Luận Văn Semi-blind signal detection for mimo and mimo-ofdm systems

Thảo luận trong 'Viễn Thông' bắt đầu bởi Ác Niệm, 23/12/11.

  1. Ác Niệm

    Ác Niệm New Member

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    With the growth of broadband internet access and the development of multimedia
    services in cellular mobile wireless communications, an ever-increasing demand for
    high capacity and high speed transmission with good Quality-of-Service (QOS) has
    been created. To meet this demand, various techniques have been proposed.


    In the 1st generation (1G) mobile communication system, frequency domain is
    exploited to achieve the desired system capacity by FDM (Frequency Division
    Multiplexing), while time domain is exploited by TDM (Time Division Multiplexing)
    in the 2nd generation (2G) mobile communication system. To improve the system
    capacity, code domain is exploited by CDM (Code Division Multiplexing) in some
    2G and current 3rd generation (3G) mobile communication systems. However, the
    data rate which can be achieved in the current and extended 3G systems is only as
    high as 14.4Mbps.
    To further improve the system capacity, space domain, which is regarded as the
    "last frontier" that can substantially improve the capacity, is exploited in the 3.5G
    such as HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) system and being considered
    for the next generation mobile communication systems. As a capacity boosting
    technique, MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) utilizes multiple antennas at both
    ends of a wireless link as shown in Fig. 1.1. A number of signals are simultaneously
    transmitted from different transmit antennas onto the same physical channel and then
    separated by multiple receive antennas and signal processing techniques at the
    receiver. Independent studies have shown that the capacity of MIMO systems can
    grow linearly with the number of transmit and receive antennas [Winters, Salz and
    Gitlin, 1994; Foschini and Gans, 1998; Paulraj, Gore, Nabar and Bolcskei, 2004]. A
    lot of research interest has thus been attracted to MIMO systems due to their high
    capacity and spectral efficiency in recent years [Dai, Molisch and Poor, 2004; Chizhik,
    Ling, Wolniansky, Valenzuela, Costa and Huber, 2003; Chizhik, Foschini, Gans and
    Valenzuela, 2002].

    Declaration i
    Acknowledgements ii
    Table of Contents .iii
    List of Figures . .vi
    Abbreviations . viii
    Chapter 1
    Introduction 1
    1.1 MIMO 1
    1.2 MIMO-OFDM 3
    1.3 Semi-blind signal detection .4
    1.4 Motivation and organization of the thesis .6
    Chapter 2
    Semi-Blind Rake-Based Multi-User Detection for Quasi-
    Synchronous MIMO Systems 9
    2.1 Introduction .9
    2.2 System model .12
    2.3 Semi-blind Rake-based multi-user detection technique .14
    2.3.1 Multi-user single-path signal separation 15
    2.3.2 Time delay estimation .17
    2.3.3 Multi-path combining .19
    2.3.4 Channel noise consideration 21
    2.3.5 Performance analysis 22
    2.4 Examples and simulation results 25
    2.4.1 Time delay estimation .25
    2.4.2 Semi-blind Rake-based multi-user detection technique .27 Example 1 .2 7 Example 2 .3 0
    2.5 Summary .33
    Chapter 3
    Time Domain Semi-blind Signal Detection for MIMO-
    OFDM Systems with Short Cyclic Prefix 35
    3.1 Introduction 35
    3.2 System Model 38
    3.3 Time Domain Semi-Blind Signal Detection 41
    Zero-noise case .43 Equalization and signal detection 44 H part estimation 47 Remark .48
    3.3.2 Channel noise consideration .49
    3.3.3 Computational complexity .50
    3.4 Simulation results 51
    The case where the channel length is shorter than or equal to
    the CP length: L ≤ D .52
    The case where the channel length is longer than the CP
    length: L > D 54
    3.4.3 Comparison .56
    3.4.4 Data length effect 57
    3.5 Summary .58
    Chapter 4
    Two-Step Semi-Blind Signal Detection for MIMO-OFDM
    Systems without Cyclic Prefix 60
    4.1 Introduction .60
    4.2 System Model .62
    4.3 Two-Step Semi-blind Signal Detection .66
    4.3.1 Blind ICI and ISI cancellation .67
    4.3.2 Signal detection in the presence of MAI 70
    4.3.3 Effect of channel noise 71
    4.3.4 Implementation 72
    4.4 Simulation Results .73
    4.4.1 Effect of SNR 73
    4.4.2 Effect of the parameter K 76
    4.4.3 Effect of channel length overestimation 78
    4.5 Summary .79
    Chapter 5
    Conclusions and suggestions for future research 80
    Reference 83
    Publications 89

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