Tiến Sĩ Nhận thức về hoạt động cung cấp dịch vụ và triển vọng của Viễn Thông Thái Nguyên, Việt Nam

Thảo luận trong 'THẠC SĨ - TIẾN SĨ' bắt đầu bởi Phí Lan Dương, 22/11/13.

  1. Phí Lan Dương

    Phí Lan Dương New Member
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    #1 Phí Lan Dương, 22/11/13
    Last edited by a moderator: 15/8/14
    Luận án tiến sĩ năm 2013
    Đề tài: Perceived service performance and prospects development of vnpt telecommunications in thai nguyen, vietnam
    Nhận thức về hoạt động cung cấp dịch vụ và triển vọng của Viễn Thông Thái Nguyên, Việt Nam
    Luận án bằng tiếng Anh

    DEDICATION . iii
    Background of the Study .6
    Statement of the Problem 7
    Objective of the Study 9
    Hypothesis of the Study 10
    Significance of the Study 11
    Scope and Limitation of the Study 11
    Definition of Terms .11
    Related Literature 14
    Related Studies 20
    Conceptual Framework .30
    Locale of the Study .32
    Population, Samples and Sampling Techniques .32
    Research Instruments 33
    Data Gathering Procedures .34
    Statistical Treatment .34
    Summary of Findings .73
    Conclusions .79
    Recommendations .80
    APPENDIX .92

    In Vietnam's intensifying telecommunication service market today, satisfying
    customers is only the baseline and may not be sufficient for survival for mobile phone
    service providers. Management should focus on gaining customer loyalty by
    enhancing customer perceptions of service quality and increasing as perceived by the
    consumer value. To do that, it is necessary for them to figure out the relationships and
    impacts of service quality, customer value, customer satisfaction, corporate image and
    customer loyalty. This research focused on evaluating the service performance of
    telecommunications services by employees and customers in VNPT in terms of
    services, place, price, promotion, people and position. This research also sought to
    assess the prospect of VNPT Thai Nguyen in terms of management capacity, human
    resource, service attitude, marketing and material facilities. Based on the assessments,
    proposing recommendations to improve the quality of activities and prospect of
    resources of VNPT Thai Nguyen .
    All ratings for VNPT in Thai Nguyen are collected opinions of
    Telecommunications Director of Thai Nguyen, the employees, Deputy Sales Rooms,
    as well as transaction services for customers, and especially survey of customers
    using the services of VNPT.
    The service performance of VNPT in Thai Nguyen province is
    reflected through the perceived products and services, places, price, promotion,
    people and position. For the overall mean for both employees and customers
    respondents show similarity on their perception on the position status of the company
    in terms of the six components with the overall obtained mean of 3.81 and 3.66 both
    rated as very good. For the overall mean for both manager and employee respondents,
    there is similarity on their perception on the prospects in terms of the five areas as
    shown in the obtained mean of 4.10 and 4.16 both rated as very good. But about the
    order reviews of these factors is different.
    It is recommended that VNPT in Thai Nguyen province should focus on
    opening course training staff security, and wireless computer maintenance skills to
    motivate work, team work skills and communication skills. Continue to promote the
    exploitation of Internet and mobile phones, in addition to developing network services
    Hold training on customer relationship management skills and the purchase of
    software for customer relationship management for marketing. Maintain giving gifts
    to customers to congratulate customers on their birthdays or major holidays. This will
    help customers feel special and be concerned about how the customers are treated.

    Chapter 1
    In the past, people contact each other in many ways as the fire burned for
    smoke, or sounding, empty, to a signal that things are close to. Today, the world is
    growing and the knowledge economy. The most important economic resource is not
    land, capital or technology, but human. Vietnam steps up ship in the global economy,
    to integrate successfully, "the comparison with the national strength in Asia", the
    prerequisite is the ability to work by employees. Requirements for workers in the
    economic integration must not only have expertise which must be capable of
    distribution in combination with other work. While people are not always close, they
    require communication between people with children who need to quickly correct.
    (Nguyen Sang, 2010)
    Vietnam's mobile phone market is considered one of the fastest growing
    markets in the world with mobile phone subscribers currently estimated at 96.5
    million, increasing 80 percent year-on-year (General Statistics Office, 2009). Vietnam
    Telecom Services Company is an economic organization - a member unit under
    Vietnam Post and Telecommunications Corporation operating in compliance with
    Organizational and Operational regulations of Vietnam Post and Telecommunications
    Corporation, which was approved by Decision No. 51/CP on August 1, 1995 by the
    Government. The Company specializes in trading and services in fields of mobile
    information, SMS sending and card-based phones nationwide together with other
    members in the chain of post and telecommunications technologies with very close
    and united relation on network organization, economic and financial benefits,
    development of post and telecommunications services to carry out objectives and
    plans assigned to the Corporation by the State (Report VNPT, 2012)
    The Company was established under Decision No. 331/QĐ-TCCB dated June
    14, 1997 by the General Minister of General Post Office. The main missions of the
    company are to manage and exploit three services: Nationwide mobile network
    (VNPT), Vietnam Messaging Network (Paging), Card-based phone network
    (CardPhone). Paging network was stopped operating in September 2004 by VNPT
    due to the fact that it was no longer suitable for the market after 10 years in operation.
    In 2006, an important event that marked a great turning-point of Vietnam's
    economy in general and of the telecommunication sector in particular was that:
    Vietnam officially became the 150th member of the World Trade Organization
    (WTO). Also in this time, in order to enhance competitive capacity in the context of
    international integration, the Telecommunication Services Company made an
    important behavior: that was to change its abbreviation name from GPC (G=GSM;
    P=Paging; C=CardPhone) into VNPT. This change showed business diversion of the
    Company in the new stage. The Company also announced its new brand identity
    system that was of professional and modern manner. It was the determination of the
    Company to make VNPT the first-ranked mobile network in Vietnam with orientation
    towards international cooperation and integration.
    Under definition of the World Intellectual Property Organization, brand is a
    special sign (tangible and intangible) to recognize a product or service that is
    manufactured or provided by an individual or an organization. Main criteria in
    creating ideas on design of Company's new logo model are to maintain the former
    basic brand name of VNPT services - decisive services - but it must create a
    breakthrough in image. The new brand image must be more simple, modern but it still
    needs to be purely Vietnamese, easy to apply and convenient in displaying on
    different background colors and different materials. Specially, the new logo must
    show the meaning in terms of connection - a specific characteristic in business of
    VNPT Company. VNPT is the pioneer in expanding mobile information in remote
    regions in Vietnam. It is doing business to provide good services in order to promote
    local socioeconomic developments. (Vietbao, 2012)
    In the wake of these changing dynamics, the Vietnamese mobile phone
    operators face a number of significant challenges. First, the majority of Vietnam
    mobile subscribers are pre-paid who are apt to change the provider continuously,
    hence retaining existing customers in a predominantly pre-paid and high chum market
    has become more difficult and costly. Similarly, new customer acquisition is
    becoming more elusive than ever as potential customers have more options to choose
    from and mobile phone operators offer attractive deals to lure prospects. Third, as
    mobile phone operators have had to incur additional expense in keeping existing
    customers and acquiring new ones, their average revenue per user has declined,
    leading to deterioration of their financial performance. Due to these challenges,
    service quality improvement, enhancing customer value and corporate image in order
    to satisfy customer, then customer loyalty, are the key determinants of firm's success
    or at least survival.
    Telecommunications has been formed to help people move recently, economic,
    political, social stability and more smoothly. Understanding the importance of
    information technology brings to human as well as the ways to develop more industry
    information technology. If prompted efforts to build a legal framework, "lodestar"
    guiding the telecommunications industry can not mention the achievements on the
    basis of development and infrastructure in 10 years that Vietnam has achieved from
    efforts of Vietnamese enterprises (Report VNPT, 2012)
    Economic environment in Vietnam increasingly becomes more dynamic.
    VNPT of Thai Nguyen province sustains the needs of telecommunications. To
    develop fast, strong and sustainable, VNPT must continually analyze and assess the
    results of their operations and market to see the status service performance of the
    project strategy and to draw specific measures appropriate to develop its network in
    the province of Thai Nguyen province.
    Vietnam has been developing market economy, with economic policy models
    and strategies to integrate into the international economy. Development of the market
    economy has been and will put the country's economy in general and businesses in
    particular face challenges and difficulties ahead of the competition increasingly fierce
    international to grab customers and expansion of the domestic market as well as at the
    world. In market economies, firms operating in the country have to manage the
    business operations an effective way to be able to stand firm in the market and
    growing. Enterprises wishing to do so should be effective in their business activities,
    while new businesses exist in the market and growing. Especially state-owned
    enterprises, the business cannot effectively create momentum for economic
    development, but also contributes towards maintaining the country's economy.
    Always keep a leading role in economic integration, collaboration, more efficient
    business. Group Vietnam Post and Telecommunications Group (VNPT) is the stateowned enterprises, operating in the information technology field, play an important
    role in the national economy. VNPT provides many services to the market to meet
    consumer needs. Creating service was difficult, but to bring them into the business
    was even more difficult, as the market increasingly more competitors appear. To

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