Luận Văn Nghiên cứu - Thiết kế đô thị bền vững với khí hậu - HCMC

Thảo luận trong 'Kiến Trúc - Xây Dựng' bắt đầu bởi Phí Lan Dương, 27/7/15.

  1. Phí Lan Dương

    Phí Lan Dương New Member
    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
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    Điểm thành tích:
    Abstract— Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), in the south of
    Vietnam, is undergoing rapid urbanization and is one of the
    world’s cities most affected by climate change. A comparative
    analysis among different scenarios for a case study located in a
    re-development area in HCMC revealed how urban design can
    contribute to reduce heat and improve thermal comfort in
    urban areas. Isoline mappings made with the climate modelling
    software ENVI-met have provided evidence that enhanced
    street greenery has the most remarkable impact on urban
    thermal comfort.
    Index Terms — Climate Change, Ho Chi Minh City, Urban
    Heat Island Effects, Urban Design.
    The impacts of Urban Heat Islands (UHI) are significant
    in big cities. Reducing UHI effects will decrease energy
    consumption, improve urban thermal comfort and mitigate
    the impacts of climate change related to heat. There are five
    main factors that cause UHI: absorption of solar radiation,
    anthropogenic heat generation, thermal storage, decreased
    evaporation and reduced ventilation [1]. Among these
    factors, climate responsive urban design can reduce solar
    radiation absorption and thermal storage through the use of
    appropriate materials. Moreover, it can enhance evaporation
    and ventilation through strategies such as increasing
    vegetation and adjusting the building orientation. Therefore,
    urban design plays an important role in mitigating UHI
    effects. Through comparing different modelled urban design
    scenarios, this paper demonstrates how urban design can
    mitigate the impacts of UHI.
    The case study is chosen in HCMC. This city is severely
    affected by climate change and UHI effects [2], [3]. The
    city’s annual mean temperature has been increased by 0.5
    °C in 2007 compared to the period of 1991-2000 [4]. There
    is a need to analyse appropriate urban design measures in
    order to mitigate UHI effects in the city’s developments.
    The case study is a quarter of a large-scale re-development
    project, located near to the central business district of
    HCMC (Fig. 1).
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