Fender Reaction Force .464
    9.4 Assumptions Concerning Sea Bottom Ground .464
    9.4.1 Determination of Slope Inclination 464
    9.4.2 Virtual Ground Surface 465
    9.5 Design of Piles .465
    9.5.1 General . 465
    9.5.2 Coefficient of Horizontal Subgrade Reaction 465
    9.5.3 Virtual Fixed Point . 466
    9.5.4 Member Forces Acting on Individual Piles 466
    9.5.5 Cross-Sectional Stresses of Piles . 468
    9.5.6 Examination of Embedded Length for Bearing Capacity 468
    9.5.7 Examination of Embedded Length for Lateral Resistance 468
    9.5.8 Examination of Pile Joints . 468
    9.5.9 Change of Plate Thickness or Material of Steel Pipe Pile 468
    9.6 Examination of Earthquake-Resistant Performance . 469
    9.6.1 Assumption of Cross Section for Earthquake-Resistant Performance Examination 470
    9.6.2 Examination Method of Earthquake-Resistant Performance 470
    9.6.3 Determination of Seismic Motion for Examination of Earthquake-Resistant Performance . 471
    9.6.4 Examination of Load Carrying Capacity Using Simplified Method 473
    9.6.5 Examination of Load Carrying Capacity Using Elasto-Plastic Analysis 475
    9.7 Design of Earth-Retaining Section . 477
    9.8 Examination of Stability against Circular Slip . 477
    9.9 Detailed Design . 478
    9.9.1 Load Combinations for Superstructure Design . 478
    9.9.2 Calculation of Reinforcing Bar Arrangement of Superstructure 478
    9.9.3 Design of Pile Head 478
    Chapter 10 Open-Type Wharves on Coupled Raking Piles . 480
    10.1 Principle of Design 480
    10.2 Layout and Dimensions 481
    10.2.1 Size of Deck Block and Layout of Piles 481
    10.2.2 Dimensions of Supersutructure 481
    10.2.3 Arrangement of Fenders and Bollards 481
    10.3 External Forces Acting on Open-Type Wharf on Coupled Raking Piles 481
    10.3.1 Design External Forces 481
    10.3.2 Calculation of Fender Reaction Force 481
    10.4 Assumptions Concerning Sea Bottom Ground . 481
    10.4.1 Determination of Slope Inclination 481
    10.4.2 Virtual Ground Surface . 481
    10.5 Determination of Forces Acting on Piles and Cross Sections of Piles . 481
    10.5.1 Horizontal Force Transmitted to Heads of Coupled Raking Piles . 481
    10.5.2 Vertical Load Transmitted to Heads of Coupled Raking Piles 483
    10.5.3 Pushing-In and Pulling-Out Forces of Coupled Raking Piles . 483
    10.5.4 Cross-Sectional Stresses of Piles . 483
    10.6 Examination of Strength of Wharf in the Direction of Its Face Line 484
    10.7 Embedded Length of Raking Pile . 484
    10.8 Design of Earth-Retaining Section . 484
    10.9 Examination of Stability against Circular Slip . 484
    10.10 Detailed Design . 484
    Chapter 11 Detached Pier . 485
    11.1 Scope of Application . 485
    11.2 Principle of Design 485
    11.3 Design of Detached Pier 485
    11.3.1 Layout and Dimensions 485
    11.3.2 External Forces and Loads . 485
    11.3.3 Design of Piers . 486
    11.3.4 Design of Girder 486
    11.4 Ancillary Equipment 486
    11.5 Detailed Design . 486
    11.5.1 Superstructure 486
    11.5.2 Gangways 486
    Chapter 12 Floating Piers 487
    12.1 Scope of Application . 487
    12.2 Principle of Design 488
    12.3 Design of Pontoon . 488
    12.3.1 Dimensions of Pontoon . 488
    12.3.2 External Forces and Loads Acting on Pontoon 488
    12.3.3 Stability of Pontoon . 488
    12.3.4 Design of Individual Parts of Pontoon . 489
    12.4 Design of Mooring System . 490
    12.4.1 Mooring Method 490
    12.4.2 Design of Mooring Chain .490
    [1] Design External Forces 490
    [2] Setting of Chain 490
    [3] Diameter of Chain 490
    12.4.3 Design of Mooring Anchor .492
    [1] Design External Forces 492
    [2] Design of Mooring Anchor 492
    12.5 Design of Access Bridge and Gangway 492
    12.5.1 Dimensions and Inclination .492
    12.5.2 Design of Access Bridge and Gangway 493
    12.5.3 Adjusting Tower 493
    Chapter 13 Dolphins 494
    13.1 Principle of Design 494
    13.2 Layout 494
    13.3 External Forces Acting on Dolphins .495
    13.4 Pile Type Dolphins 495
    13.5 Steel Cellular-Bulkhead Type Dolphins .495
    13.6 Caisson Type Dolphins .496
    Chapter 14 Slipways and Shallow Draft Quays 497
    14.1 Slipways 497
    14.1.1 Principle of Design 497
    14.1.2 Location of Slipway .497
    14.1.3 Dimensions of Individual Parts 497
    [1] Elevations of Individual Parts .497
    [2] Slipway Length and Background Space .498
    [3] Water Depth .498
    [4] Gradient of Slipway 498
    [5] Basin Area 498
    14.1.4 Front Wall and Pavement 499
    [1] Front Wall .499
    [2] Pavement .499
    14.2 Shallow Draft Quay .499
    Chapter 15 Air-Cushion Vehicle Landing Facilities .500
    15.1 Principle of Design 500
    15.2 Location .501
    15.3 Air-Cushion Vehicle Landing Facilities .501
    15.4 Dimensions of Individual Parts 501
    Chapter 16 Mooring Buoys and Mooring Posts 502
    16.1 Mooring Buoys .502
    16.1.1 Principle of Design 502
    16.1.2 Tractive Force Acting on Mooring Buoy 503
    16.1.3 Design of Individual Parts of Mooring Buoy 504
    [1] Mooring Anchor 504
    [2] Sinker and Sinker Chain .504
    [3] Ground Chain .505
    [4] Main Chain .506
    [5] Floating Body .507
    16.2 Mooring Posts 507
    Chapter 17 Other Types of Mooring Facilities .508
    17.1 Quaywall of Wave-Absorbing Type 508
    17.1.1 Principle of Design 508
    17.1.2 Determination of Structural Form 508
    17.2 Cantilever Sheet Pile Quaywall .509
    17.2.1 Principle of Design 509
    17.2.2 External Forces Acting on Sheet Pile Wall 510
    17.2.3 Determination of Cross Section of Sheet Piles .511
    17.2.4 Determination of Embedded Length of Sheet Piles 511
    17.2.5 Examination of Displacement of Sheet Pile Crown .511
    17.2.6 External Forces during Construction .512
    17.2.7 Detailed Design .512
    17.3 Sheet Pile Quaywall with Batter Anchor Piles 512
    17.3.1 Principle of Design 512
    17.3.2 External Forces Acting on Sheet Pile Wall with Batter Anchor Piles 513
    17.3.3 Calculation of Horizontal and Vertical Forces Acting on Connecting Point 513
    17.3.4 Determination of Cross Sections of Sheet Pile and Batter Anchor Pile 513
    17.3.5 Determination of Embedded Lengths of Sheet Pile and Batter Anchor Pile . 513
    17.3.6 Detailed Design 513
    17.4 Sheet Pile Quaywall with Batter Piles in Front . 514
    17.4.1 Principle of Design 514
    17.4.2 Layout and Dimensions 515
    17.4.3 Design of Sheet Pile Wall . 515
    17.4.4 Design of Open-Type Superstructure . 515
    17.4.5 Embedded Length 516
    17.4.6 Detailed Design 516
    17.5 Double Sheet Pile Quaywall 516
    17.5.1 Principle of Design 516
    17.5.2 External Forces Acting on Double Sheet Pile Quaywall . 517
    17.5.3 Design of Double Sheet Pile Quaywall . 517
    Chapter 18 Transitional Parts of Quaywalls 519
    18.1 Principle of Design 519
    18.2 Transitional Part Where Frontal Water Depth Varies 519
    18.3 Transitional Part Where Quaywalls of Different Type Are Connected . 519
    18.4 Outward Projecting Corner 519
    Chapter 19 Ancillary Facilities 520
    19.1 General . 520
    19.2 Mooring Equipment . 520
    19.3 Mooring Posts, Bollards, and Mooring Rings . 520
    19.3.1 General . 520
    19.3.2 Arrangement of Mooring Posts, Bollards and Mooring Rings . 521
    19.3.3 Tractive Force of Vessel . 521
    19.3.4 Structure . 522
    19.4 Fender System 522
    19.4.1 General . 522
    19.4.2 Arrangement of Fenders . 523
    19.4.3 Berthing Energy of Vessel 523
    19.4.4 Selection of Fender . 523
    19.5 Safety Facilities . 525
    19.5.1 General . 525
    19.5.2 Skirt Guard 525
    19.5.3 Fence and Rope . 525
    19.5.4 Signs or Notices 525
    19.5.5 Curbing . 525
    19.5.6 Fire Fighting Equipment and Alarm Systems . 525
    19.6 Service Facilities .525
    19.6.1 General . 525
    19.6.2 Lighting Facilities 525
    19.6.3 Facilities for Passenger Embarkation and Disembarkation 525
    19.6.4 Vehicle Ramp . 526
    19.6.5 Water Supply Facilities . 526
    19.6.6 Drainage Facilities 526
    19.6.7 Fueling and Electric Power Supply Facilities 526
    19.6.8 Signs or Notices 527
    19.7 Stairways and Ladders . 527
    19.8 Lifesaving Facilities . 527
    19.9 Curbing . 527
    19.10 Vehicle Ramp . 527
    19.11 Signs, Notices and Protective Fences . 527
    19.11.1 General . 527
    19.11.2 Provision of Signs . 527
    19.11.3 Types and Location of Signs 528
    19.11.4 Position of Sign . 528
    19.11.5 Structure of Sign . 529
    19.11.6 Materials . 530
    19.11.7 Maintenance and Management 530
    19.11.8 Protective Fences . 530
    19.11.9 Barricades . 531
    19.12 Lighting Facilities .531
    19.12.1 General .531
    19.12.2 Standard Intensity of Illumination 531
    [1] Definition 531
    [2] Standard Intensity of Illumination for Outdoor Lighting 531
    [3] Standard Intensity of Illumination for Indoor Lighting .532
    19.12.3 Selection of Light Source 532
    19.12.4 Selection of Lighting Equipment 534
    [1] Outdoor Lighting .534
    [2] Indoor Lighting 534
    19.12.5 Design of Lighting .535
    19.12.6 Maintenance and Management .537
    [1] Inspections .537
    [2] Cleaning and Repair .538
    Chapter 20 Aprons .540
    20.1 Principle of Design 540
    20.2 Type of Apron .540
    20.2.1 Width 540
    20.2.2 Gradient 540
    20.2.3 Type of Pavement .540
    20.3 Countermeasures against Settlement of Apron 540
    20.4 Load Conditions .541
    20.5 Design of Concrete Pavement 541
    20.5.1 Design Conditions .541
    20.5.2 Composition of Pavement .542
    20.5.3 Joints .545
    20.5.4 Tie-Bar and Slip-Bar 547
    20.5.5 End Protection .547
    20.6 Design of Asphalt Pavement .547
    20.6.1 Design Conditions .547
    20.6.2 Composition of Pavement .548
    20.6.3 End Protection .551
    20.7 Design of Concrete Block Pavement 551
    20.7.1 Design Conditions .551
    20.7.2 Composition of Pavement .552
    20.7.3 Joints .553
    Chapter 21 Foundation for Cargo Handling Equipment .554
    21.1 Principle of Design 554
    21.2 External Forces Acting on Foundation .554
    21.3 Design of Foundation with Piles 555
    21.3.1 Concrete Beam .555
    21.3.2 Bearing Capacity of Piles 555
    21.4 Design of Foundation without Piles 556
    21.4.1 Examination of Effects on Wharf .556
    21.4.2 Concrete Beam .556
    Part IX Other Port Facilities
    Chapter 1 Port Traffic Facilities .559
    1.1 General 559
    1.1.1 Scope of Application .559
    1.1.2 Operation and Maintenance of Facilities for Land Traffic 559
    1.2 Roads 559
    1.2.1 General .559
    1.2.2 Design Vehicles 559
    1.2.3 Roadways and Lanes 559
    1.2.4 Clearance Limit .560
    1.2.5 Widening of Roads at Bends .561
    1.2.6 Longitudinal Slope .561
    1.2.7 Level Crossings .562
    1.2.8 Pavement 562
    1.2.9 Signs .563
    1.3 Car Parks 564
    1.3.1 General .564
    1.3.2 Size and Location . 564
    1.4 Railways . 567
    1.5 Heliports 567
    1.6 Tunnels . 567
    1.6.1 General . 567
    1.6.2 Principle of Planning and Design 567
    1.6.3 Depth of Immersion 568
    1.6.4 Structure and Length of Immersed Tunnel Elements . 568
    1.6.5 Ventilation Towers 568
    1.6.6 Access Roads . 569
    1.6.7 Calculation of Stability of Immersed Tunnel Section 569
    1.6.8 Design of Immersed Tunnel Elements 569
    1.6.9 Joints 570
    1.6.10 Control and Operation Facilities . 570
    1.7 Bridges 570
    1.7.1 General . 570
    1.7.2 Design Requirements . 570
    1.7.3 Structural Durability 571
    1.7.4 Fender System . 571
    Chapter 2 Cargo Sorting Facilities . 573
    2.1 General . 573
    2.2 Cargo Sorting Areas . 573
    2.3 Quay Sheds . 573
    2.4 Cargo Handling Equipment . 573
    2.4.1 General . 573
    2.4.2 Oil Handling Equipment 574
    2.4.3 Operation and Maintenance of Cargo Handling Equipment . 574
    2.5 Timber Sorting Areas 574
    2.6 Sorting Facilities for Marine Products 575
    2.7 Sorting Facilities for Hazardous Cargo 575
    Chapter 3 Storage Facilities . 576
    3.1 General . 576
    3.2 Yards for Dangerous Cargo and Oil Storage Facilities . 576
    3.3 Other Storage Facilities 576
    Chapter 4 Facilities for Ship Services . 577
    4.1 General . 577
    4.2 Water Supply Facilities . 577
    Chapter 5 Facilities for Passenger . 578
    5.1 Facilities for Passenger Boarding . 578
    5.1.1 General . 578
    5.1.2 Structural Types 578
    5.1.3 Design of Facilities for Passenger Boarding . 578
    5.1.4 Ancillary Facilities . 578
    5.2 Passenger Building . 579
    5.2.1 General . 579
    5.2.2 Design of Passenger Buildings . 579
    5.2.3 Ancillary Facilities . 579
    Part X Special Purpose Wharves
    Chapter 1 Container Terminals . 581
    1.1 Principle of Design 581
    1.2 Design of Mooring Facilities 582
    1.2.1 Length and Water Depth of Berths . 582
    1.2.2 Mooring Equipment . 582
    1.2.3 Fender System . 583
    1.3 Design of Land Facilities 583
    1.3.1 Apron 583
    1.3.2 Container Cranes 583
    1.3.3 Container Yard 583
    1.3.4 Container Freight Station 583
    1.3.5 Maintenance Shop 583
    1.3.6 Administration Building 583
    1.3.7 Gates .583
    1.3.8 Ancillary Facilities 583
    Chapter 2 Ferry Terminals 584
    2.1 Principle of Design 584
    2.2 Design of Mooring Facilities .585
    2.2.1 Length and Water Depth of Berths 585
    2.2.2 Mooring Equipment .585
    2.2.3 Fender System 586
    2.2.4 Protection Works against Scouring .586
    2.3 Design of Vehicle Ramp .586
    2.3.1 Width, Length, Gradient, and Radius of Curvature .586
    2.3.2 Ancillary Facilities and Signs .586
    2.3.3 Design of Moving Parts .586
    2.4 Facilities for Passenger Boarding .586
    2.4.1 Width, Length, Gradient, and Ancillary Facilities .587
    2.4.2 Design of Moving Parts .587
    2.5 Design of Other Facilities .587
    2.5.1 Roads 587
    2.5.2 Passageways 587
    2.5.3 Car Parks 587
    2.5.4 Passenger Terminals 588
    2.5.5 Safety Equipment 588
    Part XI Marinas
    Chapter 1 Introduction 589
    Chapter 2 Main Dimensions of Target Boats 590
    Chapter 3 Navigation Channels and Basins 591
    3.1 General 591
    3.2 Navigation Channels .591
    3.3 Mooring Basins 591
    Chapter 4 Protective Facilities .592
    Chapter 5 Mooring Facilities .593
    5.1 General 593
    5.2 Design Conditions for Mooring Facilities .593
    5.3 Floating Piers .595
    5.3.1 General .595
    5.3.2 Structure 595
    5.3.3 Examination of Safety .595
    5.3.4 Structural Design .596
    5.3.5 Mooring Method 596
    5.3.6 Access Bridges .596
    5.4 Ancillary Facilities 597
    5.5 Lifting / Lowering Frame Facilities 597
    Chapter 6 Facilities for Ship Services 598
    6.1 General 598
    6.2 Land Storage Facilities .598
    Chapter 7 Land Traffic Facilities 599

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