Tài liệu oxit kẽm cấu trúc nano để làm màng mỏng

Thảo luận trong 'Hóa Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

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    Điểm thành tích:
    Recently, zinc oxide (ZnO) has attracted much attention within the scientific community
    as a ‘future material’. This is however, somewhat of a misnomer, as ZnO
    has been widely studied since 1935 [1], with much of our current industry and
    day-to-day lives critically reliant upon this compound. The renewed interest in this
    material has arisen out of the development of growth technologies for the fabrication
    of high quality single crystals and epitaxial layers, allowing for the realization
    of ZnO-based electronic and optoelectronic devices.
    With a wide bandgap of 3.4 eV and a large exciton binding energy of 60 meV at
    room temperature, ZnO, like GaN, will be important for blue and ultra-violet optical
    devices. ZnO has several advantages over GaN in this application range however,
    the most important being its larger exciton binding energy and the ability to grow
    single crystal substrates. Other favorable aspects of ZnO include its broad chemistry
    leading to many opportunities for wet chemical etching, low power threshold
    for optical pumping, radiation hardness and biocompatibility. Together, these properties
    of ZnO make it an ideal candidate for a variety of devices ranging from
    sensors through to ultra-violet laser diodes and nanotechnology-based devices such
    as displays.
    As fervent research into ZnO continues, difficulties such as the fabrication of
    p-type ZnO that have so far stalled the development of devices are being overcome
    [2].We are thus moving ever closer to the future in which ZnO will be a viable and
    integral part of many functional and exotic devices.
    In this chapter, an overview of the basic properties of ZnO, including the crystal
    structure, energy band structure and thermal properties is presented, as well as an

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  1. Thúy Viết Bài
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