Tài liệu Maple Introductory Programming Guide

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  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Maple Introductory Programming Guide
    M. B. Monagan - K. O. Geddes - K. M. Heal
    G. Labahn S. - M. Vorkoetter - J. McCarron
    P. DeMarco

    Preface 1
    Audience 1
    Worksheet Graphical Interface 1
    Manual Set . 2
    Conventions . 2
    The Maple Programming Language . 3
    Using This Book . 3
    Customer Feedback . 4
    1 Introduction to Programming in Maple 5
    In This Chapter . 5
    1.1 The Maple Software . 5
    1.2 Maple Statements 6
    Getting Started 6
    Maple Statements 7
    Getting Help . 7
    Displaying a Text String . 7
    Performing an Arithmetic Operation 8
    Assigning to a Name . 8
    Using Maple Library Routines 9
    1.3 Procedures 9
    Deßning a Simple Procedure 9
    Maple Library Routines, Built-In Routines, and User-
    Deßned Procedures 13
    1.4 Interrupting Computations and Clearing the Internal Mem-
    ory . 16
    Interrupting a Maple Computation . 16
    Clearing the Maple Internal Memory 17
    1.5 Troubleshooting 17
    Unexpected End of Statement 17
    Missing Operator . 18
    Invalid, Wrong Number or Type of Arguments 19
    Unbalanced Parentheses . 19
    Assignment Versus Equality . 20
    1.6 Exercises . 21
    1.7 Conclusion 21
    2 Maple Language Elements 23
    In This Chapter . 23
    2.1 Character Set . 23
    2.2 Tokens . 24
    Reserved Words 24
    Programming-Language Operators . 25
    Names . 26
    Strings . 38
    Natural Integers . 46
    2.3 Using Special Characters . 46
    Token Separators . 46
    Blank Spaces, New Lines, Comments, and Continuation . 46
    Punctuation Marks 48
    Escape Characters 51
    2.4 Types and Operands . 51
    Integers 52
    Strings . 53
    Names . 53
    Concatenations 55
    2.5 Troubleshooting 55
    Attempting to Assign to a Protected Name 55
    Invalid Left-Hand Assignment 56
    Incorrect Syntax in Parse 56
    White Space Characters within a Token 56
    Incorrect Use of Double and Single Quotes . 57
    2.6 Exercises . 58
    2.7 Conclusion 583 Maple Expressions and Statements 59
    In This Chapter . 59
    3.1 Syntax and Semantics 59
    Syntax . 59
    Semantics . 60
    3.2 Expressions 61
    Constants . 61
    Operators . 70
    Data Structures 89
    Functions . 92
    3.3 Using Expressions 96
    Investigating the Parts of an Expression 96
    Evaluating and Simplifying Expressions 100
    Unevaluated Expressions . 100
    Substituting Subexpressions . 103
    Displaying Large Expressions: Labels 105
    Structured Types . 106
    3.4 Statements 110
    The Assignment Statement . 111
    Selection Statements . 114
    Repetition Statements 115
    The read and save Statements . 117
    The break and next Statements 118
    The error and return Statements . 118
    The use Statement 119
    The quit Statement . 119
    3.5 Troubleshooting 119
    Syntax Errors . 120
    Reserved Word Unexpected . 120
    Break or Next Not in Loop . 121
    3.6 Exercises . 121
    3.7 Conclusion 122
    4 Basic Data Structures 123
    In This Chapter . 123
    4.1 Sets 123
    Manipulating a Set 124
    4.2 Lists 126
    Manipulating a List . 128
    4.3 Tables . 133
    An Alternate Method for Generating a Table . 135
    Table Evaluation Rules . 135
    Manipulating a Table 136
    4.4 arrays and Arrays 141
    Evaluation Rules for arrays . 144
    Manipulating arrays and Arrays . 145
    4.5 Selecting Elements from a Data Structure . 152

    In This Chapter . 1936.1 Deßning a Procedure . 193
    Naming a Procedure . 194
    Executing a Procedure 194
    6.2 Procedure Components . 196
    Formal Parameters 196
    Variables . 201
    Procedure Options 206
    Procedure Description 214
    Procedure Body Statements . 215
    6.3 Procedure Interpretation . 215
    6.4 Procedure Return Values 217
    Explicit Returns . 217
    Error Returns . 219
    Returning Values through Parameters . 220
    Returning Unevaluated . 222
    6.5 Documenting Your Procedures . 225
    Indicating Copyright . 225
    Formatting Code for Readability 225
    Adding Comments 226
    Including a Procedure Description . 226
    Creating Help Pages . 227
    6.6 Saving and Retrieving Procedures . 227
    6.7 Viewing Maple Library Source Code 228
    Special Evaluation Rules for Procedures 228
    Displaying Maple Library Source Code . 229
    6.8 Alternate Methods for Deßning a Procedure 231
    Functional Operators: Mapping Notation . 231
    The unapply Command . 232
    Unnamed Procedures and the map Command . 232
    Building a List of Arguments 234
    6.9 The Procedure Object 236
    The procedure Type . 236
    Procedure Operands . 237
    6.10 Using Data Structures to Solve Problems . 239
    Computing an Average 239
    Testing for Membership . 241
    Performing a Binary Search . 242
    Plotting the Roots of a Polynomial . 243
    Connected Graphs 246
    6.11 Troubleshooting 251
    Missing Argument 251
    Incorrect Argument Type 252
    Implicitly Declared Local Variable . 252
    Understanding Names, Functions, and Remember Tables . 253
    6.12 Exercises . 255
    6.13 Conclusion 256
    7 Input and Output 257
    In This Chapter . 257
    7.1 Screen and Keyboard I/O 257
    Printing Output to the Screen 257
    Interactive Input . 264
    7.2 Standard Disk I/O 269
    Readable File Formats in Maple 270
    Using Filenames in Maple Statements . 271
    Reading and Saving Data in Maple . 271
    Importing Data from Files 274
    Exporting Data to Files . 278
    7.3 Troubleshooting 280
    Syntax Error in readstat 280
    Extra Characters at End of Parsed String . 280
    Unable to Read Filename 281
    7.4 Exercises . 281
    7.5 Conclusion 282
    8 Debugging and Eáciency 283
    In This Chapter . 283
    8.1 A Tutorial Example . 284
    Numbering the Procedure Statements I 285
    Invoking the Debugger I . 285
    Controlling the Execution of a Procedure During Debug-
    ging I . 287
    Invoking the Debugger II 292
    8.2 Maple Debugger Commands . 296
    Numbering the Procedure Statements II 296
    Invoking the Debugger III 296
    Controlling the Execution of a Procedure During Debug-
    ging II . 305
    Changing the State of a Procedure During Debugging 306
    Examining the State of a Procedure During Debugging 309
    Using Top-Level Commands at the Debugger Prompt 314

    Restrictions 3148.3 Detecting Errors . 315
    Tracing a Procedure . 315
    Using Assertions . 320
    Handling Exceptions . 323
    Checking Syntax . 329
    8.4 Creating Eácient Programs . 330
    Displaying Time and Memory Statistics 330
    Proßling a Procedure . 332
    8.5 Managing Resources . 334
    Setting a Time Limit on Computations . 334
    Garbage Collection 335
    Communicating with the Kernel 336
    8.6 Exercises . 336
    8.7 Conclusion 337
    9 Introduction to the Maplet User Interface Customization
    System 339
    In This Chapter . 339
    9.1 Uses of Maplet Applications . 339
    Custom Maple Calculators 340
    Interfaces to Maple Packages and Routines 341
    Queries 342
    Messages . 342
    9.2 The Maplets Package . 342
    Elements . 343
    Examples . 343
    Tools 343
    Display 343
    9.3 Terminology 343
    9.4 Elements . 344
    Window Body Elements . 344
    Layout Elements . 353
    MenuBar Elements 354
    ToolBar Elements 355
    Command Elements . 356
    Dialog Elements . 357
    Other Elements 361
    Reference Options 363
    9.5 Example Maplet Applications 363
    Linear Algebra Subpackage . 364
    Using the Example Maplet Applications 364
    9.6 Tools 366
    Maplet System Global Variables 367
    9.7 Running a Maplet Application . 367
    9.8 Writing a Maplet Application 368
    Deßning a Maplet Application . 368
    Maplet Application Programming Style Guidelines 368
    9.9 After Reading This Chapter . 369
    9.10 Conclusion 370
    Index 371