Tài liệu Qualitative Research in Physical Activity and the Health Professions - William A. Pitney, Jenny Park

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    Điểm thành tích:
    Qualitative Research in Physical Activity and the Health Professions
    William A. Pitney, EdD, ATC
    Jenny Parker, EdD
    Northern Illinois University
    Publisher: Human Kinetics Publishers
    Published: 01 July 2009
    Format: Paperback 232 pages


    Preface vii ã Acknowledgments xi
    Part I Learning About Qualitative Research
    1 Introducing Qualitative Inquiry 3
    The Nature of Research 3 ã Quantitative and Qualitative
    Inquiry 4 ã Attributes of Qualitative Research 5 ã Considerations,
    Contemplations, and Consternations 7 ã Summary 8
    2 Dissecting a Qualitative Research Study 11
    Recognizing a Qualitative Research Study 11 ã Identifying the
    Components of a Qualitative Research Study 13 ã Summary 26
    Part II Conducting a Qualitative Research Study
    3 Conceptualizing Your Study 31
    Formulating a Research Plan 31 ã Designing an
    Introduction 32 ã Assembling a Literature Review 37 ã Summary 38
    4 Collecting and Analyzing Qualitative Data 41
    Explaining the Interpretive Process 41 ã Sampling and
    Participants 42 ã Collecting Qualitative Data 45 ã Analyzing
    Qualitative Data 54 ã Summary 58
    5 Ensuring Trustworthiness of Data 61
    Defining Trustworthiness of Data 61 ã Reviewing
    Trustworthiness Strategies 63 ã Considering the Contextual
    Influences 68 ã Summary 69
    6 Attending to Ethical Issues 71
    An Overview of Research Ethics 71 ã Research Regulations 72 ã
    Principles of Research Ethics 72 ã Special Considerations 78 ã
    Institutional Reviews 79 ã Summary 80
    Part III Writing Qualitative Research
    7 Assembling Your Research Plan 85
    Components of a Proposal 85 ã Oral Presentations 94 ã
    Summary 94
    8 Writing Your Results and Discussing Your Findings 97
    Components of a Report 97 ã Results Section 98 ã Discussion
    Section 107 ã Final Review 110 ã Summary 111
    Part IV Continuing Your Qualitative Research Journey
    9 Understanding Forms of Qualitative Research 117
    Beyond the Basics 117 ã Grounded Theory 118 ã
    Ethnography 120 ã Phenomenology 122 ã Additional Types
    of Qualitative Research 126 ã Summary 127
    10 Being a Good Consumer of Qualitative Research 131
    Evaluating Research 131 ã Starting the Process 133 ã Digging
    Deeper 134 ã Conducting a Full Review 135 ã Recognizing
    Specific Types of Qualitative Research 138 ã Summary 139
    11 Looking Back and Moving Forward 143
    Looking Back 143 ã Defending Your Qualitative Research 143 ã
    Combining Methods 147 ã Using Practical Considerations 148 ã
    Summary 152
    Appendix A 155 ã Appendix B 169 ã Appendix C 187 ã Appendix D 203 ã
    References 205 ã Index 213 ã About the Authors 219

    This is an exciting time for professionals associated with physical
    activity and the health professions. We have seen a substantial
    increase in the amount and type of research being conducted.
    Qualitative research has grown in popularity and has gained
    respect as a viable method of answering important research questions.
    Despite its broad appeal and inclusion in many disciplines,
    however, qualitative research often has an ethereal or mystical
    feel to it, particularly for those practitioners with strong roots in
    physical activity and the health professions.
    As qualitative researchers, we have conducted many studies, taught many graduatelevel
    research courses, and advised a great many graduate students in using qualitative
    methods for their theses and dissertations. Our experiences as educators and researchers
    give us a unique view of qualitative methods. Our lens is broad in regard to physical
    activity and health professions, and includes athletic training, physical education, physical
    therapy, health education, nursing, and general medical disciplines.
    You may be asking, “Another research text? Aren’t there enough?” Indeed, there is
    no shortage of research texts. However, an informal appraisal of the textual resources
    for research classes reveals an interesting paradox. On one hand, though many general
    research textbooks do a fantastic job of presenting a broad spectrum of research methods,
    their discussion of the guiding principles and applications of qualitative research is
    limited. One or two chapters may provide an overview of qualitative methods, but the
    text lacks a depth of information required to do the topic justice.
    On the other hand, numerous texts on qualitative research exist in the disciplines of
    social science, such as sociology, anthropology, and education. However, most of these
    texts contain an enormous amount of information, and it is hard for students, practitioners,
    and novices of qualitative research to sort out and apply the important concepts and
    procedures. For example, although some texts present introductory content for beginners
    to qualitative methods, they also include advanced ideology related to qualitative
    research, such as critical theory and postmodernism. These tangential discussions, though
    important in their own right, tend to muddy the clarity of the methods for those just
    learning the ropes of interpretive inquiry. We believe that for many students in physical
    activity and the health professions, and for practitioners alike, qualitative research
    methods look very foreign as compared to quantitative research methods that are more
    common and traditional.
    Qualitative Research in Physical Activity and the Health Professions addresses these problems
    by explaining the underlying principles of qualitative inquiry in a clear manner that
    helps students and practitioners fully understand how to design, conduct, and evaluate
    a qualitative research study. We systematically present the content with terms that are
    consistent with traditional forms of research to reveal how qualitative methods frame
    a researchable problem, derive purposes and questions from the problem, and guide
    procedures for data collection and analysis. Additionally, this text includes excerpts from
    published studies in the chapters and full research articles in the appendices so readers
    can put principles into practice. For example, when explaining how to create purpose
    statements and research questions, we provide real samples from scholarly publications.
    The concise nature, real examples, dialogue boxes, recommended learning activities, and
    suggested supplemental readings make this a very versatile textbook.
    As professionals in the fields of physical activity and the health professions, we function
    in complex environments and interact with many different people. Because the
    majority of our work occurs in social contexts, we are constantly prompted to consider
    the human condition. We are required to make significant decisions and to effectively
    solve clinical and educational problems. Systematic inquiry certainly guides our professional
    practice and informs our ability to make decisions. We must be good consumers
    of research, including the qualitative methods that are now entering the fold. We have
    written this text to explain the qualitative research principles so practitioners can effectively
    evaluate published qualitative studies. Our text is organized into four parts.
    Part I outlines the characteristics of qualitative research and introduces the general
    principles that guide this form of inquiry. It also dissects a qualitative study to foreshadow
    the content of part II.
    Part II explains how to conceptualize and conduct a qualitative research study, describing
    the modes of data collection and analysis, as well as the steps needed to obtain trustworthy
    data. This part concludes with a discussion of the ethical principles that guide
    the qualitative research process.
    Part III discusses how to write qualitative research. It begins with the process of
    assembling a research plan and progresses to writing results and discussing findings. The
    chapter on writing research provides concrete examples of how to present and discuss
    findings after a study has been completed.
    The final section of the text, part IV, contains information for those who plan to
    continue learning about qualitative research. Chapter 9 discusses the various forms
    of qualitative methods that researchers and consumers encounter. Chapter 10 focuses
    on how to evaluate qualitative studies. Chapter 11 contains advice about handling the
    common challenges and criticisms of qualitative inquiry. This section includes other
    important aspects of qualitative research, such as how it is combined with traditional
    methods to form a mixed-methods approach. The chapter concludes with practical advice
    and resources for pursuing projects in qualitative research.
    We have used a variety of pedagogical strategies to facilitate learning. Each part opener
    introduces its content in both written and graphic form. For example, the following
    figure illustrates the overall structure of our text.
    We set out to write a practical text for those who are first learning about qualitative
    research. We hope you enjoy reading the text as much as we have enjoyed writing it.

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