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Thảo luận trong 'THẠC SĨ - TIẾN SĨ' bắt đầu bởi Phí Lan Dương, 27/4/15.

  1. Phí Lan Dương

    Phí Lan Dương New Member
    Thành viên vàng

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    Điểm thành tích:

    ABSTRACT .ii
    Introduction .1
    Statement of the Problem .11
    Scope, Delimitation and Limitation of the Study .12
    Significance of the Study 15
    Conceptual Literature 19
    Research Literature 31
    Synthesis of the Literature Reviewed .39
    Theoretical Framework .41
    Conceptual Framework .44
    Definition of Terms 45
    Research Method 51
    Research Procedures .52

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    Treatment of Materials 54
    Summary .229
    Findings .230
    Conclusions .251

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    The world has witnessed the increasing effects of the global climate
    change for more than two centuries with so many disastrous calamities in
    the past recent decades. This subject matter has become an interesting
    topic for many writers who are concerned with the environmental issues. It
    has been proved that there are a variety of factors that lead to this
    unpleasant fact including oceanic processes (such as oceanic circulation),
    biotic processes, variations in solar radiation received by Earth, plate
    tectonics and volcanic eruptions, and human-induced alterations of the
    natural world; these latter effects are currently causing global warming.
    Among many causes leading to climate change and global warming,
    ‘green house effects’ and emissions of toxic gases such as carbon Dioxide
    (CO2) and methane are considered as the major ones
    top-10-list/). Global warming is one of the biggest issues that we, human
    beings, are facing right now. In fact, the effects of the global warming on
    animals and on agriculture are alarming, and the effects on the human
    population are even more frightening. The facts about global warming are
    often debated in politics and the media. The causes are believed mainly

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    from us, the human race, and the effects on us will be much more severe
    in the future.
    A warming planet thus leads to a great change in climate called
    climate crisis which can affect all the living things on earth. Global warming
    brings about environmental issues that lead to serious ecological
    consequences for not only the generations at present but also the
    generations in the future. Such effects include a dramatic increase of sea
    temperatures, high sea level, rapid decrease of sea ice, more melting
    glaciers, an emerging global crisis in water availability and water pollution;
    extinction, loss of biodiversity and long-term damage to ecosystems;
    pollution of the atmosphere; waste production and disposal; impacts of
    chemicals use and toxic substance disposal; damaged aquatic
    ecosystems; and deforestation and land degradation.
    The climate change and biodiversity has long been correlated.
    Although throughout Earth’s history the climate has always varied with
    ecosystems and species coming and going, rapid climate change has a
    great influence on ecosystems and species ability to adapt and this
    increases biodiversity loss. The United Nations’ Global Biodiversity Outlook
    3 (2010) confirms that ‘Climate change is already having an impact on
    biodiversity, and is projected to become a progressively more significant

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    threat in the coming decades.’ Loss of Arctic sea ice is really threatening
    since it is damaging biodiversity ‘across an entire biome and beyond’. The
    Outlook 3 points out ‘The related pressure of ocean acidification, resulting
    from higher concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, is also
    already being observed.’ Apart from the fact that temperatures are
    becoming warmer, ‘more frequent extreme weather events and changing
    patterns of rainfall and drought can be expected to have significant impacts
    on biodiversity.’
    The climate crisis is believed to create more extreme and
    unpredictable weather patterns in the future such as: more hurricanes,
    super-storms and drought; longer terms of dry heat or heavy rain.
    Scientists have figured out that Northern Europe could be seriously
    affected with colder weather if climate change continues, as the Arctic
    begins to melt and send fresher waters further south. It would effectively
    cut off the Gulf Stream that brings warmth from the Gulf of Mexico, keeping
    countries such as Britain warmer than expected. The global
    warming effects on the Indian subcontinent vary from the submergence of
    low-lying islands and coastal lands to the melting of glaciers in the Indian
    Himalayas, threatening the volumetric flow rate of many of the most
    important rivers of India and South Asia, causing water scarcity for a long
    period. In India, such effects are projected to impact millions of lives. As a

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    result of ongoing climate change, the climate of India has become
    increasingly inconsistent over the past several decades; this tendency is
    supposed to keep going on.
    Sharing the same situations with South Asia in general and India in
    particular, Vietnam, a small country with a population of nearly ninety
    million, is also facing many environmental problems related to water
    pollution and loss of biodiversity and long-term damage to ecosystems.
    The living standard of people in industrial regions has been directly
    damaged by the quality of water resources under threat from dumped
    industrial and chemical wastes, untreated sewage, and medicinal residues
    and fertilizes and chemical run off. These real situations make the already
    existing problems of water pollution in Vietnam become worse and one of
    the direct consequences of this matter is that there are more and more
    Vietnamese people suffering from such common waterborne diseases as
    cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, bacterial diarrhea, and hepatitis.
    According to WHO, the number of water, sanitation, and hygiene
    attributable deaths in 2004 in Viet Nam was 5938. A noticeable fact was
    that out of 5938 deaths, 4905 were children under five years which means
    that the children were the main victims of the water, sanitation and hygiene
    related problems.

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    Mining industry is another factor that contributes to making
    environmental issues in Vietnam more serious. This has been discussed in
    detail in many mass media; and several workshops, both on national
    scales and international scales, have been organized, but it seems that not
    many improvements have been made while many mining companies -
    such as coal mining companies in Quang Ninh Province, titanium mining
    areas, mostly located in the two districts of Phu My and Phu Cat, Ba Ria –
    Vung Tau province, Quang Thuan One-Member Co. Ltd in Thuan Nam
    District, Ninh Thuan Province, and Nui Phao mining company in Thai
    Nguyen province - continue digging up the soils to explore and exploit
    metals and minerals from the underground. Part of minerals and metals
    which are toxic is absorbed by farm land and run into water resources
    around. Due to the unconsciousness of the exploiters and the lack of
    control of the related authorities, the natural resources exploitation has
    badly affected local people’s lives for quite a long time. The residents
    nearby mainly suffer problems such as terrible diseases like cancers, and
    most of them receive nothing as compensation from those companies.
    Together with the global warming and climate change called the
    climate crisis, the rapid population growth, the irresponsibility of humans in
    their daily activities for the environment and their thirst for immediate
    economic benefits are added to the long list of factors that are seriously

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    damaging the ecosystem on earth, the common house of all living things
    including plants, animals, and humans. This inconvenient truth has put the
    planet Earth in its unbalanced state and it has been reflected in many
    newspapers, magazines, journals, books and other kinds of literature.
    Literature is about human beings – their daily lives as well as their
    exceptional, towering experiences, which literary critics stress, are
    therefore a dissection of life (Luisa, 2006). Literature functions as a mirror
    to reflect life. It focuses readers on taking the world around them into
    consideration. Literature is encyclopaedia about life. It helps humans be
    aware of life and aware of themselves as well. Literature not only enriches
    humans’ knowledge but it can also help arouse humans’ emotions, feelings
    and nurture their souls and confidence in life. Through the awareness of
    life, humans can choose the best way to improve their life, turning their
    knowledge into real actions.
    The fact that writers use their literary works to reflect their societies
    has been widely known. It is unlikely to find a literary work that neither
    expresses an attitude nor include morale and values of the society, since
    no authors have the experience of being brought up completely unexposed
    to the world around them. Literary works are created to depict human life
    and action through some characters who, by their words, action and
    reaction, transmit certain messages for the purpose of information,

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    education, and entertainment. The author also shows his personal
    implications through his work based on his own philosophy of life.
    Literature not only reflects the society but serves as a mirror in which
    members of the society can look at themselves and see the need for
    positive change.
    As stated above that the planet Earth is experiencing a climate crisis
    and that this unpleasant reality has drawn the profound attention of many
    writers who concern themselves with ecological issues and Albert Arnold Al
    Gore or Al Gore is one of them. Al Gore was born in Washington D.C on 31
    March 1948 and was the son of a former Tennessee Senator father. He
    went to school in Washington D.C. He enjoyed sport and he studied quite
    well at school. In 1965 he graduated 25th in his class of 51, then he
    applied for Harvard University and was accepted. At university he became
    passionate in politics and interested in the topic of global warming after
    taking a course with Professor Roger Revelle, one of the first scientists to
    measure carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Maybe the first meeting with a
    famous expert in environment was a decisive factor in his successful
    career in great efforts to protect environment and raise people’s awareness
    of the risks of climate change and global warming and ecological concerns.
    After two years of serving in the Vietnam War as a military reporter from
    1969 through 1971, Al Gore studied philosophy and law at Vanderbilt

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    University while working for The Tennessean Newspaper from 1971-1976.
    He was the 45
    Vice President of the United States from 1993 to 2001 and
    served in various kinds of profession including: a politician, a reporter, a
    military journalist, an environmentalist and a writer. It is likely that the
    knowledge, passion, interests and experience that he had gained through
    doing different jobs have made a perfect combination for his successes in
    politics and environmental activities.
    His first book ‘Earth in the Balance’, written while he was looking
    after his son, who was recovering from a near-fatal car accident, was
    published in 1992. That period of time was really a turning point in his life:
    he decided not to continue running into the White House but spend time for
    his son and sharing his deep concerns about environmental issues with his
    readers in a book of nearly 400 pages full of shocking and unbelievable
    truths about the ecological degradation on the earth. This became the first
    book written by a sitting Senator to make The New York Times bestseller
    list since John F. Kennedy’s Profiles in Courage.
    In 2006, he finished another bestseller book ‘An Inconvenient Truth:
    The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About
    It’. In 2007 this book was filmed and won the Nobel Peace Prize and the
    Oscar for the best documentary and received standing ovations at the
    Sundance film festival in Utah in the same year. After this eventful year, Al

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    Gore carried out a lot of conferences, workshops, campaigns and meetings
    on climate change and global warming inside the US and in many other
    countries. In 2009 another precious award, Grammy Award, was decided
    to give to ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ for Best Spoken Word Album. Currently,
    Al Gore is an author and an environmentalist, Chairman of Current TV,
    Chairman of Generation Investment Management, and a senior advisor to
    Google, Inc.
    Al Gore is one of the world’s first advocates of environmental
    stewardship. Through his writings readers may glean that literature can be
    a writer’s channel for conveying the philosophical dimension of
    environmentalism. By providing readers with precise data illustrated by
    vivid images, the works by Al Gore are highly informative and persuasive.
    The stories are presented in a combination of narrative and descriptive
    styles. This combination is clear and natural enough for the readers to
    acquire the content and the objectives at which the author aims.
    Being a developing country in Southeast Asia, Vietnam possesses a
    long coast of 3,444 kilometers, which can be regarded as both the
    advantage and disadvantage for economic growth. The long coastline
    gives Vietnam a lot of opportunities to develop ocean transport, sea
    economy and sea tourism. However, in the past recent years, due to the
    effects of the climate change and global warming, Vietnam has suffered a

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    lot of natural disasters such as hurricanes, flood tides, tidal flows, salt-
    marsh pollution, and coastal erosion, etc. The decrease of sea animals
    leads to scarcity of seafood supplies to consumers, making the life of
    fishermen more arduous. Fishermen have to move very far from the coast
    to catch fish and sometimes when there is an unexpected storm coming,
    they are unable to come back to the shore in time, then bad consequences
    happen and very often they can never return home with their families.
    The bad effects of climate change and global warming occur not only
    along the coast but also inland. Unpredictable landslides, floods, and
    drought can happen at times. Air pollution, water pollution and even noise
    pollution in big cities and in industrial zones are causing people’s life a lot
    of trouble. New kinds of diseases appear such as Ebola, Sialidoses; more
    people suffer life-threatening sicknesses, for example cancer, and
    Bearing the thought in mind that Vietnamese students, as future role
    models of the new generation, must be aware of what is going on globally,
    regionally and nationally in relation to environmental concerns and
    sustainability because of the fact that the environment will look after them
    like the way they look after their environment. The researcher was deeply
    motivated to explore and undertake an analysis of how ecological concern
    and sustainability is reflected in Al Gore’s selected works ‘Earth in the

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    Balance’ and ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ and gain honest implications on the
    study of ecological stewardship among Vietnamese students.
    Statement of the Problem
    This study is an analysis of the environment concerns and
    sustainability reflected in the selected works of Al Gore and its implication
    on the study of ecological stewardship among Vietnamese’s students.
    Specifically, the study seeks answers to the following questions:
    1. What reflections of the author on the environment may be
    gleaned in the selection?
    1.1 Earth in the Balance; and
    1.2 The Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of
    Global Warming and What We Can Do About It?
    2. How is ecological concern reflected in the selected works in terms
    2.1 respecting Earth and life and all its diversity;
    2.2 safeguarding Earth’s regenerative capacities;
    2.3 caring for community life; and
    2.4 appreciating Earth’s beauty and bounty?
    3. How is sustainability is manifested in the selections with regard to
    reconciliation of:
    3.1 environmental demands;

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    3.2 social equity demands;
    3.3 economic demands?
    4. What literary devices were used in unveiling Al Gore’s theme of
    ecological concern and sustainability?
    5. What literary approaches are prevalent in the treatment of the
    selected works?
    6. What teachings on ecological stewardship may be drawn from the
    analysis which shall benefit the Vietnamese students?

    Scope, Delimitation and Limitation of the Study
    This study analyzes the environmental concerns and sustainability
    reflected in the selected literary works of Al Gore pointing out its implication
    on the study of ecological stewardship among Vietnamese students.
    Likewise, this paper tries to present the reflections of the author on the
    environment that may be gleaned from the selections; the ecological
    concern reflected in the works in terms of respecting Earth and life and all
    its diversity, safeguarding Earth’s regenerative capacities, caring for
    community life, and appreciation of Earth’s beauty and bounty;
    sustainability manifested in the selections with regard to environmental
    demands, social equity demands and economic demands; the literary
    devices used by Gore in unveiling the theme of ecological concern and

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    sustainability; and the literary approaches prevalent in the treatment of the
    selected works.
    This study employed the qualitative method of research in analyzing
    ecological concern and sustainability in the representative literary works
    chosen. Likewise, this analysis made use of the Sociological and
    Philosophical Approaches as the bases for analysis. Other approaches in
    literary criticism that may be employed in the analysis like the Formalist
    Criticism, Biographical Criticism, Historical Criticism, and Psychological
    Criticism are not part of this study.
    This paper also involved content analysis, which is a systematic
    technique in analyzing message content and message handling. The data
    analysis in this research centered on pattern seeking and the extraction of
    meaning from Gore’s selected literary narrative or image data. Much effort
    was focused on the task of recording data or making notes through
    concepts and categories; altering or creating new codes or more subtle
    categories; linking and combining abstract concepts; extracting the
    essence; organizing meaning; creating theory from emerging themes;
    writing an understanding; and drawing conclusions.
    The essential features in the treatment of materials were considered
    by the researcher in the conduct of this study. The general rules cited by
    Stott (2014) as regards the seven standards a piece of literature should

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    abide to in order to be considered literary guided in the selection of works
    under study.
    The representative literary works were analyzed: “Earth in the
    Balance” and “The Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global
    Warming and What We Can Do about it?” From these literatures, readers
    will be able to see in them the seeds of all these two writers’ most
    important teachings. The said selections were chosen because of the
    correlation between the aforecited themes specifically the ecological
    concern reflected in the works in terms of respecting Earth and life and all
    its diversity, safeguarding Earth’s regenerative capacities, caring for
    community life, and appreciation of Earth’s beauty and bounty;
    sustainability manifested in the selections with regard to environmental
    demands, social equity demands and economic demands; the literary
    devices used by Gore in unveiling the theme of ecological concern and
    sustainability; and the literary approaches prevalent in the treatment of the
    selected works and its implication on the study of ecological stewardship
    among Vietnamese students that may be drawn from the analysis. These
    letters and oratorical speeches constituted the primary and twining sources
    of the study. Likewise, these specific chapters/works have been taken up in
    critical analysis far less frequently than Gore’s most popular books entitled

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    “Earth in the Balance” and “The Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary
    Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do about it?”
    Significance of the Study
    The applicability of literary analysis as an indispensable part of a
    research study is highlighted in terms of its importance to a number of
    individuals. Therefore, it is vital to explicate how this study is beneficial to
    academic managers, working professionals, college instructors of
    literature, students of literature, members of the community, and other
    Academic Managers. This study will help them include
    developmental priorities, programs, projects and policies in the educational
    institutions to ensure that environmental concern and sustainability
    initiatives can access the academe. This will also inspire them to spawn
    activities related to respecting earth and life in all its diversity, safeguarding
    earth’s regenerative capacities, caring for community life, and appreciation
    of earth’s bounty and beauty in the curricula that will educate the academic
    community of the beneficial outcomes of environmental concern and
    sustainability to all people regardless of gender, race, nationality and
    religious backgrounds.
    Working Professionals. This paper will be beneficial for them in the
    sense that the selected works have brought to their awareness how human

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    actions and decisions as authorities can endanger or safeguard the
    vulnerable ecosystem that sustains them and the threats that everyday
    choices pose to climate, water, soil, and diversity of plant and animal life.
    Likewise, they may be inspired to organize environmental concern and
    sustainability workplace initiatives to nurture and challenge people of all
    ages working in various sectors of society to a life which sustains
    reconciliation of environmental demands, social equity demands, and
    economic demands in their workplaces. These initiatives may help the
    working people to embrace and support the concept of environmental
    concern and sustainability, and address environment issues which are
    essential for achieving sustainable development within their workplaces.
    College Instructors of Literature. This analysis will be helpful in
    the instructor’s methodology in teaching literature as an inquiry into using
    the appropriate literary theories and approaches in literary analysis. This
    will lead to treating literary criticism as a worthwhile exercise that includes,
    among others, the identification of a meaningful theme and the
    investigation of approaches to reveal such themes. In addition, this will
    provide them with opportunities to touch the concept of environmental
    concern and sustainability in their literature classes and open their
    students’ mind and hearts to the teachings on ecological stewardship
    specifically, the preservation of global resources, and meeting the needs of

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    the current generation without compromising the ability to meet the needs
    of future generation.
    Students of Literature. Not only will this study give them an
    extensive and profound outlook in life as regards environmental concern
    and sustainability through the lives of the characters in the selected literary
    pieces, it will also make them realize that global warming, loss of the
    earth’s ozone, the exhaustion of agricultural land and fisheries, destruction
    of water supplies, pollution and acid rain, and overconsumption of natural
    resources are threats to survival. In addition, this paper will make them
    treat literature as a work of art distinguished from other texts through
    content and form, and eventually intensify their appreciation of the different
    literary devices and approaches as well as prose works and inspire them to
    engage in literary analysis as an academic activity.
    Members of the Community. This study will make them more
    aware of their social responsibility to avert environmental catastrophe like
    global warming and its increasing effects. This will make them understand
    that the planet's fragile ecosystem is under attack on many fronts as a
    result of industrialization and the growing transportation infrastructure and
    be motivated as regards the development of alternative energy sources
    which is absolutely necessary. Furthermore, they will become mindful of
    the current trends in environmental degradation which may lead to

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    increase human suffering on a very large scale. Likewise, some of the
    belief systems and practices at home and the community oftentimes do not
    support in forming values with respect to concern for the environment, and
    thus should be avoided.
    Other Researchers. Researchers will be benefitted by this study
    through the analysis and treatment of materials, and through the careful
    investigation of both theme and form in literary genres. Likewise, this paper
    will enlighten them on the process of drawing out literary theories and
    utilizing critical approaches in literary analysis.
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