Tiến Sĩ Numerical analysis of externally prestressed concrete beams

Thảo luận trong 'Khoa Học Công Nghệ' bắt đầu bởi Quy Ẩn Giang Hồ, 14/3/12.

  1. Quy Ẩn Giang Hồ

    Quy Ẩn Giang Hồ Administrator
    Thành viên BQT

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    Điểm thành tích:
    First of all, the author would like to express his deepest gratitude and appreciation to his
    advisor, Prof. Umehara Hidetaka of Department of Environmental Technology and Urban
    Planning, Nagoya Institute of Technology, for his invaluable guidance, continuous motivation,
    patient explanations, useful comments and understanding that have been the great source of
    support throughout the course of this research. His tireless devotion, unlimited kindness even
    for the private matters has earned the author’s highest respect. Only his ingenious ideas,
    constructive suggestions and tireless guidance made the completion of this study possible.
    The author wishes to express thanks to the members of his dissertation examining
    committee, Prof. Umehara, H., Prof. .and Prof. .for going through the text of this thesis
    painstakingly and for making enlightening suggestions and comments that helped to refine the
    scope and content of this study.
    The author wishes to express special thanks to Prof. Tanabe Tada-Aki of Department of
    Civil Engineering, Nagoya University, for his continuous guidance and discussions,
    invaluable suggestions from the days of the author’s studying under his supervision up to
    present. That is in addition to his going through the text of the journal papers making
    enlightening suggestions and useful comments through the course of study.
    The author also wishes to express his sense appreciation to Associate Prof. Uehara Takumi
    of Department of Civil Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, for his assistance during
    the course of study. Thanks are also expressed to Research Assistant Mr. Kimata, H., Dr. Ito,
    A., of Concrete laboratory of Department of Civil engineering, Nagoya University for his help
    in various kinds of matters.
    Special thanks are expressed to Dr. Shahid, N, Mr. Brohi, K. and all Vietnamese friends in
    Aichi Ken for their help and assistance to overcome the daily difficulties.
    The author likes to express special appreciation go to Mr. Hirahara, H., Mr. Ushida, K.
    and all members of Concrete laboratory, Nagoya Institute of Technology for their assist to
    overcome the daily difficulties and for their friendly attitude during the whole research period.
    Grateful acknowledgement is given to the Ministry of Education Science and Culture of
    Japan, since it has generously provided the financial support, which has made it possible for
    the author to pursue this course of study.
    The author would like to express special thanks to Dr. Do Huu Tri, Doctor General of the
    Research Institute for Transportation Science and Technology (RITST) of Vietnam, and to
    Dr. Nguyen Xuan Dao, former Doctor General of RITST for their continuous supports in
    various kinds of matter that allowing the author completes the course of study in Japan.
    Grateful appreciations are also expressed to all members of Department of Bridges and
    Tunnels of RITST for their help and continuous cooperation in the current research field.
    Last but not the least, the author would like to express his deep sense of gratitude to his
    wife for her patience, understanding and moral support, for her high limit state of endurance
    over the years, which made the full completion of this dissertation a reality. About all, the
    author wishes to express his deepest sense of respect, for which words are not enough, to his
    mother for her tenderness, love, care, sacrifices and encouragement.
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