Chuyên Đề Luật công vụ của nước Nga bằng tiếng Anh "On the State Civil Service in the Russian Federation"

Thảo luận trong 'Hành Chính' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Điểm thành tích:
    FEDERAL LAW No. 79-FZ of July 27, 2004
    "On the State Civil Service in the Russian Federation"

    Adopted by the State Duma on July 7, 2004
    Approved by the Federation Council on July 15, 2004

    This Federal Law, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 58-FZ of May 27, 2003 "On the State Service System in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter, the "Federal Law "On the State Service System in the Russian Federation"), establishes the legal, organizational, and financial and economic basis of the state civil service in the Russian Federation.


    Article 1. Key Terms

    For the purposes of this Federal Law, the terms applied herein shall have the following meaning:

    1) "public offices of the Russian Federation and public offices of constituent entities of the Russian Federation (also referred to hereinafter as "public offices")" means the offices established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws for direct administration of the powers of federal government agencies, and offices established by the constitutions (statutes) and laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation for direct administration of the powers of government agencies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    2) "representative of the employer" means the head of a government agency, a public office holder or a representative of the same administering the powers of the employer on behalf of the Russian Federation or a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    Article 2. Scope of Regulation of this Federal Law

    The scope of regulation of this Federal Law covers relations arising in connection with enrolment for the state civil service in the Russian Federation, its discharge and termination, and the definition of the legal standing (status) of federal state civil servants and state civil servants of constituent entities of the Russian Federation (also referred to hereinafter as "civil servants").

    Article 3. State Civil Service in the Russian Federation

    1. The state civil service in the Russian Federation (also referred to hereinafter as "civil service") is a form of the state service constituting the professional service activity by citizens of the Russian Federation (hereinafter, the "citizens") holding state civil service positions in the Russian Federation (also referred to hereinafter as "civil service positions") designed to ensure the administration of the powers of federal government agencies, government agencies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, holders of federal public offices and holders of public offices in constituent entities of the Russian Federation (including while in the personnel reserve and in other cases).

    Article 4. Guideline Principles of Civil Service

    The guideline principles of civil service shall include the following:

    1) pre-eminence of human and civil rights and freedoms;
    2) the integrity of the legal and organizational framework of federal civil service and civil service in constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
    3) equal access to civil service for citizens fluent in the official language of the Russian Federation, and equal terms of civil service, irrespective of race, nationality, origin, property status or official capacity, place of residence, religious beliefs, convictions, membership in public associations, as well as other circumstances unrelated to the professional and business qualities of a civil servant;
    4) professional ability and aptitude of civil servants;
    5) stability of civil service;
    6) free access to information on the civil service;
    7) interaction with public associations and citizens;
    8) protection of civil servants against undue interference in their professional service activity;

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