Sách Talk a lot Sponken english course by Matt Purland

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  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Bài viết:
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    Điểm thành tích:
    Talk a Lot
    Spoken English Course by Matt Purland
    A Great New Way to Learn Spoken English
    Elementary Book 1
    ã Complete 12-week spoken English course
    ã All materials, instructions and answers are included
    ã Brand new and unique learning method
    ã Learn and recall questions, answers and negatives using 8 common verb forms
    ã Learn 400+ essential vocabulary words
    ã 100% photocopiable

    Welcome to a new kind of English course!
    Talk a Lot is a great new way to learn spoken English, and quite a departure from the standard ELT course book. Instead of spending hours reading and writing, students have the opportunity to engage in challenging and fun speaking and listening activities with their friends.
    On this course students learn how to think in English as well as Talk a Lot!
    The Talk a Lot course objectives are very simple:
    ã Every student talking in English
    ã Every student listening to and understanding English
    ã Every student thinking in English, and
    ã Every student taking part in class
    Talk a Lot is structured so that every student can practise and improve English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation, word and sentence stress, and interpersonal skills, by working in pairs, groups and one to one with the teacher.
    The main benefits of Talk a Lot are:
    ã Students have to think in English during lessons in a controlled and focused way
    ã Students learn how to memorise correct English structures naturally, without abstract
    and unrelated grammar lessons
    ã Students learn how to construct eight different common verb forms, using positive,
    negative and question forms, as well as embedded grammar appropriate to their
    level. The verb forms studied are: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Modal Verbs, Future Forms, and First Conditional
    ã Students learn 400+ essential vocabulary words by heart
    ã Students enjoy following a simple and effective method that produces results quickly
    The ten lesson topics studied in Talk a Lot Elementary Book 1 are: Town, Food, Shopping, Health, Transport, Clothes, Work, Family, Home, and Free Time.
    Thanks to all of our students who have been trialling this course in recent months.
    Remember, teachers can download and print all the blank forms that are necessary for running an English course, such as blank registers and enrolment forms, individual learning plans, and initial assessments, all for free, from our website at www.englishbanana.com.
    We’d love to hear from you about how you have used this book and how your course went, so please feel free to contact us via our website feedback form or by emailing >[email protected]<script type="text/javascript">
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    . We’d also be really excited to hear about your ideas and proposals for new Talk a Lot topics and activities that we can use in future Talk a Lot books.
    With best wishes for a successful course,
    Matt Purland, Ostroda, Poland (6[SUP]th[/SUP] April 2008)

    i Introduction
    ii Contents
    1 How to Use this Course
    1 How to Use this Course:
    [TABLE="align: center"]
    [TD]Course Outline
    [TD]Lesson Outline
    [TD]Assessment Methods, Tests and Examination
    [TD]Sentence Blocks
    [TD]Discussion Questions
    [TD]Role Plays
    [TD]Discussion Words and Question Sheets

    17 Student Course Report
    18 Sentence Blocks - Q &amp; A
    19 Sentence Blocks - Six Great Tips for Students
    20 Sentence Blocks
    20 Town - Sentence Blocks
    21 Food and Drink - Sentence Blocks
    22 Shopping - Sentence Blocks
    23 Health - Sentence Blocks
    24 Transport - Sentence Blocks
    25 Family - Sentence Blocks
    26 Clothes - Sentence Blocks
    27 Work - Sentence Blocks
    28 Home - Sentence Blocks
    29 Free Time - Sentence Blocks
    30 Sentence Block Extensions
    34 Discussion Questions
    34 Town - Discussion Questions
    35 Food and Drink - Discussion Questions
    36 Shopping - Discussion Questions
    37 Health - Discussion Questions
    38 Transport - Discussion Questions
    39 Family - Discussion Questions
    40 Clothes - Discussion Questions
    41 Work - Discussion Questions
    42 Home - Discussion Questions
    43 Free Time - Discussion Questions
    44 Role Plays
    44 Town - Role Plays
    45 Food and Drink - Role Plays
    44 Shopping - Role Plays
    45 Health - Role Plays
    46 Transport - Role Plays
    47 Family - Role Plays
    48 Clothes - Role Plays
    49 Work - Role Plays
    50 Home - Role Plays
    51 Free Time - Role Plays
    52 Role Play Extensions
    57 Role Plays - Mood Chart
    58 Discussion Words and Question Sheets
    58 Town - Discussion Words
    59 Town - Discussion Words (Question Sheet)
    60 Food and Drink - Discussion Words
    61 Food and Drink - Discussion Words (Question Sheet)
    62 Shopping - Discussion Words
    63 Shopping - Discussion Words (Question Sheet)
    64 Health - Discussion Words
    65 Health - Discussion Words (Question Sheet)
    66 Transport - Discussion Words
    67 Transport - Discussion Words (Question Sheet)
    68 Family - Discussion Words
    69 Family - Discussion Words (Question Sheet)
    70 Clothes - Discussion Words
    71 Clothes - Discussion Words (Question Sheet)
    72 Work - Discussion Words
    73 Work - Discussion Words (Question Sheet)
    74 Home - Discussion Words
    75 Home - Discussion Words (Question Sheet)
    76 Free Time - Discussion Words
    77 Free Time - Discussion Words (Question Sheet)
    78 Vocabulary Tests
    78 Town - Vocabulary Test
    79 Food and Drink - Vocabulary Test
    80 Shopping - Vocabulary Test
    81 Health - Vocabulary Test
    82 Transport - Vocabulary Test
    83 Family - Vocabulary Test
    84 Clothes - Vocabulary Test
    85 Work - Vocabulary Test
    86 Home - Vocabulary Test
    87 Free Time - Vocabulary Test
    88 Lesson Tests
    88 Lesson Test - Town
    88 Lesson Test - Food and Drink
    89 Lesson Test - Shopping
    90 Lesson Test - Health
    91 Lesson Test - Transport
    92 Lesson Test - Family
    93 Lesson Test - Clothes
    94 Lesson Test - Work
    95 Lesson Test - Home
    96 Lesson Test - Free Time
    98 Verb Forms Practice
    97 Present Simple
    98 Present Continuous
    99 Past Simple
    100 Past Continuous
    101 Present Perfect
    102 Modal Verbs
    103 Future Forms
    104 First Conditional
    106 End of Course Oral Examination
    105 End of Course Oral Examination
    110 Talk a Lot Course Certificate - Template 1
    111 Talk a Lot Course Certificate - Template 2
    112 Answers
    112 Sentence Blocks
    113 Food and Drink Shopping
    114 Health
    115 Transport Family
    116 Clothes
    117 Work Home
    118 Free Time
    119 Sentence Block Extensions
    119 Discussion Words and Question Sheets
    121 Food and Drink
    122 Shopping
    123 Health
    124 Transport
    125 Family
    126 Clothes
    121 Work
    122 Home
    123 Free Time
    131 Lesson Tests
    Food and Drink
    132 Transport Family Clothes Work Home
    133 Free Time
    134 Sentence Stress
    134 What is Sentence Stress?
    137 Sentence Blocks - Sentence Stress
    140 Sentence Stress Activity Cards
    140 Sentence Block Verbs from Elementary Book 1
    141 Discussion Words from Elementary Book 1
    147 The 48 Sounds of English with the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)

    How to Use this Course
    Course Outline:
    ã Before the course begins perform an initial assessment with each student to check that they are at a suitable level for the course, and then enrol them onto the course. This course is aimed at students who are at a good elementary level or pre­intermediate level. For this course we recommend that there are no more than ten students per class.
    ã The course is divided into twelve three-hour lessons. The first ten lessons each have a different topic; while lesson 11 is intended for the revision of material studied over the ten weeks, and lesson 12 is reserved for the students’ examinations and an end of course review. We recommend that you hold one lesson per week, making this a twelve week course comprising 30 guided learning hours, plus 6 hours of guided revision and examination. It’s up to you what order you do the lessons in; you don’t have to follow our order of topics!
    ã If your students need more than three hours of study per week, why not offer them two 3-hour lessons per week: one Talk a Lot lesson, as described below, and one lesson using traditional teaching methods, which include conventional reading, writing and grammar-based activities that could complement the intensive speaking and listening work of the Talk a Lot lessons. You could follow a standard EFL or ESL course book such as New English File or New Headway, using material that complements the Talk a Lot lesson, so that in Week 2, for example, both 3-hour lessons are on the subject of Food and Drink. This would then give you a course with
    60 guided learning hours.
    ã The lesson topics are:
    Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12
    Lesson Outline
    ã In our lesson outline, each lesson lasts for three hours (180 teaching minutes). This can vary according to your needs, for example, in some English language classrooms one teaching hour is equal to 45 minutes, and so 3 teaching hours would be 2% hours. Or it may be that you have only 2 hours per week with your group of students. You can still use Talk a Lot activities to serve up a satisfying and stimulating lesson - just in a shorter timeframe.
    ã Each lesson focuses on a specific vocabulary topic, for example “Town”. For each lesson the teacher can draw from seven different activities:
    Sentence Blocks Discussion Questions Role Plays Discussion Words Vocabulary Test Lesson Test Show &amp; Tell
    It is not necessary to use every activity in every lesson. We believe that there is more material in this book for each lesson than is needed to fill 3 hours, so the teacher can mix and match, using different activities in different lessons. Similarly, it is not necessary to do the activities in the same order (as given below) in every lesson, but mix things up each time so that students don’t become used to a set lesson order.
    ã Bearing that in mind, here is an example of how you could structure a 3-hour long Talk a Lot lesson:
    15 mins Welcome and vocabulary test (see page 5) based on the previous lesson’s
    topic. The teacher reads out the twenty words to the students in their native language and they write them in English. The teacher gives back lesson tests, discusses the answers with the students, and can also ask random questions from the previous lesson’s sentence blocks to check how much the students have remembered.
    15 mins The teacher introduces the topic of this lesson, for example, “Home”. Each
    student has to show and tell an item to do with this topic, e.g. for “Home” a student could bring a utility bill, or a cushion from their favourite chair, and then tell the class about it. The teacher also brings something to “show and tell”, and then introduces the eight new sentence block starting sentences and wh- questions on the board or on the handout (see page 8). It is essential that the teacher checks that the students understand the sentences, so that they are meaningful to students when they practise them later on.
    The teacher asks different students to model one or two of the sentence blocks, which will act as a reminder to students of how to make the sentence blocks.
    20 mins Students make the sentence blocks in pairs, for example, sitting back to back
    without eye contact. They don’t write anything down and must not copy the sentence block starting sentences from the board. For this activity all the talk flows from the students making the sentence blocks from the starting sentences and wh- questions on the board or on the handout.
    10 mins Next, the teacher introduces the eight discussion questions for this lesson
    to the whole class (see page 13). Again, it is important that the teacher checks that their students understand the vocabulary that is used. Students should be encouraged to use their dictionaries to check new words.
    30 mins Working in pairs or small groups, students practise the discussion questions.
    This is free speaking practise - the antithesis of having to make pre-set sentences using the sentence blocks. The students can change partners several times in order to get a good variety of practice, then the whole class comes together and feeds back to the group, with the teacher asking additional follow-up questions. During this time the teacher removes the sentence block sentences from the board, or asks the students to return their sentence block handouts.
    We ’re halfway through! Have a cup of tea and some fresh air - or just hang out!
    25 mins After a relaxing break it’s time for some brain work - the lesson test (see
    page 5)! The aim of this test is for the teacher to find out what vocabulary the students can remember from the previous lesson and to get an idea of how well they are coping with making the sentence blocks.
    25 mins The teacher could decide to use this slot for activities with the discussion
    words (see page 15) or for making role plays (see page 14) - or for both, if your students are up to the challenge!
    30 mins The students practise the sentence block sentences again, but this time
    without any written record - nothing on the board and no handout. The teacher monitors each pair and helps them where necessary, making sure that they are making the sentence blocks successfully. Towards the end of this time the whole class comes back together to give each other feedback. The teacher asks questions from the eight sentence blocks to different students, who should give a correct, or nearly correct, sentence - all from memory. In the early weeks this will be more difficult for the students, but after a few lessons with this method students should be able to answer confidently, having memorised some or all of that lesson’s sentence blocks.
    10 mins Open question time - students can ask any English-related question. The
    teacher looks at the students’ workbooks (this can be any suitable course book that students work through at home and which complements the lesson) and checks students’ progress. The teacher sets the topic for the next lesson and gives out the handouts for the next lesson’s vocabulary test. The teacher could either give or spend a few minutes eliciting the twenty new words in the students’ first language. The teacher should encourage students to keep all of their handouts in their own file, for revision and further study at home.
    Assessment Methods, Tests and Examination
    The overall course mark for each student is reached by continuous assessment and an end of course oral examination. Individual students are monitored throughout the course and their progress recorded in a number of different ways. The aim of using continuous assessment is to encourage students to work hard in every lesson - because every lesson counts and effort is rewarded along with accuracy - and to work hard at home, e.g. learning the vocabulary words each week.
    Each student gets a combined mark out of 80 for each lesson which is based on the following:

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