Tiến Sĩ Nâng cao năng lực cạnh tranh của các doanh nghiệp sản xuất sản phẩm chè đen tại tỉnh Thái Nguyên

Thảo luận trong 'THẠC SĨ - TIẾN SĨ' bắt đầu bởi Phí Lan Dương, 22/11/13.

  1. Phí Lan Dương

    Phí Lan Dương New Member
    Thành viên vàng

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    #1 Phí Lan Dương, 22/11/13
    Last edited by a moderator: 15/8/14
    Luận án tiến sĩ năm 2013
    Nâng cao năng lực cạnh tranh của các doanh nghiệp sản xuất sản phẩm chè đen tại tỉnh Thái Nguyên
    Luận án bằng tiếng Anh

    Introduction . 1
    Background of the study . 2
    Statement of the problem 4
    Research Questions . 5
    Objectives of the study 5
    The overall objectives . 5
    Specific Objectives . 6
    Hypotheses of the study 6
    Significance of the study 7
    Scope and limitations of the study 7
    Definition of terms 8
    2.1. The conceptS of competition . 10
    2.2. The conceptS of competitiveness 12
    2.3. System of criteria for assessing the competitiveness of enterprises 15
    2.4. The basic contents when researching the competitiveness of enterprises . 17
    2.4.1. Competitiveness of products 17
    2.4.2. The market share of the enterprise 17
    2.4.3. Business performance . 17
    2.4.4. The productivity of production factors . 17
    2.4.5. The ability to link and cooperate of enterprises 18
    2.4.6. The ability to attract the resources 18
    2.5. The factors affecting the competitiveness of enterprises . 18
    2.5.1. Economy . 18
    2.5.2. Interest rate on loans . 18
    2.5.3. Science and technology 18
    2.5.4. The subplier 19
    2.5.5. Threat of substitute products or services . 19
    2.5.6. Threat of new entrants . 19
    2.5.7. Level of organization and human resources . 20
    2.5.8. Financial capacity of enterprise 20
    2.5.9 Marketing capacity of enterprise . 20
    2.6. Related literatures and studies . 20
    2.7. Conceptual framework . 23
    3.1. Study area selection . 25
    3.2. Approach methods . 25
    3.3. Methods of data processing . 27
    3.4. Other methods 27
    3.4.1. The descriptive statistical methods . 27
    3.4.2. Comparative method . 27
    3.4.3 Method of experts . 28
    3.4.4. Method of SWOT analysis 28
    4.1. Status of competitiveness of black tea producing enterprises in Thai Nguyen province 29
    4.1.1. Competitiveness of black tea products in Thai Nguyen‟s tea enterprises . 29
    4.1.2. The efficiency of production and business of black tea producing enterprises in Thai Nguyen 40
    4.1.3. The productivity of the factors . 42
    4.1.4. The capacity to attract financial resources of enterprises producing black tea in Thai
    Nguyen 45
    4.1.5. Ability to cooperate and work of black tea businesses in Thai Nguyen. 46
    4.2. Factors affecting the competitiveness of black tea producing enterprises in Thai Nguyen
    province 46
    4.2.1. Economy factors . 46
    4.2.2. Interest on loans 47
    4.2.3. Political factors and legal 48
    4.2.4. Elements of science and technology . 48
    4.2.5. The threat of substitute products and services 48
    4.2.6. Industry competitors 49
    4.2.7. The organizational level and management of human resources 50
    4.2.8. Facilities and technology in the business of black tea in Thai Nguyen 52
    4.2.9. Marketing Capacity 52
    4.2.10. Financial resources . 53
    4.3. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of black tea producing enterprises
    in Thai Nguyen . 53
    4.3.1. The strengths . 53
    4.3.2. The weaknesses 54
    4.3.3. The opportunities 54
    4.3.4. Threats 55
    5.1. Conclusions . 56
    5.1.1. Through the study we draw the following conclusions 56
    5.1.2. Capacity assessment and competitive factors affecting the competitiveness of
    enterprises producing black tea in Thai Nguyen we found: . 57
    5.2. Some solutions to improve the competitiveness of balck tea producing enterprises in
    Thai Nguyen province 58
    5.2.1. Viewpoints 58
    5.2.2. Orientation 59
    5.2.3. Some solutions to enhance competitiveness for enterprises producing black tea 59
    5.2.4. Solutions for state policy 64
    5.3. Recommendations 64
    5.3.1. For State 64
    5.3.2. For agencies, Thai Nguyen provincial government 64
    5.3.3. For processing business, the business of black tea . 65
    APPENDIX 1 . 69
    APPENDIX 2 . 82

    Tea is the perennial plant that has an important role in our social economy, Drinking
    tea has long become a necessity in everyday life, and a habit brought the culture of Vietnam.
    Tea is also an important export of our agriculture. Currently, 39 countries all over the world
    have grown and processed tea, Vietnam has been ranked fifth in area and eighth in
    For years, tea tree has held an important position in the socio-economic development
    strategy of Thai Nguyen province. Tea tree is the key to poverty reduction in agriculture,
    rural development. With an area of 20 thousand hectares under tea business, farmers' average
    annual harvest was 100 thousand tons, over 300 billion. Besides, there are more than 75
    businesses, factories, tea processing facilities with a capacity of 10-50 tones of fresh
    buds/day, dealing with the employment problem for thousands of agricultural workers. Tea
    productions in recent years have contributed significantly to poverty reduction and elevate
    the poor countryside. That is something one can hardly deny.
    Thai Nguyen Province is known as the "capital" of the tea, where there are hundreds
    of years old tea areas. Thai Nguyen Tea with the biological characteristics is superior to the
    other varieties: The ability to grow, thriving, high quality tea, fragrance, the flowing nutrient.
    Thai Nguyen tea plants produce high-quality tea leaves. Annual income from tea
    plants accounts for over 60% of total income from farming activities. The activities of
    production, processing, consumption create a lot of jobs; contribute to raising incomes and
    living standards for the people.
    In recent years, the market has appeared much more tea products with designs and
    beautiful packaging, rich category, high quality. Consumer tastes are shifting sharply to the high-
    quality products, products meet food safety. Thus, to survive and grow, black tea products also
    need to shift and develop according to the trend of the times.
    Therefore, studies to evaluate the situation, identify the factors that influence it,
    finding solutions to improve the competitiveness of black tea in small and medium
    enterprises in Thai Nguyen province is an urgent requirement that have scientific and
    practical significance. Because of those reasons, I chose the thesis: “IMPROVING THE
    Background of the study
    Competition has a great and important role for the development of the economy in
    general, and each small and medium enterprise in particular. Any economy needs to
    maintain the competition. From the point of view of social benefits, competition is one of the
    forms that the State used to be antitrust, create opportunities for consumers to choose the
    products with good quality and cheap price. From the standpoint of enterprises, competition
    will be favorable conditions in order for each enterprise to assert its position in the market.
    Competition forces enterprises to produce and supply the products, goods and services that
    the market needs to meet the increasingly diverse demands of customers.
    Currently, in the economy of Thai Nguyen Province, small and medium enterprises
    account for over 70% of the total number of registered enterprises, generate about 50% of
    GDP and over 80% jobs for workers. However, small and medium enterprises are facing a
    lot of problems affecting the efficiency, competitiveness, such as small capital, weak access
    to capital, backward equipment and technology, quality of human resources, the weak
    management. Due to small size, small and medium enterprises are facing difficulties and
    challenges in competition both inside and outside the country, especially in the context of
    international integration and global markets controlled by multinational companies and
    transnational companies.
    In the context of the general difficulties of the economy, the small and medium tea
    enterprises in Thai Nguyen Province is considered to be the most affected. The enhancement
    of competitiveness becomes a vital question of the enterprises. Over the years, Tea tree has
    always been identified as a key economic crop for tea growing districts. Producing and
    exporting tea increasingly play an important role and become one of the key economic
    sectors of the province, with 80% of the province's tea production for export. Earnings from
    tea exports have contributed to socio-economic development of the province.
    However, the fact that the province's tea exports have not really had prestige, low
    quality compared to other countries in the region and the world, even in the country. The
    underlying cause of this problem lies right in the beginning stages of the production process,
    from the building the material region, breeding, processing technology . Most processing
    enterprises and exporters of tea are difficult to input source, fluctuation of prices,
    fragmentary production, even facing the risk of market loss. Although the majority of
    produced tea of the province is for export but mainly in the form of raw materials, the tea‟s
    brand has not been positioned, therefore the income of tea growers and producers are not
    high. Producing and exporting tea has not promoted the potentials and strengths to be
    confirmed as the key economic sectors of the province. The domestic market is fiercely
    competed by the famous tea companies in the world such as Lipton, Dilmah, and Qualitea.
    The market share of tea industry is shrunk. Numerous companies are on the brink of
    bankruptcy. Therefore, at this time, there should be an overview of the investment in the
    development process of the tea industry, but first of all is the investment in the development
    process of raw tea. Analyze the causes of these problems so that put forward the solutions to
    have the most effective investment in order for the tea industry to overcome the crisis.
    Enhancing the competitiveness for tea products like a prediction problem to look back and
    analyze those data in the past then give the solutions for future. Assessing the competitive
    situation of tea products, recognize the strengths and weaknesses the give the right directions
    in the future.
    Statement of the problem
    In the face of requirements of economic development, particularly in the process of
    international economic integration today, to survive and grow strongly, tea industry must
    have the appropriate solutions. In recent years, the black tea producing enterprises in Thai
    Nguyen province encounter a lot of difficulties, black tea products of the province faced 3
    problems as: Export markets to countries in the Middle East were disrupted by political
    instability. The Russian market is affected by imports from other teas. Unfavorable weather
    affects tea production. From 3 reasons leading to earnings from tea reduced, some plants
    temporarily closed. Before this situation, how to help the black tea producing enterprises in
    Thai Nguyen province have good development to ensure requirements: quantity, quality,
    competitive price, packaging, market share, revenue, profit. So the research aims to improve
    the competitiveness of the black tea producing enterprises in Thai Nguyen province as
    observed by businesses and customers. Specifically, it seeks answers to the following
    - The position of the black tea producing enterprises in Thai Nguyen province in the
    markets today?
    + Market share
    + Quality
    + Price
    + Revenue
    + Profit
    - Competitive advantages of black tea products as observed by the enterprises?
    + Market share
    + Quality

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