Tài liệu Programming C Sharp

Thảo luận trong 'Lập Trình' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    About This Book
    How the Book Is Organized
    Who This Book Is For
    C# Versus Visual Basic .NET
    C# Versus Java
    C# Versus C and C++
    Conventions Used in This Book
    We'd Like to Hear from You

    Part I: The C# Language
    Chapter 1. C# and the .NET Framework

    Section 1.1. The .NET Platform
    Section 1.2. The .NET Framework
    Section 1.3. Compilation and the MSIL
    Section 1.4. The C# Language

    Chapter 2. Getting Started: Hello World
    Section 2.1. Classes, Objects, and Types
    Section 2.2. Developing Hello World
    Section 2.3. Using the Visual Studio .NET Debugger

    Chapter 3. C# Language Fundamentals
    Section 3.1. Types
    Section 3.2. Variables and Constants
    Section 3.3. Expressions
    Section 3.4. Whitespace
    Section 3.5. Statements
    Section 3.6. Operators
    Section 3.7. Namespaces
    Section 3.8. Preprocessor Directives

    Chapter 4. Classes and Objects
    Section 4.1. Defining Classes
    Section 4.2. Creating Objects
    Section 4.3. Using Static Members
    Section 4.4. Destroying Objects
    Section 4.5. Passing Parameters
    Section 4.6. Overloading Methods and Constructors
    Section 4.7. Encapsulating Data with Properties
    Section 4.8. readonly Fields

    Chapter 5. Inheritance and Polymorphism
    Section 5.1. Specialization and Generalization
    Section 5.2. Inheritance
    Section 5.3. Polymorphism
    Section 5.4. Abstract Classes
    Section 5.5. The Root of All Classes: Object
    Section 5.6. Boxing and Unboxing Types
    Section 5.7. Nesting Classes

    Chapter 6. Operator Overloading
    Section 6.1. Using the operator Keyword
    Section 6.2. Supporting Other .NET Languages
    Section 6.3. Creating Useful Operators
    Section 6.4. Logical Pairs
    Section 6.5. The Equals Operator
    Section 6.6. Conversion Operators

    Chapter 7. Structs
    Section 7.1. Defining Structs
    Section 7.2. Creating Structs

    Chapter 8. Interfaces
    Section 8.1. Implementing an Interface
    Section 8.2. Accessing Interface Methods
    Section 8.3. Overriding Interface Implementations
    Section 8.4. Explicit Interface Implementation

    Chapter 9. Arrays, Indexers, and Collections
    Section 9.1. Arrays
    Section 9.2. The foreach Statement
    Section 9.3. Indexers
    Section 9.4. Collection Interfaces
    Section 9.5. Array Lists
    Section 9.6. Queues
    Section 9.7. Stacks
    Section 9.8. Dictionaries

    Chapter 10. Strings and Regular Expressions
    Section 10.1. Strings
    Section 10.2. Regular Expressions

    Chapter 11. Handling Exceptions
    Section 11.1. Throwing and Catching Exceptions
    Section 11.2. Exception Objects
    Section 11.3. Custom Exceptions
    Section 11.4. Rethrowing Exceptions

    Chapter 12. Delegates and Events
    Section 12.1. Delegates
    Section 12.2. Multicasting
    Section 12.3. Events
    Section 12.4. Retrieving Values from Multicast Delegates

    Part II: Programming with C#
    Chapter 13. Building Windows Applications
    Section 13.1. Creating a Simple Windows Form
    Section 13.2. Creating a Windows Forms Application
    Section 13.3. XML Documentation Comments
    Section 13.4. Deploying an Application

    Chapter 14. Accessing Data with ADO.NET
    Section 14.1. Relational Databases and SQL
    Section 14.2. The ADO.NET Object Model
    Section 14.3. Getting Started with ADO.NET
    Section 14.4. Using OLE DB Managed Providers
    Section 14.5. Working with Data-Bound Controls
    Section 14.6. Changing Database Records
    Section 14.7. ADO.NET and XML

    Chapter 15. Programming Web Forms and Web Services
    Section 15.1. Understanding Web Forms
    Section 15.2. Creating a Web Form
    Section 15.3. Adding Controls
    Section 15.4. Data Binding
    Section 15.5. Responding to Postback Events
    Section 15.6. Web Services
    Section 15.7. SOAP, WSDL, and Discovery
    Section 15.8. Building a Web Service
    Section 15.9. Creating the Proxy

    Chapter 16. Putting It All Together
    Section 16.1. The Overall Design
    Section 16.2. The Screen-Scraper Application
    Section 16.3. Displaying the Output
    Section 16.4. Creating the Web Services Client
    Section 16.5. Searching By Category

    Part III: The CLR and the .NET Framework
    Chapter 17. Assemblies and Versioning
    Section 17.1. PE Files
    Section 17.2. Metadata
    Section 17.3. Security Boundary
    Section 17.4. Versioning
    Section 17.5. Manifests
    Section 17.6. Multi-Module Assemblies
    Section 17.7. Private Assemblies
    Section 17.8. Shared Assemblies

    Chapter 18. Attributes and Reflection
    Section 18.1. Attributes
    Section 18.2. Reflection
    Section 18.3. Reflection Emit

    Chapter 19. Marshaling and Remoting
    Section 19.1. Application Domains
    Section 19.2. Context
    Section 19.3. Remoting

    Chapter 20. Threads and Synchronization
    Section 20.1. Threads
    Section 20.2. Synchronization
    Section 20.3. Race Conditions and Deadlocks

    Chapter 21. Streams
    Section 21.1. Files and Directories
    Section 21.2. Reading and Writing Data
    Section 21.3. Asynchronous I/O
    Section 21.4. Network I/O
    Section 21.5. Web Streams
    Section 21.6. Serialization
    Section 21.7. Isolated Storage

    Chapter 22. Programming .NET and COM
    Section 22.1. Importing ActiveX Controls
    Section 22.2. Importing COM Components
    Section 22.3. Exporting .NET Components
    Section 22.4. P/Invoke
    Section 22.5. Pointers

    Appendix A. C# Keywords

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