Luận Văn Modeling the Statistical Time and Angle of Arrival Characteristics of an Indoor Multipath Channel

Thảo luận trong 'Viễn Thông' bắt đầu bởi Ác Niệm, 23/12/11.

  1. Ác Niệm

    Ác Niệm New Member

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    Most previously proposed statistical models for the indoor multipath channel include
    only time of arrival characteristics. However, in order to use statistical models in
    simulating or analyzing the performance of array processing or diversity combining, it also
    necessary to know the statistics of the angle of arrival and its correlation with time of arrival.
    In this paper, a system is described which was used to collect simultaneous time and angle
    of arrival data at 7 GHz. Data processing methods are outlined, and results of data taken in
    two different buildings are presented. Based on the results, a model is proposed that employs
    the clustered “double Poisson” time of arrival model proposed by Saleh and Valenzuela [1].
    The observed angular distribution is also clustered, with uniformly distributed clusters, and
    arrivals within clusters that have a Laplacian distribution.


    Radio has recently become an increasingly viable option for indoor communications
    applications. The availability of higher frequency bands in the 900 MHz and 2.4 GHz
    range has made wireless an attractive option for high bandwidth digital communications applications
    such as local area networks. Wireless networks can be particularly advantageous
    for applications which require portability, or where installation of wiring is undesirable or
    Multipath interference, or interference due to the reception of multiple copies of a
    signal due to reflections, is known to be a problem in many outdoor communication channels.
    However, multipath can also be particularly problematic in an indoor environment. At UHF
    and microwave frequencies, the presence of walls and large objects in rooms makes the indoor
    multipath environment quite different from most outdoor scenarios. As a result, the study
    of indoor propagation characteristics has become an area of increased study.
    In order to analyze or simulate the performance of a communications system, some
    kind of model for the channel is needed. One of the first statistical models for the indoor
    multipath channel was proposed by Saleh and Valenzuela [1]. Their data showed multipath
    arrivals which were grouped in clusters over time. The relative delay between clusters was
    represented by a Poisson distribution, and the separation between elements within clusters
    was modeled by a second Poisson distribution with a different delay parameter.
    There have been many different approaches to overcoming the problem of multipath
    interference, both in outdoor and indoor applications. Some of them include channel
    equalization, directional antennas, and multiple antenna systems. Each of these tends to be
    more particularly suited to different applications. This thesis will focus on multiple antenna
    systems. The signals from different antennas can be combined in various ways, including diversity

    combining, phased array processing, and adaptive array algorithms. Adaptive array
    sytems are becoming increasingly feasible for high bandwidth applications with continuing
    improvements in digital signal processors. The indoor multipath propagation model presented
    in this thesis is intended as a tool to evaluate performance of these various multiple
    antenna systems.
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