Chuyên Đề Nautical phrases

Thảo luận trong 'Ngôn Ngữ Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Nautical phrases

    I.Aims of the study
    Lexicology (from lexico-, in the Late Greek lexikon) is that part of linguistics which studies words, their nature and meaning, words' elements, relations between words (semantical relations), words groups and the whole lexicon.
    The term first appeared in the 1820s, though there were lexicologists in essence before the term was coined. Computational lexicology as a related field (in the same way that computational linguistics is related to linguistics) deals with the computational study of dictionaries and their contents. An allied science to lexicology is lexicography, which also studies words in relation with dictionaries - it is actually concerned with the inclusion of words in dictionaries and from that perspective with the whole lexicon. Therefore lexicography is the theory and practice of composing dictionaries. Sometimes lexicography is considered to be a part or a branch of lexicology, but the two disciplines should not be mistaken: lexicographers are the people who write dictionaries, they are at the same time lexicologists too, but not all lexicologists are lexicographers. It is said that lexicography is the practical lexicology, it is practically oriented though it has its own theory, while the pure lexicology is mainly theoretical.
    Phraseology is a branch of lexicology, together with lexicography.It studies compound meanings of two or more words, as in "raining cats and dogs". Because the whole meaning of that phrase is much different from the meaning of words included alone, phraseology examines how and why such meanings come in everyday use, and what possibly are the laws governing these word combinations. Phraseology also investigates idioms.
    Moreover,the world of sail gave us more pharses and sayings than any other occupation.It is Sailor’s lingo or nautical phrases.

    II.Methods of the study

    To finish my study on this topic,I need to read the book”Lectures on Lexicology_Third edition”of Dang Tran Cuong,pay attention on some evidences that are useful for my topic and take note all of them.Moreover,I also search for more information on thhe internet and then filter that information.

    III.Scope of the study
    Study phrases,nautical phrases.

    IV.Design of the study

    Part A: Introduction

    Aims of the study
    Methods of the study
    Scope of the study
    Design of the study

    Part B: Development

    Part C: Conclusion

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