Tài liệu Pro C# 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform

Thảo luận trong 'Lập Trình' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    About the Author . xvi
    About the Technical Reviewer . xvii
    Acknowledgments xviii
    Introduction . xix

    Part 1 n n n Introducing C# and the .NET Platform
    CHAPTER 1 The Philosophy of .NET 3
    Understanding the Previous State of Affairs . 3
    The .NET Solution . 6
    Introducing the Building Blocks of the .NET Platform (the CLR, CTS,
    and CLS) . 6
    Additional .NET-Aware Programming Languages . 9
    An Overview of .NET Assemblies . 11
    Understanding the Common Type System . 17
    Understanding the Common Language Specification 20
    Understanding the Common Language Runtime 22
    The Assembly/Namespace/Type Distinction 23
    Exploring an Assembly Using ildasm.exe 28
    Exploring an Assembly Using Lutz Roeder’s Reflector 31
    Deploying the .NET Runtime . 31
    The Platform-Independent Nature of .NET . 32
    Summary 33
    CHAPTER 2 Building C# Applications . 35
    The Role of the .NET Framework 3.5 SDK 35
    Building C# Applications Using csc.exe 36
    Building .NET Applications Using TextPad 42
    Building .NET Applications Using Notepad++ . 46
    Building .NET Applications Using SharpDevelop . 48
    Building .NET Applications Using Visual C# 2008 Express 50
    Building .NET Applications Using Visual Studio 2008 52
    A Partial Catalog of Additional .NET Development Tools 64
    Summary 65
    Part 2 n n n Core C# Programming Constructs
    CHAPTER 3 Core C# Programming Constructs, Part I . 69
    The Anatomy of a Simple C# Program . 69
    An Interesting Aside: Some Additional Members of the
    System.Environment Class . 75
    The System.Console Class 76
    System Data Types and C# Shorthand Notation . 80
    Understanding the System.String Type 86
    Narrowing and Widening Data Type Conversions 95
    C# Iteration Constructs 100
    Decision Constructs and the Relational/Equality Operators . 102
    Summary . 104
    CHAPTER 4 Core C# Programming Constructs, Part II 107
    Methods and Parameter Modifiers . 107
    Understanding Member Overloading . 113
    Array Manipulation in C# . 114
    Understanding the Enum Type 121
    Understanding the Structure Type . 126
    Understanding Value Types and Reference Types 129
    Value and Reference Types: Final Details . 135
    Understanding C# Nullable Types . 136
    Summary . 139
    CHAPTER 5 Defining Encapsulated Class Types 141
    Introducing the C# Class Type 141
    Understanding Class Constructors . 144
    The Role of the this Keyword . 147
    Understanding the static Keyword . 152
    Defining the Pillars of OOP . 159
    C# Access Modifiers 163
    The First Pillar: C#’s Encapsulation Services 164
    Understanding Constant Data . 173
    Understanding Read-Only Fields 174
    Understanding Partial Types 175
    Documenting C# Source Code via XML . 176
    Visualizing the Fruits of Our Labor . 182
    Summary . 182
    CHAPTER 6 Understanding Inheritance and Polymorphism 185
    The Basic Mechanics of Inheritance . 185
    Revising Visual Studio Class Diagrams . 189
    The Second Pillar: The Details of Inheritance 190
    Programming for Containment/Delegation 196
    vi nCONTENTS
    The Third Pillar: C#’s Polymorphic Support 199
    Understanding Base Class/Derived Class Casting Rules . 210
    The Master Parent Class: System.Object . 212
    Summary . 218
    CHAPTER 7 Understanding Structured Exception Handling . 219
    Ode to Errors, Bugs, and Exceptions . 219
    The Role of .NET Exception Handling . 220
    The Simplest Possible Example . 222
    Configuring the State of an Exception 226
    System-Level Exceptions (System.SystemException) . 230
    Application-Level Exceptions (System.ApplicationException) . 231
    Processing Multiple Exceptions . 236
    The Finally Block . 239
    Who Is Throwing What? . 240
    The Result of Unhandled Exceptions . 241
    Debugging Unhandled Exceptions Using Visual Studio 242
    Summary . 243
    CHAPTER 8 Understanding Object Lifetime 245
    Classes, Objects, and References . 245
    The Basics of Object Lifetime . 246
    The Role of Application Roots . 249
    Understanding Object Generations . 251
    The System.GC Type 252
    Building Finalizable Objects 256
    Building Disposable Objects 259
    Building Finalizable and Disposable Types 262
    Summary . 265
    Part 3 n n n Advanced C# Programming Constructs
    CHAPTER 9 Working with Interfaces . 269
    Understanding Interface Types 269
    Defining Custom Interfaces . 272
    Implementing an Interface . 274
    Invoking Interface Members at the Object Level . 276
    Interfaces As Parameters 278
    Interfaces As Return Values 280
    Arrays of Interface Types 281
    Implementing Interfaces Using Visual Studio 2008 . 282
    Resolving Name Clashes via Explicit Interface Implementation . 283
    Designing Interface Hierarchies . 286
    Building Enumerable Types (IEnumerable and IEnumerator) . 289
    Building Cloneable Objects (ICloneable) 295
    Building Comparable Objects (IComparable) . 299
    Understanding Callback Interfaces . 304
    Summary . 308
    CHAPTER 10 Collections and Generics 309
    The Interfaces of the System.Collections Namespace . 309
    The Class Types of System.Collections . 312
    System.Collections.Specialized Namespace . 316
    The Boxing, Unboxing, and System.Object Relationship . 316
    The Issue of Type Safety and Strongly Typed Collections 319
    The System.Collections.Generic Namespace 324
    Creating Custom Generic Methods . 327
    Creating Generic Structures and Classes . 330
    Creating a Custom Generic Collection 332
    Creating Generic Base Classes 337
    Creating Generic Interfaces . 338
    Summary . 339
    CHAPTER 11 Delegates, Events, and Lambdas 341
    Understanding the .NET Delegate Type . 341
    Defining a Delegate in C# 342
    The System.MulticastDelegate and System.Delegate Base Classes . 344
    The Simplest Possible Delegate Example . 345
    Retrofitting the Car Type with Delegates 348
    A More Elaborate Delegate Example . 353
    Understanding Delegate Covariance . 358
    Creating Generic Delegates 360
    Understanding C# Events 362
    The Generic EventHandler<T> Delegate 369
    Understanding C# Anonymous Methods 370
    Understanding Method Group Conversions 372
    The C# 2008 Lambda Operator . 374
    Summary . 381
    CHAPTER 12 Indexers, Operators, and Pointers . 383
    Understanding Indexer Methods . 383
    Understanding Operator Overloading . 388
    Understanding Custom Type Conversions . 397
    Working with Pointer Types 404
    C# Preprocessor Directives . 411
    Summary . 414
    nCHAPTER 13 C# 2008 Language Features . 415
    Understanding Implicitly Typed Local Variables 415
    Understanding Automatic Properties . 420
    Understanding Extension Methods . 424
    nCONTENTS vii
    Understanding Partial Methods . 433
    Understanding Object Initializer Syntax . 436
    Understanding Anonymous Types . 440
    Summary . 445
    CHAPTER 14 An Introduction to LINQ 447
    Understanding the Role of LINQ . 447
    A First Look at LINQ Query Expressions 450
    LINQ and Generic Collections . 456
    LINQ and Nongeneric Collections 457
    The Internal Representation of LINQ Query Operators . 459
    Investigating the C# LINQ Query Operators 463
    LINQ Queries: An Island unto Themselves? 469
    Summary . 472
    PART 4 n n n Programming with .NET Assemblies
    CHAPTER 15 Introducing .NET Assemblies 475
    Defining Custom Namespaces 475
    The Role of .NET Assemblies . 480
    Understanding the Format of a .NET Assembly 482
    Building and Consuming a Single-File Assembly . 486
    Building and Consuming a Multifile Assembly . 496
    Understanding Private Assemblies . 499
    Understanding Shared Assemblies 504
    Consuming a Shared Assembly . 510
    Configuring Shared Assemblies . 512
    Investigating the Internal Composition of the GAC 516
    Understanding Publisher Policy Assemblies . 518
    Understanding the <codeBase> Element . 519
    The System.Configuration Namespace . 521
    The Machine Configuration File . 522
    Summary . 522
    CHAPTER 16 Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based
    Programming 523
    The Necessity of Type Metadata 523
    Understanding Reflection 527
    Building a Custom Metadata Viewer . 530
    Dynamically Loading Assemblies 536
    Reflecting on Shared Assemblies 538
    Understanding Late Binding 539
    viii nCONTENTS
    Understanding Attributed Programming 542
    Building Custom Attributes . 546
    Assembly-Level (and Module-Level) Attributes 549
    Reflecting on Attributes Using Early Binding . 550
    Reflecting on Attributes Using Late Binding . 551
    Putting Reflection, Late Binding, and Custom Attributes in Perspective 553
    Building an Extendable Application 553
    Summary . 559
    CHAPTER 17 Processes, AppDomains, and Object Contexts . 561
    Reviewing Traditional Win32 Processes 561
    Interacting with Processes Under the .NET Platform 563
    Understanding .NET Application Domains . 571
    Understanding Object Context Boundaries 577
    Summarizing Processes, AppDomains, and Context 581
    Summary . 582
    CHAPTER 18 Building Multithreaded Applications . 583
    The Process/AppDomain/Context/Thread Relationship 583
    A Brief Review of the .NET Delegate . 585
    The Asynchronous Nature of Delegates . 587
    Invoking a Method Asynchronously 588
    The System.Threading Namespace 593
    The System.Threading.Thread Class . 594
    Programmatically Creating Secondary Threads 597
    The Issue of Concurrency 602
    Programming with Timer Callbacks 609
    Understanding the CLR ThreadPool 610
    The Role of the BackgroundWorker Component 612
    Summary . 616
    CHAPTER 19 Understanding CIL and the Role of Dynamic Assemblies 617
    Reflecting on the Nature of CIL Programming . 617
    Examining CIL Directives, Attributes, and Opcodes . 618
    Pushing and Popping: The Stack-Based Nature of CIL 620
    Understanding Round-Trip Engineering . 621
    Understanding CIL Directives and Attributes . 629
    .NET Base Class Library, C#, and CIL Data Type Mappings 635
    Defining Type Members in CIL 636
    Examining CIL Opcodes 638
    Building a .NET Assembly with CIL 643
    Understanding Dynamic Assemblies . 648
    Summary . 657
    nCONTENTS ix
    Part 5 n n n Introducing the .NET Base Class Libraries
    CHAPTER 20 File I/O and Isolated Storage 661
    Exploring the System.IO Namespace . 661
    The Directory(Info) and File(Info) Types . 662
    Working with the DirectoryInfo Type . 663
    Working with the Directory Type 667
    Working with the DriveInfo Class Type . 668
    Working with the FileInfo Class . 669
    Working with the File Type . 673
    The Abstract Stream Class . 675
    Working with StreamWriters and StreamReaders 677
    Working with StringWriters and StringReaders 680
    Working with BinaryWriters and BinaryReaders 682
    Programmatically “Watching” Files 683
    Performing Asynchronous File I/O . 685
    Understanding the Role of Isolated Storage . 687
    A Primer on Code Access Security . 688
    An Overview of Isolated Storage . 698
    Obtaining a Store Using IsolatedStorageFile . 702
    Isolated Storage in Action: ClickOnce Deployment 707
    Summary . 710
    CHAPTER 21 Introducing Object Serialization . 711
    Understanding Object Serialization 711
    Configuring Objects for Serialization . 713
    Choosing a Serialization Formatter 715
    Serializing Objects Using the BinaryFormatter . 717
    Serializing Objects Using the SoapFormatter 719
    Serializing Objects Using the XmlSerializer 720
    Serializing Collections of Objects 723
    Customizing the Serialization Process 724
    Summary . 729
    CHAPTER 22 ADO.NET Part I: The Connected Layer 731
    A High-Level Definition of ADO.NET 731
    Understanding ADO.NET Data Providers 733
    Additional ADO.NET Namespaces . 736
    The Types of the System.Data Namespace . 737
    Abstracting Data Providers Using Interfaces . 741
    Creating the AutoLot Database 744
    The ADO.NET Data Provider Factory Model 749
    Understanding the Connected Layer of ADO.NET . 755
    Working with Data Readers 760
    Building a Reusable Data Access Library . 763
    Creating a Console UI–Based Front End 770
    Asynchronous Data Access Using SqlCommand . 775
    Understanding Database Transactions . 777
    Summary . 781
    CHAPTER 23 ADO.NET Part II: The Disconnected Layer 783
    Understanding the Disconnected Layer of ADO.NET 783
    Understanding the Role of the DataSet . 784
    Working with DataColumns . 787
    Working with DataRows . 789
    Working with DataTables 793
    Binding DataTable Objects to User Interfaces 798
    Filling DataSet/DataTable Objects Using Data Adapters . 808
    Revisiting AutoLotDAL.dll 811
    Navigating Multitabled DataSet Objects 814
    The Data Access Tools of Visual Studio 2008 820
    Decoupling Autogenerated Code from the UI Layer . 831
    Summary . 835
    nCHAPTER 24 Programming with the LINQ APIs 837
    The Role of LINQ to ADO.NET . 837
    Programming with LINQ to DataSet 838
    Programming with LINQ to SQL . 843
    Generating Entity Classes Using SqlMetal.exe . 848
    Building Entity Classes Using Visual Studio 2008 . 854
    Manipulating XML Documents Using LINQ to XML 857
    Navigating an In-Memory Document . 862
    Summary . 865
    CHAPTER 25 Introducing Windows Communication Foundation . 867
    A Potpourri of Distributed Computing APIs 867
    The Role of WCF 873
    Investigating the Core WCF Assemblies 876
    The Visual Studio WCF Project Templates . 877
    The Basic Composition of a WCF Application 879
    The ABCs of WCF . 880
    Building a WCF Service 885
    Hosting the WCF Service . 888
    Building the WCF Client Application 896
    Using the WCF Service Library Project Template . 900
    Hosting the WCF Service As a Windows Service . 903
    Invoking a Service Asynchronously 908
    Designing WCF Data Contracts 910
    Summary . 915
    nCONTENTS xi
    CHAPTER 26 Introducing Windows Workflow Foundation . 917
    Defining a Business Process 917
    The Building Blocks of WF . 918
    WF Assemblies, Namespaces, and Projects . 924
    Building a Simple Workflow-Enabled Application . 926
    Examining the WF Engine Hosting Code 930
    Invoking Web Services Within Workflows . 934
    Building a Reusable WF Code Library 945
    A Brief Word Regarding Custom Activities 951
    Summary . 952
    Part 6 n n n Desktop User Interfaces
    CHAPTER 27 Programming with Windows Forms . 955
    The Windows Forms Namespaces . 955
    Building a Simple Windows Forms Application (IDE-Free) 956
    The Visual Studio Windows Forms Project Template 961
    The Anatomy of a Form 968
    Responding to Mouse Activity . 975
    Responding to Keyboard Activity 977
    Designing Dialog Boxes 978
    Rendering Graphical Data Using GDI+ 985
    Building a Complete Windows Forms Application 990
    Summary . 997
    CHAPTER 28 Introducing Windows Presentation Foundation and XAML . 999
    The Motivation Behind WPF 999
    The Various Flavors of WPF Applications . 1002
    Investigating the WPF Assemblies 1004
    Building a (XAML-Free) WPF Application . 1011
    Additional Details of the Application Type 1015
    Additional Details of the Window Type 1017
    Building a (XAML-Centric) WPF Application 1021
    Transforming Markup into a .NET Assembly 1025
    Separation of Concerns Using Code-Behind Files . 1029
    The Syntax of XAML 1031
    Building WPF Applications Using Visual Studio 2008 . 1044
    Processing XAML at Runtime: SimpleXamlPad.exe 1048
    The Role of Microsoft Expression Blend . 1052
    Summary 1053
    xii nCONTENTS
    CHAPTER 29 Programming with WPF Controls . 1055
    A Survey of the WPF Control Library 1055
    Declaring Controls in XAML . 1058
    Understanding the Role of Dependency Properties 1060
    Understanding Routed Events 1064
    Working with Button Types 1068
    Working with CheckBoxes and RadioButtons . 1072
    Working with the ListBox and ComboBox Types 1075
    Working with Text Areas 1081
    Controlling Content Layout Using Panels . 1083
    Building a Window’s Frame Using Nested Panels . 1093
    Understanding WPF Control Commands . 1099
    Understanding the WPF Data-Binding Model . 1102
    Data Conversion Using IValueConverter . 1106
    Binding to Custom Objects 1108
    Binding UI Elements to XML Documents . 1112
    Summary 1116
    CHAPTER 30 WPF 2D Graphical Rendering, Resources, and Themes . 1117
    The Philosophy of WPF Graphical Rendering Services 1117
    Exploring the Shape-Derived Types . 1124
    Working with WPF Brushes 1127
    Working with WPF Pens 1130
    Exploring the Drawing-Derived Types . 1130
    The Role of UI Transformations 1135
    Understanding WPF’s Animation Services 1136
    Understanding the WPF Resource System . 1145
    Defining and Applying Styles for WPF Controls . 1147
    Altering a Control’s UI Using Templates . 1156
    Summary 1160
    Part 7 n n n Building Web Applications with ASP.NET
    CHAPTER 31 Building ASP.NET Web Pages . 1163
    The Role of HTTP 1163
    Understanding Web Applications and Web Servers 1164
    The Role of HTML 1167
    The Role of Client-Side Scripting . 1172
    Submitting the Form Data (GET and POST) . 1174
    Building a Classic ASP Page . 1175
    Problems with Classic ASP 1177
    The ASP.NET Namespaces 1178
    The ASP.NET Web Page Code Model 1179
    Details of an ASP.NET Website Directory Structure 1190
    The ASP.NET Page Compilation Cycle . 1192
    nCONTENTS xiii
    The Inheritance Chain of the Page Type . 1194
    Interacting with the Incoming HTTP Request . 1195
    Interacting with the Outgoing HTTP Response 1198
    The Life Cycle of an ASP.NET Web Page . 1200
    The Role of the Web.config File 1203
    Summary 1206
    CHAPTER 32 ASP.NET Web Controls, Themes, and Master Pages 1207
    Understanding the Nature of Web Controls . 1207
    The System.Web.UI.Control Type . 1209
    The System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl Type 1213
    Major Categories of ASP.NET Web Controls 1213
    Building a Feature-Rich ASP.NET Website . 1215
    The Role of the Validation Controls . 1231
    Working with Themes 1237
    Positioning Controls Using HTML Tables . 1243
    Summary 1244
    CHAPTER 33 ASP.NET State Management Techniques . 1245
    The Issue of State . 1245
    ASP.NET State Management Techniques 1247
    Understanding the Role of ASP.NET View State . 1248
    The Role of the Global.asax File 1251
    Understanding the Application/Session Distinction 1254
    Working with the Application Cache 1259
    Maintaining Session Data . 1263
    Understanding Cookies . 1267
    The Role of the <sessionState> Element 1269
    Understanding the ASP.NET Profile API 1272
    Summary 1279
    Part 8 - Appendixes
    APPENDIX A COM and .NET Interoperability 1283
    The Scope of .NET Interoperability 1283
    A Simple Example of .NET to COM Interop . 1284
    Investigating a .NET Interop Assembly 1287
    Understanding the Runtime Callable Wrapper 1289
    The Role of COM IDL . 1292
    Using a Type Library to Build an Interop Assembly 1296
    Building a More Elaborate COM Server 1299
    Examining the Interop Assembly . 1301
    Understanding COM to .NET Interoperability 1305
    The Role of the CCW . 1306
    The Role of the .NET Class Interface 1307
    xiv nCONTENTS
    Building Your .NET Types . 1308
    Generating the Type Library and Registering the .NET Types 1310
    Examining the Exported Type Information 1311
    Building a Visual Basic 6.0 Test Client . 1312
    Summary 1313
    APPENDIX B Platform-Independent .NET Development with Mono . 1315
    The Platform-Independent Nature of .NET . 1315
    Obtaining and Installing Mono . 1318
    The Mono Development Tools . 1321
    Building .NET Applications with Mono . 1323
    Suggestions for Further Study . 1330
    Summary 1331
    INDEX . 1333

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