Thạc Sĩ Teacher questioning strategies and Classroom interaction in Ly Thai To school

Thảo luận trong 'Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi Ác Niệm, 21/12/11.

  1. Ác Niệm

    Ác Niệm New Member

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    1. Rationale.
    Language teaching is a complex process involving many interrelated factors. Many studies have been done to find out suitable and effective methods of teaching language. However, many researchers have showned that teaching methods don’t play a decisive role in language classroom. Interest in EFL has shifted away from the consideration of teaching methods in isolation towards a focus on classroom interaction as the most vital element in second language learning process. Classroom interaction is important because interaction is the essential criteria of classroom pedagogy. Interaction is the process whereby lessons are “accomplished”.
    In classroom interaction analysis, teacher talk was pointed to be particular important to language teaching. According to pedagogical theory, the language that teachers use in classrooms determines to a large degree whether a class will succeed or not. Teacher talk is estimated to make up around 70% of classroom language. Teachers pass on knowledge and skills, organize teaching activities and help pupils practice through teacher talk. Teacher talk involves many aspects, in which teacher questions have drawn much attention.
    It is now generally agreed that questioning is an important methods of teaching. Aschner (1961), for example, calls the teacher “a professional question maker” and suggests that question asking is “one of the basic ways by which the teacher stimulates student thinking and learning” (quoted in Gall 1970: 707). Given the importance to education, it is not surprising that questions “have been the focus of research attention in both content classrooms and language classrooms for many years” (Nunan, 1990:187). In content classroom, cognitive levels of questions have been studies in relation to student achievement (Winne, 1979; Redfield & Rousseau, 1981). In the language classroom, questions have tended to be examined as a means of eliciting more or less linguistic output and involving students in interaction.
    While these studies have shed much light on the relationships between teacher questions and student performance, they have not exhausted the subject. In Vietnam, most people learn English in classrooms. Classroom language is the chief source of foreign language learning. It functions not only as the main source of language learning but also a tool by which a foreign language is taught. However, as far as I know, there are not many researches carried out in this area in Vietnamese EFL classrooms. Since a better understanding of the use of teacher questions and classroom interaction in EFL classrooms can undoubtedly help teachers and students improve their teaching and learning.
    As an EFL teacher, this study is an excellent opportunity to help me bridge theory and practice which otherwise remains nebulous. Observing and describing classroom events make it possible for me to critically examine improvement needed in my teaching. Ultimately, I can pursue more suitable ways of teaching for the enhancement of student learning.
    2. Aims of the study.
    The study aims at:
    *Investigating the relationships among these four variables in the ESL classroom in Ly Thai To school: (1) question types, (2) questioning strategies, (3) student attitudes, and (4) patterns of interaction
    *Giving suggestions and recommendations to teachers at Ly Thai To school.
    3. Research questions.
    Question 1. What is the frequency of display questions and referential questions used by different teachers in different classes?
    Question 2. What questioning strategies do teachers use?
    Question 3. What are the patterns of classroom interaction?
    4. Scope of the study.
    To limit the scope of the study, I will investigate interactions in four class in English periods by focusing on types of teacher questions and students’ attitudes toward these questions. The study considers only conversational interactions as the goal is to assess the direct effects of interactions on oral competence improvement.
    5. Methodology.
    The method applied in this study are both quantitative and qualitative The data which this study draws on come from audiotape, note taking and observation of four English language lessons by four teachers who are teaching at Ly Thai To school.
    Subjects of my study are four classes in Ly Thai To School in Bac Ninh Province.
    Number of pupils level Time of learning English
    Class 1 45 10th At least 4 years
    Class 2 45 10th At least 4 years
    Class 3 50 10th At least 4 years
    Class 4 50 10th At least 4 years
    Table 1: Description of classes observed.
    English is a compulsory subject and they have three English periods per week. Ly Thai To is not a gifted school, however the quality of teaching and learning is quite high in comparison with other schools in this area.

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