Báo Cáo Sách Phrasal verb Organizer

Thảo luận trong 'Ngôn Ngữ Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    What is a phrasal verb? 7
    Where does tlie particle go? 7
    Identiiying phrasal verbs . s
    Vhat cio plinisal verbs mean? . 10
    VERBS with UP
    Unit 1: Yerbs with UP-1 . 12
    Unit 2: Verbs witli UP -2 13
    Unit 3: Verbs with UP -3 . 14
    ưnit 4: Verbs with UP - 4 15
    Unit 5: Verbs with UP - 5 16
    Unit 6: Orgaiiising verbs witli UP -1 17
    Unit 7: Organising verbs with UP -2 . 1S
    ưnit S: Organising verbs with UP-3 . 19
    VERBS with DOWN
    Unit 9: Verbs with DOWN -1 . 20
    Unit 10: Verbs with DOVN - 2 . 21
    Unit 11: Verbs with DOWN - 3 . 22
    ưnit 12: Verbs with DOWN - 4. : . 23
    Unit 13: Verbs witli DOWN - 5 24
    Unit 14: Organising verbs with DOWN -1 25
    Unit 15: Organising verbs witli DOWN - 2 . 26
    ưnit 16: Organising verbs with DOWN - 3 27
    VERBS with OUT
    Unit 17: Verbs witli OUT -1 28
    Unit 18: Verbs with OUT - 2 29
    Unit 19: Yerbs with OUT - 3 30
    Unit 20: Vcrbs with OUT - 4 31
    Unit 21: Verbs with OUT - 5 . 32
    Unit 22: Organìsing verbs with OUT -1 . 33
    Unit 23: Organising verbs with OUT -2 3 4
    Unit 24: Organising verbs with OliT -3 35
    VERBS with INTO
    ưnit 25: Verbs with INTO -1 36
    Unit 26: Verbs with ENTO - 2 . 37
    Unit 27: Organising verbs with INTO -1 38
    Unit 28: Organising verbs with INTO - 2 . 39
    VERBS with IN
    Unit 29: Verbs witli IN -1 40
    ưnit 30: Verbs with IN-2 4l
    ưnit 31: Verbs witli IN - 3 42
    ưnit 32: Organising verbs with IN -1 43
    Unit 33: Organising yerbs with IN - 2 . 44
    Un.it 34: Organising verbs with EN - 3 45
    VERBS with ON
    Unit 35: Verbs witli ON -1 46
    Unit 36: Verbs with ON - 2 47
    Unit 37: Verbs with ON - 3 48
    Un.it 58: Organising verbs with ON -1 49
    Unit 39: Organising verbs wiứi ON - 2 . 50
    Unit 40: Organismg verbs with ON -3 . 51
    VERBS with OFF
    Unit 41: Verbs witli OFF -1 . 52
    Unit 42: Yerbs with OFF - 2 . 53
    ưnit 43: Verbs with OFF - 3 . 54
    Unit 44: Organising verbs with OFF -1 . 55
    Unit 45: Organising verbs with OFF - 2 56
    Unit -46: Organising verbs with OFF - 3 . 57
    Unit 47: Verbs with ABOUT, ACROSS, AFTER and BY. 58
    ưnit 48: Verbs with AWAY 59
    Unit 49: Verbs with AGAINST, APART, AROUND and BACK 60
    Unit 50: Verbs with OVER and THROUGH . 61
    Unit 51: Verbs with W1TH Ố2
    Unit 52: Verbs with AT and TO . 63
    Unit 53: Verbs with FOR . 64
    ưnit 54: Verbs with FROM and OF . 65
    Unit 55: Orgĩinising verbs witli other particles -1 66
    Unit 56: Organising verbs with other particles - 2 67
    Unit 57: Organising verbs witli other particles - 3 68
    Unit 58: Orgunising verbs with other particles - 4 69
    ưnit 59: Verbs with two particles -1 70
    Unit 60: Verbs with two particles - 2 . 71
    Unit 61: Verbs with two particles - 3 . 72
    Unit 62: Verbs with two particles - 4 . 73
    Unit 63: Organising verbs witìi two pĩirticles -1 74
    ưnit 64: Organising verbs with two particles '2. 75
    Unit 65: BE . 76
    Unit 66: COME . 77
    Unỉt 67: GET 78
    ưnit 6S: GO . 79
    Unit 69: PUT . 80
    Unit 70: TAKE . 81
    Unit 71: TURN and BÍƯNG . 82
    Unit 72: KEEP and LOOK 83
    Unit 73: Organising common verbs - 1 . 84
    Unit 74: Organisnig common verbs ~ 2 . S5
    Unit 75: Business - 1 86
    ưnit 76: Business “ 2 . 87
    ưnit 77: Work . 88
    Unit 78: Technology and Computing S9
    Uiiit 79: Travel aiid Transport 90
    Unit 80: Health and Fitness 91
    Unti 81: sport and Leisure - 1 . 92
    Unit 82: sport and Leisure - 2 . 93
    Uiiit 83: Feelings and Emotions - 1 94
    Unit 84: Feelings and Emotions - 2 . 95
    Unit 85: Law and Order “1 96
    Unit 86: Law and Order - 2 . 97
    Unit 87: Colloquinl Expressions - 1 98
    Unỉt 88: Colloquial Expressions - 2 99
    Unit 89: Phrasal Verb Nouns - 1 100
    Unit 90: Phrasal Verb Nouns -2 . 101
    Unit 91: Phrasal Verb Noims “3 . 102
    ưnit 92: Phrasal Verb Nouns - 4 103
    Unit 93: Phrasul Verb Adịectives - 1 . 104
    Unit 94: Phrasal Verb Adjectives - 2 . 105
    U.n.it 95: Opposites -1 . 106
    Unit 96: Opposites - 2 . 107
    Test 1 108
    Test 2 . 109
    Test 3 . 110
    Test 4 . 111
    Test 5 . 112
    ANSWERKEY . 129

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