Sách Longman Essential Idioms in English - Robert J. Dixson

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    Longman Essential Idioms in English - Robert J. Dixson

    Idiomatic expressions have long played an important role in the English
    language. In fact, the use of idioms is so widespread that an understanding of
    these expressions is essential to successful communication, whether in
    listening, speaking, reading, or writing.
    The student may learn grammar and, with time, acquire adequate vocabulary,
    but without a working knowledge of such idioms as above all, to get along, on
    the whole, to look up, etc., even the best student's speech will remain awkward
    and ordinary.
    Of course, the idioms selected for study should have practical value and be
    within the student's ability to comprehend. Such expressions as to set the
    world on fire or to wash one's dirty laundry in public may be very colorful,
    but they do little to help the student achieve fluency in English.
    Teachers of English have long recognized that idiomatic expressions add grace
    and exactness to the language. The alert teacher will make their study an
    integral part of the teaching process. However, learning such expressions is
    never an easy task for the student learning English as a second or foreign
    language. Attempts to translate literally from the student's native tongue
    usually lead to roundabout expression of meaning and, more often, to
    For this reason, only basic idioms have been included in this book,
    appropriately named Essential Idioms in English, New Edition. Furthermore,
    it was decided not to burden the student with discussion of the origins of
    idioms. There is no need to define the exact nature of an idiom except to
    assume that it is a phrase that has a meaning different from the meanings of
    its individual parts. This helps to explain why it is often difficult to translate
    an idiom from one language to another without incurring some change in
    meaning or usage.
    For the purposes of this book, two-word verbs are included in the general
    category of idioms. A two-word verb is a verb whose meaning is altered by he
    addition of a particle (a preposition used with a verb to form an idiomatic
    expression.) to look, for example, may become to look up or to look over, each
    having its own special meaning. When a two-word verb can be separated by a
    noun or pronoun, the symbol (S) for separable is inserted in the definition.
    Sentences illustrating both separable and nonseparable forms are included in
    the examples.
    Experienced ESL and EFL teachers will agree, for the most part, with the
    selection of idioms in this text. However, it should be recognized that any
    selection is somewhat arbitrary because the range is so great. Some teachers
    might prefer to omit certain idioms and to add others not included, but all
    should appreciate the attempt to make Essential idioms in English, New
    Edition as representative as possible.
    Mention should be made of a unique feature that adds to the usefulness of this
    book: Appendix II is a listing of the idioms in the text with their equivalents in
    Spanish, French, and German. Having these equivalents should give the
    student a surer grasp of the meaning of the English idioms and greater
    confidence in using them.
    This fourth revision of Essential Idioms in English, New Edition has
    undergone several important changes. The text has been restored to the
    original three-section format: Elementary (lessons 1-13), Intermediate (lesion
    14-27), and Advanced (lessons 28-39). As would be expected, new idioms have
    been included and outdated idioms have been removed. Lessons in all sections
    review and build upon idioms introduced in earlier lessons. In some cases,
    notes that explain special usage or meaning are provided after the definitions,
    and related idiomatic forms are listed. New types of exercises provide greater
    variety in activity from one section to another. Finally, there is an answer key
    in the back of the book for all multiple-choice, matching, true-false, and fillin-
    the-blank exercises.

    LESSON 1
    to get in/to get on: to enter or to board a vehicle
    To get in is used for cars; to get on is used for all other forms of transportation.
    o It's easiest to get in the car from the driver's side. The door on the other
    side doesn't work well.
    o I always get on the bus to work at 34th Street.
    to get out of/to get off: to leave or to descend from a vehicle.
    To get out of is used for cars; to get off is used for all other forms of
    o Why don't we stop and get out of the car for a while?
    o Helen got off the train at the 42nd Street terminal.
    to put on: to place on oneself (usually said of clothes) (S)
    o Mary put on her coat and left the room.
    o Put your hat on before you leave the house.
    to take off: to remove (usually said of clothes) (S)
    o John took off his jacket as he entered the office.
    o Take your sweater off. The room is very warm.
    to call up: to telephone (also: to give some one a call) (S)
    To call can be used instead of to call up, as in the first example below.
    o I forgot to call up Mr. Jones yesterday. I'd better call him now.
    o Call me up tomorrow, Jane. We'll arrange a time to have lunch together.
    o I promise to give you a call as soon as I arrive in New York.

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