Luận Văn ORGANIC CHEMISTRY INACTION ( The Design of Organic Synthesis) -Tổng hợp hữu cơ

Thảo luận trong 'Hóa Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Điểm thành tích:
    A. Để đáp ứng nhu cầu về sách hóa tổng hợp hữu cơ, phương pháp phân tích để đưa ra quy trình tổng hợp hữu cơ, Mình xin giới thiệu cuốn sách ORGANIC CHEMISTRY INACTION Đây là một cuốn sách rất hay, nó phân tích khá kỹ các quá trình tổng hợp hữu cơ của các nhóm hợp chất hữu cơ phổ biến, đến phức tạp như các hợp chất : Dẫn chất của các hormon cortison, extron, đãn chất tổng hợp từ paraquinon,hợp chất nitro, dị vòng thơm và không thơm ốn
    Cuốn sách được tham khảo từ các cuốn sách, tạp chí sau:
    1 Complex Hydrides by A. Haj6s
    2 Proteoglycans-Biological and Chemical Aspects in Human Life
    by J.F. Kennedy
    3 New Trends in Heterocyclic Chemistry edited by R.B. Mitra, N.R. Ayyangar,
    V.N. Gogte, R.M. Acheson and N. Cromwell
    4 Inositol Phosphates: Their Chemistry, Biochemistry and Physiology
    by D.J. Gosgrove
    5 Comprehensive Carbanion Chemistry. Part A. Structure and Reactivity edited by
    E. Buncel and T. Durst
    Comprehensive Carbanion Chemistry. Part B. Selectivity in Carbon-Carbon
    Bond Forming Reactions edited by E. Buncel and T. Durst
    6 New Synthetic Methodology and Biologically Active Substances edited
    by Z.-I. Yoshida
    7 Quinonediazides by V.V. Ershov, G.A. Nikiforov and C.R.H.I. de Jonge
    8 Synthesis of Acetylenes, Allenes and Cumulenes: A Laboratory Manual
    by L. Brandsma and H.D. Verkruijsse
    9 Electrophilic Additions to Unsaturated Systems by P.B.D. de la Mare and
    R. Bolton
    10 Chemical Approaches to Understanding Enzyme Catalysis: Biomimetic
    Chemistry and Transition-State Analogs edited by B.S. Green, Y. Ashani and
    11 Flavonoids and Bioflavonoids 1981 edited by L. Farkas, M. Gfibor, F. Kfillay and
    12 Crown Compounds: Their Characteristics and Applications by M. Hiraoka
    13 Biomimetic Chemistry edited by Z.-I. Yoshida and N. Ise
    14 Electron Deficient Aromatic- and Heteroaromatic-Base Interactions.
    The Chemistry and Anionic Sigma Complexes by E. Buncel, M.R. Crampton,
    M.J. Strauss and F. Terrier
    15 Ozone and its Reactions with Organic Compounds by S.D. Razumovskii and
    G.E. Zaikov
    16 Non-benzenoid Conjugated Carbocyclic Compounds by D. Lloyd
    17 Chemistry and Biotechnology of Biologically Active Natural Products edited by Cs.
    Sz~ntay, A Gottsegen and G. Kov~cs
    18 Bio-Organic Heterocycles: Synthetic, Physical, Organic and Pharmacological
    Aspects edited by H.C. van der Plas, L. (~tvt~s and M. Simonyi
    19 Organic Sulfur Chemistry: Theoretical and Experimental Advances edited by
    F. Bernardi, I.G. Csizmadia and A. Mangini
    20 Natural Products Chemistry 1984 edited by R.I. Zalewski and J.J. Skolik
    21 Carbocation Chemistry by P. Vogel
    22 Biocatalysis in Organic Syntheses edited by J. Tramper, H.C. van der Plas and
    P. Linko
    23 Flavonoids and Bioflavonoids 1985 edited by L. Farkas, M. G~bor and F. K~llay
    24 The Organic Chemistry of Nucleic Acids by Y. Mizuno
    25 New Synthetic Methodology and Functionally Interesting Compounds edited by
    Z. -I. Yoshida
    26 New Trends in Natural Products Chemistry 1986 edited by Atta-ur-Rahman and
    P.W. Le Quesne
    27 Bio-Organic Heterocycles 1986. Synthesis, Mechanisms and Bioactivity edited by
    H.C. van der Plas, M. Simonyi, F.C. Alderweireldt and J.A. Lepoivre
    28 Perspectives in the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur edited by B. Zwanenburg and
    A.H.J. Klunder
    29 Biocatalysis in Organic Media edited by C. Laane, J. Tramper and M.D. Lilly
    30 Recent Advances in Electroorganic Synthesis edited by S. Torii
    31 Physical Organic Chemistry 1986 edited by M. Kobayashi
    32 Organic Solid State Chemistry edited by G.R. Desiraju
    33 The Role of Oxygen in Chemistry and Biochemistry edited by W. Ando and
    Y. Moro-oka
    34 Preparative Acetylenic Chemistry, second edition by L. Brandsma
    35 Chemistry of Hetrocyclic Compounds edited by J. Kov~ic and P. Z~ilupsk~
    36 Polysaccharides. Syntheses, Modifications and Structure/Property Relations by
    M. Yalpani
    37 Organic High Pressure Chemistry by W.J. Le Noble
    38 Chemistry of Alicyclic Compounds. Structure and Chemical Transformations by
    G. Haufe and G. Mann
    39 Carbon-13 NMR of Flavonoids edited by P.K. Agrawal
    40 Photochromism. Molecules and Systems edited by H. Dtirr and H. Bouas-Laurent
    41 Organic Chemistry in Action. The Design of Organic Synthesis by F. Serratosa
    42 Similarity Models in Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Related Fields edited by
    J. Shorter, R.I. Zalewski and T.M. Krygowski
    43 Piperidine. Structure, Preparation, Reactivity, and Synthetic Applications of
    Piperidine and its Derivatives by M. Rubiralta, E. Giralt and A. Diez
    44 Cyclobutarenes. The Chemistry of Benzocyclobutene, Biphenylene, and Related
    Compounds by M.K. Shepherd
    45 Crown Ethers and Analogous Compounds edited by M. Hiraoka
    46 Biocatalysts in Organic Synthesis by J. Halga~
    47 Stability and Stabilization of Enzymes edited by W.J.J. van den Tweel, A. Harder and
    R.M. Buitelaar
    48 Organofluorine Compounds in Medicinal Chemistry and Biomedical Applications
    edited by R. Filler, Y. Kobayashi and L.M. Yagupolskii
    49 Catalyzed Direct Reactions of Silicon edited by K.M. Lewis and D.G. Rethwisch
    50 Organic Reactions-Equilibria, Kinetics and Mechanism by F. Ruff
    and I.G. Csizmadia
    51 Organic Chemistry in Action. The Design of Organic Synthesis (Second Edition)
    by F. Serratosa and J. Xicart

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