Chuyên Đề Tài liệu hướng dẫn sử dụng ETABS 8.0

Thảo luận trong 'Kiến Trúc - Xây Dựng' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Moc loc
    Êng me RCu . 1
    y nghUa cCc biOu ting
    trong 1
    Etabs 1
    Êng 1 . 9
    Tr~nh RÊn File . 9
    1. New Model [Ctrl + N] . 10
    1.1. Khei t1o kOt cEu . 10
    1.2. ˜Tnh nghUa hO lii
    kOt cEu 11
    1.3. ˜Tnh nghUa d€ liOu cho cCc tCng . 14
    1.4. Chan thviOn
    kOt cEu . 15
    2. Open [Ctrl + O] . 16
    3. Save [Ctrl + S] hoAc Save as . 16
    4. Import . 17
    5. Export . 17
    6. Creat Video . 19
    7. Print Setup 19
    8. Print Preview for Graphics 20
    9. Print Graphics 20
    10. Print Table 20
    11. User Comments and Session Log . 21
    12. Display Input.Output File 21
    Êng II 22
    tr~nh RÊn Edit 22
    1. Undo 22
    2. Redo 22
    3. Cut [Ctrl+X] . 23
    4. Copy [Ctrl+C] . 23
    5. Paste [Ctrl+V] . 23
    6. Delete [Del] 23
    7. Add to Model From Template 23
    7.1. Add 2D Frame . 23
    7.1.1. 2D Frame 24
    7.1.2. 2D Wall 25
    7.2. 3D. Frame 25
    8. Replicate 26
    8.1. Linear 26
    TƒÊi liOu hing
    dEn so dong ETABS Vr 8.0 . NÊi cung cEp phCn mOm phcn tYch thiOt kO kOt cEu theo TCVN 128
    8.2. Radial 28
    8.3. Mirror 28
    8.4. Story . 29
    9. Edit Grid Data 29
    10. Edit Story Data . 30
    10.1. Edit 30
    10.2. Insert Story . 31
    10.3. Delete 32
    11. Edit Reference Planes . 33
    12. Edit Reference Lines . 33
    13. Merge Points . 34
    14. Move Points/Lines/Areas 34
    15. Expand.Srink Areas 34
    16. Merge Areas 35
    17. Mesh Areas 36
    18. Joints Lines . 39
    19. Divide Lines 40
    20. Auto Relabel All 41
    Êng iii 41
    tr~nh RÊn view 41
    1. Set 3D View . 41
    2. Set Plan View 42
    3. Set Elevation View 43
    4. Set Building View Limit . 44
    5. Set Building View Limit . 45
    6. Rubber Band Zoom 47
    7. Restore Full View 47
    8. Previous Zoom 47
    9. Zoom In One Step 47
    10. Zoom Out One Step . 47
    11. Pan 47
    12. Measure 48
    13. Change Local Axes 48
    14. Show Selection Only 48
    15. Show All . 48
    16. Save Custom View . 48
    TƒÊi liOu hing
    dEn so dong ETABS Vr 8.0 . NÊi cung cEp phCn mOm phcn tYch thiOt kO kOt cEu theo TCVN 129
    17. Show Custom View 49
    18. Refresh View 49
    Êng IV . 51
    menu define . 51
    1. Material Properties . 51
    2. Frame Sections 53
    3. Define Wall/Slab/Desk Sections 55
    4. Section Cuts . 57
    5. Static Load Case . 58
    6. Load Combinations 59
    Êng V 61
    menu draw . 61
    1. Select Object . 61
    2 . Reshape Object 61
    3. Draw Point Objects . 62
    4. Draw Line Objects 62
    4.1. Draw Line (Plan, Elev, 3D) 62
    4.2. Creat Line in Region or at Clicks (Plan, Elev, 3D) 63
    4.3. Creat Columns in Region or at Clicks (Plan) . 63
    4.4. Creat Secondary Beams in Region or at Clicks (Plan) . 64
    5. Draw Area Objects . 65
    5.1. Draw Areas (Plan. Elev. 3D) 65
    5.2. Draw Rectangular Areas (Plan. Elev) . 65
    5.3. Creat Areas at Click (Plan. Elev) 65
    5.4. Draw Wall (Plan) . 66
    5.5. Creat Wall in Region or at Click (Plan) 66
    6. Draw Developed Elevation Definition 66
    7. Draw Dimesion Line . 67
    8. Snap to 68
    9. Constrain Draw Line to 68
    Êng VI . 69
    menu SELECT 69
    1. Select at Pointer/in Window . 70
    2. Select using Intersecting Line . 70
    3. Select on XY Plane 71
    4. Select on XZ Plane 71
    5. Select on YZ Plane 71
    6. Select by Groups . 71
    TƒÊi liOu hing
    dEn so dong ETABS Vr 8.0 . NÊi cung cEp phCn mOm phcn tYch thiOt kO kOt cEu theo TCVN 130
    7. Select by Frame Sections 72
    8. Select by Wall/Slab/Desk Sections 72
    9. Select by Link Properties . 72
    10. Select by Line Object Type . 72
    11. Select by Area Object Type 73
    12. Select by Story Level . 73
    13. Select ALL (Ctrl+A) . 74
    14. Select Invert 74
    15. Deselect 74
    16. Get Previous Selection 74
    18. Clear Selection 75
    Êng VII . 75
    menu assign . 75
    1. Joint/ Point 75
    1.1. Rigid Diaphragm 76
    1.2. Restrain Surport . 77
    1.3. Point Spring . 78
    2. Frame/Line 79
    2.1. Frame Section 79
    2.2. Frame Releases.Partial Fixity . 79
    2.3. Frame End Offsets . 80
    2.4. Frame Output Spacing 81
    2.5. Local Axis . 82
    2.6. Frame Property Modifiers 82
    3. Shell/Area 83
    3.1. Wall/Slab/Desk Section 83
    3.2. Opening . 84
    3.3. Rigid Diaphragm 84
    3.4. Local Axes . 85
    3.5. Shell Stiffness Modifiers 86
    4. Joint/Point Load . 86
    4.1. Force 87
    4.2. Ground Displacement . 87
    4.3. Temperature . 88
    5. Frame/Line Load 89
    5.1. Point 89
    5.2. Distributed . 91
    5.3. Temperature . 92
    6. Shell/Area Loads . 93
    6.1. Uniform . 93
    6.2. Temperature . 93
    7. Group Name 94
    TƒÊi liOu hing
    dEn so dong ETABS Vr 8.0 . NÊi cung cEp phCn mOm phcn tYch thiOt kO kOt cEu theo TCVN 131
    8. Clear Display Assign . 95
    Êng iX . 95
    menu analyze . 95
    1. Set Analysis Options . 95
    2. Run Analysis (F5) . 96
    Êng X 97
    menu Display . 97
    1. Show Underformed Shape 98
    2. Show Load . 98
    2.1. Joint.Point 98
    2.2. Frame/Line 99
    2.3. Shell/Area 100
    3. Show Deformed Shape 100
    4. Show Mode Shape . 101
    5. Show Member Forces/Stress Diagram . 101
    5.1. Surport.Spring Reactions 101
    5.2. Frame/Pier/Spendrel Force . 102
    Êng XI 105
    HO ˜Ên vT so dong trong etabs 105
    1. CCc lo1i RÊn vT ca trong ETABS 105
    2. Hai lo1i RÊn vT gac Ric
    so dong trong ETABS. . 105
    Êng XII . 107
    CCc hO to1 Re trong etabs 107
    1. CCc Hing
    lan vƒÊ hing
    ngang 107
    2. HO to1 Re tang thO . 107
    3. HO to1 Re pho 107
    Êng XIII . 108
    D€ liOu cet tCng . 109
    1. ˜Tnh nghUa met cet tCng . 109
    2. Cet tCng t
    Êng tu 109
    Êng XIV . 110
    Rei ting
    ving . 110
    Êng XV 114
    ˜ei ting
    Êng XVI 116
    ˜ei ting
    RiOm 116
    Êng XVII 117
    TƒÊi liOu hing
    dEn so dong ETABS Vr 8.0 . NÊi cung cEp phCn mOm phcn tYch thiOt kO kOt cEu theo TCVN 132
    Nham vƒÊ mAt c.t tiOt diOn 117
    Êng XVIII 119
    hip tưi trang . 119
    ta hip tưi trang vƒÊ khei ling
    . 119
    Êng XIX . 122
    tưi trang Reng REt tu Reng . 122
    Êng 29 124
    qui ic
    dEu KOt quư . 124
    cna phCn to thanh . 124
    Êng XXI . 125
    qui ic
    dEu KOt quư . 125
    cna phCn to shell . 125

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