Tài liệu Recent advances in the pathogenesis, prevention and management of type 2 diabetes and its complicati

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    Edited by Mark B. Zimering

    Preface IX

    Part 1 Diabetic Neuropathy 1
    Chapter 1 New Treatment Strategies in
    Diabetic Neuropathy 3
    Anders Björkman, Niels Thomsen and Lars Dahlin
    Chapter 2 Sonographic Imaging of the Peripheral Nerves in Patients
    with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 15
    Tsuneo Watanabe, Shin-ichi Kawachi and Toshio Matsuoka
    Chapter 3 Diabetic Neuropathy
    – Nerve Morphology in the Upper Extremity 33
    Niels Thomsen, Anders Bjorkman and Lars B. Dahlin

    Part 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease 43
    Chapter 4 Residual Vascular Risk in T2DM:
    The Next Frontier 45
    Michel P. Hermans, Sylvie A. Ahn and Michel F. Rousseau
    Chapter 5 Type 2 Diabetes and Fibrinolysis 67
    Ján Staško, Peter Chudý,
    Daniela Kotuličová, Peter Galajda,
    Marián Mokáň and Peter Kubisz
    Chapter 6 Diabetes and Aspirin Resistance 91
    Subhashini Yaturu and Shaker Mousa
    Chapter 7 Diabetic Cardiomyopathy 105
    Dike Bevis Ojji
    Chapter 8 AF and Diabetes Prognosis and Predictors 119
    Carlo Pappone, Francesca Zuffada and Vincenzo Santinelli
    Chapter 9 Detection of Silent Ischemia in
    Patients with Type 2 Diabetes 129
    Babes Elena Emilia and Babes Victor Vlad
    Chapter 10 Effects of Type 2 Diabetes on Arterial Endothelium 155
    Arturo A. Arce-Esquivel, Aaron K. Bunker and M. Harold Laughlin

    Part 3 Hypertension, Nephropathy and Diabetes 179
    Chapter 11 Antihypertensive Treatment
    in Type 2 Diabetic Patients 181
    Angelo Michele Carella
    Chapter 12 Managing Hypertension in Patients with Diabetes 207
    Arthur L.M. Swislocki and David Siegel

    Chapter 13 Treatments for Hypertension in Type 2
    Diabetes-Non-Pharmacological and
    Pharmacological Measurements 233
    Kazuko Masuo and Gavin W. Lambert
    Chapter 14 Diabetic Nephropathy; Clinical Characteristics
    and Treatment Approaches 263
    Derun Taner Ertugrul, Emre Tutal and Siren Sezer
    Chapter 15 Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease in
    Diabetic Patients: Pathophysiologic Insights
    and Implications of Recent Clinical Trials 273
    Victoria Forte, Miriam Kim, George Steuber,
    Salma Asad and Samy I. McFarlane
    Chapter 16 A Diachronic Study of Diabetic Nephropathy in
    Two Autochthonous Lines of Rats to Understand
    Diabetic Chronic Complications 283
    Juan Carlos Picena, Silvana Marisa Montenegro,
    Alberto Enrique D´Ottavio, María Cristina Tarrés
    and Stella Maris Martínez

    Part 4 Diverse Organ Involvement/Dysfunction in Diabetes 301
    Chapter 17 Pathogenic Features of Insulin Resistance and Critical
    Organ Damage in the Liver, Muscle and Lung 303
    Kei Nakajima, Toshitaka Muneyuki,
    Masafumi Siato and Masafumi Kakei
    Chapter 18 Implications of Type II Diabetes Mellitus
    on Gastrointestinal Cancers 323
    Diana H. Yu and M. Mazen Jamal
    Chapter 19 Prevention for Micro- and Macro-Vascular
    Complications in Diabetic Patients 337
    Kyuzi Kamoi
    Part 5 Aspects of the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes 373
    Chapter 20 Emerging Challenge of Type 2 Diabetes:
    Prospects of Medicinal Plants 375
    Rokeya Begum, Mosihuzzaman M, Azad Khan AK,
    Nilufar Nahar and Ali Liaquat
    Chapter 21 Nutritional Therapy in Diabetes: Mediterranean Diet 391
    Pablo Pérez-Martínez, Antonio García-Ríos, Javier Delgado-Lista,
    Francisco Pérez-Jiménez and José López-Miranda
    Chapter 22 Pharmacogenetics for T2DM and Anti-Diabetic Drugs 413
    Qiong Huang and Zhao-qian Liu

    Type 2 diabetes mellitus affects nearly 120 million persons worldwide- and according
    to the World Health Organization this number is expected to double by the year 2030.
    Owing to a rapidly increasing disease prevalence- the medical, social and economic
    burdens associated with the microvascular and macrovascular complications of type 2
    diabetes are likely to increase dramatically in the coming decades. In this volume,
    leading contributors to the field review the pathogenesis, treatment and management
    of type 2 diabetes and its complications. They provide invaluable insight and share
    their discoveries about potentially important new techniques for the diagnosis,
    treatment and prevention of diabetic complications.
    Neuropathy is the most common microvascular complication in diabetes. In the Section
    on Diabetic Neuropathy, Bjorkman et al. provide evidence for how a novel technique
    known as ‘targeted plasticity’ may be useful for stimulating recovery of somatosensory
    function in diabetic neuropathy affecting the hand. Watanabe and co-workers describe
    the use of ultrasound of peripheral nerve as a potentially promising new modality for
    the evaluation of patients having distal polyneuropathy. Thomsen et al summarize the
    differences in nerve fiber morphology between large vs small fiber neuropathy.
    Type 2 diabetes is associated with a two-four- fold increased risk for cardiovascular
    disease. In the section Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease, Hermans et al. review the
    evidence supporting atherogenic dyslipidemia as a potentially important component
    of residual vascular risk in diabetes. Stasko et al. treat the important topic of diabetes
    and fibrinolysis, including evidence for plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 as a
    predictor of cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes. Yaturu and Mousa discuss evidence
    for aspirin resistance in diabetes. Ojji reviews the pathogenesis of diabetic
    cardiomyopathy focusing on the unique contribution of diastolic dysfunction to heart
    failure in diabetes. Pappone et al summarize the results of a large prospective
    observational study in which type 2 diabetes was associated with an increased risk for
    progression from paroxysmal to persistent atrial fibrillation. Silent ischemia is
    highlighted in an excellent chapter by Emilia and Vlad Babes. Finally, Arce-Esquivel
    and colleagues review the beneficial effects of exercise on endothelial function.
    Hypertension frequently complicates type 2 diabetes contributing to a substantially
    increased risk for cardiovascular disease or progression of nephropathy. In three
    excellent chapters written by Carella, Swislocki & Siegel, and Masuo & Lambert the
    latest advances in treatment of hypertension in type 2 diabetes are summarized.
    Ertugrul et al review treatment advances in diabetic nephropathy. MacFarlane and
    colleagues summarize the management of chronic anemia in diabetic nephropathy.
    Martinez et al describe a rat model which mimics certain key features of human
    diabetic nephropathy which may be useful for improving understanding and
    screening potential treatments to prevent this debilitating microvascular complication.
    Diabetes is a multi-systemic disease which can affect many different target organs. In a
    chapter by Nakajima et al, liver, muscle and lung involvement in diabetes are
    reviewed with a focus on the association between diabetes and restrictive lung disease.
    Diana Yu and Jamal Mohammad summarize evidence supporting an association
    between type 2 diabetes and an increased risk for certain types of cancer affecting the
    gastrointestinal tract. Kamoi summarizes evidence supporting the role for high blood
    pressure and techniques for improving the predictive value of high blood pressure as
    an important mediator of microvascular and macrovascular complications in diabetes.
    Finally, three excellent chapters by Begum et al, Perez-Martinez et al, and Huang &
    Liu informatively review aspects of the use of medicinal plants, nutritional therapy
    and the pharmacogenetics of anti-diabetic drugs in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
    Mark B. Zimering, MD, PhD
    Chief, Endocrinology
    Veterans Affairs New Jersey Healthcare System
    East Orange, New Jersey,
    Associate Professor of Medicine
    University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey/
    Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, New Jersey,
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