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    Wind Power in Power Systems

    Edited by
    Thomas Ackermann
    Royal Institute of Technology
    Stockholm, Sweden

    Contributors xx
    Abbreviations xxix
    Notation xxxvi
    Units xlvi
    1 Introduction 1
    Thomas Ackermann
    Part A Theoretical Background and Technical Regulations 5
    2 Historical Development and Current Status of Wind Power 7
    Thomas Ackermann
    2.1 Introduction 7
    2.2 Historical Background 8
    2.2.1 Mechanical power generation 8
    2.2.2 Electrical power generation 9
    2.3 Current Status of Wind Power Worldwide 11
    2.3.1 Overview of grid-connected wind power generation 11
    2.3.2 Europe 11
    2.3.3 North America 13
    2.3.4 South and Central America 16
    2.3.5 Asia and Pacific 16
    2.3.6 Middle East and Africa 17
    2.3.7 Overview of stand-alone generation 18
    2.3.8 Wind power economics 18
    2.3.9 Environmental issues 20
    2.4 Status of Wind Turbine Technology 21
    2.4.1 Design approaches 22
    2.5 Conclusions 23
    Acknowledgements 23
    References 23
    3 Wind Power in Power Systems: An Introduction 25
    Lennart So ¨der and Thomas Ackermann
    3.1 Introduction 25
    3.2 Power System History 25
    3.3 Current Status of Wind Power in Power Systems 26
    3.4 Network Integration Issues for Wind Power 28
    3.5 Basic Electrical Engineering 29
    3.6 Characteristics of Wind Power Generation 32
    3.6.1 The wind 32
    3.6.2 The physics 33
    3.6.3 Wind power production 34
    3.7 Basic Integration Issues Related to Wind Power 40
    3.7.1 Consumer requirements 40
    3.7.2 Requirements from wind farm operators 41
    3.7.3 The integration issues 41
    3.8 Conclusions 46
    Appendix: A Mechanical Equivalent to Power System Operation with
    Wind Power 47
    Introduction 47
    Active power balance 48
    Reactive power balance 49
    References 50
    4 Generators and Power Electronics for Wind Turbines 53
    Anca D. Hansen
    4.1 Introduction 53
    4.2 State-of-the-art Technologies 53
    4.2.1 Overview of wind turbine topologies 53
    4.2.2 Overview of power control concepts 55
    4.2.3 State-of-the-art generators 55
    4.2.4 State-of-the-art power electronics 59
    4.2.5 State-of-the-art market penetration 62
    4.3 Generator Concepts 65
    4.3.1 Asynchronous (induction) generator 66
    4.3.2 The synchronous generator 69
    4.3.3 Other types of generators 70
    4.4 Power Electronic Concepts 72
    4.4.1 Soft-starter 72
    4.4.2 Capacitor bank 72
    4.4.3 Rectifiers and inverters 73
    4.4.4 Frequency converters 74
    4.5 Power Electronic Solutions in Wind Farms 75
    4.6 Conclusions 77
    References 77
    5 Power Quality Standards for Wind Turbines 79
    John Olav Tande
    5.1 Introduction 79
    5.2 Power Quality Characteristics of Wind Turbines 80
    viii Contents5.2.1 Rated data 81
    5.2.2 Maximum permitted power 81
    5.2.3 Maximum measured power 81
    5.2.4 Reactive power 81
    5.2.5 Flicker coefficient 82
    5.2.6 Maximum number of wind turbine switching operations 83
    5.2.7 Flicker step factor 83
    5.2.8 Voltage change factor 84
    5.2.9 Harmonic currents 84
    5.2.10 Summary power quality characteristics for various wind turbine types 84
    5.3 Impact on Voltage Quality 85
    5.3.1 General 85
    5.3.2 Case study specifications 86
    5.3.3 Slow voltage variations 87
    5.3.4 Flicker 89
    5.3.5 Voltage dips 91
    5.3.6 Harmonic voltage 92
    5.4 Discussion 93
    5.5 Conclusions 94
    References 95
    6 Power Quality Measurements 97
    Fritz Santjer
    6.1 Introduction 97
    6.2 Requirements for Power Quality Measurements 98
    6.2.1 Guidelines 98
    6.2.2 Specification 99
    6.2.3 Future aspects 104
    6.3 Power Quality Characteristics of Wind Turbines and Wind Farms 105
    6.3.1 Power peaks 105
    6.3.2 Reactive power 106
    6.3.3 Harmonics 106
    6.3.4 Flicker 108
    6.3.5 Switching operations 109
    6.4 Assessment Concerning the Grid Connection 111
    6.5 Conclusions 112
    References 113
    7 Technical Regulations for the Interconnection of Wind Farms to the Power System 115
    Julija Matevosyan, Thomas Ackermann and Sigrid M. Bolik
    7.1 Introduction 115
    7.2 Overview of Technical Regulations 115
    7.2.1 Regulations for networks below 110 kV 117
    7.2.2 Regulations for networks above 110 kV 119
    7.2.3 Combined regulations 120
    7.3 Comparison of Technical Interconnection Regulations 121
    7.3.1 Active power control 122
    7.3.2 Frequency control 123
    Contents ix7.3.3 Voltage control 124
    7.3.4 Tap changers 128
    7.3.5 Wind farm protection 128
    7.3.6 Modelling information and verification 133
    7.3.7 Communication and external control 133
    7.3.8 Discussion of interconnection regulations 134
    7.4 Technical Solutions for New Interconnection Rules 136
    7.4.1 Absolute power constraint 136
    7.4.2 Balance control 136
    7.4.3 Power rate limitation control approach 136
    7.4.4 Delta control 137
    7.5 Interconnection Practice 138
    7.6 Conclusions 140
    References 140
    8 Power System Requirements for Wind Power 143
    Hannele Holttinen and Ritva Hirvonen
    8.1 Introduction 143
    8.2 Operation of the Power System 144
    8.2.1 System reliability 145
    8.2.2 Frequency control 146
    8.2.3 Voltage management 147
    8.3 Wind Power Production and the Power System 149
    8.3.1 Production patterns of wind power 149
    8.3.2 Variations of production and the smoothing effect 151
    8.3.3 Predictability of wind power production 155
    8.4 Effects of Wind Energy on the Power System 156
    8.4.1 Short-term effects on reserves 156
    8.4.2 Other short-term effects 160
    8.4.3 Long-term effects on the adequacy of power capacity 162
    8.4.4 Wind power in future power systems 164
    8.5 Conclusions 164
    References 165
    9 The Value of Wind Power 169
    Lennart So ¨der
    9.1 Introduction 169
    9.2 The Value of a Power Plant 169
    9.2.1 Operating cost value 169
    9.2.2 Capacity credit 170
    9.2.3 Control value 170
    9.2.4 Loss reduction value 170
    9.2.5 Grid investment value 170
    9.3 The Value of Wind Power 170
    9.3.1 The operating cost value of wind power 171
    9.3.2 The capacity credit of wind power 171
    9.3.3 The control value of wind power 174
    9.3.4 The loss reduction value of wind power 177
    9.3.5 The grid investment value of wind power 180
    x Contents9.4 The Market Value of Wind Power 180
    9.4.1 The market operation cost value of wind power 180
    9.4.2 The market capacity credit of wind power 181
    9.4.3 The market control value of wind power 182
    9.4.4 The market loss reduction value of wind power 188
    9.4.5 The market grid investment value of wind power 189
    9.5 Conclusions 194
    References 195
    Part B Power System Integration Experience 197
    10 Wind Power in the Danish Power System 199
    Peter Borre Eriksen and Carl Hilger
    10.1 Introduction 199
    10.2 Operational Issues 203
    10.2.1 The Nordic market model for electricity trading 205
    10.2.2 Different markets 207
    10.2.3 Interaction between technical rules and the market 209
    10.2.4 Example of how Eltra handles the balance task 210
    10.2.5 Balancing via Nord Pool: first step 211
    10.2.6 The accuracy of the forecasts 213
    10.2.7 Network controller and instantaneous reserves 215
    10.2.8 Balancing prices in the real-time market 215
    10.2.9 Market prices fluctuating with high wind production 217
    10.2.10 Other operational problems 217
    10.3 System Analysis and Modelling Issues 219
    10.3.1 Future development of wind power 219
    10.3.2 Wind regime 220
    10.3.3 Wind power forecast models 221
    10.3.4 Grid connection 223
    10.3.5 Modelling of power systems with large-scale wind
    power production 224
    10.3.6 Wind power and system analysis 226
    10.3.7 Case study CO2 reductions according to the Kyoto
    Protocol 228
    10.4 Conclusions and Lessons Learned 231
    References 232
    11 Wind Power in the German Power System: Current Status and Future Challenges of Maintaining Quality of Supply 233
    Matthias Luther, Uwe Radtke and Wilhelm R. Winter
    11.1 Introduction 233
    11.2 Current Performance of Wind Energy in Germany 234
    11.3 Wind Power Supply in the E.ON Netz Area 236
    11.4 Electricity System Control Requirements 237
    11.5 Network Planning and Connection Requirements 238
    11.6 Wind Turbines and Dynamic Performance Requirements 241
    11.7 Object of Investigation and Constraints 241
    Contents xi11.8 Simulation Results 244
    11.8.1 Voltage quality 244
    11.8.2 Frequency stability 248
    11.9 Additional Dynamic Requirements of Wind Turbines 252
    11.10 Conclusions 254
    References 255
    12 Wind Power on Weak Grids in California and the US Midwest 257
    H. M. Romanowitz
    12.1 Introduction 257
    12.2 The Early Weak Grid: Background 259
    12.2.1 Tehachapi 66 kV transmission 259
    12.2.2 VARs 260
    12.2.3 FACTS devices 260
    12.2.4 Development of wind energy on the Tehachapi 66 kV grid 261
    12.2.5 Reliable generation 262
    12.2.6 Capacity factor improvement: firming intermittent wind generation 263
    12.3 Voltage Regulation: VAR Support on a Wind-dominated Grid 264
    12.3.1 Voltage control of a self-excited induction machine 264
    12.3.2 Voltage regulated VAR control 264
    12.3.3 Typical wind farm PQ operating characteristics 265
    12.3.4 Local voltage change from VAR support 267
    12.3.5 Location of supplying VARs within a wind farm 268
    12.3.6 Self-correcting fault condition: VAR starvation 269
    12.3.7 Efficient-to-use idle wind turbine component capacity
    for low-voltage VARs 270
    12.3.8 Harmonics and harmonic resonance: location on grid 271
    12.3.9 Islanding, self-correcting conditions and speed of response
    for VAR controls 274
    12.3.10 Self-correcting fault condition: VAR starvation 275
    12.3.11 Higher-speed grid events: wind turbines that stay connected through
    grid events 276
    12.3.12 Use of advanced VAR support technologies on weak grids 278
    12.3.13 Load flow studies on a weak grid and with induction machines 279
    12.4 Private Tehachapi Transmission Line 280
    12.5 Conclusions 281
    References 282
    13 Wind Power on the Swedish Island of Gotland 283
    Christer Liljegren and Thomas Ackermann
    13.1 Introduction 283
    13.1.1 History 283
    13.1.2 Description of the local power system 285
    13.1.3 Power exchange with the mainland 286
    13.1.4 Wind power in the South of Gotland 286
    13.2 The Voltage Source Converter Based High-voltage Direct-current Solution 287
    13.2.1 Choice of technology 287
    13.2.2 Description 287
    13.2.3 Controllability 288
    xii Contents13.2.4 Reactive power support and control 288
    13.2.5 Voltage control 288
    13.2.6 Protection philosophy 289
    13.2.7 Losses 290
    13.2.8 Practical experience with the installation 290
    13.2.9 Tjæreborg Project 291
    13.3 Grid Issues 291
    13.3.1 Flicker 292
    13.3.2 Transient phenomena 292
    13.3.3 Stability issues with voltage control equipment 293
    13.3.4 Validation 294
    13.3.5 Power flow 295
    13.3.6 Technical responsibility 296
    13.3.7 Future work 296
    13.4 Conclusions 296
    Further Reading 297
    References 297
    14 Isolated Systems with Wind Power 299
    Per Lundsager and E. Ian Baring-Gould
    14.1 Introduction 299
    14.2 Use of Wind Energy in Isolated Power Systems 300
    14.2.1 System concepts and configurations 300
    14.2.2 Basic considerations and constraints for wind–diesel power stations 305
    14.3 Categorisation of Systems 310
    14.4 Systems and Experience 311
    14.4.1 Overview of systems 312
    14.4.2 Hybrid power system experience 312
    14.5 Wind Power Impact on Power Quality 315
    14.5.1 Distribution network voltage levels 316
    14.5.2 System stability and power quality 316
    14.5.3 Power and voltage fluctuations 317
    14.5.4 Power system operation 317
    14.6 System Modelling Requirements 320
    14.6.1 Requirements and applications 321
    14.6.2 Some numerical models for isolated systems 322
    14.7 Application Issues 322
    14.7.1 Cost of energy and economics 324
    14.7.2 Consumer demands in isolated communities 325
    14.7.3 Standards, guidelines and project development approaches 325
    14.8 Conclusions and Recommendations 327
    References 328
    15 Wind Farms in Weak Power Networks in India 331
    Poul Sørensen
    15.1 Introduction 331
    15.2 Network Characteristics 334
    15.2.1 Transmission capacity 334
    15.2.2 Steady-state voltage and outages 335
    Contents xiii15.2.3 Frequency 337
    15.2.4 Harmonic and interharmonic distortions 337
    15.2.5 Reactive power consumption 338
    15.2.6 Voltage imbalance 338
    15.3 Wind Turbine Characteristics 338
    15.4 Wind Turbine Influence on Grids 339
    15.4.1 Steady-state voltage 339
    15.4.2 Reactive power consumption 339
    15.4.3 Harmonic and interharmonic emission 342
    15.5 Grid Influence on Wind Turbines 343
    15.5.1 Power performance 343
    15.5.2 Safety 345
    15.5.3 Structural lifetime 346
    15.5.4 Stress on electric components 346
    15.5.5 Reactive power compensation 346
    15.6 Conclusions 347
    References 347
    16 Practical Experience with Power Quality and Wind Power 349
    A ˚ke Larsson
    16.1 Introduction 349
    16.2 Voltage Variations 349
    16.3 Flicker 352
    16.3.1 Continuous operation 352
    16.3.2 Switching operations 354
    16.4 Harmonics 358
    16.5 Transients 360
    16.6 Frequency 361
    16.7 Conclusions 363
    References 363
    17 Wind Power Forecast for the German and Danish Networks 365
    Bernhard Ernst
    17.1 Introduction 365
    17.2 Current Development and Use of Wind Power Prediction Tools 366
    17.3 Current Wind Power Prediction Tools 367
    17.3.1 Prediktor 367
    17.3.2 Wind Power Prediction Tool 368
    17.3.3 Zephyr 370
    17.3.4 Previento 370
    17.3.5 eWind 370
    17.3.6 SIPREO ´
    LICO 371
    17.3.7 Advanced Wind Power Prediction Tool 372
    17.3.8 HONEYMOON project 376
    17.4 Conclusions and Outlook 377
    17.4.1 Conclusions 377
    17.4.2 Outlook 380
    References 380
    Useful websites 381
    xiv Contents
    18 Economic Aspects of Wind Power in Power Systems 383
    Thomas Ackermann and Poul Erik Morthorst
    18.1 Introduction 383
    18.2 Costs for Network Connection and Network Upgrading 384
    18.2.1 Shallow connection charges 384
    18.2.2 Deep connection charges 387
    18.2.3 Shallowish connection charges 388
    18.2.4 Discussion of technical network limits 388
    18.2.5 Summary of network interconnection and upgrade costs 389
    18.3 System Operation Costs in a Deregulated Market 390
    18.3.1 Primary control issues 391
    18.3.2 Treatment of system operation costs 392
    18.3.3 Secondary control issues 392
    18.3.4 Electricity market aspects 395
    18.4 Example: Nord Pool 395
    18.4.1 The Nord Pool power exchange 396
    18.4.2 Elspot pricing 397
    18.4.3 Wind power and the power exchange 398
    18.4.4 Wind power and the balancing market 403
    18.5 Conclusions 408
    References 409
    Part C Future Concepts 411
    19 Wind Power and Voltage Control 413
    J. G. Slootweg, S. W. H. de Haan, H. Polinder and W. L. Kling
    19.1 Introduction 413
    19.2 Voltage Control 414
    19.2.1 The need for voltage control 414
    19.2.2 Active and reactive power 416
    19.2.3 Impact of wind power on voltage control 417
    19.3 Voltage Control Capabilities of Wind Turbines 420
    19.3.1 Current wind turbine types 420
    19.3.2 Wind turbine voltage control capabilities 421
    19.3.3 Factors affecting voltage control 425
    19.4 Simulation Results 425
    19.4.1 Test system 425
    19.4.2 Steady-state analysis 426
    19.4.3 Dynamic analysis 428
    19.5 Voltage Control Capability and Converter Rating 430
    19.6 Conclusions 431
    References 432
    20 Wind Power in Areas with Limited Transmission Capacity 433
    Julija Matevosyan
    20.1 Introduction 433
    20.2 Transmission Limits 434
    20.2.1 Thermal limit 434
    20.2.2 Voltage stability limit 435
    Contents xv20.2.3 Power output of wind turbines 438
    20.2.4 Transient stability 439
    20.2.5 Summary 439
    20.3 Transmission Capacity: Methods of Determination 440
    20.3.1 Determination of cross-border transmission capacity 440
    20.3.2 Determination of transmission capacity within the country 441
    20.3.3 Summary 442
    20.4 Measures to Increase Transmission Capacity 442
    20.4.1 ‘Soft’ measures 442
    20.4.2 Possible reinforcement measures: thermal limit 443
    20.4.3 Possible reinforcement measures: voltage stability limit 444
    20.4.4 Converting AC transmission lines to DC for higher transmission ratings 444
    20.5 Impact of Wind Generation on Transmission Capacity 445
    20.6 Alternatives to Grid Reinforcement for the Integration of Wind Power 446
    20.6.1 Regulation using existing generation sources 447
    20.6.2 Wind energy spillage 447
    20.6.3 Summary 457
    20.7 Conclusions 458
    References 458
    21 Benefits of Active Management of Distribution Systems 461
    Goran Strbac, Predrag Djapic ´, Thomas Bopp and Nick Jenkins
    21.1 Background 461
    21.2 Active Management 462
    21.2.1 Voltage-rise effect 462
    21.2.2 Active management control strategies 464
    21.3 Quantification of the Benefits of Active Management 465
    21.3.1 Introduction 465
    21.3.2 Case studies 466
    21.4 Conclusions 476
    References 476
    22 Transmission Systems for Offshore Wind Farms 479
    Thomas Ackermann
    22.1 Introduction 479
    22.2 General Electrical Aspects 481
    22.2.1 Offshore substations 482
    22.2.2 Redundancy 483
    22.3 Transmission System to Shore 484
    22.3.1 High-voltage alternating-current transmission 485
    22.3.2 Line-commutated converter based high-voltage direct-current transmission 486
    22.3.3 Voltage source converter based high-voltage direct-current transmission 488
    22.3.4 Comparison 490
    22.4 System Solutions for Offshore Wind Farms 497
    22.4.1 Use of low frequency 497
    22.4.2 DC solutions based on wind turbines with AC generators 498
    22.4.3 DC solutions based on wind turbines with DC generators 498
    22.5 Offshore Grid Systems 499
    22.6 Alternative Transmission Solutions 500
    22.7 Conclusions 500
    xvi ContentsAcknowledgement 501
    References 501
    23 Hydrogen as a Means of Transporting and Balancing Wind Power Production 505
    Robert Steinberger-Wilckens
    23.1 Introduction 505
    23.2 A Brief Introduction to Hydrogen 506
    23.3 Technology and Efficiency 507
    23.3.1 Hydrogen production 507
    23.3.2 Hydrogen storage 508
    23.3.3 Hydrogen transport 509
    23.4 Reconversion to Electricity: Fuel Cells 510
    23.5 Hydrogen and Wind Energy 512
    23.6 Upgrading Surplus Wind Energy 514
    23.6.1 Hydrogen products 516
    23.7 A Blueprint for a Hydrogen Distribution System 516
    23.7.1 Initial cost estimates 518
    23.8 Conclusions 519
    References 519
    Part D Dynamic Modelling of Wind Turbines for power System Studies 523
    24 Introduction to the Modelling of Wind Turbines 525
    Hans Knudsen and Jørgen Nyga ˚rd Nielsen
    24.1 Introduction 525
    24.2 Basic Considerations regarding Modelling and Simulations 526
    24.3 Overview of Aerodynamic Modelling 526
    24.3.1 Basic description of the turbine rotor 527
    24.3.2 Different representations of the turbine rotor 532
    24.4 Basic Modelling Block Description of Wind Turbines 534
    24.4.1 Aerodynamic system 535
    24.4.2 Mechanical system 536
    24.4.3 Generator drive concepts 536
    24.4.4 Pitch servo 539
    24.4.5 Main control system 539
    24.4.6 Protection systems and relays 541
    24.5 Per Unit Systems and Data for the Mechanical System 541
    24.6 Different Types of Simulation and Requirements for Accuracy 546
    24.6.1 Simulation work and required modelling accuracy 546
    24.6.2 Different types of simulation 547
    24.7 Conclusions 552
    References 553
    25 Reduced-order Modelling of Wind Turbines 555
    J. G. Slootweg, H. Polinder and W. L. Kling
    25.1 Introduction 555
    25.2 Power System Dynamics Simulation 556
    25.3 Current Wind Turbine Types 557
    25.4 Modelling Assumptions 557
    Contents xvii25.5 Model of a Constant-speed Wind Turbine 559
    25.5.1 Model structure 559
    25.5.2 Wind speed model 559
    25.5.3 Rotor model 562
    25.5.4 Shaft model 564
    25.5.5 Generator model 565
    25.6 Model of a Wind Turbine with a Doubly fed Induction Generator 567
    25.6.1 Model structure 567
    25.6.2 Rotor model 568
    25.6.3 Generator model 568
    25.6.4 Converter model 570
    25.6.5 Protection system model 572
    25.6.6 Rotor speed controller model 573
    25.6.7 Pitch angle controller model 574
    25.6.8 Terminal voltage controller model 575
    25.7 Model of a Direct drive Wind Turbine 576
    25.7.1 Generator model 577
    25.7.2 Voltage controller model 578
    25.8 Model Validation 579
    25.8.1 Measured and simulated model response 579
    25.8.2 Comparison of measurements and simulations 582
    25.9 Conclusions 584
    References 584
    26 High-order Models of Doubly-fed Induction Generators 587
    Eva Centeno Lo ´pez and Jonas Persson
    26.1 Introduction 587
    26.2 Advantages of Using a Doubly-fed Induction Generator 588
    26.3 The Components of a Doubly-fed Induction Generator 588
    26.4 Machine Equations 589
    26.4.1 The vector method 590
    26.4.2 Notation of quantities 592
    26.4.3 Voltage equations of the machine 592
    26.4.4 Flux equations of the machine 594
    26.4.5 Mechanical equations of the machine 595
    26.4.6 Mechanical equations of the wind turbine 597
    26.5 Voltage Source Converter 597
    26.6 Sequencer 599
    26.7 Simulation of the Doubly-fed Induction Generator 599
    26.8 Reducing the Order of the Doubly-fed Induction Generator 600
    26.9 Conclusions 601
    References 602
    27 Full-scale Verification of Dynamic Wind Turbine Models 603
    Vladislav Akhmatov
    27.1 Introduction 603
    27.1.1 Background 604
    27.1.2 Process of validation 605
    27.2 Partial Validation 607
    27.2.1 Induction generator model 607
    27.2.2 Shaft system model 611
    xviii Contents27.2.3 Aerodynamic rotor model 613
    27.2.4 Summary of partial validation 618
    27.3 Full-scale Validation 619
    27.3.1 Experiment outline 619
    27.3.2 Measured behaviour 621
    27.3.3 Modelling case 622
    27.3.4 Model validation 623
    27.3.5 Discrepancies between model and measurements 625
    27.4 Conclusions 625
    References 626
    28 Impacts of Wind Power on Power System Dynamics 629
    J. G. Slootweg and W. L. Kling
    28.1 Introduction 629
    28.2 Power System Dynamics 630
    28.3 Actual Wind Turbine Types 631
    28.4 Impact of Wind Power on Transient Stability 632
    28.4.1 Dynamic behaviour of wind turbine types 632
    28.4.2 Dynamic behaviour of wind farms 636
    28.4.3 Simulation results 638
    28.5 Impact of Wind Power on Small Signal Stability 645
    28.5.1 Eigenvalue–frequency domain analysis 645
    28.5.2 Analysis of the impact of wind power on small signal stability 646
    28.5.3 Simulation results 647
    28.5.4 Preliminary conclusions 648
    28.6 Conclusions 650
    References 651
    29 Aggregated Modelling and Short-term Voltage Stability of Large Wind Farms 653
    Vladislav Akhmatov
    29.1 Introduction 653
    29.1.1 Main outline 654
    29.1.2 Area of application 655
    29.1.3 Additional requirements 655
    29.2 Large Wind Farm Model 656
    29.2.1 Reactive power conditions 657
    29.2.2 Faulting conditions 658
    29.3 Fixed-speed Wind Turbines 658
    29.3.1 Wind turbine parameters 661
    29.3.2 Stabilisation through power ramp 661
    29.4 Wind Turbines with Variable Rotor Resistance 663
    29.5 Variable-speed Wind Turbines with Doubly-fed Induction Generators 665
    29.5.1 Blocking and restart of converter 667
    29.5.2 Response of a large wind farm 668
    29.6 Variable-speed Wind Turbines with Permanent Magnet Generators 670
    29.7 A Single Machine Equivalent 672
    29.8 Conclusions 673
    References 673
    Index 677

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