Tài liệu một số đề thi Tiếng Anh ôn thi 12 và Đại Học - Cao đẳng

Thảo luận trong 'ÔN THI ĐẠI HỌC' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

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    một số đề thi Tiếng Anh ôn thi 12 và Đại Học - Cao đẳng


    I. Pick out the word which has different pronunciation:

    1. a. protect b. movement c. introduction d. comfortable

    2. a. rarely b. shake c. way d. case

    3 .a. classmate b. handle c. attitude d. xelaxation

    4. a. laughs b. lends c. looks d. stops

    II. Pick out the word which has stress differently

    5. a. liquor b. relaxed c. realy d. instance

    6. a. militant b. associate c. formality d. nonsmoker


    7. He will not learn much ___ he works harder.

    a. if b. unless c. when d. while

    8. Can you suggest a time ___ it will be convenient to meet?

    a. why b. to which c. when d. where

    9. He said the custom was ___ in good sense.

    a. grounded b. based c. illegal d. reserved

    10. After he ___ , he went straight home.

    a. has finished b. had finished c. was finishing d. would finish

    11. A horse is always mounted ___ the left side .

    a. on b. to c. from d. at

    12. Thimgs are going on ___ everything is great.

    a. nice b. nicer c. niciest d. nicely

    13. They are used ___ their own money

    a. earning b. to earn c. earn d. to earning

    14. Look ____ ! There’s a bus coming.

    a. on b. up c. out d. at

    15. ____ the weather is very hot , our children are going swimming a lot .

    a. Although b. Because c. dispite d. because of

    16. It rained ___ for five hours

    a. continously b. continous c. continue d. continuation

    17. I think my computer is not capable ___ runningthis software .

    a. at b. in c. of d. for

    18. We are looking forward ___ you .

    a. to see b. see c. to seeing d. seeing

    19. They had a boy __ that yesterday .

    a. done b. to do c. did d. do

    20. Women usually don’t shake hands when being ___ to each other .

    a. introduced b. introduce c. to introduce d. introducing

    21. Nonsmokers have become ___ about smoking in public.

    a. militant b. militancy c. military d. militaristic

    22. If I ____ ill , I wouldn’t have been absent from school

    a. were not b. am not c. hadn’t been d. not being

    23. I sometimes do not feel ___ when I am at a party .

    a.comfort b. comforter c. comfortable d. comfortably

    24. Mr Pike invited some ___ to his house for dinner.

    a. hosts b. guests c.cookers d. host

    25. It is necessary for the host to make his guests feel comfortable and ___

    a. relax b. relaxing c. relaxed d. relaxation


    I. Pick out the part of sentence ( A,B,C or D ) which is not correct in standard written English .

    26. American man usually shake hands when they are introduced.

    A B C D

    27. It is surprising the most tourists which come to the town visit this small.

    A B C D

    28. If you will see Mike to day , please ask him to phone me.

    A B C D

    29. It was such a small town that I had difficulty to find a job.

    A B C D

    30. Yesterday evening while I was watching , Mary pays me a visit

    A B C D

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