Luận Văn Short-term memory in English to Vietnamese consecutive interpreting

Thảo luận trong 'Ngôn Ngữ Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Đồ án tốt nghiệp năm 2013
    Đề tài: Short-term memory in English to Vietnamese consecutive interpreting

    Chapter I: Introduction 1
    1. Background to the study 1
    2. Aims of the study 2
    3. Scope of the study . 2
    4. Methods of the study . 2
    5. Organization of the thesis 3
    Chapter II: Literature Review . 4
    1. Short-term memory (STM) . 4
    1.1 Definitions . 4
    1.2 Major characteristics of STM . 4
    2. Consecutive interpreting . 5
    2.1 Interpreting 5
    2.2 Consecutive interpreting . 7
    2.3 STM and English to Vietnamese consecutive interpreting . 9
    Chapter III: The study of short-term memory usage in English to
    Vietnamese interpreting . 13
    1. Introduction . 13
    2. Subject of the study . 13
    3. Instrumentations 14
    4. Procedures . 14
    5. Findings and discussion 15
    5.1 The current situation and students’ awareness of STM in English to
    Vietnamese consecutive interpreting. . 15
    1.2 Students’ practice to improve STM 20
    1.3 Difficulties in practising STM. . 21
    1.4 The role of teachers in STM application for students’ interpreting skill 22
    6. Conclusion . 23
    Chapter IV: Suggestions to improve short-term memory in English to
    Vietnamese consecutive interpreting . 24
    1. Introduction . 24
    2. Techniques to improve STM in English to Vietnamese consecutive
    interpreting 24
    2.1. Listening . 24
    2.1.1 Introduction 24
    2.1.2 What to pay attention . 25
    2.1.3 Auditory short-term memory improvement . 26
    2.2. Memory training games . 30
    2.2.1 Making up story . 30
    1.2.2 Matching pair . 30
    2.3. Retelling in source language (English) 31
    2.3.1. Generalization . 31
    2.3.2. Categorization . 32
    2.3.3. Comparison . 34
    2.3.4 Description . 35
    2.4. Mnemonic to Memory 37
    Chapter V: Conclusion, implication for learning and suggestions for
    further study 40
    1. Conclusion . 40
    2. Implication for learning and suggestions for further study . 41
    References . 42
    Appendix 1 43
    Appendix 2 46
    Appendix 3 47
    Appendix 4 48
    Appendix 5 49

    Interpreting is a demanding and challenging job. A professional
    interpreter must possess an ability of combining many skills in order to
    perform the task of orally transferring the text from one language into another
    one. Those skills are listening, note-taking, memorizing, public speaking, etc.
    Among these skills, memorizing (especially short-term memory), is a crucial
    key which decides the success of the interpreting task.
    This paper discusses the short-term memory in English to Vietnamese
    consecutive interpreting, intends for English majors at Haiphong Private
    University (HPU). From the view point of a fourth year English major, the
    author highlight the important role of short-term memory skill, find out the
    shortcomings of HPU’s English majors in learning and applying this skill.
    Therefore, several important techniques to effectively improve short-term
    memory in English to Vietnamese consecutive interpreting are proposed.
    This study would be a reference for students and teachers of Faculty of
    Foreign Languages at HPU. Especially, it can help enhance the learning
    results of English majors in interpreting lessons as well as assist their future
    job related to interpreting field.

    1. Background to the study
    In the age of global integration, the need of mutual understanding
    among countries in the world has been increasing. However, different
    languages are obviously significant communicative barriers. Being considered
    as bridge of human communicative interaction, the possession of interpreting
    skills is an effective means to break these barriers. Thus, interpreting is now
    becoming an attractive and potential career. However, the work of
    interpreting is not only demanding but also challenging.
    Interpreting is an obligatory subject of all English majors at Hai Phong
    Private University (HPU). It is considered as a hard and challenging subject.
    To achieve the best results, learners need to have good English foundation
    knowledge such as grammar, vocabulary. Beside such aspects, it is necessary
    to have techniques. One of these should be short-term memory.
    Memory is one of the major elements affecting the process of storing
    and conveying information. Lack of mnemonic capacities may prevent people
    from getting access to sources of information quickly and exactly. However,
    due to the brain formation, human cannot remember everything they have
    heard or read which is likely to be too complicated or not necessary for a
    long-term use. Generally, memory is divided into two forms: long-term
    memory and short-term memory. In this paper, the role of short-term memory
    is analyzed and highlighted to encourage the best use of memory in the
    context of interpreting classes at HPU.
    Short-term memory is not only necessary but also obligatory for
    learners of foreign languages. After four years of academic training at the
    University, the target set by Faculty of Foreign Languages as well as most
    English majors is to become proficient translators and interpreters. Due to the
    limitation of interpreting training time which only consists of 4 credits

    1. Adolfo, G. (1996). Liaison Interpreting. Melbourne: Melbourne
    University Press.
    2. Duong, Tran Thuy. (2006). How to Improve Short-term Memory in
    Interpreting. Hanoi: Hanoi University.
    3. Gile, D. (1992). Basic Theoretical Components in Interpreting and
    Translator Training. In Dollerup, C and Loddegaad, A. (eds), 185-194.
    4. Gile, D. (1995). Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator
    Training. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    5. Jones, L. (Ed.). (2004). Let's Talk 2. Ho Chi Minh City: Ho Chi Minh
    6. Jonnauton. (Ed.). (1993). Think First Certificate. United Kingdom:
    7. La, Nguyen Thi. (2009). Graduation Paper: Problems Facing Third-year
    English students at Vinh University in Consecutive Interpreting. Vinh: Vinh
    8. Lambert, S. & Mose-Mercer, B. (1994). Bridging the Gap: Empirical
    Research on Simultaneous Interpreting. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John
    9. Mahmoodzahed, K. (1992). Consecutive Interpreting: Its Principles and
    Techniques. In Dollerup, C. and Loddegaard, A. (eds.), 231-236.
    10. Mc Clintock, J. & Sterrn, B. (Ed.). (2003). Let's Listen. Hai Phong: Hai
    Phong Press.
    11. Phelan, M. (2001). The Interpreter's Resource. Clevedon, Buffalo,
    Toronto, Sysney: Multilingual Matters Ltd.
    12. Smith, F. (1985). Reading Without Nonsense. NY's Teacher's College
    13. Zhong, W. (2001). "Simultaneous Interpreting: Principles and Training".
    In China Translators Journal, 39-43

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