Metric cotype ByManor MendelandAssaf Naor Abstract We introduce the notion ofcotype of a metric space, and prove that for Banach spaces it coincides with the classical notion of Rademacher cotype. This yields a concrete version of Ribe’s theorem, settling a long standing open problem in the nonlinear theory of Banach spaces. We apply our results to several problems in metric geometry. Namely, we use metric cotype in the study of uniform and coarse embeddings, settling in particular the problem of classifying whenLpcoarsely or uniformly embeds intoLq. We also prove a nonlinear analog of the Maurey-Pisier theorem, and use it to answer a question posed by Arora, Lov´asz, Newman, Rabani, Rabinovich and Vempala, and to obtain quantitative bounds in a metric Ramsey theorem due to Matouˇsek. 1. Introduction In 1976 Ribe [62] (see also [63], [27], [9], [6]) proved that if XandY are uniformly homeomorphic Banach spaces thenXis finitely representable in Y, and vice versa (Xis said to be finitely representable in Yif there exists a constantK>0 such that any finite dimensional subspace ofXisK-isomorphic to a subspace ofY). This theorem suggests that “local properties” of Banach spaces, i.e. properties whose definition involves statements about finitely many vectors, have a purely metric characterization. Finding explicit manifestations of this phenomenon for specific local properties of Banach spaces (such as type, cotype and super-reflexivity), has long been a major driving force in the bi-Lipschitz theory of metric spaces (see Bourgain’s paper [8] for a discussion of this research program). Indeed, as will become clear below, the search for concrete versions of Ribe’s theorem has fueled some of the field’s most important achievements. The notions of type and cotype of Banach spaces are the basis of a deep and rich theory which encompasses diverse aspects of the local theory of Banach spaces. We refer to [50], [59], [58], [68], [60], [36], [15], [71], [45] and the references therein for background on these topics. A Banach spaceXis said 248 MANOR MENDEL AND ASSAF NAOR to have (Rademacher) typep>0 if there exists a constantT<∞such that for every nand everyx1, . ,xn∈X, Eε n j=1 εjxj p X ≤T p n j=1 xj p X. (1) where the expectationEε is with respect to a uniform choice of signs ε = (ε1, . ,εn)∈{ư1,1} n . Xis said to have (Rademacher) cotype q>0 if there exists a constantC<∞such that for everynand everyx1, . ,xn∈X, Eε n j=1 εjxj q X ≥ 1 Cq n j=1 xj q X. (2) These notions are clearlylinear notions, since their definition involves ad-dition and multiplication by scalars. Ribe’s theorem implies that these notions are preserved under uniform homeomorphisms of Banach spaces, and therefore it would be desirable to reformulate them using only distances between points in the given Banach space. Once this is achieved, one could define the no-tion of type and cotype of a metric space, and then hopefully transfer some of the deep theory of type and cotype to the context of arbitrary metric spaces. The need for such a theory has recently received renewed impetus due to the discovery of striking applications of metric geometry to theoretical computer science (see [44], [28], [41] and the references therein for part of the recent developments in this direction). Enflo’s pioneering work [18], [19], [20], [21] resulted in the formulation of a nonlinear notion of type, known today asEnflo type. The basic idea is that given a Banach spaceXandx1, . ,xn∈X, one can consider the linear function f:{ư1,1} n→Xgiven byf(ε)= n j=1εjxj. Then (1) becomes (3) Eεf(ε)ưf(ưε) p X≤T p n j=1 Eε f(ε1, . ,εjư1,εj,εj+1, . ,εn) ưf(ε1, . ,εjư1,ưεj,εj+1, . ,εn) p X . One can thus say that a metric space (M,dM) has Enflo typepif there exists a constantTsuch that for everyn∈Nandeveryf:{ư1,1} n→M, (4) EεdM(f(ε),f(ưε)) p ≤T p n j=1 EεdM f(ε1, . ,εjư1,εj,εj+1, . ,εn), f(ε1, . ,εjư1,ưεj,εj+1, . ,εn) p . There are two natural concerns about this definition. First of all, while in the category of Banach spaces (4) is clearly a strengthening of (3) (as we are not restricting only to linear functionsf), it isn’t clear whether (4) follows METRIC COTYPE 249 from (3). Indeed, this problem was posed by Enflo in [21], and in full generality it remains open. Secondly, we do not know if (4) is a useful notion, in the sense that it yields metric variants of certain theorems from the linear theory of type (it should be remarked here that Enflo found striking applications of his notion of type to Hilbert’s fifth problem in infinite dimensions [19], [20], [21], and to the uniform classification of Lp spaces [18]). As we will presently see, in a certain sense both of these issues turned out not to be problematic. Variants of Enflo type were studied by Gromov [24] and Bourgain, Milman and Wolfson [11]. Following [11] we shall say that a metric space (M,dM) has BMW typep>0 if there exists a constantK<∞such that for everyn∈N and everyf:{ư1,1} n→M, (5) EεdM(f(ε),f(ưε)) 2 ≤K2 n 2 pư1 n j=1 EεdM f(ε1, . ,εjư1,εj,εj+1, . ,εn), f(ε1, . ,εjư1,ưεj,εj+1, . ,εn) 2 . Bourgain, Milman and Wolfson proved in [11] that if a Banach space has BMW typep>0 then it also has Rademacher typep for all 0<p <p. They also obtained a nonlinear version of the Maurey-Pisier theorem for type [55], [46], yielding a characterization of metric spaces which contain bi-Lipschitz copies of the Hamming cube. In [59] Pisier proved that for Banach spaces, Rademacher typepimplies Enflo type p for every 0 <p <p. Variants of these problems were studied by Naor and Schechtman in [53]. A stronger notion of nonlinear type, known as Markov type, was introduced by Ball [4] in his study of theLipschitz extension problem. This important notion has since found applications to various fundamental problems in metric geometry [51], [42], [5], [52], [48] Despite the vast amount of research on nonlinear type, a nonlinear notion of cotype remained elusive. Indeed, the problem of finding a notion of cotype which makes sense for arbitrary metric spaces, and which coincides (or almost coincides) with the notion of Rademacher type when restricted to Banach spaces, became a central open problem in the field. There are several difficulties involved in defining nonlinear cotype. First of all, one cannot simply reverse inequalities (4) and (5), since the resulting condition fails to hold true even for Hilbert space (withp= 2). Secondly, if Hilbert space satisfies an inequality such as (4), then it must satisfy the same inequality where the distances are raised to any power 0 <r <p. This is because Hilbert space, equipped with the metricxưy r/p , is isometric to a subset of Hilbert space (see [65], [70]). In the context of nonlinear type, this observation makes perfect sense, since if a Banach space has typepthen it also has typerfor every 0 <r <p. But, this is no longer true for cotype